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Luke A. Meuler LTM 640 Students: For each category, provide a rie! description o! nature and location o! evidence.

Assessors: For each category, highlight the appropriate descriptor "i.e. inade#uate, e$erging, pro!icient, distinctive%
Sources of evidence include, but are not limited to,-video* of teaching at two different levels (ELC: kindergarten and elementary EL!: elementary and middle SE": middle and secondary#, lesson $lans, unit $lans, feedback from coo$erating teachers and %lverno su$ervisors, multimedia $resentations, web &uests and other interactive technologies

&. 'lanning and 'reparation

Emerging Criteria *he candidate a$$lies sub+ect matter knowledge to develo$ lessons,units that: relate to state and,or district standards use varied instructional strategies are for varied develo$mental levels that re$resent levels of licensure address varied content areas (for ELC,EL!: math, science, language arts - social studies for SE": varied disci$linary fields# use a$$ro$riate teaching and resource materials include $rovisions for individual students with $articular learning needs include both formal and informal assessments that $rovide information about student learning, e.g. rubrics, tests, checklists, o$$ortunities for students to self assess *he candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively $roduce multi-media communication tools and can su$$ort his decisions for their use in enhancing student learning. ( one video seg$ent $ust e !ro$ )* +&, 'nade&uate (roficient "istinctive )rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

*he Artifacts and Video $ages $rovide e/am$les of how my $rofessional e/$eriences work towards meeting standards. Each of the e/am$les $rovided also includes a rationale sheet that e/$lains the s$ecific connections between the work and educational frameworks and standards.

-. .lassroo$ )nviron$ent



Criterion *he candidate demonstrates the ability to a$$ly social and cultural understanding in inter$ersonal situations by: designing learning e/$eriences that best relate to the characteristics of individuals and grou$s $erceiving and res$onding to elements in interaction, e.g. roles, develo$mental levels, culture, language, etc. describing how characteristics of individuals and grou$s influence teaching decisions

(roficient "istinctive )rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

*he videos that are $rovided with the $ortfolio and the descri$tions of my work on the videos demonstrate my ability to a$$ly social and cultural understanding in inter$ersonal situations. *he videos will show how ' interact with students in both large grou$ and small grou$ settings. *he lessons that accom$any the videos illustrate my deliberate design of res$onding to the needs of my students.

+. /nstruction and Assess$ent



Criterion *he candidate demonstrates the ability to accurately im$lement instruction and assess student learning by $roviding: sam$les of com$leted assessments in which the e/$eriences used to assess student learning relate directly to the lesson,unit ob+ective(s# self assessments that focus on student learning as a result of lessons taught in field $lacements feedback from coo$erating teachers and %lverno su$ervisors

(roficient "istinctive )rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

%n e/am$le of an assessment that is included in the $ortfolio is a $erformance assessment for an 'nternational 1elations class. *hat $erformance assessment can be found on the artifacts $age. Each of the video lessons includes e/am$les of self assessments and coo$erating teacher and su$ervising teacher assessment and feedback.

4. 'ro!essional 0esponsi ilities and 0e!lection

Emerging Criteria *he candidate articulates how she has a$$lied educational frameworks (e.g. )loom, (iaget, Erikson, !aslow, !ontessori, Cambourne, 3ardner, 4oldaway, (urkey, etc# and their influence on his teaching by stating the ma+or as$ects of selected theories in her own words and identifying where she has a$$lied these theories. *he candidate re$resents herself as a reflective $ractitioner by: showing, in rationales and self assessments, where modifications of her teaching have or should have taken $lace analy5ing and articulating ways in which elements of diversity have influenced her $lanning, teaching, and assessing describing, in a letter to an E" 260 or %E 222 student, her growth in understanding and using the 7isconsin *eacher Standards and the %lverno Education %bilities limiting her choices of a$$ro$riate artifacts that $rovide evidence of an ability to synthesi5e the 7isconsin *eacher Standards and the %lverno Education %bilities including artifacts that address all 06 7isconsin *eacher Standards and all 8 %lverno Education %bilities


(roficient "istinctive )rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

Each artifact and video lesson is accom$anied by a rationale statement that articulates conte/t and connections to educational frameworks. *he video lessons are also accom$anied by self assessments that demonstrate my abilities as a reflective $ractitioner. *he artifacts and video lessons that are included in the $ortfolio are also aligned to standards and demonstrate my deliberate attem$t to be culturally res$onsive to students.

,. 1ral and 2ritten co$$unication

'nade&uate Criteria


(roficient "istinctive )rief descri$tion of nature and location of evidence

Consistently engaging audiences by using a$$ro$riate conventions, coherent structures, and effective style %ccurately analy5ing one:s own ideas in relation to disci$linary,$rofessional conte/ts %rticulating meaningful relationshi$s between disci$linary,$rofessional frameworks and the selection of artifacts by e/$laining the 7isconsin *eacher Standards and the %lverno Education %bilities in her o2n 2ords

!y lessons and analysis of my work are consistently clear and easy to follow. ' believe that ' make relevant connections between my work and educational frameworks as well as standards.

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