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Ml Ol Il N: A! F:
Trapezius Descending part: Clavicle: lateral 1/3 Accesory n, Darsal scapular Scapula:
Superior nuchal line, a. (from -Elevation / Depression
external occipital protuberance, Acromion Cervical plexus transverse -Retraction
nuchal ligament cervical a.) -Rotation
Spine of scapula
Transverse part:
C7-T3: At 7 o'clock, I'll climb a 3,
-sprnous process
-supraspinous ligaments

Ascending part:
-<ninnr rc nrnaocc
-qilorAqninol rs lioamenlq
Latissimus dorsi Vertebral part: Humerus: Thoracodorsal n, Thoracodorsal Glenohumeral joint:
T6-12i a. (from -Medial rotation
-spinous process
-interspinous ligaments
crest of lesser tubercle (brachial plexus) subscapular a.) -Adduction Lar {ft}
L1 -5 intertubercular sulcus Dorsal scapular -Transverse extension (until back
(via thoracolumbar fascia) : a. (from of hand reaches buttocks) tua qI\ {-la. rn
-spinous process transverse ]Coughing muscle"
-interspinous ligaments ceruical a.) -Forced expiration t^
*n,rnt l
iliac part: (i.e. brings shoulders down &
Iliac crest backwards)

costal paft:
Rib 10-12

Scapular part:
Inferior anole
Levator scapulae c1-c4: Scapula: Superior angle Dorsal scapular Scapula:
posterior tubercles @ -elevates while rotating inferior
transverse Drocesses anole mediallv
Rhomboideus minor c6-7 Scapula: Medial margin Dorsal scapular Scapula:
f near s{lnraqninorrs fossa) -elevates
Dorsal scapular n
Rhomboideus major T7-4i Scapula: Medial margin (brach'al plexus) Dorsal scapular -retracts back to vertebral
Spinous process (near infraspinous fossa) column
-presses onto thoracic wall

If paralyzed:
=winoed scanula
RcFal C,A( h', G',
gecl-us carpihr G;
no^'ry,:;yy o" C,'o;1 t't<C : ,L4tt;:gn
,or1t t.4,tr;-'L (fu,aw1) +un- il n.rl loc,t;,zl

At\fi,, . kfun,,'itrx cr<iy !.^,rw jrvi,.ti rt" ym:a:,,

1l UQ) ,alai ) f h,:,a nuql2'l

M: o: I: N: A: F:
Rectus capitis posterior Atlas: A. tubercle I. nuchal line: M, part
Rectus capitis posteri0r Axis: spinous process I. nuchal line: middle oart Rotate face to same side All these muscles work in
Suboccipital n parrs to...
Obliouus caDitis suDerior Atlas: transverqe nrocesqs L nuchal line: L.Dart EXTEND THE HEAD
Bend head to same side
Obliouus caDitis inferior Axis: sDinorJs Drocess Atlas: transverse Drocess Rotate face to same side


M: o; r: N: Al F:
Pectoralis major Clavicular part: Humerus: M. & L. pectoral n. Thoracoacromial Glenohumeral j.:
Medial 1/3 crest of greater tubercle (brachial plexus) a. (pectoral br.) -Flexion // Extension
Abdominal part: -Medial rotation
S, part of rectus sheath
-accessory respiratory m. (if
Sternocostal paft: arms are fixed) z.;' ,. I d w, r a
Manubr,um & body of sternum f
Rib 2-7 (costal cartilaoe)
Pectoralis mlnor Rib 2-5 (near costal cartilage) Scapula : Coroeoid process M. pectoral n, Thoracoacromial Scapula:
(brachial olexus) a. (Dectoral br-) Lowers & nrofracfs
Subclavius Rib 1: junction between bone & Clavicle: subclavian groove Nerve to subclavius Thoracoacromial Clavicle: lowers & mediallv
cartilage (brachial plexus) a,
(clavicular br.)
Serratus anterior 9/10 slips from rib 1-8/9 Scapula (A, surface): Long thoracic n, Upper part: -press scapula onto thoracic
-M. margin (brachial plexus) LAT thoracic a. wall
(usually 2 slips from rib 2) -L angle -elevate arm beyond 90x
Lower part: -accessory respiratory m. (if
Thoracodorsal a, shoulder is fixed)

If paralysed:
-winged scapula
-arms X elevate bevond 90x


M: Or N! A: F:
Intercostal externus Upper rib: l, margin Lower rib: S, margin Forced inspiration
(intercostales externi)
(so. : Intercostalis externus)
Intercostal Internus Lower rib: S. margin Upper rib: I. margin Expiration "subcostal" if extends over
(intercostales interni) several segments;
intercostal n.
"intercartilaginous" if @
reoion of costal cartilaoes
Intercostal intimus Lower rib: S, margin Upper rib: behind costal Expiration
(intercostales intimi) oroove
Transversus thoracis Body of sternum & xiphoid Rib 2-6: Expi ration
Drocess: P. surface Costal cartilace

.i "C6
' @ r.".Le<ru 6nricul
trrt^rved.. {^ajl4r f.(t vr'!,
/@ f
&t-prsz. recllzac *irl.r;,1* g{r;ui..r
€0, t X- U t/
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: {S* .ir

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'-f ta4 rrrr.,*,::
-O irnf*U, iarJ" n t ( U rvlit dt{[ r.rli:"e 2nil ,,r b
'tY* capiht ts 'Lb | "ft;lLltwi:st FvD(t;J{i
C/L/l, ktr.4. <-n^;.*J **"1 (€'; c,nn,) fie* 1*u rn r*zr:a{

& rrt<,rxl"b bc.ttlcJ trrs(ua

1011",,,-r ra[fi €F+T s*tl.aJ-r+*r*+ [(&\]-it{-ri q;t.,Aat + €, i!.X€'iu,ri_.1-Lr(
doCij./ '--- r''
fwva&-r :t -(S- .). t --tn4ka,^,)
f :r-ct + is --tl r"".lri flt1t
SPlNOCOSTAL MUSCLES " Qj'r,"#";;&/ , [,c+rvL"q ir*.rpnt (f-i6 *t borl_iel Tf *T3
Ml o: Il Nl Al F:
Serratus posterior C6-T4: Rib 2-5: Lift ribs lOO: see 6, take 4
suDerior Soinous r lateral to costal anole
Serratus Dosterior inferior T1 1 -12: Rib 9-12 Lowers libs Take 11, leave 2
SDinous orocess
Intercostal n.
Levator costae (Levatores c7-Ttt" Ribs (below): Lift ribs The 7-11 muscle
costa rum ) Transverse orocess costal tubercle


M: o: I: N: Ai F:
Splenius capitis c3-T3: Mastoid process Both: lift head Ahoj, capt! March 3 by 3,
Spinous process Superior nuchal line One: rotate head on same side follow
flateral Dart) Spinal n.
(dorsal br.) Also: support other intrinsic sternocl€idomastoid!
Splenius cervicis T4-6: at -?. muscles of the back Kept on marching.,
Soinous orocess Transverse .,.ooDs foroot sth!


MI o: ll N! A: F:
) Iliocostalis lumborum Sacrum Upper LV: costal process
Iliac crest: Ext lip Rib 6-12
Thoracolumbar fascia
) Iliocostalis thoracis Rib 6-12: Rib 1-6
Costal anole
) Iliocostalis cervicis Rib 3-6: Upper CV: ERECTOR SPINAE M.
Costal anole (the SUPERFICIAL GP.)
) Longissimus thoracis bacrum Medially: -extend head & vertebral
LV: spinous process TV: transverse process column
Spinal n. -LAT flexion of vertebral column
LV: accessory process
(dorsal br.) -turn head to contracting side
LV: costal process
Thoracodorsal fascia (deep
) Longissimus cervicis T1-6: c2-5:
Transverse orocess Transverse orocess
t Longissimus capitis c4-T5: Mastoid process
Transverse Drocess

M: Oi I! Nl A: F:
) Spinalis cervicis C.4-C7i LZ-LJ: See: See door to heaven,.,
Soinous orocess SDinor rq Spinal n.
(dorsal br.) ..,see shoe on tree
) Spinalis thoracis Lower TV & upper CV: Upper TV: ERECTOR SPINAE M.
Soinous nrocess Sninnr r< n (theDEEP GP,)
+ IntersDinales cervicis Between spinous processes of CV Spinal n. Extension of CV column
) Intersninales thoracis Between sDinous Drocesses of TV (dorsal br. ) Extension of TV column
Interspinales lumborun Between sDinous Drocesses of LV Extension of LV column all function to stabilize
Intertransversarii adjacent vertebrae during
) ANT. - cervicis Between adjacent CV: Cervical plexus Abducts CV movements of vertebral
ANT. tubercle (O transverse Drocesses column to allow more
) POST. - cervicis Between adjacent C2-7: Spinal n, Abducts CV effective action of large
POST. tubercle @ transverse Drocesses (dorsal br.) muscre 9roups
) MED, - lumborum Between adjacent LV: Spinal n.
Mamillarv Drocess & accessoru nrocesq (dorsal br.)
) LAT. - lumborum Between adjacent LV: Lumbar plexus
Costal Drocesses


M: o: I: Ni A! F:
Semispinalis thoracis et TVi transverse Drocess C2-T6: spinous process See shoe, scared! Take
cervicis stickt
(ZA says: fromC2-ft2,
skio 4tn -sth vertebrae)
Semispinalis capitis Lower CV: Squamous part of occipital Both: lift head
Articular process bone (between S. & L
Upper TV: nuchal lines) One: tilt head upwards to side
Transverse process (wiping chin on sleeve action) All transversospinal muscles
have this function:
Multifidus Lower CV: (Higher) spinous process
(Multifidi) Articular process ) both sides:
extend backbone
Spinal n.
Transverse process
(dorsal br.) ) one side:
rotate backbone to opposite
LV: side,
Mamillary process

PncfFridr <r rrfaaa
Rotatores (Same level & higher)
- cervicis CV: transverse proc. sprnous process
- thoracis TV: transverse proc.
- lumborum LV: mamillary proc.
ABDOMINAL MUSCLES (also: defecation & labour)


M! o: Ii N: Ai F:
Rectus abdominis Rib 5-7: near costal cartilage -3 tendinous intersections Intercostal n. -COMPRESS ABDOMINAL
Xiphoid process (only A. surface of muscle (abdominal br.) CONTENTS
attaches to it) .FLEX TRUNK // PELViS
-pubic tubercle -tenses abdominal wall
-qvmnhvsiq nr rhi<
Pyramidalis -pubic tubercle Linea alba Intercostal n. Tenses linea alba
-svmDhvsis nrlbis (abdominal br.)
Obliouus externus abdominis Slips from rib 5-12 Aponeurosis (A, part of Intercostal n. -COMPRESS ABDOMINAL
rectus sheath) (abdominal br.) CONTENTS
Linea alba .FLEX TRUNK // PELVIS
lliac crest (ext. lip) -Turn A. abdomen to OPPOSITE
Inouinal lio. SIDE!!!
Obliouus internus abdominis fliac crest (intermediate line) Aponeurosis (A. & P. part -rntercostal n. .COMPRESS ABDOMINAL
Iliac spine A,S. of rectus sheath) (abdominal br.) CONTENTS
Inguinal ligament t A, part completely -iliohypogastric n. -FLEX TRUNK //
Thoracolumbar fascia (deep covers abd -ilioinguinal n. -Turn A. abdomen to SAME
layer) t P. part ends below navel -genitofemoral n. SIDE! ! !

arcuate line
Linea alba
Last 3 ribs: I. marain
Transversus abdominis Iliac crest (inner. tip) Aponeurosis (P. part of intercosta I -COMPRESS ABDOMINAL
Iliac spine A.S. rectus sheath) (abdominal br.) CONTENTS
Inguinal ligament Linea alba -iliohypogastric n.
Thoracolumbar fascia (deep -ilioinguinal n.
layer) -(genitofemoral n.)
Sfips from rib 7-t2
Cremaster Fibers from int, abd. obl. & Guy: envelops spermatic -genital br. of Raises testis towards body when
trans. abd. coro genitofemoral n, cool env to orevent loss of heat
Girl: envelops round (to promote spermatogenesis)
lidampnt nf I rtarr rc


M: o: I: Ni A: F,.
Psoas major Deep part: Lesser trochanter (as Lumbar plexus Hip joint:
TL2-L4l Iliopsoas) -Flexion
Lateral sudaces -Adduction
intervertebral discs -Lateral rotation

Superficial part: Trunk:

L 1-L5: Lateral flexion
Costal Drocesses
Psoas minor T12-11: Iliopubic eminence, Lumbar plexus Trunk:
Lateral su#aces radiates into iliopectineal Lateral flexion
Intervertebral discs arch
Quadratus lumborum Iliac crest (inner lip) Rib 12 Lumbar plexus Lowers rib 12
L1-L4: #processes Subcostal n, Lateral flexion of trunk
(ZA says: Jro*tt*ivt

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