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R1: Ce inseamna pentru o retea wireless sa fie operata intr-un mod de tip infrastructua ?

Daca reteaua nu este intr-un mod infrastructua care este modul de operatie in care este si care este diferenta dintre modul respective si modul infrastructura? What does it mean for a wireless network to be operating in "infrastructure mode"? If the network is not in infrastructure mode, what mode of operation is it in, and what is the different between that mode of operation and infrastructure mode? Modul infrastructura pentru retelele wireless are o retea wireless la care se alatura o retea Ethernet (prin cablu) suportand puncte central de conexiune pentru clientii wireless locali Pentru setarea unui mod infrastructura este necesar un AP (wirless acess point) precum si toti clientii wireless trebuie sa fie configurati astfel incat sa utilizeze acelasi SSID. AP este legat de retelele cu fir pentru a permite accesul clientilor spre exemplu conexiunile de Internet sau imprimantele , AP-urile aditionale pot fi alaturate retelei pentru a creste infrastructura si pentru a putea suporta mai multi clienti wirless. In general retele cu routerele wirless suporta modul infrastructura automat, aceste routere cotinand un AP. Facand comparative cu wireless ad hoc modul infrastructura ofera avantajul securitatii centralizate , dezavantajul fiind costul de achizitionare a unui AP. Modul infrastructura: Statia de baza conecteaza mobile in retelele cu fir; Transfer: mobilele schimba statia de baza producand o conexiune intr-o retea cu fir ;

Modul ad-hoc: Nu au statie de baza ; Nodurile pot transmite doar altor noduri prin intermediul unui link de acoperire; Nodurile se organizeaza pee le insusi intr-o retea (se realizeaza un traseu intre ele)

R2: Care sunt cele 4 tipuri de retele wireless identificate in sectiunea 6.1 Pe care dintre acest tipuri de retele le-ai utilizat? What are the four type of wireless networks identified in our taxonomy in Section 6.1 Which of these types of wireless networks have you used? -single hop bazata pe infrastrucuta -single hop- fara infrastructura -multiple hop - bazata pe infrastrucuta -multiple hop fara infrastructura;

R3: Care sunt diferentele dintre urmatoarele tipuri de canaluri wireless : deteriorate, pierderi de cai, cai multiple interferente de la alte surse? What are the differences between the following types of wireless channel impairments: path loss, multipath propagation, interference from other sources? Propagarea pe cai multiple este cand se pierd pachete , acestea pierzandu-se din cauza undelor electromagnetice reflectate catre obiecte care mai apoi iau cai de lungimi diferite intre receptor si emitator; Interferente de la alte surse apar atat cat exista o interferenta radio; transmisia pe aceeasi frecventa de banda. Telefoanele cu wireless si retelele wireless LAN pot uneori sa interfere una cu alta Pierderile de cai sunt pierderile de semnal datorate unor obstacole cum ar fi peretii. Distanta dintre emitator si receptor de asemenea scad puterea semnalului.

R4: Ca un nod mobil sa mearga mai departe de o statie de baza, care sunt cele 2 actiuni pe care o statie de baza le poate face pentru a se asigura ca pierderea unui cadru transmis sa nu creasca? As a mobile node gets farther and farther away from a base station, what are two actions that a base station could take to ensure that the loss probability of a transmitted frame does not increase? Sa se creasca puterea de transmisie; Sa se reduca rata de transmisie;

R5: Descrieti rolul framelui beacon 802.11 SEOlON 6.3 R5. Describe the role of the beacon frames in S02.11. O parte din standardul 802.11 necesita un punct de acess (AP) sa trimita in exterior cadre beacon (cadre luminoase ). Fiecare cadru include un SSID si o adresa catre punctual de acces, Statia wireless scaneaza toate cele 11 canale cautand cadre beacon care au fost trimise . Receptorul poate selecta care punct de access a il utilizeze R6: Adevarat sau fals Inainte ca o statie sa transmita un cadru pe o retea 80211 mai intai trebuie trimis un cadru RTS si receptionat un cadru CTS? R6. True or false: Before an S02.11station transmits a data frame. it must first send an RTSframe and receive a corresponding CTS frame. FALS R7: De ce confirmariile sunt utilizate in 802.11 dar nu si in retele cu fir? R7. Why are acknowledgments used in S02.11but not in wired Ethernet?

802.11 are o schema de confirmari de tip link- layer Cadrele trimise de la o statie wireless de tip LAN nu imbunatatesc destinatia si nu este nici o cale de a afla daca a fost imbunatatita . Cand destinatia receptioneaza un cadru se face o pauza pentru un moment dupa care se trimite inapoi confirmarea. In cazul in care confirmarea nu a fost receptionata dupa un numar fix de transmiteri statia nu mai trimite confirmarea. In retele cu cablu statia poate detecta cadrele primate de aceea nu sunt necesare confirmati. R8: Adevarat sau fals. Ethernet si 802.11 utilizeaza aceeasi structura de cadre RS. True or false: Ethernet and 802.11 use the same frame structure. FALS R9: Describe how the RTS threshold works. Fiecare statie wireless poate seta un RTS astfel incat secventa RTS/CTs sa fie folosita numai pentru datele care trebuie trimise . Prin urmare mecanismul RTs/CTS este folosit doar pentru cadre de lunfimi mai mari R10. Suppose the IEEE S02.11 RTSand CTS frames were as long as the standard DATAand ACK frames. Would there be any advantage to using the CTS and RTS frames? Why or why not? Nu, nu este nici un avantaj Se presupune ca sunt 2 statii care vor sa transmita in acelasi timp si ambele dintre ele utilizeaza RTs/CTS. Daca cadrul RTS este la fel de lung ca si cadrul DATA canalul poate fi pierdut la fel de mult cat s-a pierdut pentru a se face coliziunea dintre cadrele DATA . Astfel schimbul RTS/CTS este util doar cand cadrele RTS/CTS au o semnificatie mai mica decat cadrele DATA R11. Section 6.3.4 discusses 802.11 mobility, in which a wireless station moves from one BSS to another within the same subnet.When the APs are interconnected with a SWitch,an AP may need to send a frame with a spoofed MAC address to get the switch to forward the frame properly.Why? Initial switch-ul are o intrare in tabelul de expediere la care este asociata statia wireless cu un AP Cand statia wireless se asociaza cu nou punct de acces, noul AP creeaza un cadru cu adresa MAC a statiei wirelss si transmite cadrul. Cadrul este primit de catre switch . Acest lucru forteaza switch-ul sa isi actualizeze tabelul de expediere , astfel cadrele destinate statiei wireless sunt trimise prin intermediul noului AP. R12: What are the differences between a master device in a Bluetooth network and a base station in an 802.11 network? Orice nod Bluetooth obisnuit poate fi un nod principal in timp ce punctele de acces din retele 802.11 sunt dispositive speciale (dispositive normale wireless cum ar fi laptop-uri neputand fi folosite ca puncte de acces) R13. True or false: In WiMAX, a base station must transmit to all nodes at the same channel rate.

FALS R14. What is meant by "opportunistic scheduling" in WiMAX? "opportunistic scheduling se refera la potriviri de protocol la nivel fizic pentru a creea canale de legatura intre emitator si receptor precum si alegerea receptorului pentru care se vor trimite pachete in functie de starea in care se afla canalul R15. We learned in Section 6.3.2 that there two major 30 standards: UMTS and COMA-2000. These two standards each owe their lineage to which 20 and 2.50 standards?

UMTS la GSM si CDMA-2000 IS -95 R16. If a node has a wireless connection to the Internet, does that node have to bemobile? Explain. Suppose that a user with a laptop walks around her house with her laptop, and always accesses the Internet through the same access point. Is this user mobile from a network standpoint? Explain. NU. Un nod poare ramane conectat la acelasi punct de acces prin intermediul conexiunii la Internet Un nod mobil este Acela care schimba punctual de ancorare(attachment) intr-o retea de-a lungul timpului. Inca din momentul in care utilizatorului ii este permis sa acceseze Internetul de la acelasi punct de acces , nu mai este mobil. R17. What is the difference between a permanent address and a care-of address? Who assigns a care-of address? O adresa permanenta pentru un nod mobil este o adresa IP cand aceasta este o retea de casa. O adresa temporala este aceea care este luata in momentul in care este vizitata de o retea necunoscuta. COA este atribuita de un agent strain (poate fi un router de margine intr-o retea necunoscuta sau nodul mobil in sine) R18. Consider a TCP connection going over Mobile {P.True or false: The TCP connection phase between the correspondent and the mobile host goes through the mobile's home network, but the data transfer phase is directly between the correspondent and the mobile host, bypassing the home network.

FALS R19. What are the purposes of the HLR and VLR in OSM networks? What elements of mobile IP are similar to the HLR and VLR? Reteaua de domiciliu in GSM mentine o baza de date HLR(Home Location Register) care contine numarul de telefon si infromatii de profil pentru fiecare abonat pe care il are in component. HLR de asemenea contine informatii despre localitatiile curenta a acestor abonati Vizitand reteaua se mentine o baza de date cunoscuta ca VLR (Visitor Location Register) care contine o intrare pentru fiecare utilizator mobil. Care se afla deja in portiunea de retea deservita de VLr. Intrariile VLr astfel vin si pleaca la fel ca utilizatorii mobile care intra si parasesc reteaua

Router-ul de margine intr-o retea de domiciliu intr-un IP mobil simuleaza cu HLR in GSM iar router-ul de margine in retelele straine este similar cu VLR in GSM. R20. What is the role of the anchor MSC in OSM networks? MSC fix ramane este MSC-ul vizitat de mobil atunci cand se efectueaza un prim apel. Pe toata durata apelului si indifferent de numarul de transferuri MSC effectuate de mobil , apelul este directionat de la Msc la MSC fic si apoi de la MSC fix la MSC de unde a provenit , unde este localizat mobilul. R21. What are three approaches that can be taken to avoid having a single wireless link degrade the performance of an end-end transport-layer TCP connection? a) Recuperari locale; b) Constientizarile emitatorului TCP de la link-urile wireless c) Abordari ale conexiunilor split. PI. Consider the single-sender COMA example in Figure 6.5. What would be the sender's output (for the 2 data bits shown) if the sender'S COMA code were (I,-I,I,-I,I,-I,I,-I)? Iesirile corespunzatoare bitului d1 = [-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1] Iesirile corespunzatoare bitului d0 = [1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1]

P2. Consider sender 2 in Figure 6.6. What is the sender's output to the channel (before it is added to the signal from sender I), Z7.m'! Sender 2 output = [1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1]; [ 1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1] P3. Suppose that the receiver in Figure 6.6 wanted to receive the data being sent by sender 2. Show (by calculation) that the receiver is indeed able to recover sender 2's data from the aggregate channel signal by using sender 2's code.

P4. For the two-sender, two-receiver example, give an example of two COMA codes containing I and -I values that do not allow the two receivers to extract the original transmitted bits from the two COMA senders. Sender 1: (1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1) Sender 2: (1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) P5. Suppose there are two ISPs providing WiFi access in a particular cafe, with each ISP operating its own AP and having its own IP address block.

a. Further suppose that by accident, each ISP has configured its AP to operate over channel II. Will the 802.11 protocol completely break down in this situation? Discuss what happens when two stations. each associated with a different ISP,attempt to transmit at the same time. b. Now suppose that one AP operates over channell and the other over channel LI. How do your answers change? a) cele 2 ap-uri in mod tipic vor avea SSID-uri si adrese MAC diferite. O statie wireless sosita intr-o locatie va fi asociata cu unul dintre SSID-uri (acesta fiind unul din AP-uri) Dupa asociere va fi un link virtual intre noua statie si AP. Etichetele vor fi AP, AP1 si AP2. Sa presupunem ca noi statii I se asociaza AP1. Cand noua statie trimite cadre , acestea vor fi adresate lui AP1. Astfel AP2 se asemenea va primi cadrul acesta nu va procesa cadrul din cauza ca cadrul nu i se adreseaza lui. Cele 2 ISP-uri por lucra in parallel peste acelasi canal. Oricum cele 2 ISP-uri vor distribui aceeasi latime de banda wireless. Daca statia wireless in ISP-uri diferite este transmisa in acelasi timp va fi o coliziune. Pentru 802.11 rata maxima de transmisie permisa pentru cele 2 ISP-uri este de 11 Mbps. b) Acum daca cele 2 statii wireless sunt in ISP-uri diferite(prin urmare canale diferite) si transmit in acelasi timp nu va fi o coleziune. In acest caz rata maxima de transmisie permisa pentru cele 2 ISP-uri este de 22Mbps(802.11) P6. In step 4 of the CSMAICAprotocol. a station that successfully transmits a frame begins the CSMAICAprotocol for a second frame at step 2. rather than at step 1.What rationale might the designers of CSMA/CAhave had in mind by having such a station not transmit the second frame immediately (if the channel is sensed idle)? Sa presupunem ca statia wireless H1 are de transmis 1000 de cadre Sa presupunem initial ca H! esre singura statie care vrea sa transmita in timp ce jumatate din el a fost transmis in timp ce jumatate din el a fost transmis de primul cadrul, H2 doreste sa transmita un cadrul. Pentru simplitate de asemenea sa presupunem ca fiecare statie poate receptiona semnalul oricarei alte statii (nu exista terminale ascuns) Inainte de transmitere H2 va verifica daca canalul este ocupat si va allege o valoare aleatorie ca fiind o valoare de revenire Acum sa presupunem ca dup ace a fost trimis primul cadrul H1 se intoarce la primul pas va astepta o perioada scurta (DIFS) dupa care va incepe sa trimita al doilea cadrul. Cadrul 2 transmis de H1 va fi transmis cat timp H2 este blocat in asteptarea unui cadru inactive, Astfel H1 trebuie sa transmita pana la 1000 de cadre inainte ca H2 sa aiba vreo sansa sa acceseze canalul. Pe de alta parte daca H1 merge la pasul 2 dupa transmiterea unui cadru atunci de asemenea si acestea va allege o valoare aleatorie va valoare de revenire aferind astfel o sansa lui H2. Corectitudinea consta in ratiunea cu care au fost alese. P7. Suppose an 802.11b station is configured to always reserve the channel with the RTS/CTS sequence. Suppose this station suddenly wants to transmit 1.000bytes of data. and all other stations are idle at this time. As a function of SIFS and D1FS.and ignoring propagation delay and assuming no bit errors. calculate the time required to transmit the frame and receive the acknowledgment. Un cadru fara date are lungimea de 32 de biti. Adaugand o data de transmisie de 11 Mbps , timpul pentru a transmite un cadru de control ( cum ar fi un cadrul RTS,CTS sau un ACK este de 256 de biti) 11Mbps=23 microsecunde(usec) Timpul necesar pentru transmiterea cadrelor de date este: 8256 biti/11Mbps=751 DIFS + RTS + SIFS + CTS + SIFS + FRAME + SIFS + ACK = DIFS + 3SIFS + (3*23 + 751) usec = DIFS + 3SIFS + 820 usec

P8. Consider the scenario shown in Figure 6.33, in which there are four wireless nodes. A, B, C. and D. The radio coverage of the four nodes is shown via the shaded ovals; all nodes share the same frequency. WhenA transmits. it can only be heard/received by B; when B transmits. both A and C can hear/receive from B; when C transmits, both Band D can hear/receive from C; when D transmits, only C can hear/receive from D. Suppose now that each node has an infinite supply of messages that it wants to send to each of the other nodes. If a message's destination is not an immediate neighbor, then the message must be relayed. For example, if A wants. to send to D, a message from A must first be sent to B, which then sends the message to C, which then sends the message to D. Time is slotted, with a message transmission time taking exactly one time slot, e.g., as in slotted Aloha. During a slot, a node can do one of the following: (i) send a message; (ii) receive a message (if exactly one message is being sent to it), (iii) remain silent. As always, if a node hears two or more simultaneous transmissions, a collision occurs and none of the transmitted messages are received successfully. You can assume here that there are no bit-level errors, and thus if exactly one message is sent, it will be received correctly by those within the transmission radius of the sender. a. Suppose now that an omniscient controller (i.e., a controller that knows the state of every node in the network) can command each node to do whatever it (the omniscient controller) wishes, i.e., to send a message, to receive a message, or to remain silent. Given this omniscient controller, what is the maximum rate at which a data message can be transferred from C to A, given that there are no other messages between any other source/destination pairs? b. Suppose now that A sends messages to B, and D sends messages to C. What is the combined maximum rate at which data messages can flow from A to B and from D to C? c. Suppose now that A sends messages to B, and C sends messages to D. What is the combined maximum rate at which data messages can flow from A to B and from C to D? d. Suppose now that the wireless links are replaced by wired links. Repeat questions (a) through (c) again in this wired scenario. e. Now suppose we are again in the wireless scenario, and that for every data message sent from source to destination, the destination will send an ACK message back to the source (e.g., as in TCP). Also suppose that each ACK message take up one slot. Repeat questions (a) - (c) above for this scenario. a) b) c) d) Un mesaj /2 slot-uri 2 mesaje/slot Un mesaj/slot I) un mesaj/slor ii) 2 mesaje/slot iii) 2 mesaje/slot e) i) 1 mesaj/ 4 slot-uri ii) slot-ul 1: Mesaj A->B, mesaj D->C slot-ul 2 ACK B->A slot-ul 3: ACK C->D = 2 mesaje/3 slot-uri iii) slot-ul 1 : Mesaj C->D slot-ul 2:ACK D->C , mesaj A->B slot-ul 3: ACK B->A = 2 mesaje / 3 slot-uri

(mai trebuie pus repeat acolo sus la iii de la e) P9. Describe the format of the 802.15.1 Bluetooth frame. You will have to do some reading outside of the text to find this information. Is there anything in the frame format that inherently limits the number of active nodes in an 802.15.1 network to eight active nodes? Explain. Sa presupune ca atunci cand un utilizator mobil se muta de la o retea la alta noua retea va avea o cale specifica pentru utilizatorul de telefonie mobile: iar reteaua veche nu isi va mai pastra vechiul traseu. Se vor lua in considerare modul in care informatiile sunt propagate pe baza unui algoritm P10. Consider the following idealized WiMAX scenario. The downstream subframe (see Figure 6.17) is slotted in time, with downstream slots per subframe, with all time slots of equal length in time. There are four nodes, A, B, C, and D, reachable from the base station at rates of 10 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 2.5 Mbps, and I Mbps, respectively, on the downstream channel. The base station has an infinite amount of data to send to each of the nodes, and can send to anyone of these four nodes during any time slot in the downstream sub-frame. a. What is the maximumrate at which the base station can send to the nodes, assuming it can send to any node it chooses during each time slot? Is your solution fair? Explain and define what you mean by "fair." b. If there is a fairness requirement that each node must receive an equal amount of data during each downstream sub-frame. what is the average transmission rate by the base station (to all nodes) during the downstream sub-frame? Explain how you arrived at your answer. c. Suppose that the fairness criterion is that any node can receive at most twice as much data as any other node during the sub-frame. What is the average transmission rate by the base station (to all nodes) during the subframe? Explain how you arrived at your answer 10 Mbps daca se transmite doar cadtre nodul A.Aceasta solutie nu este departe de cand A incepe sa fie servit adica incepe sa receptioneze. De departe asta inseamna ca fiecare din cele 4 noduri trebuie sa le fie allocate un numar egal de slot-uri b) Pentru cerintele de coretitudine astfel incat fiecare nod sa primeasca cantitati egale de date pe durata transmiterii fiecarui sub-cadru se lasa ca n1, n2, n3 si n4 reprezinta numarul de slot-uri pe care le iau A,B,C si D. Acum datele transmise de la A intr-un slot sunt de 10 t Mbps unde t este durata fiecarui slot. Prin urmare suma totala a datelor transmise la A(in n1) =10tn1 In mod similar cantitati de date transmise catre B,C si D vor fi 5tn2, 2.5 tn3 si tn4. Acum pentru a indeplini cerinta de corectitudine avem urmatoarea conditie 10tn1=5tn2=2.5tn3=tn4 Prin urmare n2 = 2 n1 n3 = 4 n1

n4 = 10 n1 Acum numarul total de slot-uri este N n1+ n2+ n3+ n4 = N => n1+ 2 n1 + 4 n1 + 10 n1 = N => n1 = N/17 n2 = 2N/17 n3 = 4N/17 n4 = 10N/17 Rata medie de transmie este date de : (10t n1+5t n2+ 2.5t n3+t n4)/tN = (10N/17 + 5 * 2N/17 + 2.5 * 4N/17 + 1 * 10N/17)/N = 40/17 = 2.35 Mbps Lasa ca nodul A sa receptioneze la fel de multe date ca nodurile B,C si D pe durata sub-cadrelor 10tn1 = 2 * 5tn2 = 2 * 2.5tn3 = 2 * tn4 n2 = n1 n3 = 2n1 n4 = 5n1 n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 = N n 1+ n1 + 2n1 + 5n1 = N n1 = N/9 Acum rata de transmisie este date de: (10t n1+5t n2+ 2.5t n3+t n4)/tN = 25/9 = 2.78 Mbps

Similar se proceseaza din pentru nodurile B,C sau D. P11. In Section 6.5, one proposed solution that allowed mobile users to maintain their lP addresses as they moved among foreign networks was to have a foreign network advertise a highly specific route to the mobile user and use the existing routing infrastructure to propagate this information throughout the network. Weidentified scalability as one concern. Suppose that when a mobile user moves from one network to another, the new foreign network advertises a specific route to the mobile user, and the old foreign network withdraws its route. Consider how routing information propagates in a distance- vector algorithm (particularly for the case of interdomain routing among networks that span the globe). a. Will other routers be able to route datagrarns immediately to the new foreign network as soon as the foreign network begins advertising its route? b. Is it possible for different routers to believe that different foreign networks contain the mobile user? c. Discuss the timescale over which other routers in the network will eventually learn the path to the mobile users. a) Nu. Toate routerele nu sunt capabile sa redea o datagrama imediat. Aceasta este din cauza algoritmului Distance Vector care este descentralizat si necesita ceva timp sa se termine. Pe durata rularii algoritmului ca rezultat de avertizare de la noua retea straina, cateva routere nu vor putea reda o datagrama destinata nodului mobil. b) Da. Aceasta se poate intampla cand unul dintre noduri a lasat o retea straina si I s-a alaturat unei noi retele straine. In aceasta situatie intrarile de rutare de la reteaua straina veche este posibil sa nu fi fost complet retrase de la noua retea care le-a propagate.

c) timpul necesar pentru a afla calea intre router si nodul mbil depinde de numarul de obstacole dintre router si marginea externa a router-ului P12: P12. Suppose the correspondent in Figure 6.22 were mobile. Sketch the additional network-layer infrastructure that would be needed to route the datagram from the original mobile user to the (now mobile) correspondent. Show the structure of the datagram(s) between the original mobile user and the (now mobile) correspondent. as in Figure 6.23. Daca corespondentul este mobil, atunci orice datagrame destinate corespondentului vor trebui sa treaca printr-un agent correspondent stabilit.Agentul strain in reteaua vizitata va trebui de asemenea sa fie implicat pana cand agentul strain care alerteaza agentul stabil cu locatia corespondentului. Datagramele receptionate de corespondentul agentului stabil va trebui sa fie incapsulate intr corespondentul stabil si agentul strain.

P13: Inmobile IP.what effect will mobility have on end-to-end delays of datagrams between the source and destination? Deoarece datagramele trebuie sa fie primele pentru agentul stabil si de acolo catre mobil intarzierile vor fi in general mai mari decat rutarea directa. De remarcat este faptul ca intarzierea directa de la corespondent la mobil poate fi actual mai mica decat suma intarzierilor de la correspondent catre agentul stabil si de acolo catre mobil. Aceasta ar depinde de intarzierile la diverse segmente de cai. P14: Consider the chaining example discussed at the end of Section 6.7.2. Suppose a mobileuser visits foreign networks A, B. and C. and that a correspondent begins a connection to the mobile user when it is resident in foreign networkA. List the sequence of messages between foreign agents. and between foreign agents and the home agent as the mobile user moves from network A to network B to network C. Next, suppose chaining is not performed, and the correspondent (as well as the home agent) must be explicitly notified of the changes in the mobile user's care-of address. List the sequence of messages that would need to be exchanged in this second scenario. In cazul inlaturarii utilizand rutarea indirecta prin intermediul uni agent stabil se vor intalni urmatoarele evenimente: - Nodul mobil va sosi in A. A va modifica agentul stabil ca mobilul viziteaza in acest moment pe A si datagramele catre mobil acum ar trebui sa fie transmise catre COA in A - Nodul mobil se muta in B. Agentul strain in B trebuie doar sa notifice agentul strain in A precum ca acesta nu se mai regaseste in A si de fapt se regaseste in B si are COA in B. De aici agentul strain in A va transmite datagramele receptionate care sunt adresate lui COA mobil in A de la COA mobil in B. - Nodul mobil se muta in C. Agentul strain in C trebuie sa notifice agentul strain din B precum ca mobilul nu se mai regaseste in B dar de fapt se regaseste in C. Agentul strain in B va primi datagrame (de la agentul strain din A) care sunt adresate lui COA mobil in B catre COA mobil in C. De remarcat este faptul ca in momentul in care mobilul se afla intr-un mod offline (spre exemplu nu are semnal) sau se intoarce la reteaua lui stabile(home network) datagramele trimise de agentii strain A,B, si C trebuie sa fie sterse. Acest process trebuie sa fie gata prin mesaje de semnalizare. In cazul in care inlantuirea nu este utilizata vor avea loc urmatoarele evenimente: -nodul movil soseste in A, A notifica agentul stabil ca mobilul viziteaza acum A si datagramele catre mobil trebuie sa fie trimise catre COA in A.

- nodul mobil se muta in B Agentul strain in B trebuie s ail notifice pe A si agentul stabil precum ca nu se mai regaseste in A dar de fapt este regasit in B si are COA in B. Agentul strain in A poate sterge starea despre mobil doarece aceasta nu mai este in A. Agentul stabil va transmite datagramele receptionate care sunt adresate nodului mobil COA in B. -nodul mobil se muta in C. Agentul strain in C trebuie sa notifice agentul strain in B si agentul stabil nu mai este regasit in B dar de fapt se regaseste in C si are COA specificat in C. Agentul strain in B poate sterge date despre starea mobilului deoarece acesta nu se mai regaseste in B. De acolo agentul stabil va transmite datagrame care sunt adresate lui COA mobil in C. Cand mobilul ajunge in modul offline sau se intoarce la reteaua de baza datagramele transmise de agentul strain in C trebuie sterse. De asemena si in acest caz se folosesc mesaje de confirmare .De remarcat este faptul ca agentul stabil intotdeauna stie de reteaua straina curenta a mobilului. P15: Consider two mobile nodes in a foreign network having a foreign agent. Is it possible for the two mobile nodes to use the same care-of address in mobile IP'! Explain your answer. 2 mobile pot avea aceeasi care of address in cadrul aceleiasi retele. Daca care of address este adresa agentului strain atunci aceasta asresa va fi aceeasi. Odata ce agentul strain decapsuleaza datagramele si determina adresele mobileluir atunci adresele separate va fi necesar sa fie utilizate adresa separate pentru a trimite datagramele separate la destinatii diferite in interiorul retelei virtuale. P16:In our discussion of how the VLR updated the HLR with information about the mobile's current location. what are the advantages and disadvantages of providing the MSRN as opposed to the address of the VLR to the HLR? Daca MSRN este produs de HLR atunci valoarea MSRNL-ului trebuie sa fie actualizata in HLR oricand MSRN se schimba( spre exemplu cand este un transfer care cere ca MSRN sa se schimbe( Avantajul de a avea MSRN in HLR este Acela ca valoarea poate fi produsa rapid fara a interoga VLR. Producand adresa lui VLR nu este necesara o reimprospatare a lui MSRN in HLR.

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