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English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)

PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric

Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director / _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?
over (do not mix logs; e.g., no poem log in front, and movie log on back)

Found and viewed at my cousin's house
"Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
This lm portrays a theme of hope. One of the main characters, Andy, goes through hell in the Shawshank prison,
and is both physically ad mentally conned. He eventually overcomes this connement, and is given what he was
so hopeful for.
Regular movie format. The prison could be a symbol of anything that stops or connes someone from continuing on or
staying hopeful.
This movie is poetic in the fact that it strikes me with hopefulness just by watching it. The movie shows
Andy's pain and su!ering very graphically, and you would think that he would want to just give up with life
and die, but it is the exact opposite. He becomes hopeful, and overcomes his obstacles. Why is it that
some people can be so hopeful? What is there to even be hopeful about? That is what I have trouble
understanding personally. I just don't see why I should hope and wait for something good that might not
even come.
English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)
PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric
Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?

Found and viewed at my house
"I think some people are too scared, or something. I guess it's hard for people who are so used to
things the way they are - even if they're bad - to change. 'Cause they kind of give up. and when they
do, everybody kind of loses."
The main theme of this lm is to spread goodness; to do good things for people and as a result
change the world for the better. The world is full of people who turn their backs to the bad that is
happening around them.
Regular movie format; No real symbolism
This movie capitalizes on the fact that people turn their backs too often to the bad stu! instead of
trying to make a di!erence. This theme also applies to Brave New World. IN both cases, people are
just "watching" what is going on around around them and accepting it.

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