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English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)

PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric

Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director / _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?
over (do not mix logs; e.g., no poem log in front, and movie log on back)

Found and viewed at my house
"People spend too much time thinking of the past. whatever else it is, it's gone."
A few themes in the movie are equality, not judging a book by its cover, and unconditional
love. McLeod, one of the main characters, is constantly being judged by those around him for
his past actions, which pushes him into his solidarity.
Regular movie format
This movie sends a very good message. The theme of this movie hits hard, and that is why it is so poetic.
Why do humans judge each other so often and so harshly? Why can't everyone just get along and be kind
to one another?
English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)
PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric
Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?

Found and Viewed at my house
"You know the great thing, though, is that change can be so constant you don't even feel the
di!erence until there is one."
Various themes in the lm include family and togetherness. A prime theme is a theme of change.
The main character, named George Monroe, has his life changed after being red from his job
and being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Regular movie format; The house that George is building could be a symbol for a haven, or maybe it
is a symbol of his change going from a shack to a nice house.
This movie is very poetic; many feelings were stirred up inside me while watching this lm. Why did
he keep is terminal cancer from his family? I feel that this would have better brought him and his son
together. I personally have no experiences with this type of situation personally, but the movie itself
does strike me as poetic.

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