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April 28, 2014

Dear Human Resources Director:

This is a letter of recommendation for Mr. ames Telman for a teachin! position in "our school district. # $as
ames% &ni'ersit" (ield )oordinator and one of his professors in the *raduate Teacher )ertification +ro!ram.
Mr. ames Telman completed his student teachin! for the *raduate Teacher )ertification in a fourth !rade
classroom at )ummin!s ,lementar" $here he too- full responsi.ilit" for the entire semester. His mentor teacher
$as Mrs. T. /noap, a master teacher $ith the *rand'ille +u.lic /chools, $ho pro'ided support and !uidance to
ames throu!hout his student teachin! e0perience.
ames is an a.solutel" outstandin! teacher $ho is trul" 1at home2 in the classroom3 He is responsi.le, enthusiastic,
and hard4$or-in!. He is a man of inte!rit" $ho $as a stron! role model for the fourth !raders. ames too- on a
special technolo!" challen!e durin! his student teachin! $hen )ummin!s ,lementar" .ecame part of the 1one4to4
one2 )hrome .oo- initiati'e in the *rand'ille +u.lic /chools. He not onl" attended the district trainin! sessions, he
implemented the use of the )hrome .oo-s $ith the fourth !raders on a dail" .asis. #nte!ration of technolo!" into his
instruction is one of the stren!ths .rin!s into the teachin! profession3
The ten #nTA/) /tandards $ere addressed throu!hout ames% student teachin! e0perience. He has e0perience $ith
the follo$in! lesson plan formats: &nderstandin! ." Desi!n5 (i'e ,5 and M. Hunter%s #.T.#.+. He -no$s his content5
his lessons $ere !rade le'el appropriate and ali!ned $ith the )ommon )ore /tate /tandards. ames differentiated
his lessons to meet the indi'idual needs of the fourth !raders. He used a 'ariet" of instructional strate!ies such as:
small !roup $or-5 modelin!5 hands4on learnin! acti'ities5 and Matter Ta! 6for his /cience unit on Matter7. ames
used appropriate formati'e and summati'e assessments $ith the fourth !raders.
ames modeled respect, !ood manners and a positi'e attitude for his fourth !raders. He initiated the use of the 1.lue
tal-in! .all2 for classroom discussion. ames held class meetin!s. He used pro0imit" and positi'e reinforcement
$ith !reat success. ames learned to .e consistent and firm $ith the students. #n fact, ames% action research pro8ect
focused on 1ho$ seatin! arran!ements affect students% .eha'ior2. He arran!ed the students in pods. The" $ere
assi!ned the name of a countr" to pro'ide an identit" for each pod. 6This related to the 9inter :l"mpics.7
ames desi!ned a ;ualit" e4portfolio to sho$case his professional documents and his student teachin! e0perience. #t
$ill .e an asset for him as he pursues a teachin! position...
)olla.oration, !ood communication, and team $or- $ere -e" elements in the successful relationship .et$een ames
and Mrs. /noap. ames attended staff meetin!s, +arent Teacher )onferences, and the (ire &p )onferences. ames
$as al$a"s professional in his attitude and in his appearance. He $as a reflecti'e teacher and consistentl" loo-ed for
$a"s to impro'e his instruction so that he could .etter meet the learnin! needs of his students.
Mr. ames Telman $as a 'er" successful student teacher at )ummin!s ,lementar" /chool. #t is m" pleasure to
recommend him for a teachin! position in "our school district. ames $ill .e an asset to "our teachin! staff. +lease
contact me if "ou ha'e an" ;uestions.
Dr. Rosemar" )le'eland
:ffice: <1<4=><418<? Home: <1<4=><418<? cle'elro@!'

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