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Meggie Berning Big Business-Carnegie/ Rockefeller High School senior U.S.

History Objectives Students will be able to identify Carnegie, Rockefeller, and the industries that each pioneered. Students will be able to explain horizontal and vertical integration and how each are used in creating a corporation monopoly. Rational I will be teaching the students about the aspects of big business in order to further their understanding of the industrialization of America and how industry changed through the titans such as Carnegie and Rockefeller. This will help the students to form a foundation as they learn more about the Guilded Age and how society changed because of it.

Anticipatory Set Quick write-Have the students write everything they know about Carnegie. Separately have them write everything they know about Rockefeller on a sheet of paper. Then we will discuss the concepts that they are aware of in order to establish a base for their reading. (10 min) SQ3R Survey-Using the graphic organizer, students will survey 14.3- The students will note headings, images, maps, and anything else that seems important. Question-Using the next column in their graphic organizer, the students will create a question for each topic they surveyed. These questions will be Who, What, Where, When, and Why questions. The students will then partner up and add any questions their partner had that they didn't have to that row. (10 min) Read/Recite-Next the students will read each part that they surveyed. After each section the pairs will discuss their questions and answer them together. The students will repeat this until they have finished the section. (15 min) Review-The review section will be a simulated journal. The students will take out a piece of paper. The students will write from the perspective of someone from the time-they can be a poor worker, a business man, a socialite, etc. They should use vocabulary in this journal. 3+ vocabulary in order to show their understanding. (5 min)

Assessment The simulated journal will be a kind of informal assessment. The students should be able to use their own words in order to show understanding of the vocabulary and concepts present in the section. Standards 16.B.3a (US) Describe how different groups competed for power within the colonies and how that competition led to he development of political institutions during the early national period. 16.C.3b (US)Explain relationships among the American economy and slavery, immigration, industrialization, labor and urbanization, 1700-present.

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