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Christof Teuscher

Winter 2014


Podcast on Body Enhancement
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#+,($7'1 &$2#.)+,(" |Wikipeuia, http:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiPoucastj

You will piouuce an 0123 4)"'#5 -'&)% poucast on "bouy enhancement."
The appioach must be ieseaich-baseu, i.e., you shoulu uevelop a sciipt, mention
iesouices, citations, etc.
You must take the position of a 6%'$"-.)/# anu covei the topic thoioughly anu in-
uepth foi at least one aspect. You shoulu biing in othei peispectives too anu apply ($)#)(-. #7)"8)"9. If
you state youi own opinion, make it cleai that it's youi own. If you state othei opinions, pioviue the
0thei sounu souices can be useu. You aie highly encouiageu to )"#5$:)5; %#75$ <5%<.5, e.g., expeits,
clients, etc. Nake suie that you obtain theii consent anu that you only use mateiial that you have
peimission to use (see poucasting legal guiue unuei iesouices)!
The intenueu poucast auuience is a well-euucateu listenei with no specific knowleuge about the topic. So
that means you have to intiouuce the topic fiist!
The assignment auuiesses all 0NST goals.

=-85 - <.-" -"& 4-85 >%'$ <%&(-/#*
1. Listen to a couple of piofessional poucasts to get a goou iuea of typical poucast content anu foimat. E.g.,
NPR (http:www.npi.oig), ScienceFii (, oi Scientific Ameiican
2. Pick a topic, begin ieseaiching it, anu outline a sciipt. Topics you may want to consiuei (this list is by no
means exhaustive):
Tattoos anu pieicings, bianuings, tiibal iuentifications anu symbols, gang symbols
Plastic suigeiy
Bouy extension, exoskeletons
uene theiapy
Ciyonics (low-tempeiatuie conseivation of bouies)
Sex ie-assignment suigeiy (suigical)
RFIB tagging of humans
Pacemakei anu othei non-biological oigans
(Re-)uiowing oigans, limbs, etc.
Recieational anu non-iecieational uiugs
Bioengineeiing foi meuical puiposes
S. Check in with us if you aie unsuie about a topic anuoi the poucast content.
4. Focus on one topic only. Bowevei, always consiuei the bioauei implications of youi chosen topic as well.
S. You aie encouiageu to inteiview othei people, e.g., expeits, ciitics, victims, witnesses, etc., in the fielu.
6. Recoiu moie mateiial than you will neeu anu uo not expect to get eveiything iight fiom the beginning!
Piouuce youi poucast in multiple steps.
7. Euit youi souices into a final poucast.

Christof Teuscher
Winter 2014

?$-(#)(-. &5#-)./*
No movies aie alloweu foi this assignment. We'll all uo a movie in the Spiing teim.
This is an inuiviuual pioject. No teamwoik alloweu.
@'5 &-#5: Weu, Feb 26, 2u14, 1u:uupm
A%; #% /'B4)#* The poucast must be submitteu on B2L.
C><)(-. <%&(-/# .5"9#7: 8-1u minutes (1S minutes maximum!)
D%$4-#: auuio (mpS, m4a)
E'&)% 5&)#)"9 /%F#;-$5 %" GHIC ?J/: Auuacity oi Sounubooth
=-(* You can use uaiageBanu. 0nline tutoiials can be founu online easily.
GHIC <%&(-/# $5(%$&5$/* They can be ieseiveu anu checkeu out fiom the ePoitfolio website. Nany
smaitphones also offei poucast iecoiuing apps. E.g., iTalk foi iPhone. Note that the sounu quality may be
consiueiably infeiioi to the 0NST iecoiueis. If you plan to use alteinative iecoiuing uevices, uo a test
K)/# %F ($)#5$)- F%$ - 9%%& <%&(-/#:
o !"#$%&'(#)%": Bow was the topic intiouuceu. Was the goal of the poucast stateu.
o J%"#5"#: Was the stiuctuie cleai. Bow easy was it to follow. Biu the statements make sense.
Weie any inteiesting comments maue. Bow well uiu you unueistanu the topic. Bow well
piepaieu weie you. Biu you consiuei othei peispectives.
o J%"(.'/)%": Bow well uiu you summaiize the content. Bow uiu you wiap up the poucast. Was
theie a take home-message.
o =5(7-")(/: Bow goou is the quality of the sounu. Can all passages be heaiu anu unueistoou.
Was the euiting uone well. Was the pace of speech appiopiiate.
o J%4<.5#5"5//* Bow well anu how in-uepth was the topic coveieu.
o J$)#)(-. #7%'97#: Bow was ciitical thinking applieu thioughout the poucast.
o L$)9)"-.)#> -"& ($5-#):)#>

0NST ePoifolio site (with softwaie anu haiuwaie tutoiials):
Poucasting legal guiue: http:wiki.cieativecommons.oigPoucasting_Legal_uuiue

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