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Sennette Elementary 123 Reading Street Maintown, USA 12345 972-555-0123 Principal: Dr. Jennifer Sennette

Planning Period/Conference Times are 10:05-10:55 or by appointment. Please call the school or email your childs teacher for any concerns or conference requests.

Jennifer Bates

Feel free to scan the QR code to download the teachers information

Kindergarten is a time for students to learn the structure and rules of being in a school setting. It is also probably the year that children grow the most in regards to academics and social norms. Knowing this, it is our responsibility to set the expectations at an appropriate level. We are a rewards based classroom. We believe in rewarding positive behavior and redirecting negative behavior. We absolutely do NOT believe in restricting recess or play time because of missed work or lost homework. Children this age need that active time, and it is not appropriate to correlate outside play time with school work. Classroom rules will be established as a classroom community during the first week of school. This creates a sense of belonging for your child and a sense of ownership within the classroom. For a copy of the established rules, please send me an email during the second week.

Your child will bring home a Binder daily with reminders, school papers, and a behavior chart. This chart will have a colored stamp every day based on your childs behavior. See below for the color change explanations:
GREEN BLUE YELLOW ORANGE RED Excellent Behavior Good Behavior Warning One-on-one time with teacher (5 minutes) Time with principal (parent called)

7:50 8:00 8:00 8:30

Pick-up students in cafeteria/Unpack Announcements, Calendar, Community Circle

8:30 9:30
9:30 10:00 10:00 10:05 10:05 10:55

Literacy Stations & Guided Reading Restroom Break Specials (M PE, Tu Art, Wed PE, Thurs Music, Fri PE)

*On PE days, please make sure to wear appropriate shoes*

11:00 11:30
11:30 12:05 12:05 12:35 12:35 12:50 1:20 1:20 1:25 1:25 2:00

Language Arts, Science/Social Studies

Math Lunch Restroom Break Recess Drink Break Math

2:00 2:30
2:30 2:55

Learning Centers
Clean up, Pack-up, Authors Chair, and Dismissal

In Kindergarten, our curriculum consists of thematic units that integrate the state mandated TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). The themes change based on the weeks and months within the grading period. The first semester themes you will see are:

* * * * * * *

Back to School Labor Day Grandparents Day Columbus Day Fall/Autumn Thanksgiving Holiday Celebrations/Cultures

Within each theme, your child will be exposed to Real World applications. In Math, we will learn counting and number recognition based on the theme (ex: Counting leaves for Fall/Autumn) In Reading/Writing, we will incorporate writing prompts and stories that relate to the current theme. In Centers, we will incorporate various theme related manipulatives and dramatic play items that are specific to the theme.


Much assessment in Kindergarten is done on an informal level. We teachers spend our days evaluating the students abilities throughout structured play and informal evaluations. In our district, Kindergarteners are also assessed with MAP testing. This testing is a formal test in which your child will be evaluated based on appropriate guidelines and the scores will be compared year after year against your childs previous scores. MAP testing is a very useful tool as it shows areas of growth throughout the year in different subject matters.

Volunteer Opportunities
Please sign up on the provided sign in sheet

There are multiple opportunities for in-school and at home volunteering including:
Lunch Duty Small Group Tutoring Computer Lab Work from home (cutting, tracing, etc) Send supplies for activities Work at school (cut & staple, die-cuts, etc)


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