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Name: __Max Evans_______

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!
Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy
from the Internet.
Your job title (be seci!ic": s#chiatrist
$ob overvie%&What the# do ('rovide a ara(rah descrition o! the job) What %ould a t#ical da# on the job
look like*":
+ t#ical da# in the li!e o! a s#chiatrist %ould be to (et a (eneral assessment (some ma# not have alread#
been assessed" o! #our atient) Which then #ou %ould assess them, and tr# to deduct %hat mental disorder or
condition the# are su!!erin( !rom and aid them throu(h the rocess %hich usuall# is done b# rescribin(
medication) +nd #ou do this %ith as man# atients #ou have on #our %ork load, till the# are cured, or %orst
case scenario #ou have to reort them to assumedl# a mental institution) -o conclude #ou assess atients aid,
and rescribe medication to better them)
Workin( conditions (.ours #ou can exect to %ork* Risk o! injuries* -ime o! da#&time o! #ear*
/ndoors&outdoors* Clothin( re0uired* Etc1": hours !or s#chiatr# are ver# demandin( and lon(, a lot usuall#
take on emer(enc# calls %hich can leave a even bi((er burden on their schedule) -o some and most it is ver#
stress!ul as some become enra(ed, sho% !ri(htenin( and violent behavior, cr# uncontrollabl#, some re!use or
such as autistic or catatonic atients revoke or disre(ard some o! the theraeutic methods rovided or
exlained) 2ome h#sical and mental ain can cause dee su!!erin(, and the s#chiatrist is to %itness there
ain) -he %ork environment o! the occuation can var# !rom institutions, their home, hositals and all some
are re0uired to move exedra) +nd !or clothin( it can be casual but !ormalit# is mostl# erused and looks better)
2alar# (%hat %a(e can #ou exect to earn*":
National +vera(e C3456,777
8uture outlook (%ill this job be in demand in the !uture* Wh#&%h# not*":
Not so much in demand, but not under9demand either, it:s ver# hi(h a#in( and a lot o! eole aren:t %illin( to
do the job as its extremel# tollin( to some, but on the contrar# a lot are)
Post-Secondary Institute!rainin" Pro"ram #$
;nder(raduate Medical Education (M)<)"
%ocation and name of pro"ram& (Where the school is located) What is the name o! the ro(ram* +lso tell us %h# this
school aeals to #ou"
U'(O Department of Psychiatry) *ancou+er) '( (anada *,! -.$) it appea/s to me 0ecause its con+enient/y
c/ose to 1e/owna) and it pro+ides a "ood education in that fie/d compared to others) and I am fami/iar with the
city it2s in.
(ost& (!irst #ear +N< total cost o! ro(ram, includin( tuition, books, and sulies"
/! lannin( on attendin( a major universit#: %%%)#ou)ubc)ca to calculate an aroximate cost
/! lannin( on attendin( a colle(e: %%%)okana(an)bc)ca&tuition to calculate an aroximate cost
Pre-re3uisites of pro"ram& need a .i(h school diloma o! 2ciences, =)7 on a >)7 G'+
What are ? related occuations #ou could take i! this one didn@t %ork out !or #ou (%hat %ould #ou do i! #ou
don@t end u doin( this career and %h#*":
Phyco/o"y) therapist)
+nd most imortantl#1
Wh# are #ou interested in this career* (.o% lon( have #ou been interested in it* What led #ou to %antin( this
job* .o% does it suit&!it #our ersonalit#, interests, characteristics, stren(ths, etc1*":
/:m interested in s#chiatr# as / like to hel the mentall# imaired, and /:m !ascinated b# the %a# there mind
%orks and %h# the# are and or think like that)

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