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Chemical Engineering MCQs A.

Process Heat Transfer: 1) The dimension Mt-3 T-1 (where M, t & T stand for Mass, time & Temperature respectively) relates to the following uantity a) !eat "lu#, $) !eat transfer coefficient, c) Thermal %onductivity, d) &iscosity' (ns) $) *) +ne Ton, of refrigeration capacity is e uivalent to the removal of heat of the uantity a) 1*,--- .cal/h, c) $) 3011 2tu/h, c) 1*,--- 2tu/h, d) 1*,--- 34 (ns)

3) Thermal resistance of composite wall is ma#imum when sla$s of different materials are arranged in a) 5arallel, $) partly parallel & partly series, d) c) random, d) 6eries (ns)

7) 8n a heat transfer process through an insulated cylindrical pipe, the critical insulation thic3ness is proportional to a) %onvective !eat transfer coefficient outside the insulation $) Thermal conductivity of the insulating material, c) +verall radius of the insulated pipe, (ns) $) d) Thermal conductivity of the $are pipe

0) 8n a forced convection heat transfer process, the momentum $oundary layer remains within the thermal $oundary layer when 5randlt num$er is a) -, c) $) 91, c) :1, d) 1 (ns)

1) 6tanton num$er used in chemical engineering is related to a) Mass transfer, (ns) c) $) Momentum transfer, c) !eat Transfer, d) 4or3 transfer

;) "or very highly viscous li uids, 5randlt num$er assumes the value generally as a) 991, (ns') a) <) !eat e#changer effectiveness (= ) may assume values $) 91, c) 1, d) ::1

a) = : - , $) = 91, & d)

c) = > -

d) = ? 1

(ns') c)

@) The efficiency of a heat e#changer of the following type increases with increasing heat capacity ratio a) 6hell & Tu$e heat c) $) 5arallel, c) %ounter-current, d) %ross-flow (ns)

B. Mechanical Operations: 1-) The dust particles in the e#haust gas from a thermal power station are separated from the gas more effectively using a) 4et scru$$er, (ns: $) $) Alectrostatic precipitator, c) %yclone separator, d) "a$ric filters

11) 8n a paint industry, the finer particles of a pigment are produced from coarse grains prefera$ly $y a) 4et grinding in a $all mill, c) Coller mill, $) Bry grinding a $all mill d) "luid energy mill (ns) a)

1*) 6ieves are graded as per the mesh siDe of the screening surface $y the num$er of wires a) 5er s uare inch of the screen, c) per linear inch of the screen, c) $) per linear centimeter of the screen, d) per s uare centimeter of the screen (ns)

13) The law stated as Ethe wor3 re uired to form particles of siDe B p from a very large feed is proportional to the s uare root of surface-volume ratio of the product is 3nown as a) 2ond,s law, a) $) Cittinger,s law, c) .ic3,s law, c) Friffith,s law (ns)

17) Franulators in chemical engineering unit operation follow the principles of () 6iDe reduction, (ns) c) $) 6iDe e#clusion, c) 6iDe enlargement, d) evaporation

10) 6creen effectiveness as a means of segregating the desired siDe of the particles of interest through screening is defined in terms of Cecovery, Cp (Mass flow of the desired fraction in the product stream) and CeGection C " (Mass flow of desired fraction in the feed) a) C5 H C" , (ns) $) $) C 5 I C" , c) C 5 J C", d) C5


11) 8n constant Lpressure filtration system, which of the following parameters is esta$lished with time a) 8ncreasing 5ressure drop, $) constant-rate filtration, c) Cate of filtration falls, d) 8ncreasing Cate of filtration (ns) c) C. Energy Sciences: 1;) The usefulness of flash point measurement of a petroleum fuel is to evaluate the a) 5erformance of the fuel, $) 6afety aspect of the storage and transportation of the fuel, c) 8gnition uality of the fuel, d) impurity level of the fuel (ns) $)

1<) %alorific value of a fuel in the following list is highest for a) .erosene, (ns) $) $) Matural gas, c) N5F, d) Fasoline

1@) ( Nu$e oil grade is mar3ed as 6(A-7-O what is the full form of the a$$reviation 6(AP a) 6ociety of (utomotive AngineersO c) 6ociety of (tomic Anergy, a) $) 6ociety of (utomo$ile Angineers, d) 6audi (ra$ia A#ploration (ns)

*-) The fi#ed car$on content is highest in which of the following coal samplesP a) 2ituminous, $) 2rown coal, c) Nignite, d) (nthracite (ns) d)

*1) The calorific value of gaseous fuel is measured in a) 2om$ calorimeter, <1 (pparatus $)Ceid apparatus, c) Qun3er,s calorimeter, (ns) c) d) (6TM-B

**) Biesel inde# of a li uid fuel is determined to evaluate a) +ctane rating, $) 8gnition uality, c) %etane num$er, d) fluidity (ns) $)

*3) "ischer-Tropsch process for the production of li uid hydrocar$ons from coal-$ased feedstoc3 is operated at high temperature ranging from 33- -% -30- -% using the following catalyst a) %o$alt, $) 5latinum, c) 8ron, d) 5alladium (ns) c)

. Chemical !eaction Engineering: *7) 4hich of the following is a first order reactionP

(a) M!7M+* L9 M* J *!*+, (c) *M+* L9 *M+ J +*,

($) *!8 L9 !* J 8* (d) *M+ J +* L9 *M+* (ns) a)

*0) The order of a chemical conversion is determined on the $asis of a) 6toichiometric e uation, $) Temperature & pressure

c) Ceaction mechanism $ased on the e#perimental facts d) %atalytic effect on the conversion (ns) c)

*1) "or a first order of reaction, the rate constant depends upon a) Ceaction temperature, $) 8nitial concentration of reactants, c) Ceaction time, d) A#tent of reaction (ns) a) *;) The most industrially important gas phase catalytic chemical conversion is the reaction of 6+* to 6+3 in the production of sulfuric acid, catalysed $y nitric o#ide in a lead cham$er is an e#ample of a) 6olid catalysed reaction, (ns) c) *<) The rate e uation, log (-r() R log (- d%(/ dt) R log 3 J n log %( when plotted on a loglog graph paper ta3ing log (-r() as the y a#is and log %( as the #-a#is traces a line that is a) Ninear, $) e#ponential, c) para$olic, d) !yper$olic (ns) a) *@) The conversion of a reactant, undergoing first-order reaction, at a time three times the half-life period of the reaction a) -'-<;, $) -'0 c) -'7*0 d) 1'(ns) a) 3-) The units of fre uency factor in (rrhenius e uation, a) (re the same as those as the rate constant, $) Bepends on the order of the reaction, c) Bepends on the temperature, pressure of the reaction, d) (re cycles per unit times (ns) a) 31) +ver all order of reaction for which the rate constant has the order of units (mol/N) (3/*) sec-1 is a) -3/*, d) $) S, c) 3/*, d) 0/* (ns) $) !omogeneous uncatalysed reaction d) !eterogeneous uncatalysed reaction

c) !omogeneous catalysed reaction,

3* 5ure ( in gas phase enters a reactor' 0-T of this ( is converted to 2 through the reaction ( U32, mole fraction of ( in the e#it stream is a) S, $) 1/3 , c) V, d) 1/0 (ns) $)

33) "or the reversi$le reaction ( W*2, if the e uili$rium constant . is -'-0 mol/N, starting from initially * moles of ( and Dero mole of 2, how many moles will $e formed at e uili$rium a) -'*03, $) -'33<, c) -'10*, d) -'13; (ns) $) CPT"# $ ##: 37) The ratio of 5*+0 content in T65 is to 665 fertiliser a) 1)3, $) *)3, c) 3)1, d) 3)* (ns) c)

30) 8n the manufacturing of ammonia $y !a$er,s process, hydrogen is presently o$tained from a) gas (ns) $) producer gas, $) 6ynthesis gas, c) %oal gas, d) light petroleum

31) 6ulfur, present in natural gas used for the synthesis of ammonia, is removed for avoiding sulfur poisoning of the catalyst ("e) $y the use of a) 5$+, $) Xn+, c) %o+, d) Mn+ * (ns) $) 3;) "rasch process is used for mining of a) 5hosphorous, $) (rsenic, c) 6ulfur, d) 8ron (ns) c)

3<) 4hich of the following catalyst is prefera$ly used in the manufacture of nitric acidP a) &*+0, $) "e*+3, c) 5d, d) 5t-1-T Ch gauge (ns) d) 3@) Buring a$sorption of !%l gas in water ( to produce !%l solution) , the gas is 3ept a$ove dew point mainly to a) (ns) $) 7-) 5ortland cement contains mainly a) %a+' 6i+*' (l*+3, c) %a+' Mg+' .*+, (ns) a) 71) Cancidity of the fatty oil can $e reduced $y a) Becolouration, (ns) $) 7*) 6tarch, a mem$er of the car$ohydrate family, is included in the class of $) hydrogenation, c) o#idation, d) purification $) Mg+' 6i+*' (l*+3, d) Mg+' 6i+*' "e*+3 avoid corrosion, a$sorption c) Ceduce cooling water rate, $) increase the rate of d) reduce the strength of acid

a) Bisaccharide (ns) $)

$) 5olysaccharide

c) Trisaccharide

d) monosaccharide

73) 2!% is an insecticide which lies in the group of a) +rganophosphates, (ns) $) 77Y Athylene o#ide is manufactured $y the $y o#idation of ethylene in presence of (g *+ as catalyst at a) 1atm & 1-- -% (ns) $) 70) !igh density polyethylene is manufactured using Xeigler-Matta catalyst under the following reaction conditions a) !igh pressure & high temperature, c) Now pressure & high temperature (ns) d) 71) The monomer of natural ru$$er is a) 2utadiene, (ns) $) Chemical Engineering Thermo%ynamics: 7;) %hanges in the state functions of a thermodynamic system from the initial state to reach the final state depend on a) 5ath followed, c) 8ndependent of the path followed (ns) c) 7<) ( heat pump wor3s on the principle of a) "irst law of thermodynamics, $) 6econd law of thermodynamics, c) Third law of thermodynamics, d) Xeroth law of thermodynamics (ns) $) $) +nly on the initial state, d) +nly on the final state $) 8soprene, c) 6tyrene, d) %hloroprene $) high pressure & low temperature d) low pressure & moderate temperature $) 0 atm & *;0 -%, c) 1-- atm & 0---% d) 0- atm & 1--- -% $) +rganochlorine, c) %ar$amate, d) 5lant derivative

7@) The efficiency of a %arnot engine $etween temperatures T 1 & T* ( T1 : T* ) a)

T2 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2

$) (ns) $)

T2 T1 T2


T1 T2 T1


The entropy change of a system undergoing reversi$le and adia$atic dQrev transformation in a cyclical way as given $y (Z6R ) is T a) 9$) c) :d) > (ns) $) 01) The ratio of the adia$atic compressi$ility to isothermal compressi$ility is a) 1 $) 91 c) :1 d) (ns) c) 0*) +ne ton of refrigeration capacity is e uivalent to the heat removal rate of a) 0- 3 %al / hour, (ns) $) $) 3'0 3Q / hour, c) 1*--- 2T[ /min, d) *--- 2T[ / day 99 1


03) A uili$rium constant . is a function of a) Temperature only c) 5ressure only (ns) $) 07) "ugacity is e ual to pressure for a) real gases, (ns) d) $) real solutions, c) ideal solutions, d) ideal gases $) Temperature and pressure d) Temperature, pressure and volume

00) The free energy change for a chemical reaction is given $y a) LCT ln . c) LC ln . (ns) a) 01) (ctivity coefficient for an ideal solution is a) +ne, $) Dero, (ns) a) c) A ual to !enry,s law constant, d) A ual to vapour pressure $) CT ln . d) C ln .

0;) The degrees of freedom for a system at e uili$rium at constant pressure can $e e#pressed $y a) %-5-* $) %-5 J* c) %-5J1 d) %-5-1 (ns) c) 0<) The %lausius-%lapeyron e uation is applica$le to ---------e uili$rium process a) solid-li uid d) 0@) $) li uid-vapour c) solid-vapour d) (ll of these (ns)

The e uili$rium constant for the reaction M * J 3!* W *M!3, is -'1-<7' [nder the same conditions, the e uili$rium constant for the reaction S M * J 3/* !* W M!3 is a) -'3*@* $) -'-07* c) -'1-<7 d) -'-11< (ns) c)

Petrole&m !efinery Engineering $ PET!OCHEM#CA'S: 1-) The cost of transportation through pipeline of li uid petroleum increases with the following parameter a) 8ncreasing 5our 5oint, (ns) a) $) Becreasing pour point, c) fire point, d) (58 gravity

11) (6TM-B-<1 distillation of petroleum crude is carried out prior to refinery operation mainly evaluate the a) 6ulfur content, $) 2ase of the crude, overall impurity level (ns) $) c) Fasoline content, d) 5resence of

1*) %atalytic crac3ing of petroleum products is done in order to improve the a) +ctane rating, $) paraffin content, c) +lefin content & lighter hydrocar$ons,

d) Ceduction in viscosity (ns) c) 13) The lu$ricating uality of a lu$e oil is higher, the higher is the a) &iscosity 8nde#, (ns) a) $) Biesel 8nde#, c) (niline point , d) 5our point

17) 5etroleum crude with high !*6 content is 3nown as a) 6weet crude,$) To#ic crude, (ns) c) c) 6our crude, d) !igh sulfur crude

10) Nu$ricating +il is o$tained from the crude fractionating column as a) Night & !eavy ends, $) !eavy ends, distillates (ns) d) c) Night ends, d) 8ntermediate

11) 4hich is the most ideal feedstoc3 for coc3ing process, for the manufacture of petroleum co3eP a) Maphtha, (ns) d) $) Biesel, c) Night gas oil, d) &acuum residue

1;) 5etroleum crude is deposited under the earth crust in the a) 8gneous roc3, (ns) $) $) 6edimentary roc3, c) Metamorphic roc3, d) (lluvial deposit

1<) 8n petroleum crude oil e#ploration, the unit acre-feet, is used to represent a) (rea of the oil field, field, (ns) $) $) &olume of the oil reserve, d)Mone c) Bepth of the oil of these

1@) (tmospheric distillation is carried out a) 2elow <--- % & $elow 1 atm pressure, $) ($ove 311 -% & a$ove 1 atm pressure, c) [pto 311 -% & at 1 atm pressure, d) (t ($ove 311 -% & $elow 1 atm pressure ;-) The +ctane rating of a li uid petroleum fuel is e#pressed as the T composition of (, in a mi#ture of (, & 2, $y comparing its anti-3noc3ing property with the fuel under test' The C+M of (, is 1-- & that of 2, is -' 4hich of the following pair represents the mi#tureP a) n-!e#ane & n-+ctane $) 8sooctane & n-!eptane, c) Toluene & n!eptane, d) 8so-$utane & n-!eptane' ;1) 4hich is the most ideal feedstoc3 for coc3ing process for the manufacture of petroleum co3e a) Maphtha, $) Biesel, c) Night gas oil, d) &acuum residue

;*) 4hat is the most economic and productive means of transporting petroleum crude and products' a) Coadway transport system, $) (irways, c) 5ipelines, d) none of these' ;3) The name of the additive used with gasoline for preventing the formation of icecrystal a) Flycol, $)5hosphoric compounds, c) MT2A, d) Methanol ;7) "lash point & "ire point of petroleum fuels are essential parameters for the purpose of a) Bistillation Tower design, $) Transportation and storage safety, c) 5rocess Technology development d) Mone of these Materials Science an% Technology: ;0) !ow many atoms are there per unit cell in a $ody centered cu$ic latticeP a) *, (ns) a) $) 3, c) 7, d) 1

;1) The a$ility of a material to offer resistance to scratching or indentation is a measure of its a) 2rittleness, $) toughness, c) hardness, ;;) %reep is not e#hi$ited at low temperature $y a) Cu$$er, a) ;<) (n elastic $ehaviour of materials is e#pressed in terms of a) !ysteresis loop area, diagram (ns) $) $) 6tress-strain curve, c) Cela#ation time, d) 5hase $) (crylic, c) Nead, d) 5lastics (ns) d) resilience (ns) c)

;@) 4hich of the following heat treatment processes is used for softening the hardened materialP a) MormaliDing, $) Tempering, c) (nnealing, d) !ardening <-) ( material is called ductile, if it can $e a) drawn into wires, deformation, (ns) a) $) !ammered into a thin sheet, c) "ractured without d) Made lustrous $y heating it' (ns) c)

<1) The miller indices of a set of parallel planes which ma3e intercepts in the ratio of 3a) 7$ on the I and \ a#es and parallel to the X a#is and a, $, c $eing the primitive vectors of the lattice are a) ]* 3 1^, $) ]- 3 7^, c) ]7 3 -^, d) ]3 7^ (ns) c) <*) The reaction that, on heating one solid phase, yields another solid phase and one li uid phase is called a) Autectic, $) 5eritectic, c) Autectoid, d) 5eritectoid (ns) $) <3) Bislocations are sometimes called a) 5oint imperfection, $) Nine imperfection, c) 6urface imperfection, d) &olume imperfection , (ns) $) <7) Time dependent recovera$le deformation is called a) Alastic deformation, $) 5lastic deformation, c) (nelastic deformation d) Temporary deformation <0) The toughness of a material is tested $y a) Tensile strength test $) !ardness test (ns) d) (l&i% Mechanics: <1) ( fluid is a su$stance that a) has to $e 3ept in a closed container, $) is almost incompressi$le, c) has Dero shear stress, d) "lows when even a small shear force is applied to it <;) The ratio of inertial forces to gravitational forces is called ---------- num$er a) "roude , $) Auler, c) Ceynolds, d) Mach (ns) a) (ns) d) c) %reep test d)

(ns) c) 8mpact test

<<) The ---------------- is measured $y pieDometric opening' a) Bynamic pressure, (ns) $) $) 6tatic pressure, c) total pressure, d) point pressure

<@) Transition length for tur$ulent flow in smooth pipe is e ual to ------- times the pipe diameter

a) -'0,

$) 0,

c) 0-,

d) 1--

(ns) a)

@-) "or tur$ulent flow of the Mewtonian fluid in a circular cross-section pipe, the ratio of ma#imum to average fluid velocity is a) -'0, $) 1, c) -'11, d) :-'0 (ns) a)

@1) !ydraulic radius is the ratio of a) wetted perimeter to flow area, $) "low area to wetted parameter, d) s uare root of flow area to wetted (ns) $) @*) 6to3es, law is valid, when particle Ceynolds num$er is a) 91, $) : 1, c) :0, d) Mone of these (ns) $)

c) flow area to s uare of wetted perimeter, perimeter

@3) The value of critical Ceynolds num$er for pipe flow is a) 1,3-$) 1-,---, c) 1, --, ---, d) *1-(ns) d)

@7) 5ower loss in an orifice meter is -------- that in venturimeter a) less than, (ns) c) Mass Transfer: 95) Biffusivity of gases at atmospheric pressure in cm*/s is in the range of a) less than 1 $) greater than 1 c) greater than 1d) greater than 1-(ns) a) $) same as, c) more than, d) Bepends on the type of flow

96) Biffusivity of li uids in cm*/s is of the order of a) -'1, d) $) -'-1 , c) 1- , d) 1 # 1--0 (ns)

97) Mass transfer coefficient is defined as a' "lu# R(coefficient) / (concentration difference) $' "lu# R(coefficient) (concentration difference) c' "lu# R(concentration difference) / (coefficient)

d' none of these

(ns) $)

98) (ccording to the film theory, the mass transfer coefficient, 3 l, and diffusivity are related as a) 3l _ B-'0 $) 3l _ B c) 3l _ B-'1; d) 3l _ B-1 $) (ns)

99) %orresponding to 5randtl num$er in heat transfer, the dimensionless group in mass transfer is a) Ceynolds num$er $) 6herwood num$er c) 5eclet num$er d) 6chmidt num$er' 100) Schmidt num$er for gases is of the order of a' 1 $' 1c' 1-d' 1--(ns) a) (ns) d)

101) "or evaporation from a spherical naphthalene $all in a stagnant medium, 6herwood num$er is e ual to a' -'0 $' * c' *d' *-102) (ccording to film theory the mass transfer coefficient is proportional to a) B $) B* c) B-'0 (ns) $)

d) 1/B

(ns) a)

103}.nudsen diffusion occurs when the ratio of mean free path to the pore diameter is a' much greater than one $' much less than one c' e ual to one d' none of these a) (ns)

104) The e uili$rium relation for distri$ution of a solute $etween a gas and li uid phase is given $y y R m# (at a particular temperature)' 8f 3 y and 3# are individual gas and li uid phase mass transfer coefficients, respectively, the overall gas phase mass transfer coefficient is given $y the relation a' 1 / .y R 1 / 3y J m / 3# $' 1 / .y R m / 3y J 1 / 3# c' 1 / .y R 1 / m3y J 1 / 3# d' 1 / .y R 1 / 3y J 1 / m3# Process Control: 1-0) The unit impulse response of a 1 st order process is given $y * e time constant for the processes are respectively a) 7 & *, a) $) * & *, c) * & o'0, d) 1 & -'0

(ns) a)

' The gain & (ns)

1--) (n input which generally increases linearly with time is 3nown as a) 6tep input, c) $) 6inusoidal input, c) Camp input, d) linear input (ns)

1-1) 2olometer is used for the measurement of a) "low rate , d) $) %urrent, c) emf, d) Temperature (ns)

1-;) The phase lag of a *nd order system is always a) ? 1<(ns) a)






c) 1*0


d) ? @-

1-<) "or critically damped second-order response, damping coefficient is

a) -, (ns) $)

$) R1,

c) :1 ,

d) 91

1-@) "or a first order system, the corner fre uency ( `c) is the fre uency corresponding to a)

` a R 1,

$) `

a R -,

c) `


1 2 ,

d) `


(ns) a)

11-) 6olenoid valve wor3s li3e a) 5- controller, $) +n-off controller, $) #n%&strial Stoichiometry: 111) %o# chart is useful in the design of a distillation column (particularly suita$le for petroleum hydrocar$on) is a plot of the a) Temperature &6 log (vapour pressure) $) &apour 5ressure &6' log (Temperature) c) log (Temperature) &6 log (&apour 5ressure) d) Nog ( &apour pressure) &6' Nog (1/Temperature) (ns) d) c) 5-B controller, d) 58B controller (ns)

11*) The input & output of a furnace has the following composition $y volume 8nput) "uel gas J 1--T e#cess o#ygen reactants %!7 %6* %+* !* M* 1*T m *<T 11T @T 7-T +* M* +utput) "lue gas J unconverted %+ * --- 7';1T ! *+ 1-'7T <1'<7T 3'0T

on 6+* free $asis' 8n this system, the T8A component is a) 6+*, $)M*, c) !*+, d) %+* (ns) $)

113) !eat of reaction is a a) 5ath function, $) 6tate function, 8ndependent of pressure $) c) 8ndependent of temperature, (ns) d)

117) "or water evaporating into unsaturated air under adia$atic condition and at constant pressure, that remains constant throughout the period of vaporisation is a) dry $ul$ temperature, c) humidity, $) 4et $ul$ temperature d) Celative humidity (ns) $)

110) The enthalpy of formation of water from hydrogen & o#ygen is -*<1 3Q mol -1, the enthalpy of decomposition of water into hydrogen & o#ygen is a) -*<1 3Q mol-1, $) J *<1 3Q mol-1, c) - 173 3Q mol-1, d) J173 3Q mol-1 (ns) $)

111) (ir has *1T +* and ;@T M* $y volume respectively' 4hat is the average molecular weight of airP a) *@, $) *<'<7, c) *@'3, d) *<'7< (ns) $)

11;) 1 -2ri# is e uivalent to a sugar solution a) 1--T, $) 1T, c) -'1T, d) 1-T 11<) The vapour pressure of water at 1-- -% is a) 1-- M/m* , (ns) $) $) ;1 cm of !g, c) 13'0@ cm of !g, d) ;1- mm of water column (ns) $)

Pro)ect Engineering 11@) ( reactor needs to $e coated with corrosion resisting materials' +ne type of lining costs 0 lacs and is e#pected to last for * yrs' (nother type of lining lasts for 3 yrs' 8f $oth choices have to $e economically e ual with the effective rate of interest $eing 1<T, compounded economically, the price one should pay for the * nd lining is a) 1'1lacs c) $) 1'0 lacs c) 1'@ lacs d) ;'1 lacs (ns)

1*-) ( plant produces phenol' The varia$le cost in rupees per ton of phenol is related to the plant capacity 5 (in tones per day) as 70,--- J 05' The fi#ed charge is Cs 1,--,--per day' The selling price of phenol is Cs' 0-,--- per ton' 4hat is the optimal plant capacity ( in tones per day) for minimum cost per ton of phenol, is a) 1-1 $) 17c)*<3 d) 7** (ns) $)

1*1) ( process plant has a life of ; yrs' and its salvage value is 3-T' 4hat M8M8M[M fi#ed-percentage factor will the depreciation amount for the * nd year, calculated $y declining $alance method $e e ual to that calculated $y the straight line depreciation method' a) -'1 $) -'113 c) -'0*; d) -'<<; (ns) $)

11;) ( continuous fractionator system is $eing designed' The following cost figures are estimated for a reflu# ratio of 1'7 "i#ed cost including all accessories(Cs') for %olumn 1 # 1- 1 %ondenser * # 1- 1 Ce$oiler 7 # 1- 1 +perating cost (Cs'/year) for %ondenser cooling water < # 1- 1 Ce$oiler heating steam 1 # 1- 1

The annualiDed fi#ed charge is 10T of the fi#ed cost' The total annualiDed cost (in Cs') is a) 1-'< # 1-1 a) $) 13'30 # 1- 1 c) 10'@ # 1- 1 d) 3'10 # 1- 1 (ns)

1**) ( pump has an installed cost of Cs'7-, --- and a 1- year estimated life' The salvage value of the pump is Dero at the end of 1- years' The pump value ( in Cs')after depreciation $y the declining $alance method at the end of 1 years is a) 7*@0 $) $) 1-7<1 c) *1*0; d) 3;1-(ns)

1*3) "or the case of single lump-sum capital e#penditure of Cs'1- crores which generates a constant annual cash flow of Cs' * crores in each su$se uent year, what is the pay$ac3 period (in years) if the scrap value of the capital outlay is DeroP a) 1$) *c) 1 d) 0 (ns) d)

1*7) Bue to *-T drop in the product selling price, the pay$ac3 period of a new plant increased 1'0 times that estimated initially, the production cost and the production rate remaining unchanged' 8f the production cost is %p and the new selling price is %s, the %p/%s is a) -'* $) -'7 c) -'0 d) -'1 (ns) $)

1*0) ( sale contact signed $y chemical manufacturer is e#pected to generate a net cash flow of Cs' 1*0,--,--- per year at the end of each year for a period of three years' The applica$le discount rate (interest rate) is 1-T' The net present worth of the total cash flow is in Cs' a) 3,;0,--,--(ns) c) $) 371<;0-c) 31-;0--d) 1113;0--

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