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English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)

PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric

Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director / _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?
over (do not mix logs; e.g., no poem log in front, and movie log on back)

Found and read at school
This verse is an interesting verse and is kind of randomly placed in the song. I like it because of how true the verse is. I
wonder what is the driving motive for remembering those "in front of the gun." Is it sympathy?
"The shooter" is a symbol for all of those who retain possession of power and enforce it onto others. "The one in front
of the gun" is a symbol of those others who are on the other side of the power.

"Everybody gon' respect the shooter
But the one in front of the gun lives forever"
This particular verse of the song is saying how the one with superior strength or authority will gain respect, mostly out
of fear. Despite this, the one being persecuted will be remembered forever.
English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)
PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric
Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?

Found and viewed in Theology
"If I told you that a ower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it?"
No real symbolism in this verse
I think this verse is a very interesting one. Instead of simply asking "Do you trust me?" he goes a lot
deeper. Why must he ask whoever he is asking if they really do trust him? If he has to ask in this way,
that should answer his question within itself shouldn't it?
In this verse, the singer is testing the faith of the person he is directing this line too. It is obvious that owers cannot grow
in dark places, so he is saying would you trust me even if what I'm saying is so hard to believe?

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