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Vendor Mast. Maint. CEN Customer Master Maint.

Vendor Mast. Maint. MM Service Master Maint. Material Master Maint. Sales Invoice Release

Customer Master (Credit)

AR Clear Customer Acct.

Vendor Mast. Maint. FI Sales Order Entry Purchase Order Entry

Sales Pricing Maint.

Goods/Service Receipt

Process Outbound Deliveries

Purchasing Agreements

AP Clear Vendor Acct.

Sales Rebates

Sales Order Release

Maintain Security

Physical Inventory

Process Requisition

Release Requisition

AP Voucher Entry Sales Invoicing Requisitioning AP Payments Goods Issue a X b X c X d X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X e X X f X X g h i j k l m n o X X X X X X p X X q X X r X s t u v w x X X X X X X

Sales Agrmts/Contracts

Maintain Sal. Deals/Promotions

Task Group Description AR Cash Application y X X X X X X Bank Reconciliation






ae X X X X X X X X X X X X X





Task Group Description AP Voucher Entry AP Payments AP Clear Vendor Acct. Vendor Mast. Maint. FI Vendor Mast. Maint. MM Vendor Mast. Maint. CEN Bank Reconciliation AR Cash Application AR Clear Customer Acct. Material Master Maint. Service Master Maint. Requisitioning Release Requisition Process Requisition Purchase Order Entry Purchasing Agreements Goods/Service Receipt Goods Issue Physical Inventory Sales Agrmts/Contracts Customer Master Maint. Customer Master (Credit) Sales Invoicing Sales Invoice Release Sales Order Entry Sales Order Release Sales Pricing Maint. Sales Rebates Process Outbound Deliveries Maintain Sal. Deals/Promotions Maintain Security Grp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


Conflicting Functions


Vendor Mast. Maint. CEN Customer Master Maint.

Vendor Mast. Maint. MM Service Master Maint. Material Master Maint. Sales Invoice Release

Customer Master (Credit)

AR Clear Customer Acct.

Vendor Mast. Maint. FI Sales Order Entry Purchase Order Entry

Sales Pricing Maint.

Goods/Service Receipt

Process Outbound Deliveries

Purchasing Agreements

AP Clear Vendor Acct.

Sales Rebates

Sales Order Release

Maintain Security

Physical Inventory

Process Requisition

Release Requisition

AP Voucher Entry Sales Invoicing Requisitioning AP Payments Goods Issue a 6 b 3 c 3 d 4 5 7 7 6 6 11 11 11 12 8 8 2 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 10 10 15 14 28 27 27 25 31 16 24 18 17 12 21 28 33 33 25 31 11 12 11 11 13 13 11 11 13 13 10 10 15 14 27 27 24 12 14 14 28 28 33 33 25 25 9 9 9 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 e 4 5 f 4 5 g h i j k l m n o 8 8 8 9 9 9 p 8 8 q 1 2 r 1 s t u v w x 8 8 1 1 32 30 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 32 30 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 29 34 34 34 23 26 22 23 34 34

Sales Agrmts/Contracts

Maintain Sal. Deals/Promotions

Task Group Description AR Cash Application y 31 31 16 18 17 21 12 20 26 19 20 34 Bank Reconciliation





32 32

ae 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34


23 12 20

26 26

22 19

23 20

34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

Task Group Description AP Voucher Entry AP Payments AP Clear Vendor Acct. Vendor Mast. Maint. FI Vendor Mast. Maint. MM Vendor Mast. Maint. CEN Bank Reconciliation AR Cash Application AR Clear Customer Acct. Material Master Maint. Service Master Maint. Requisitioning Release Requisition Process Requisition Purchase Order Entry Purchasing Agreements Goods/Service Receipt Goods Issue Physical Inventory Sales Agrmts/Contracts Customer Master Maint. Customer Master (Credit) Sales Invoicing Sales Invoice Release Sales Order Entry Sales Order Release Sales Pricing Maint. Sales Rebates Process Outbound Deliveries Maintain Sal. Deals/Promotions Maintain Security Grp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae

Matrix with Risks Descriptions


REF. RISK DESCRIPTION Un usuario puede publicar o cambiar una recepcin de bienes/servicios incorrecta/ficticia y registrar documentos contables para su posterior pago. Tambin es posible la registracin de mercaderia en defecto y registrar una nota de crdito/descuento ficticios. Un usuario puede registrar o cambiar una recepcin de bienes/servicios en defecto y generar una orden de pago a fin de cancelar la factura correcta y ocultar el engao Un usuario puede registrar o cambiar una factura/nota de dbito ficticia y generar el pago/compensacin a fin de cancelar el documento. Un usuario puede registrar, publicar o cambiar proveedores no autorizados/ficticios/reales y registrar documentos contables para su posterior pago. Posterior al pago el usuario podria bloquear o borrar el mismo para ocultar el engao. Un usuario puede publicar o cambiar proveedores ficticios/reales y generar pagos. Posterior al pago el usuario podria bloquear o borrar el mismo para ocultar el engao. Un usuario puede registrar cobros/pagos ficticios y conciliar posteriormente contra los movimientos reales del banco ocultando el engao. Un usuario puede ingresar datos incorrectos por desconocimiento, lo cual impactara en las consecuentes transacciones que apliquen al mismo. Un usuario puede publicar o cambiar ordenes de compras/contratos generando relaciones ficticias/irregulares con proveedores, registrando posteriormente documentos contables para su posterior pago y/o directamente la registracin de cancelaciones sobre tales documentos. Un usuario puede registrar, publicar o cambiar proveedores no autorizados/ficticios/reales y registrar contratos y compras sobre los mismos. Posterior al pago el usuario podria bloquear o borrar el mismo para ocultar el engao. Un usuario puede registrar contratos/compras y recepciones ficticias sobre los mismos, generando obligaciones de pago irreales para la organizacin. Un usuario puede registrar solicitudes de pedido, contratos y/o compras sobre materiales ficticios/no autorizados. Se podra estar favoreciendo a un proveedor modificando los precios registrados en el maestro, o modificando los datos de planificacin (stock minimo, lote optimo de compra, etc.). Falta de autorizaciones acordes por no existir separacin entre la actividad realizada y la autorizacin sobre sta. Un usuario puede registrar contratos y/o compras sobre solicitudes de pedidos ficticias/no autorizados. Un usuario puede publicar o cambiar una recepcin/salida de mercancas ficticia/incorrecta y crear o modificar un documento de inventario o bien borrar el inventario de los bienes para ocultar el engao. Un usuario puede publicar o cambiar una recepcin de mercancas ficticia/incorrecta y, a continuacin, utilizar una salida de bienes para ocultar el engao. Un usuario podra crear un contrato de Ventas ficticio y crear Notas de Ventas sobre el mismo. Un usuario puede aumentar el lmite de crdito de un cliente y, a continuacin, procesar Notas de Ventas del mismo que conduzcan a deudas irrecuperables. El usuario puede crear un cliente ficticio y generar rdenes de entrega de ellos conduciendo a una malversacin de bienes. El usuario puede crear o modificar pedidos y entregas de ventas a los fines de ocultar la apropiacin indebida de bienes. Un usuario puede crear Notas de Ventas otorgando descuentos en exceso, no autorizados. Un usuario podra estar generando Notas de Ventas ficticias/errneas y procesando su correspondiente Factura, registrando la compaa ganancias irreales y pagando impuestos en exceso. Por otro lado podria estar generando una devolucin de ventas ficticias y su correspondiente Nota de Crdito invirtiendo la situacin.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Matrix with Risks Descriptions


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Un usuario podra estar generando entregas ficticias/errneas y procesando su correspondiente Factura, registrando la compaa ganancias irreales y pagando impuestos en exceso. Po otro lado podra crear o modificar una orden de entrega y crear / modificar una nota de crdito para ocultar el engao, malversando los bienes de la compaa Un usuario puede crear Facturas otorgando descuentos en exceso, no autorizados. Un usuario puede crear Facturas sobre clientes ficticios/no autorizados, registrando la compaa ganancias irreales y pagando impuestos en exceso. El usuario puede crear o modificar una Factura e ingresar / modificar cobranzas acordes para ocultar el importe real de la transaccin. Por otro lado, podra compensar partidas abiertas contra notas de crdito inapropiadas, disminuyendo sensiblemente el saldo de la compaa de cuentas por cobrar. Descuentos no autorizados podran trasladarse a Notas de Ventas / Facturas El usuario podra crear un cliente ficticio, asignandole un contrato de ventas Por otro lado, podria el usuario aumentar el lmite de crdito a un cliente existente y asignarsele un contrato, conduciendo tal situacin a potenciales deudas irrecuperables. El usuario podra crear un contrato ficticio, imputando cobranzas contra el mismo. El usuario podra crear un contrato ficticio, generando salidas de mercaderias contra el mismo, malversando los bienes de la compaa. El usuario podra crear salidas de mercaderias ficticias, imputando cobranzas contra el mismo. El usuario puede crear o modificar una Nota de Venta y procesar los pagos de manera inexacta o fraudulenta, lo que potencialmente resultar en prdidas a la compaa. El usuario puede crear o modificar condiciones de descuento y procesar los pagos de manera inexacta o fraudulenta, lo que potencialmente resultar en prdidas a la compaa. La capacidad de introducir o modificar el pago de anticipos de los clientes y la capacidad de crear o modificar la informacin de la cuenta del cliente deben estar separadas. Si la misma persona puede procesar ambos temas, cambios no autorizados se podrn efectuar y, posiblemente, no se detecten. Esto podra resultar en la reduccin disponibilidades, sobrevaluacin de saldos de cuentas por cobrar del libro mayor general, fraude, etc Cambios no autorizados en perfiles implican un bypass sobre las segregaciones arriba detalladas potenciando todos los riesgos expresados en el presente documento.

Matrix with Risks Descriptions

Task Group Description

Grp Trans. & Code Transaction Name SAP Groups Transactions Details

AP Voucher Entry

F-41 F-42 F-43 FB02 FB08 FB09 FB10 FBD2 FBV0 FBV2 MR08 MRHG MRHR

Enter Vendor Credit Memo Enter Transfer Posting Enter Vendor Invoice Change Document Reverse Document Change Line Items Invoice/Credit Fast Entry Change Recurring Entry Post Parked Document Change Parked Document Cancel Invoice Document Enter Credit Memo Enter Invoice

AP Payments


Parameters for Automatic Payment Reverse Refinancing Acceptance Post Vendor Down Payment Post with Clearing Post Incoming Payments Post Outgoing Payments Clear Vendor Down Payment Payment Request Post Outgoing Payments Void Checks Renumber Checks Create Checks Information Change Check Information/Cash Check Reprint Check Reverse Check Payment Void Issued Check Delete Payment Run Check Info. Delete Voided Checks Delete Manual Checks Delete cashing/extract data Online Cashed Checks Change check/payment allocation Check Extract - Creation

AP Clear Vendor Acct.

F-44 F.13 FBRA MR11

Clear Vendor ABAP/4 Report: Automatic Clearing Reset Cleared Items Maintain GR/IR Clearing Account

Vendor Master Maint. FI

FK01 FK02 FK05 FK06

Create Vendor (Accounting) Change Vendor (Accounting) Block Vendor (Accounting) Mark Vendor for Deletion (Accounting)

Groups & Trans

Task Group Description

Grp Trans. & Code Transaction Name SAP Groups Transactions Details

Vendor Master Maint. MM

MK01 MK02 MK05 MK06 MK12

Create Vendor (Purchasing) Change Vendor (Purchasing) Block Vendor (Purchasing) Mark Vendor for Deletion (Purchasing) Change Vendor (Purchasing), planned

Vendor Master Maint. CEN

XK01 XK02 XK05 XK06 XK07 MKVZE

Create Vendor (Centrally) Change vendor (centrally) Block vendor (centrally) Mark vendor for deletion (centrally) Change vendor account group Currency Change: Vendor Master Rec.

Bank Reconciliation

FB05 F-04

Post with Clearing Post with Clearing

AR Cash Application

F-26 F-28 F-29 F-34 F-36

Incoming Payment Fast Entry Post Incoming Payments Post Customer Down Payment Post Collection Bill Of Exchange Payment

AR Clear Customer Acct.


Clear Customer

Material Master Maint.


Create Material - General Change Material Change Material Type Create Material - General

Service Master Maint.

AC01 AC02

Create Service Change Service


ME51 ME51N ME52 ME5N

Create Purchase Requisition Create Purchase Requisition Change Purchase Requisition Change Purchase Requisition

Release Requisition

ME54 ME55

Release Purchase Requisition Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.

Groups & Trans

Task Group Description

Grp Trans. & Code Transaction Name SAP Groups Transactions Details

Process Requisitions

ME56 ME57 ME58

Assign Source to Purch. Requisition Assign and Process Requisition Ordering: Assign Requisitions

Purchase Order Entry

ME21 ME21N ME22 ME22N ME24 ME24N ME25 ME27 ME59

Create Purchase Order Create Purchase Order Change Purchase Order Change Purchase Order Maintain Purchase Order Supplement Maintain Purchase Order Supplement Create PO with Source Determination Create Stock Transfer Order Automatic Generation of Pos

Purchasing Agreements

ME31K ME31L ME32K ME32L ME34K ME34L ME37 ME38

Create Contract Create Scheduling Agreement Change Contract Change Scheduling Agreement Maintain Contract Supplement Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement Stock Transport Scheduling Agmt. Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule

Goods/Service Receipt


Process Goods Movement w. Errors Post Goods Receipt for PO Post Goods Receipt for PO Change Material Document Post Goods Receipt for PO Post GR for PO Other Goods Receipt Goods Receipt for Production Order Goods Movement Goods Movement Goods Movement Goods Movement Transfer Posting Maintain Service Entry Sheet

Goods Issue


Goods Withdrawal

Physical Inventory

LI01 LI02 LI11 LI12 LI20 Groups & Trans

Create System Inventory Record Change System Inventory Record Enter Inventory Count Change Inventory Count Clear Inventory Differences

Task Group Description

Grp Trans. & Code Transaction Name SAP Groups Transactions Details LI21 MI01 MI02 MI04 MI05 MI07 MI09 MI20 MI08 Clear Inventory Differences - MM-IM Create Physical Inventory Document Change Physical Inventory Document Enter Inventory Count with Document Change Inventory Count Process List of Difference Enter Inventory Count w/o Document Print List of Differences Create List of Differences with Doc.

Sales Agrmts/Contracts

VA31 VA32 VA41 VA42

Create Scheduling Agreement Change Scheduling Agreement Create Contract Change Contract

Customer Master Maint.

FD01 FD02 FD06 V-03 V-04 V-05 V-06 V-07 V-08 V-09 V-11 V-12 VD01 VD02 VD05 VD06 VDH1 XD01 XD02 XD07

Create Customer (Accounting) Change Customer (Accounting) Mark Customer for Deletion (Acctg) Create Ordering Party (Sales) Create Invoice Recipient (Sales) Create Payer (Sales) Create Consignee (Sales) Create one-time customer (Sales) Create Payer (Centrally) Create ordering party (Centrally) Create carrier Create Customer Hierarchy Nodes Create Customer (Sales) Change Customer (SD) Block Customer (Sales) Mark Customer For Deletion (sales) Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD) Create Customer (Centrally) Change Customer (Centrally) Change Customer Account Group

Customer Master (Credit)

F.28 F.34 FD24 FD32 FD37 S_ALR_87009999 S_ALR_87012220

Customers: Reset credit limit Credit management mass change Credit limit changes Change customer credit management Credit management mass change Credit Limit Data mass change Reset Credit Limit for Customers

Sales Invoicing

F-22 F-27 FB70 FB75 FBV0 Groups & Trans

Enter customer invoice Enter customer credit memo Enter outgoing invoice Enter outgoing credit memo Post parked document

Task Group Description

Grp Trans. & Code Transaction Name SAP Groups Transactions Details FBVB VF01 VF02 VF04 VF06 VF11 VF21 VF22 VFX3 Post parked document Create billing document Change billing document Process billing due list Batch billing Cancel billing document Create invoice list Change invoice list List blocked billing documents

Sales Invoice Release


Release Orders for Billing

Sales Order Entry

V-01 VA01 VA02

Create Sales Order Create Sales Order Change Sales Order

Sales Order Release


Blocked SD Documents Released SD Documents

Sales Pricing Maint.


V/03 V/04 V/I5 V_I7 V-41 V-43 V-47 V-51 VK03 VK04 VK11 VK12 VK14 VK15 VK16 VK17 VK19 VK31 VK32 VK34

Create condition table (SD price) Change condition table (sales pr) Condit: Pricing SD - Index in Backgr Condit: Pricing SD - Index in Backgr Create material price Change material price Change price list Change Cust. Price Create condition table Change condition table Create condition Change condition Creation condition with reference Create condition Creation condition with reference Change condition Change condition without menu Condition maintenance: Create Condition maintenance: Change Condition maint: create with refer

Sales Rebates


OV20 OV21 VB(6 VB(7 VB(D VBO1 VBO2 Groups & Trans

Condition table: create rebate Condition table: change rebate Rebate Group Maintenance Rebate Agreement Settlement Rebate Agreement Settlement Create Rebate Agreement Change Rebate Agreement

Task Group Description

Grp Trans. & Code Transaction Name SAP Groups Transactions Details

Process Outbound Deliveries


VL01 VL01N VL01NO VL02 VL02N VL06G VL10 VL10A VL10BATCH VL10C VL10E VL10G VL10H VL10I VL11 VL12 VL21 VL23 VL23N VL04

Create delivery Create outbound delivery with order ref Create outbound delivery w/o order ref Change outbound delivery Change outbound delivery List of outbound deliveries for Goods Issue Edit user-specific delivery due list Sales orders due for delivery VL10 Background planning Order items due for delivery Order schedule lines due for delivery Documents due for delivery Items due for delivery Schedule lines due for delivery Create decentralised delivery Delivery creation in background Post goods issue in background Goods issue (background processing) Goods issue (background processing) Sales Orders/Purchase Orders Worklist : Selection

Maintain Sales Deals Promotions


VB21 VB22 VB31 VB32 WAK1 WAK12 WAK2

Create sales deal Change sales deal Create promotion Change promotion Create promotion Maintain promotion items Change promotion

Maintain Security


SU01 SU02 SU03 SU10 SU12 SM01 PFCG SM59 SM19 SM20

Maintain Users Maintain Authorization Profiles Maintain Authorizations Mass Changes to User Master Mass Changes to User Master Records Lock Transactions Activity Group Maintenance RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain) Basis Audit Configuration System Audit Log

Groups & Trans

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