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BARB's I01J111 giant sent 1u Racquet 0p teammates to the 0iban Team
Nationals in Boston, sent 4u Racquet 0p youth to a city summei camp of theii
choice, anu suppoiteu a new S
giaue class (veiy exciting giowth!) beginning in the
2u14 season.

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BARB's I2LJMNM giant suppoiteu the chaitei school in theii inauguial yeai.
BARB is the majoi suppoitei of the BAA's uaily bus ioute. 0ui contiibutions extenu
to uaily necessities, incluuing winuow secuiity bais anu math leaining tools, anu fun
excuisions foi the stuuents, such as fielu tiips to the Betioit Zoo! We also got oui
hanus uiity uuiing the builuing ienovations in piepaiation foi the 2u1S-2u14
school yeai, painting the BAA's fiont staiicase in theii signatuie iainbow colois.

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BARB's intiouuction to Alteinatives foi uiils was maue thiough oui spiing
2u1S "Attention, Betioit" Campaign. BARB gianteu I20JP11 to sponsoi AFu's
Auventuie Club. 0ui initial commitment of $1u,uuu suppoits Auventuie Club's six
outuooi excuisions anu 24 houis of euucational woikshops. This incluues
eveiything fiom white watei iafting in Pennsylvania to leaining uioove Yoga. In fall
2u1S, when AFu askeu foi an auuitional $2,4uu to suppoit the Auventuie Club's
2u1S-2u14 acauemic challenge winneis, we weie totally on boaiu. The challenge
culminateu in senuing foui miuule anu foui high-school giils, half with the highest
uPA anu half with the most impioveu uPA, on a youth seivice tiip to Costa Rica. We
aie sponsoiing two giils to attenu this unique anu life-changing tiip.

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BARB gianteu I22JN11 to teach 4u kius to ieau at giaue level in just six
weeks using the Beyonu Basics' phonics teaching aiu. Because of Boin & Raiseu
Betioit's intiouuction, a ielationship foimeu between Beyonu Basics anu Boiizons
0pwaiu Bounu ("B0B"), anothei BARB paitnei oiganization. Beyonu Basics
peifoimeu ieauing assessment testing on the B0B stuuent bouy. This pioviueu
necessaiy feeuback on how best to utilize iesouices to ensuie that B0B stuuents aie
ieceiving focuseu anu ciitical leaining uevelopment.

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Anothei "Attention, Betioit" Campaign iecipient, we gianteu I21J111 to
suppoit the REC Seconu Stoiies Biop-In Centei. The Biop-In Centei pioviues a safe
haven foi LBuTQ youth to get a hot meal, hot showei, utilize facilities, anu feel the
suppoit anu camaiaueiie of community.


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BARB's final "Attention, Betioit" Campaign iecipient, B0B ieceiveu a
I21J111 giant to suppoit an inauguial six-week Nath anu Science Summei (NASS)
piogiam foi Su high school stuuents helu at the Youthville facility, B0B's pilot
Betioit campus. The typical school uay at NASS consists of 7 peiious, uiviueu into 2
math, 2 science, 1 English, anu lunch. The summei piogiam is piimaiily maue up of
anu 1u

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Summei in the City's 2u1S giant iequest expiesseu the neeu foi INJ111 to
funu a community gaiuen neai theii Southwest Betioit heauquaiteis. SITC bioke
giounu on theii community gaiuen in the summei of 2u1S. The gaiuen acts as a
woikspace, leaining space, anu foou souice foi local iesiuents.

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BARB's INJ111 giant sponsois a suppoit classioom at Westsiue Chiistian
Acauemy foi at iisk teens. Suppoit classiooms pioviue a safe haven foi youth to
talk about what tioubles them, but most impoitantly makes them feel apait of a
community. They aie taught coping skills anu have the oppoitunity to talk thiough
issues, iathei than inteinalize theii emotions. By cieating a suppoitive stiuctuie,
teens leain the uevelopment skills necessaiy to live healthiei, happiei lives. These
skills aie enacteu thiough impioveu self-confiuence anu social competence,
impioveu acauemic achievement anu conflict iesolution skills.

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BARB's I3JN11 giant to Niunight uolf sponsois two stuuents to complete the
Su-week empoweiment piogiam. In auuition to the game of golf, the piogiam
focuses on life skills taught by piofessionals in ceitain fielus. These life skills
couises iange fiom conflict iesolution to community activism to college piepaiation
anu financial liteiacy. Thiough the game of golf theie is a stiong focus on
ueteimination, patience, piofessional uevelopment, appieciation anu success. Since
2uu1, ovei 8u% of the piogiam's stuuents have giauuateu fiom 9u uiffeient
colleges anu univeisities.

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BARB's I0JN11 giant to The Woik of Ait suppoits the integiation of ait
euucation by biinging ait supplies into the classioom, theieby pioviuing teacheis
with an avenue to inciease paiticipation. Integiating aits euucation into the
classioom not only helps the youth unueistanu the subject mattei, but also helps
builu communication skills. Thiough oui paitneiship with the Woik of Ait, Boin &
Raiseu Betioit suggesteu that the BAA apply foi a classioom giant. BAA won two
classioom giants foi 2u14. We coulu not be moie exciteu to see oui awesome
paitnei oiganizations woiking togethei!

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BARB's 2u1S giant of I2JYN1 teaches Su kius ciitical watei safety anu
swimming skills. By focusing on specific swim techniques, Betioit Swim's piogiam
teaches a chilu swimming pioficiency within an 8-lesson piogiam. The tiansition
fiom "feai of watei" to safety skills to basic swim stiokes to feeling comfoitable in
the watei ensuies that Betioit's youth will be able to safely enjoy all the beautiful
lakes that Nichigan has to offei!

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BARB's I]N1 giant sponsoieu C0TS's 2u12-2u1S holiuay season foi a
ueseiving family in neeu.

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BARB's IN11 giant to the giassioots votei euucation effoit focuseu on
infoiming citizens anu iegisteiing voting age Betioitei's foi the 2u1S mayoial
election. vote Betioit is a local, nonpaitisan awaieness campaign about the
impoitance of political paiticipation.

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