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uevelop llooet kootb loto 5oo uleqos top fooctloool ott qollety.

8aslng laneL 8ooLh on Lhe fundamenLal concepL LhaL arL should be shared wlLh Lhose who wlll
appreclaLe lL wlll culLlvaLe goodwlll from Lhe publlc whlle slmulLaneously lncreaslng 8Ml's
exposure. Conslderlng LhaL funcLlonal arL ls a nlche wlLhln Lhe arLlsLlc realm, lncreaslng publlc
lnLeresL and awareness of Lhe concepL ls key. ueveloplng Lhe brand ln Lhls way wlll: (1) lncrease
local awareness abouL funcLlonal arL, (2) lnvolve Lhe communlLy Lo faclllLaLe word-of-mouLh, and
(3) esLabllsh Lhe presence of 8Ml and dlrecLly assoclaLe lL wlLh Lhe laneL 8ooLh brand and

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As Lhe webslLe ls Lhe easlesL and fasLesL way Lo reach Lhe communlLy, Lhe webslLe would
showcase 8arrelly Made lL and oLher pleces from local arLlsans so LhaL Lhe webslLe becomes a
forum beLween arLlsLs, Lhe communlLy, and poLenLlal cusLomers. 1hls local aspecL wlll
dlfferenLlaLe laneL 8ooLh and personallze Lhe brand.
ueslqo tbe webslte os oo oolloe qollety to complemeot tbe pbyslcol qollety
ltovlJe lofotmotloo oboot bostloq eveots oo tbe webslte
use soclol meJlo to locteose pteseoce - ootobly vlsool sltes socb os llotetest, 1omblt
ooJ 5tombleupoo
cootlooe to bost eveots, qolletles ooJ cootests wltb locol ottlsoos
5eotcb eoqloe optlmlze fooctloool ott ooJ ossocloteJ tetms

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