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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IX, Z !

bo ng Peninsul DI"I#ION OF ZAM$OAN%A DE& NORTE NAME OF #C'OO& ADDRE## BIDS AND AWARD COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. _______ Pu(su nt to the p(o)ision set fo(th un*e( A(ticle "I of the Republic Act +,-. othe(/ise 0no/n s 1 An Act fo( the Mo*e(ni2 tion, #t n* (*i2 tion n* (egul tion of the P(ocu(e!ent Acti)ities of the %o)e(n!ent n* fo( Othe( Pu(pose 1 the Co!!ittee is he(eb3 )este* /ith po/e(s to ! 0e bi*s p(e4 e) lu tion, ssess!ent to bi*s n* / (*s of the s !e to p(ope( p (t3 on the b ses of the p(oce*u(e p(o)i*e* b3 l /5 6he(e s, the COMMITTEE fte( th(ough e) lu tion, ssess!ent of in*i)i*u l bi*s p(opos ls sub!itte* to its 7u(is*iction *ete(!ine* fte( *ue *elibe( tion on p(ocee*ings specifie* b3 l / hel* t the Dep (t!ent of e*uc tion, Di)ision of Z !bo ng *el No(te 8888888888888888888, *ecl (es th t9 :* te; ,5 6e /itness the co!petiti)e bi**ing o( c n) ssing con*ucte* on the (ticles specifie* in the (e<uest5 =5 Afte( c (eful stu*3 n* *elibe( tion, /e he(eb3 / (* the (ticles s in*ic te* ite! b3 ite! to the bi**e(s conce(ne*, it being *) nt geous to the go)e(n!ent s follo/s9 Issue* this 88888888888of 88888888888888888 t ,8888888888Z !bo ng *el No(te5 8888888888888888888888888888 BAC Chairman 88888888888888888888 BAC Member 88888888888888888888888 BAC Member

88888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888 BAC Member

BAC Member

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