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Name: Ava

Nickname: Blitz
Manipulation/Mental/Mimicry/Almighy Powers:
Power Negation: Cancel powers/abilities
Enhancements/Personal Physical Powers
Super Speed:
Ava can run at a extremely ig level !or a sort period o! time because it puts a strain
on er body
"e e!!ects o! Power Negation are only temporary
Power Negation is constantly activated # control re$uired %
Ava can only run !ast !or a sort period o! time # re$uires endurance training %
&ile Ava may run at ig level se as problems wit inertia and tigt corners
Power Progress:
Gender and Appearance:
Caucasian 'emale( )*+,m( )- years old( blue eyes( orange/red air
Pony tail( sweat band Puma
Active( likes sports( appy
!rigin Story:
Se lives wit er parents* Se as A/0/ since er !i!t* &en te docters examined
er( tey decided to give er drugs* "e speed witin it activated er powers*
1ne day Ava and er !ater decided to ave a little competition about wo could cross
te garden te $uickest* 0e was struck by te !act se was a lot $uicker tan te
average atlete and wit te years se became !aster* A!ter a wile er parents decided
to take er to a running track so se could run on !ull speed* 0ere se broke te record
o! sprinting*
"ey knew tere was a risk to er power and kept er secret !or temselves* "ey !orbid
Ava to take advantage o! er power because ten se would stand out te crowd too

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