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Gas Chamber CM

The photo shows the pure desperation that the Jews that were put into it the gas
chambers had towards escaping, despite their efforts being futile. It shows just how
cruel the things the Jews had to go through during the Holocaust were. The scratch
marks on the wall showed the struggle they went through, clawing and scratching at a
door that would never open. The photo is also in black and white, to emphasize the tone
of the picture and how somber it is, and is a symbol for the cruelty. This picture struck
me as simply shocking. An intense feeling of awe and horror came over me while
realizing what this picture was really all about. The jews went through literal torture, and
only to be killed in places like the gas chamber in the picture. This is what makes the
photo so poetic; its ability strike the viewer with the "Oh my God" type of feeling. Also,
the theme of the picture is very poetic. The photographer is saying, "this should never
happen again, look how messed up and crazy this is."

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