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Professional Learning Plan Form

Teachers Name: Inna Hamilton ID # _30149

School: George Washington Middle School
Content: Co-taught Physical Science (8
grade) and Lie Science (!
School Year: "#$%-"#$&
Evaluators: Greg 'ardieu and (rin Whatley
oal statement !or "ro#ram$learner "ro#ress %nclu&%n# o'(ect%ve)s*+ tar#et)s* an&
$) *y +une "#$&, 8#- my s.ecial education Science 8 students /ill achie0e !1- or 2etter
mastery on 8 out o $$ standards as e0idenced 2y unit assessment)
") *y +une "#$&, 8#- my s.ecial education Science ! students (on S3L trac4) /ill achie0e
!1- or 2etter mastery on 5 out $% assessments /ith !1- accuracy, as e0idenced 2y unit
oal Tar#et$Source: (chec4 all that
6CPS 7i0ision (ducation Plan
School (ducation Plan School Initiati0e8(9em.lary Program
,earner$-ro#ram .asel%ne Data:
My target student .o.ulation consists o !
and 8
grade indi0iduals /ho are classiied as
students recei0ing ser0ices in the area o S.eciic Learning 7isa2ility (SL7), Intellectual
7isa2ility (I7) and 3ther Hearth Im.aired (3HI)) 'hese students ha0e gone through the 6CPS
eligi2ility .rocess to determine this disa2ility /hich conirms, 2y state standards, that they ha0e
deicits in one or more o the ollo/ing areas: :eading, Writing, Math and *eha0ior)
*aseline 7ata is each students Le9ile :eading Scores (;all "#$% and S.ring "#$&), unit .re-tests
and 0arious common content assessments, I(P accommodations and goals)
/se the s"ace 'elo0 to recor& a&&%t%onal #ro0th #oal statements+ tar#ets an& 'asel%ne &ata:
Content assessments /ill 2e created considering students Le9ile :eading Score, learner ty.e
(audio, 0isual or 4inesthetic) and <irginia State re=uirement or each unit) (ach students> ?/ith
an I(P@ .rogress is monitored e0ery 5 /ee4s through s.ecial education .rogress re.ort system)
It is im.ortant to note that my science classes include i0e students, /ho are indentiied through
an I(P .rocess as Intellectually 7isa2ledA most o them ha0e a su..orting sta mem2er to
monitor and guide their class .rogress and /or4 com.letion) Students in this category are
e9em.t rom ta4ing S3L in Science and are not on trac4 to achie0e learning standards that are
mandatory or other s.ecial education students)
oal statement !or "ro!ess%onal learn%n# to su""ort ,earner$-ro#ram -ro#ress:
Bsing resources a0aila2le to me at George Washington Middle School and through 6le9andria
City Pu2lic Schools (.roessional de0elo.ment session, colla2oration /ith other teachers and on
line resources)) I /ill increase my 4no/ledge o Content :eading 'echni=ues, e0idenced 2y "
content reading assessments .er =uarter, as /ell as master $ Cagan learning tools .er =uarter, as
e0idenced 2y .lanning and im.lementing " Cagan acti0ities .er =uarter) I .lan to continue to
.ractice P*IS strategies in my classes and /ould li4e to learn more techni=ues or 2eha0ior
management in uture)
1elate& 2C-S Instruct%onal 3o&el 4ocus 2rea: )chec5 all that a""l6*to
Content D Instruction :elationshi.s
1elate& "er!ormance 'ehav%ors (chec4 all that
Proessional Cno/ledge
Program Ser0ices 7eli0ery
6ssessment o Program
Communication and Colla2oration
E7"ecte& Data 8utcomes or Ev%&ence o! ,earner$-ro#ram -ro#ress:
8#- o S.ecial (ducation students in Science 8 /ill achie0e !1- or 2etter on 8 out o $$
8#- o S.ecial (ducation students in Science ! /ill achie0e !#- or 2etter on 5 out $% standards)
3%&9Year Sel! 1e!lect%on: What is going /ell /ith this year>s student gro/th goal(s) and
.roessional gro/th goal(s)E What challenges are you acingE Ho/ are you addressing these
(9.ected student gro/th: in content area, critical thin4ing s4ills, su2Fect s.eciic 0oca2ulary
Challenges: Large num2er o s.ecial education students /ith I(Ps in " classes (!
grade and 8

grade science), 2elo/ grade reading scores, e9tensi0e 2eha0ior issues, lo/ moti0ation and lo/
2ac4ground 4no/ledge or .rior s4ills) I address these challenged 2y creating and using
instructional tools: gra.hic organiGers, hands on la2s, 0isual re.resentation o inormation,
moti0ation 2oosters) 6LL inormation is 2eing re.resented in at least " ormats: oral and 0isual,
re=uent re.etition and clariication o directions and content conce.ts, .re-teaching) Study
guides, .re-assessment, .ost-assessment, re-ta4es and $ one $ remediation sessions are strategies
that are 2eing used to understand and monitor students> learning ha2its and .erormance)
Student .erormance in not consistent e0en though many instructional modalities are in .laceA
challenges stated a2o0e im.ede student learning and gro/th)
End-of-Year Self Reflection: This has been an incredible year for my professional development and
experience. I am not very happy with the goals I chose, they were very broad and first and foremost they
dont fully represent my teaching techniques, (all of my classes were co-taught. !lso, I would li"e to
have a more specific goal which assesses a specific s"ill or concept.
#tudent performance remains inconsistent$ most of the special education student struggle with reading
comprehension, new vocabulary$ unit assessment results vary.

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