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Emerged CM

The picture shows some sort of woman "emerging" into some kind of blue space,
I'm not exactly sure what it is, but the lady has an expression of a sort of shock on her
face. The blue area could be a symbol of serenity, peace, faith, God, or any other things
along those lines. The shocked expression is a symbol of unfamiliarity, and is a reaction
to things that you are not used to. For example, when you jump into a cold pool, your
body cringes. This woman could be "cringing" from being submerged into whatever the
blue area is. There could be many different meanings that could be taken from this
picture, and the one I perceive is more of a religious one. The lady could be submerging
herself in her faith or in God, which would explain the blue (since blue is usually used as
a color of "purity" and "goodness") area. This newly emerged faith is what is giving her
the shocked, distilled expression, due to the foreign feelings. The many different kinds
of ways this picture could be interpreted is what makes this picture so "poetic." It is very
similar to the meaning of poetic itself (interpretive) and that is why it, in itself, is poetic.

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