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AYUDA Do you speak spanish? / Habla espaol?. I'm sorry / Lo siento.

I don't speak English very well / Yo no hablo ingles muy bien. Sorry, I don't understand / Disculpa, No entiendo. Could you speak more slowly? / Podra hablar ms despacio?. Could you repeat me please? / Podria repetirmelo por favor. Can I ask you a question? / Puedo hacerle una pregunta?. Could you help me please? / Me puede ayudar por favor?. OK / De acuerdo. Of course / Por supuesto. Where is the _______? / Donde est el/la ______?. Where is the Hotel?, Where is the bathroom?, etc Thank you very much / Muchas gracias. Who? /Quin?. What? /Qu?. Why? /Por qu?. When? / Cundo?. Where? /Dnde?. How? /Cmo?. How much is that? /Cunto cuesta esto? Can you translate this for me? /Podra traducir esto para m?. Please write it down. /Escriba, por favor. Where is it? /Dnde est?. When does the train arrive? /Cundo llega el tren? How many are there? /Cuntos hay?. Who is it for? /Para quin es?. Are there any buses going into __? /Hay autobses para ir a __?. Can you show me that? /Puede ensearme eso?. Can I help you? /Puedo ayudarle?. Can you help me? /Puede ayudarme?.

How are you? /Cmo esta usted?. Can I leave a message?. /Puedo dejar un mensaje? Please, tell him that Mr. (nombre de la persona) called him. /Por favor, dgale que el seor lo llamo. When is he/she going to be back?/ Cundo l (ella) va a volver? PROBLEMAS Can I use your phone? / Puedo usar su telfono?. I need your help/ Necesito su ayuda. It's an emergency /Es una emergencia. TRANSPORTE I'd like to change my reservation. /Quisiera cambiar mi reserva. What time do I have to check in? /A qu hora tengo que registrar mi equipaje? What time do we arrive? /A qu hora llegamos? How late will the flight be? /Cun atrasado estar el vuelo? I am here on vacation. /Estoy aqu de vacaciones. My baggage has not arrived. /Mi equipaje no ha llegado. I have lost my baggage. /He perdido mi equipaje. Where is the exit? /Dnde est la salida? Is there a bus into town? /Hay un autobs que va a la ciudad? How do I get to the hotel? /Cmo se va al hotel? Where is this train/bus going to? /A dnde va este tren/autobs?.. Does this train/bus stop in _______?/ Este tren/autobs hace parada en ______? When does the train to _______ leaves? /Cundo sale el tren a _______? When will this train/bus arrive to ________? /Cando va a llegar este tren/autobs a _______? Taxi! Taxi! Take me to _______, please /Llveme a _______, por favor.

How much does it cost to get to _______? /Cunto cuesta llegar a ________? ALOJAMIENTO Do you have any rooms available? /Tiene habitaciones disponibles? How much is a room for one person? / Cunto cuesta una habitacin para una persona? How much is a room for two people? /Cunto cuesta una habitacin para dos personas? Does the room come with... /El cuarto cuenta con__________. ...bedsheets?/...sbanas? ... a bathroom?/...bao? ...a phone?/ ...telfono? ...a TV?/...televisin? Do you have anything quieter? /Tiene alguna habitacin ms tranquila? ...bigger?/ grande? ...cleaner?/ limpia? ...cheaper?/ barata? OK, I will take it /Bien, me quedo. I will stay for ______ night(s) /Me quedar por ______ noche(s) . Can you suggest another hotel?/Me puede sugerir otro hotel? Is the breakfast included? /Est incluido el desayuno?. A qu hora es el desayuno? /What time is breakfast served? INDICACIONES Where is ______? /Dnde esta _____? ...the train station? / estacin de trenes? ...the bus station... /la estacin de autobuses? ...the airport? /...el aerpouerto? ...the downtown? /...el centro? (de la ciudad) ...the youth hostel?/...el hostel? ...the ______ hotel?/...el hotel _____?

Where are there a lot of ______? /Donde puedo encontrar muchos ______? ...restaurants?/...restaurantes? ...bars?/...bares? ...sites to see? /...lugares de inters? Can you show me on the map? /Me lo puede mostrar en el mapa? RESTAURANTE A table for __ people, please /Una mesa para ___, por favor. Can I look at the menu, please? /Me permite ver el men por favor? Is there a house speciality? /Hay especialidad de la casa?. Is there a local speciality? /Hay alguna especialidad local? I want _____ /Quiero _____. I want a dish containing __/Quiero un platillo que contenga __. Chicken /Pollo. Salad /Ensalada. Beef /Res. Fresh vegetables /Vegetales Fish /Pescado. frescos. Seafood /Mariscos. Fresh fruit /Fruta fresca. Pork /Puerco. Bread /Pan. Sausage /Salchicha. Toast /Pan tostado. Cheese /Queso. Rice /Arroz. Eggs /Huevos. May I have a glass of _____?/ Me da un vaso de _____? May I have a cup of _____? /Me da una taza de _____? May I have a bottle of _____? /Me da una botella de _____? May I have some ______? /Me da un poco de _____?. Excuse me, waiter ___ / Diculpe camarero (llamando la atencin del mesero) It was delicious /Estuvo delicioso The check, please /La cuenta por favor . How much is it? /Cunto es?

Is the service included? /Est incluido el servicio? COMPRAS Can I have/ I'd like - Quiero... How much is that?/How much is it? - Cuanto vale? o Cuanto es? How much does it cost? -/ Cuanto cuesta? How much are they? - / Cuanto son estos? Can I pay by credit card? -/ Puedo pagar con tarjeta? Can I get a refund? / Se aceptan devoluciones? Can I have the receipt please? -/ Quiero el ticket por favor Can I help you? -/ Le puedo ayudar? I'm just looking thanks -/ Solo estoy mirando gracias Have you got a/any? -/ Tienes...? Do you want anything else? -/ Algo mas? Sorry it's out of stock - /Lo siento no tenemos mas Have you got this/these in a different colour? -/ Tienes esto/estos en otro color? BANCOS Where is the closest bank? / Dnde est el banco ms cercano? Do you accept Euros? / Acepta Euros? I would like to change some Euros / Quisiera cambiar unos Euros What is the exchange rate? / Cul es la tasa de cambio? Where do I sign? / Dnde firmo? Where is an automatic teller machine? (ATM) / Dnde hay un cajero automtico?

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