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Luke is a polite and enthusiastic member of the Tutor group.

He takes an active
part in all Tutor group activities during Registration; he is confident and able to
put his hand up and volunteer an answer or an opinion.

He is a personable student. Luke is well organised; his Planner is always signed

on time; homework is recorded and his Attendance page is up-to-date. Luke’s
attendance is excellent and he has always been punctual for morning
registration. His appearance is usually smart although he sometimes needs to be
reminded to ensure that his tie is tied properly. Luke is always cheerful and has
settled in well making a number of friends within the Tutor group in a short
space of time. His attitude to his school is always positive and the number of
good notes in his Planner and on e-portal reflects this. Luke has made a positive
start to the school year – well done!

Luke’s targets for this term are to try and improve his handwriting and make it a
little neater and to bring a book to school to read during Registration.

Lukey is a quiet member of the Tutor group. He is interested in what we do

during morning registration but often finds it difficult to take an active role.
When Lukey does volunteer an answer, he shows that he has a valuable
contribution to make.

He is a shy student who finds some aspects of school life difficult. Lukey’s
Planner is very neat but homework is not always completely recorded which
causes him problems later. Lukey’s attendance is excellent; he has attended
school although he has sometimes felt anxious. However, he is often late to
registration which means that he misses a vital part of the day. Lukey’s uniform
is always immaculate; his organisational skills are generally good. He is starting
to make friends within the Tutor group and this is beginning to have an effect on
his confidence. A good start to the year – well done!

Lukey now needs to focus on making more contributions in Tutor time and
recording his homework fully in his Planner.

Lucia is an assertive member of the Tutor group. Lucia is able to make valuable
contributions during Tutor time activities but sometimes makes inappropriate
comments showing a lack of sensitivity.

She is a cheerful outgoing student who has a lot to offer; she is both confident
and popular with a large group of friends already. Lucia sometimes has problems
with her organisational skills – forgetting her Planner of her PE kit. Her
attendance record is also cause for concern. Lucia has already earned lots of
good notes for good work in class. Lucia has made a reasonable start to Year
Lucia’s targets should now be to improve her organisational skills; to consider
the effect of her comments on those students around her. She also needs to
ensure that she comes to school every day unless she is really ill. Improved
attendance and commitment could help Lucia to focus on her work

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