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Lesson Overview
Common Core Standards/Essential Standards The purpose of this unit is to teach the students the basics of step aerobics as well as how to work effectively with a team/group. Student Friendly Objective(s) Basic knowledge of step aerobics, Basic steps, Beginner's strategy, and Basic rules

Essential Question(s) 1. Can you elevate the heart rate through continuous dance steps and calisthenics set to music? 2. Can you increase your activity level to attain target heart rate? 3. Do you understand your bodys limitations during activity? 4. Can you demonstrate dance patterns that reinforce rhythm? Data Analysis On what data is this lesson based? What does the data indicate? What instructional strategies will you be using to address the data and why? Physical assistance when needed. Buddy system, mirror imaging, guide through movement. Visual and auditory cues. Modify movements based on individual abilities. Modify tempo. Key Vocabulary/Key Points Basic Terms of step aerobics

Assessment (i.e. SAT or ACT practice, Writing: RACE+C) None

Materials/Technology Aerobic Steps, Music, Speakers Projector (optional)

West Charlotte High School Adopted Lesson Plan Template, 2013-2014





Lesson Cycle
Warm-Up/Ticket-In Activity Stretches

Questions (Progression Based on Blooms Taxonomy) None

Intro to New Material/Class Activity How will you build background knowledge? What real world application can you use? Teach the students the history and rules of the Step aerobics before we began

Guided Practice/Modeling How will you gradually release learning to students? I start the Step Aerobics unit by introducing/teaching some of the basic steps (without music). On day two of the unit we put the basic steps to music so that the students are able to work on counting steps and can hear how the routines are cued. Independent Practice How will you include speaking, group work, and opportunities for student movement? As the groups were teaching/performing their routine the rest of the class was following along on their own steps. I inform the class that if they are talking or goofing off during another groups lesson they lose points on their own grade. Differentiation How will you differentiate or tier instruction? (i.e. Tier A (lowest level), Tier B (mid level), Tier C (high level) The students are assessed on the following criteria: 1. The routine included 6 steps learned in class and 2 original steps. 2. The routine flowed together well and they cued the class. 3. All group members knew the routine and stayed with the music. Summary/Closure/Exit Ticket I start the teaching component of the unit. I split the students into groups of four and they have to create their own step routine. They are required to include 6 steps that they learned in class and 2 original steps. As a group they have to choose a song (school appropriate) and make sure that their routine goes with the music. The routine must last the entirety of the chosen song.

West Charlotte High School Adopted Lesson Plan Template, 2013-2014





Lesson Reflection
What went well? What will you need to re-teach based on your formative assessment data? What will you do differently next time you teach this lesson?

West Charlotte High School Adopted Lesson Plan Template, 2013-2014

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