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Legalization Of Marijuana

Jaquain Paul 3/24/2013

Research Paper

Marijuana is the worlds most talked about substance. People in the U.S seem to think differently about marijuana. As of 20 ! the marijuana industry just "ot a critical boost in its effort to become a massi#e and completely le"itimate business. $hy is this important% $ell if you are one of those few people in the U.S who works and a Medicinal Marijuana dispensary you ha#e a job. &f it wasnt for these Marijuana hun"ry people of the United States you would be jobless and we all know that the country needs more jobs con"rats to you all.

'n the contrary( Marijuana businesses will shut down tobacco companies( but hey isnt that "ood America tryin" to stop people from smokin" tobacco. )ack to the main &dea Marijuana bein" le"al in the United States isnt a bad thin" it can brin" joy to people li#es and it e#en can make them li#e lon"er.

*hirdly( +emp Products such as ,-aw. products are makin" it healthier to smoke marijuana. *his product is made from un/bleached fibers that contain a hybrid blend. *hese chlorine/free papers or translucent( which means that they are or"anic and less processed.

)usiness #s. +ealth( of course e#eryone knows that the 0o#ernment say they care about our health but doesnt really well &( here to e1plain the meanin" of all this. 2ets start with business as & said in the earlier para"raph if marijuana was to take off more than what it is now it would shut down tobacco businesses. As of 20 ! there are still hundreds of people who die who die from tobacco. 3o you think the "o#ernment cares about us 4'5 if they did wouldnt tobacco

be ille"al% Marijuana brin"s so much to the table when & comes to health and business related issues. 6or e1ample marijuana is "i#en to cancer patients to slower their tumor e1pansion rate down. *his means that marijuana is bein" used in the medical fields as we speak. Marijuana A.7A ,weed. has a +&0+5 3emand jobs will be made( money will be made( people will be happy.

'k now people marijuana has its flaws too. Smokin" marijuana can lead to a substantial amount of depression( may cause an1iety( hi"her blood pressure( and e#en may cause you to mo#e slowly. 'n the other hand alcohol does the same thin" and its still le"al. So ha in your face America.

2ouisiana( ,8ome on man5. these laws for first and second time offenders are absurd. &f you "et cau"ht with an small amount of marijuana you are fined the first time and ha#e a chance to "et it off your record by doin" this pro"ram called ,3i#er"ence.. *his allows you to take up to 9 dru" test and if you pass at least 2 you are clean and that crime is now off your record. +onestly & think that is foolish because if you "et cau"ht a"ain you are now considered a felony( this is leadin" up to my ne1t point a 6elony5 ,8ome on Man5. in others states such as $ashin"ton 3.8 :$here the President of the United States li#es; has le"al marijuana. 'pen your eyes 2ouisiana( America( Marijuana is a friend not a foe. 2ets "et our #oice heard so we can make a chan"e isnt that what

this nation is all about chan"e. $ell lets join the mo#ement 2ouisiana to join our brothers and sisters who are down for marijuana lets stand to"ether ,fi"ht the power. to make this le"al.

So in concludin" this contro#ersial topic & hope that my facts and opinions help you reali<e that there is no harm in smokin" marijuana. *his chan"e is for the better hopefully America one day wakes and open there eyes to le"ali<e it but in the meantime to all of my smokers. )e safe and smoke stron". Peace.

)iblio"raphy Pa"e

=-e"ular.= Rawthentic. 4.p.( n.d. $eb. 2> 6eb. 20 !.

Marijuana / Marijuana Use and ?ffects of Marijuana.= WebMD. $ebM3( 02 Mar. 000 . $eb. 2> 6eb. 20 !. http@AAwww.cnn.comA#ideoAdataA2.0A#ideoAli#in"A20 !A02A2 Aerin/ re"an/sabet/marijuana/le"ali<ation/debate.cnn.html

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