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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

Unit Author First and Last Name School Name Grade level/Subject Unit Overview Unit Title "istance and n!le Jonathan Stalnaker Hurricane Middle School 7th Grade/Pre- l!ebra

Unit Summary #n this unit$ the students %ill &ind the circum&erence o& circles and solve 'roblems involvin! circum&erence( )he students %ill de&ine center$ radius$ diameter$ and chord( )he students %ill encounter the mathematical s*mbol 'i and &ind ho% 'i is in relation to circum&erence and diameter( )he students %ill &ind circum&erence usin! to 'ossible &ormulas +,d or +,-r. )he students %ill &ind areas o& circles .&ormula &or area o& a circle is ,r/-0 and areas o& sectors .&ormula &or area o& a sector is ,N/123.r/-0( )he students %ill &ind the area o& com'osite &i!ures and solve 'roblems involvin! the area o& com'osite &i!ures( )he students %ill accom'lish this b* usin! area &ormulas &or 'arallelo!rams$ trian!les$ tra'e4oids$ and circles( Approximate Time Nee e 5 da*s 'lus/minus a da* needed &or the students to &ull* understand and discuss the material %ith their 'eers( Unit !oun ation Targete Content Stan ar s an


M(6(7(1(2 Solve mathematical real-%orld 'roblems usin! com'ound !eometric &i!ures( M(6(7(5(7 Select and a''l* an a''ro'riate method to solve .includin!$ but not limited to$ &ormulas0 justi&* the method and the reasonableness o& the solution$ !iven a real-%orld 'roblem solvin! situation involvin!8 'erimeter$ circum&erence$ area$ sur&ace area o& 'risms .rectan!ular and trian!ular0$ volume o& 'risms and c*linders$ distance and tem'erature .+elsius$ Fahrenheit0(

Stu ent O$%ectives&'earning Outcomes 7( Students %ill kno% and discern the di&&erence bet%een area and circum&erence( -( Students %ill decom'ose com'osite &i!ures 'ro'erl*( 1( Students %ill learn to mathematical re'resent 'i( 5( Students %ill learn to &ind the area o& circles and com'osite &unctions( 9( Given various si4es o& circles$ students %ill &ind circum&erence and diameter to hel' calculate 'i(

Three lessons
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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

I will administer a pre-test. Using data-based decision making to determine what concepts need address. Then, the students %ill de&ine
+ircles and +ircum&erence'esson One

center$ radius$ diameter$ and chord( )he students %ill encounter the mathematical s*mbol 'i and &ind ho% 'i is in relation to circum&erence and diameter( )he students %ill &ind circum&erence usin! to 'ossible &ormulas +,d or +,-r( # %ill use an activit* o& calculatin! 'i usin! a ta'e measure$ ruler$ strin!$ and various circles &ound in ever*da* li&e( )hese circles consist o& %hi''ed cream cover and tub$ di&&erent si4ed cu's$ and di&&erent si4ed clocks( # %ill assi!n the students multi'le 'roblems &rom a %orksheet and the book to hel' sho% me their master* o& the material(

'esson Two

rea o& +ircles- )he students %ill &ind areas o& circles .&ormula &or area o& a circle is ,r/-0 and areas o& sectors .&ormula &or area o& a sector is ,N/123.r/-0( )he students %ill be assi!ned a %orksheet and 'roblems &rom the book( )hese 'roblems %ill hel' the students demonstrate their kno%led!e and understandin! o& the conce'ts(

'esson Three

rea o& +om'osite Fi!ures- )he students %ill &ind the area o& com'osite &i!ures and solve 'roblems involvin! the area o& com'osite &i!ures( )he students %ill accom'lish this b* usin! area &ormulas &or 'arallelo!rams$ trian!les$ tra'e4oids$ and circles( # %ill assi!n 'roblems &rom the book( )hese 'roblems are di&&icult and time consumin! so ade=uate time %ill be needed to see i& the students com'rehend the conce't( # %ill reca' the material discussed in this unit( )hen$ # %ill administer the 'ost-test(

Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

"e(ore pro%ect wor# $egins

Stu ents wor# on pro%ects an complete tas#s

A(ter pro%ect wor# is complete

Adminis ter the diagnostic test to determine the depth of knowledge amongst the students.

Apply the results of the test to determine what topics need extra coverage.

Assign in-class worksheets (also a form of summative assessment).

Ask questions periodically to determine grasp of the material.

Admini ster a summative assessment to determine the delivery of the material.

Determin e if the material was successfully distributed to the students.

Assessment Summary First$ !ive a dia!nostic assessment o& material that covers circum&erence and area o& circles and area o& com'osite &i!ures( )hrou!hout the unit$ administer %orksheets and home%ork to the students %hich %ould be characteri4ed as a &orm o& &ormative assessment( t the end o& the unit$ administer a summative assessment that is identical to the dia!nostic assessment %ith little chan!es to the number$ but the conce't sta*s the same(

Unit )etails Prere*uisite S#ills )o be determined %hen lesson 'lannin! Instructional Proce ures )o be determined %hen lesson 'lannin! Accommo ations (or )i((erentiate
Special Nee s Stu ents


)o be determined %hen lesson 'lannin!

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course


)o be determined %hen lesson 'lannin!

+i(te &Talente Stu ents

)o be determined %hen lesson 'lannin!

,aterials an +amera +om'uter.s0

-esources -e*uire

!or Unit ?+< ?ideo +amera ?ideo +on&erencin! @=ui'( 6ther

Technology . /ar ware .+lick bo>es o& all e=ui'ment needed0 Laser "isk Printer Projection S*stem Scanner )elevision #ma!e Processin! #nternet Aeb Bro%ser Multimedia Aeb Pa!e "evelo'ment Aord Processin! 6ther

"i!ital +amera "?" Pla*er #nternet +onnection "atabase/S'readsheet "eskto' Publishin! @-mail So&t%are @nc*clo'edia on +"-<6M

Technology . So(tware .+lick bo>es o& all so&t%are needed(0

Aorksheets and =ui44es .dia!nostic and summative assessment0( Printe ,aterials Ahiteboard$ %hiteboard markers and eraser$ com'uter$ @LM6$ Po%erPoint$ Mimio So&t%are$ and Pre- l!ebra book(


Fli''ed Lesson - htt'8//*outu(be/r-B@ju7BeJC Internet -esources N/ Other -esources

+o'*ri!ht : -33; #ntel +or'oration( ll ri!hts reserved( #ntel$ the #ntel lo!o$ #ntel @ducation #nitiative$ and #ntel )each Pro!ram are trademarks o& #ntel +or'oration in the D(S( and other countries( E6ther names and brands ma* be claimed as the 'ro'ert* o& others(

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