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Tren de rodaje

SMCS - 4150

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Ilustracin 1

Tren de rodaje ( mquinas XL y XW)
(1) Rueda tensora delantera
(2) Bastidor de rodillos delantero
(3) Bastidor de rodillos trasero
(4) Rodillo superior ( mquinas XL, XW y LGP)
(5) Rodillos inferiores
(6) Eje pivote
(7) Rueda tensora trasera
(8) Cadena
El tren de rodaje es similar a otros modelos que estn diseados con una rueda motriz elevada. Los
siguientes son los componentes principales del tren de rodaje: ejes pivotes (6), barra compensadora,
bastidor de rodillos de cadena delanteros (2), bastidor de rodillos de cadena traseros (3), rodillo superior
(4), rodillos inferiores (5), rueda tensora delantera (1), rueda tensora trasera (7) y cadenas (8) .
Los ejes pivotes (6) conectan los bastidores de rodillos en la parte trasera de la mquina. Cada bastidor de
rodillos puede oscilar en el eje pivote.
La barra compensadora conecta los dos bastidores de rodillos en la parte delantera del tractor. La barra
compensadora controla la oscilacin de los bastidores de rodillos.
Los bastidores de rodillos inferiores constan del bastidor delantero (2) y del bastidor trasero (3). La rueda
tensora delantera (1) est instalada en el bastidor delantero. La rueda tensora trasera (7) y el rodillo inferior
(5) estn instalados en el bastidor trasero.
Las cadenas (8) son selladas y lubricadas para un desgaste incrementado.
Un grupo de ajustador de cadena y tensor que est instalado en el bastidor trasero (3) mantiene las cadenas
Configuraciones de tren de rodaje
Para cada lado de la mquina, el tren de rodaje estndar tiene seis rodillos inferiores. Todos los rodillos
inferiores son de pestaa sencilla.
Baja presin sobre el suelo
Para cada lado de la mquina, el tren de rodaje LGP (baja presin sobre el suelo) tiene ocho rodillos
inferiores. Todos los rodillos inferiores son de pestaa sencilla .
Largo extendido y ancho extendido
Para cada lado de la mquina, el tren de rodaje XL (largo extendido) y el tren de rodaje XW (ancho
extendido), tiene siete rodillos inferiores. Todos los rodillos inferiores son de pestaa sencilla.

Eje pivote
SMCS - 4153

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Ilustracin 1

Eje pivote
(1) Bastidor principal de la mquina
(2) Cojinete
(3) Bastidor de rodillos inferiores
(4) Cojinete
(5) Eje pivote
Cada eje pivote (5) conecta el bastidor de la mquina (1) con uno de los dos bastidores de las cadenas (3).
Cada bastidor de rodillos inferiores puede oscilar en los cojinetes (2) y (4) en el eje pivote.
Los cojinetes grandes (2) y (4) en un compartimiento de aceite sellado que se encuentra en el bastidor de
rodillos inferiores (3) soportan el eje pivote (5).

Nivel del aceite del compartimiento del resorte tensor - Comprobar
SMCS - 4158-535

El aceite y los componentes calientes pueden causar lesiones personales.
No deje que el aceite o los componentes calientes hagan contacto con la

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

1. Quite toda la basura que est alrededor de la tapa, en la parte superior del bastidor de rodillos
2. Saque la plancha de cubierta de llenado del aceite. Observe el nivel del aceite.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

3. Mantenga el nivel del aceite por encima de la parte superior del cilindro tensor de la cadena (1). No
llene el aceite por encima de la vlvula de ajuste de cadena (2) .
4. Instale la plancha de cubierta.
5. Repita el procedimiento para el otro compartimiento del resorte tensor.

Cadena - Comprobar/Ajustar
SMCS - 4170-036

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Compruebe el ajuste de las cadenas. Compruebe la cadena para determinar si hay desgaste o excesiva
acumulacin de suciedad.

La grasa est bajo alta presin.
La grasa que sale por la vlvula de alivio puede penetrar el cuerpo y
causar lesiones o la muerte.
No observe la vlvula de alivio para ver si hay fuga de grasa. Observe la
cadena o el cilindro tensor de la cadena para ver si se est aflojando la
Afloje la vlvula de alivio una vuelta solamente.

1. Mueva la mquina hacia adelante. Deje que la mquina se desplace en rueda libre hasta que se
detenga sin utilizar el freno de servicio. Ajuste las cadenas mientras la mquina est en las
condiciones tpicas de operacin. Si en el lugar de trabajo predominan las condiciones de
compactacin, se deben ajustar las cadenas sin quitar el material compactado.
2. Para medir la comba de la cadena, tense una cuerda sobre las garras que estn entre la rueda motriz
y la rueda gua delantera. Tome la medida desde la cuerda hasta la parte superior de la garra para
obtener la medicin mxima. La dimensin (A) es la distancia mxima entre la cuerda y la garra.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Si una mquina no tiene rodillos superiores, la comba en la cadena se mide entre la rueda motriz y la rueda
gua delantera. El ajuste correcto de la dimensin (A) del tren de rodaje convencional es de 115 10 mm
(4,5 0,4 pulg).
Consulte las siguientes tablas para obtener informacin acerca del tren de rodaje SystemOne, si tiene.
Tabla 1
Tensin de la cadena
No tiene rodillo superior Mnima Objetivo Mxima

105 mm (4,1 pulg)

115 mm (4,5 pulg)

125 mm (4,9 pulg)

80 mm (3,15 pulg)

110 mm (4,30 pulg)

120 mm (4,72 pulg)
( 1 )
Las mquinas con el tren de rodaje SystemOne tiene dimensiones ajustadas de la tensin de la cadena.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

Si la mquina est equipada con un rodillo superior, calcule el promedio de la dimensin (B) y la
dimensin (C). El valor promedio correcto es 65 10 mm (2,6 0,4 pulg) para el tren de rodaje
Tabla 2
Tensin de la cadena
Rodillo portador Mnima Objetivo Mxima

55 mm (2,2 pulg)

65 mm (2,6 pulg)

75 mm (3,0 pulg)

45 mm (1,80 pulg)

60 mm (2,40 pulg)

70 mm (2,8 pulg)
Ajuste de una cadena floja

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 4

No intente apretar la cadena cuando la dimensin (D) sea de 152 mm
(6,0 pulg) o ms. El accesorio inferior duro puede apretarse hasta el
punto que (D) no sea mayor que 152 mm (6,0 pulg)Pngase en contacto
con su distribuidor Caterpillar para efectuar el servicio de las cadenas
u obtener instrucciones.

1. Quite la tapa de acceso.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 5

2. Aada grasa de molibdeno de uso mltiple (MPGM) a travs de la vlvula de ajuste de la cadena
(1). Aada la grasa MPGM hasta que la dimensin (A, B, C) sea correcta.
3. Mueva la mquina hacia atrs y hacia adelante para estabilizar la presin. Deje que la mquina se
desplace en rueda libre hasta que se detenga completamente. No utilice los frenos.
4. Vuelva a medir la dimensin (D) .
Ajuste de una cadena apretada
1. Afloje la vlvula de alivio (2) una vuelta completa de 360 grados. Deje que salga la grasa.
2. Cierre la vlvula de alivio.
3. Aada grasa MPGM a travs de la vlvula de ajuste de la cadena (1). Aada grasa hasta que la
dimensin (A, B, C) sea correcta.
4. Instale la tapa de acceso.
Par de apriete de las zapatas de cadena
El requisito de par de apriete para los pernos de zapata de cadena es de 650 70 N m (480 50 lb-pie).
Apriete los pernos 120 grados adicionales. Si se utilizan pernos con un eslabn maestro, apriete los pernos
a un par de 650 70 N m (480 50 lb-pie). Despus, apriete los pernos 120 grados adicionales.

Nivel del aceite del eje pivote - Comprobar
SMCS - 4153-535-FLV

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

El aceite tiene que ser visible a travs de la mirilla indicadora (1) .
Abra la puerta de acceso (2) a la caja de batera en el guardabarros izquierdo.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Vista superior
Para llenar el depsito, aada aceite a travs de la abertura de la varilla de medicin (3).

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

Mantenga el nivel de aceite dentro de los lmites LLENO (4) y AGREGAR (5) de la varilla de medicin
del depsito de aceite. No llene el depsito excesivamente. El aceite caliente puede rebosar del depsito.
Nota: El llenado inicial del eje de pivote puede atrapar aire en el tubo. El nivel de aceite puede descender a
medida que se escapa el aire. La presin baromtrica puede elevar el nivel de aceite o la presin puede
disminuir el nivel de aceite. Los cambios en la altitud pueden elevar el nivel de aceite o la altitud puede
disminuir el nivel de aceite. Hay que llenar varias veces el depsito para que ste se mantenga lleno.
Nota: No cambie el mtodo de Llenado al vaco.

Descripcin de caractersticas, informacin
SMCS - 4150

Tractores de Cadenas:
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
ReferenciaConsulte la Instruccin Especial, REHS4336, "Descripcin de caractersticas, servicio de
informacin e identificacin de partes para el Tren de Rodaje SystemOne D8" para obtener informacin
acerca del tren de rodaje SystemOne de los Tractores de Cadenas D8N, D8R, D8R serie II y D8T.
La Instruccin Especial indicada anteriormente contiene la siguiente informacin acerca del Tren de
Rodaje SystemOne D8:
Conjunto de cartucho SystemOne de Caterpillar con un buje giratorio
Eslabones maestros serrados
Segmentos de acero resistentes con siete pernos
Diseo de eslabn y Rueda Gua de Banda de Rodadura Central (CTI) resistente al desgaste por la
torsin lateral axial
Fcil modernizacin de las mquinas D8N, D8R y D8T
Posicionamiento de la rueda gua SystemOne D8
Ajuste de cadena para tren de rodaje SystemOne D8
Piezas de repuesto reemplazables para la cadena SystemOne D8
Expectativas de vida til de la cadena y del sistema SystemOne D8
Preinclinacin del SystemOne D8
Tablas de desgaste de los componentes de tren de rodaje para cadenas SystemOne D8
Nota: El tren de rodaje SystemOne D8 no recomendado para configuraciones de tren de rodaje no
suspendido. Actualmente, la configuracin de amortiguacin de los bastidores de cadena no suspendidos
no permite tanto desplazamiento de amortiguacin como el de los bastidores de rodillos de cadena
suspendidos. Esto limita la capacidad del sistema de tren de rodaje para adaptarse a los efectos del conjunto
de caja de eslabones, lo que puede producir la avera prematura de los sellos debido a la entrada de material
a su alrededor. Adems, no hay un conjunto de proteccin disponible para evitar la entrada de material
alrededor de las ruedas gua.

Track Rollers
SMCS - 4180

Nmero de pieza - 246-0779
Nmero de pieza - 278-9539
Nmero de pieza - 278-9538
Nmero de pieza - 278-9540
Nmero de pieza - 246-0775
Nmero de pieza - 278-9541

Single Flange Track Roller

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

ReferenceRefer to Specifications, "Track Carrier Roller" for the specifications of the single flange track
Double Flange Track Roller

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

End play (clearance) of the roller shaft:
Minimum ... 0.26 mm (0.010 inch)
Maximum ... 1.26 mm (0.050 inch)
(1) Diameter of double flange roller tread ... 241.0 mm (9.48 inch)
(1) Diameter of single flange roller tread ... 247.0 mm (9.72 inch)
(2) Torque for 12 bolts ... 135 20 N m (100 15 lb ft)
(3) Protrusion of the plug from the stopper ... 0 to 5 mm (0 to 0.20 inch)
Note: The plug must NOT be recessed below the surface of the stopper after the roller is assembled.
(4) Torque for bolts that hold the rollers to the bogies ... 750 70 N m (553 51 lb ft)
(5) Bearing depth ... 19.0 0.5 mm (.75 .02 inch)
Note: Rubber toric seals must be clean and dry at assembly. All surfaces that contact the toric seals must be
clean and dry at assembly. At assembly, apply a thin film of oil to the contacting surfaces of the metal seal.
Seal rings must be assembled squarely with the bore. The toric ring must not bulge and the toric ring must
not be twisted.
Roller Placement
Suspended Undercarriage, and Sealed and Lubricated Track (SALT)
Start at the front of the machine:
No. 1 track roller is a single flange. 246-0775
No. 2 track roller is a single flange. 246-0775
No. 3 track roller is a double flange. 246-0779
No. 4 track roller is a double flange. 246-0779
No. 5 track roller is a double flange. 246-0779
No. 6 track roller is a double flange. 246-0779
No. 7 track roller is a single flange. 246-0775
No. 8 track roller is a single flange. 246-0775
Suspended Undercarriage with Special Application Arctic Track Rollers
Start at the front of the machine:
No. 1 track roller is a single flange. 278-9539
No. 2 track roller is a single flange. 278-9539
No. 3 track roller is a double flange. 278-9540
No. 4 track roller is a double flange. 278-9540
No. 5 track roller is a double flange. 278-9540
No. 6 track roller is a double flange. 278-9540
No. 7 track roller is a single flange. 278-9539
No. 8 track roller is a single flange. 278-9539
Suspended Undercarriage with Special Application Extreme Heat Track Rollers
Start at the front of the machine:
No. 1 track roller is a single flange. 278-9538
No. 2 track roller is a single flange. 278-9538
No. 3 track roller is a double flange. 278-9541
No. 4 track roller is a double flange. 278-9541
No. 5 track roller is a double flange. 278-9541
No. 6 track roller is a double flange. 278-9541
No. 7 track roller is a single flange. 278-9538
No. 8 track roller is a single flange. 278-9538
SystemOne Undercarriage
No. 1 through No. 8 track rollers are all single flange rollers. 246-0775
Non-Suspended Undercarriage with Sealed and Lubricated Track (SALT)
No. 1 through No. 8 track rollers are the double flange rollers. 246-0779
Non-Suspended Undercarriage with Special Application Arctic Track Rollers
No. 1 through No. 8 track rollers are the double flange rollers. 278-9540
Non-Suspended Undercarriage with Special Application Extreme Heat Track Rollers
No. 1 through No. 8 track rollers are the double flange rollers. 278-9541
Suspended Undercarriage with Sealed and Lubricated Track (SALT), Non-Suspended Undercarriage
(SALT), or SystemOne Undercarriage
Table 1
Prime Attachments
Machine Part
Track-Type Tractor D8T Standard Arrangement. Includes Suspension-type Undercarriage
and 8 roller tubular track roller frames, carrier roller ready
192-2599 Carrier Rollers for use with Suspended Undercarriage
209-3418 Non-Suspended Undercarriage that does not include carrier rollers
209-3419 Non-Suspended Undercarriage that includes carrier rollers
310-2848 SystemOne Undercarriage with Center Tread Idler (CTI)
310-2849 SystemOne Undercarriage with Standard Idler
Track-Type Tractor D8R Standard Arrangement. Includes Suspended Undercarriage and
8 roller tubular track roller frames, carrier roller ready
192-2599 Carrier Rollers for use with Suspended Undercarriage
209-3418 Non-Suspended Undercarriage that does not include carrier rollers
209-3419 Non-Suspended Undercarriage that includes carrier rollers
310-2848 SystemOne Undercarriage with Center Tread Idler (CTI)
310-2849 SystemOne Undercarriage with Standard Idler

Cambios en los rodillos inferiores y la gua de cadena
SMCS - 4150; 4177; 4180

578 (N/S: 8HB1-Y SIG.)
Tractor de cadenas:
D8L (N/S: 4FB1-Y SIG.; 7YB1-Y SIG.; 7JC1-Y SIG.; 53Y1-Y SIG.)
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
ReferenciaInstruccin Especial, REHS4336, "Descripcin de caractersticas, informacin de servicio e
identificacin de piezas para el tren de Rodaje SystemOne del D8"
ReferenciaInstruccin Especial, REHS3373, "Conversin de los D8N, D8R y D8T al sistema de tren de
rodaje SystemOne"
ReferenciaNoticiero IRM, PELJ0711, "Nuevos grupos de rodillos inferiores y guas de cadena del D8T"
Description of Change: Nuevos grupos de rodillos inferiores y guas de cadena para el tren de rodaje del
tamao del D8 vieron la luz anteriormente en el 2006. Los nuevos rodillos tienen 7 mm (0,276 pulg) ms
de ancho entre las pestaas. Con este cambio, y para proporcionar espacio libre apropiado a los eslabones,
se redujo el ancho a las guas de cadena en 3,5 mm (0,138 pulg).
Los nuevos rodillos y las guas deben instalarse juntos para proporcionar mejor espacio libre de operacin
entre el conjunto de eslabn y las guas de cadena. La mezcla de las guas anteriores con los nuevos
rodillos puede causar desgaste excesivo en los eslabones y extremos de pasador. El desgaste puede ser ms
notorio en la cadena SystemOne del D8 y puede crear agrietamiento en el eslabn.
El nmero de pieza de la gua de cadenas de D8 y 578 anterior todava se usa en el tren de rodaje de los
D9, 583 y 587 puede usarse comnmente en las reconstrucciones de bastidor de los rodillos inferiores.
Aunque la gua de cadenas anterior se ajusta al bastidor de rodillos inferiores del D8, no use la gua anterior
del D8 con los nuevos rodillos D8 debido a los problemas de espacio libre indicados arriba.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

(1) Rodillo inferior
(2) Gua de cadena
(3) Conjunto de eslabones de cadena
(A) Nuevo rodillo de 240 mm (9,45 pulg)
(B) Rodillo anterior de 233 mm (9,17 pulg)
(C) Nueva gua 41,5 mm (1,63 pulg)
(D) Gua anterior 45,0 mm (1,77 pulg)
Adaptable To: Los nuevos grupos de rodillos y las guas de cadena son un reemplazo directo de los grupos
de rodillos y guas de cadena anteriores. Los nuevos rodillos y las guas deben instalarse como un conjunto
Los nuevos grupos de rodillo y las guas de cadena estn vigentes en produccin con las siguientes
mquinas construidas en fbrica:
D8T (N/S: J8B734-Y SIG.; KPZ1290-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 9EM2919-Y SIG.)
Tabla 1
Guas de las bandas de goma
No. de pieza anterior No. de pieza nuevo Descripcin Cant.
184-4395 248-2987 Gua 16
8C-6857 8T-8924 Perno 32
8T-4994 8T-4994 Arandela dura 32
Tabla 2
Grupos de rodillos inferiores
No. de pieza anterior

No. de pieza nuevo

196-9946 246-0779 Rodillo inferior de pestaa doble
196-9947 246-0775 Rodillo inferior de pestaa simple
244-0881 278-9540 Grupo de rodillo inferior con pestaa doble (rtico)
244-0880 278-9539 Grupo de rodillo inferior con pestaa simple (rtico)
244-0943 278-9541
Grupo de rodillo inferior de pestaa doble (Alta
244-0942 278-9538
Grupo de rodillo inferior de pestaa simple (Alta
Tabla 3
Conjuntos de cojinetes y rodillos inferiores
No. de pieza anterior

No. de pieza nuevo

196-9948 246-0780
Conjunto de cojinetes y rodillos inferiores (Pestaa doble)

196-9949 284-5456
Conjuntos de cojinetes y rodillos inferiores (Pestaa

Tapas de montaje mejoradas para rodillos y ruedas gua
SMCS - 4159; 4180

583R (N/S: 2XS1-Y SIG.)
583T (N/S: CMX1-Y SIG.)
587R (N/S: BXL1-Y SIG.)
587T (N/S: FAT1-Y SIG.)
Tractores de Cadenas:
D11N (N/S: 4HK1-Y SIG.; 74Z1-Y SIG.)
D11R (N/S: AAF1-Y SIG.; 8ZR1-Y SIG.; 9TR1-Y SIG.; 9XR1-Y SIG.; 7PZ1-Y SIG.)
D8L (N/S: 4FB1-Y SIG.; 7YB1-Y SIG.; 7JC1-Y SIG.; 53Y1-Y SIG.)
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
Description of Change: Se usan ahora tapas de montaje mejoradas en los rodillos y ruedas gua de las
siguientes mquinas:
D8L, D8N, D8R y D8T
D11N y D11R
583R, 583T, 587R y 587T
Las nuevas tapas de montaje para las ruedas gua y cilindros tienen superficies de contacto para pernos que
ahora estn maquinadas. Las superficies maquinadas aseguran un contacto completo y uniforme entre e
perno y la tapa. Esto es importante para mantener el par de apriete del perno, e impide que se aflojen los
pernos de montaje.
Adems, la superficie maquinada es perpendicular al orificio del perno. La superficie maquinada tambin
es paralela a la parte inferior de la tapa que hace contacto con el brazo basculante. De esta forma se asegura
una alienacin recta del perno con la tapa cuando se aplica el par de apriete, y por lo tanto se impide la
rotura del perno durante su vida til.
Adaptable To:

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Tapa de montaje anterior

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Tapa de montaje mejorada
Tabla 1

Descripcin y uso
de la pieza
Nmero de pieza del
conjunto de tapa
Nmero de pieza del
nuevo conjunto de
Vigencia de nmeros
de serie de mquina
Rodillo (dos
213-1745 306-9435
D11R (N/S: 7PZ1651-
Y SIG.; AAF1651-Y
Rueda gua (dos
131-1644 306-9441
D8T (N/S: KPZ2105-Y
Rueda gua (dos

131-1645 306-9437
583T (N/S: CMX247-Y
587T (N/S: FAT329-Y
587R (N/S: BXL254-Y
Rueda gua (dos

131-1646 306-9439
583T (N/S: CMX247-Y
587T (N/S: FAT329-Y
587R (N/S: BXL254-Y
( 1 )
Slo para tren de rodaje no suspendidos
Tabla 2

Descripcin y
uso de la pieza

Nmero de pieza
del conjunto de
tapa anterior
Nmero de pieza
del nuevo
conjunto de tapa

Adaptable a los nmeros de
serie de mquina
Rodillo (dos
213-1745 306-9435
D11N (N/S: 4HK1-Y SIG.;
74Z1-Y SIG.)
D11R (N/S: 7PZ1652-Y SIG.;
AAF289-Y SIG.; 8ZR1-Y
SIG.; 9TR1-Y SIG.; 9XR1-Y
serie II
Rueda gua (dos
131-1644 306-9441
D8L (N/S: 4FB1-Y SIG.;
7YB1-Y SIG.; 7JC1-Y SIG.;
53Y1-Y SIG.)
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.;
1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.;
7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.;
9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8R serie II (N/S: AKA1-Y
SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.;
578 (N/S: 8HB1-Y SIG.)
Rueda gua (dos

131-1645 306-9437
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.;
1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.;
7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.;
9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8R serie II (N/S: AKA1-Y
SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
583T (N/S: CMX1-246)
587R (N/S: BXL1-253)
587T (N/S: FAT1-328)
Rueda gua (dos

131-1646 306-9439
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.;
1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.;
7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.;
9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8R serie II (N/S: AKA1-Y
587T SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
583T (N/S: CMX1-246)
587R (N/S: BXL1-253)
587T (N/S: FAT1-328)
( 1 )
Slo para tren de rodaje no suspendidos

Soporte mejorado para el rodillo superior
SMCS - 4154-S4

Tractores de Cadenas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM2498-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
Service Magazine SSPD0886, 30 Abril 2007, "Soporte mejorado para el rodillo superior". No tenga en
cuenta este artculo. Consulte el artculo de reemplazo siguiente.
Description of Change: Se usa ahora un soporte mejorado para el rodillo superior en los Tractores de
Cadenas D8R y D8T. El soporte de rodillo superior ha cambiado de un soporte de una pieza a un soporte
de dos piezas. El nuevo soporte mejorar el acceso para quitar el barro y los residuos compactados bajo el
rodillo superior y alrededores.
Adaptable To: El nuevo Soporte de rodillo 287-3293 de dos piezas se puede usar para reemplazar el
Soporte de rodillo 192-2577 anterior de una pieza. Puede modificar el Soporte de rodillo 192-2577 anterior
para cambiarlo de una pieza a dos piezas en lugar de instalar el nuevo Soporte de rodillo 287-3293 de dos
El soporte de rodillo mejorado se puede adaptar a las siguientes mquinas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM2498-3456)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-1105; KPZ1-1916)
El soporte de rodillo mejorado est vigente con las siguientes mquinas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM3457-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1106-Y SIG.; KPZ1917-Y SIG.)
Para adaptar su mquina al soporte de rodillo mejorado, debe pedir las piezas que se muestran en la
Tabla 1.
Nota: Las piezas de la Tabla 1 sirven para convertir un bastidor de rodillos inferiores.
Tabla 1
Piezas necesarias
Artculo No. de pieza Descripcin Cantidad
7 287-3293 Soporte de rodillo 2
8 7X-0408 Perno 4
Siga los procedimientos siguientes para instalar el nuevo Soporte de rodillo 287-3293 de dos piezas en
su mquina.
1. Destense la cadena abriendo la vlvula de tensado de la cadena. Consulte el Manual de Operacin y
Mantenimiento, "Cadena - Comprobar/Ajustar" para obtener informacin adicional.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

2. Levante la cadena con una gra y un dispositivo de levantamiento apropiado. As se abrir espacio
entre el rodillo superior (1) y la cadena (2) .

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

3. Quite los cuatro pernos de tapa (3), las dos tapas (4) y el rodillo superior (1) .
4. Quite los cuatro pernos (6) del soporte del rodillo (5). Quite el soporte del rodillo (5) .

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

5. Arme dos nuevos soportes de rodillo (7) en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores con los cuatro pernos
(8). Apriete bien los cuatro pernos (8) .

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 4

6. Arme el rodillo superior (1) en los soportes del rodillo (7) .

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 5

7. Arme las dos tapas de rodillo inferior (4) en el soporte del rodillo (7) con los cuatro pernos (3).
Apriete bien los cuatro pernos (3). Empiece por el perno (3) del lado del tope (9) de la tapa de
rodillo inferior (4) .
8. Apriete los cuatro pernos (8) del soporte de montaje (7) con un par de 900 100 N m (650 75 lb-
9. Apriete los cuatro pernos (3) con un par de 750 70 N m (550 50 lb-pie). Apriete primero los
pernos (3) del lado del tope (9) .
10. Suelte la cadena y ajuste la tensin de la cadena. Consulte el Manual de Operacin y
Mantenimiento, "Cadena - Comprobar/Ajustar" para obtener informacin adicional.
11. Complete los pasos del 1 al 11 para el otro lado de la mquina.
Siga los siguientes procedimientos para modificar el soporte existente.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 6

Soporte de rodillo antes del corte

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 7

Soporte de rodillo despus del corte
(3) Superficies de montaje del soporte

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 8

Soporte de rodillo desde la parte delantera despus del corte
(3) Superficies de montaje del soporte
Las herramientas necesarias son las siguientes:
Soplete de corte a llama
Esmeriladora de disco
1. Destense la cadena abriendo la vlvula de tensado de la cadena. Consulte el Manual de Operacin y
Mantenimiento, "Cadena - Comprobar/Ajustar" para obtener informacin adicional.
2. Levante la cadena con una gra y un dispositivo apropiado de levantamiento. As se abrir el
espacio entre el rodillo superior (1) y la cadena.
3. Quite los cuatro pernos de tapa y el rodillo superior (1) del soporte de rodillo (2) .
4. Quite cuatro pernos del soporte de rodillo (2). Luego quite el soporte de rodillo (2) .
5. Marque el soporte de rodillo (2) y use un soplete de corte a llama para quitar la barra que hay entre
los pedestales de soporte. Tenga cuidado para no quitar el material que est directamente sobre las
superficie de montaje del soporte (3). Use una esmeriladora de disco para alisar el borde del corte.
6. Arme los dos pedestales de soporte en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores. Apriete bien los pernos de
montaje, pero no completamente a su par.
7. Arme el rodillos superior (1) en los soportes de rodillo (2) .
8. Instale las dos Tapas de rodillo de cadena 6T-1142 con cuatro Pernos 6T-1140. Comience primero
por el lado del tope y deje los pernos de tapa apretados, pero no completamente a su par.
9. Apriete los cuatro Pernos 7X-0406 de los soportes de montaje con un par de 900 100 N m (663
74 lb-pie).
10. Comience primero por el lado del tope y apriete los cuatro Pernos 6T-1140 con un par de 750 70
N m (553 52 lb-pie).
11. Suelte la cadena y ajuste la tensin de la cadena. Consulte el Manual de Operacin y
Mantenimiento, "Cadena - Comprobar/Ajustar" para obtener informacin adicional.
12. Complete los pasos del 1 al 11 para el rodillo superior (1) del otro lado del tractor.

Cambios en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores en los Tractores
SMCS - 4151; 4158; 4192; 7169

Tractor de Cadenas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
Service Magazine, SSPD1032, 6 noviembre 2009, "Cambios en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores en los
Tractores de Cadenas D8R y D8T: Orificio del eje pivote de comba solo; protectores de rueda gua de la
cadena; soportes basculantes grandes para SystemOne; resorte tensor y tubo de tope". Haga caso omiso de
este artculo. Consulte el artculo de reemplazo siguiente.
Description of Change: Se han hecho cambios en los bastidores de rodillos inferiores traseros, los
protectores de rueda gua de la cadena, los soportes basculantes grandes y el resorte tensor y el tubo de
Bastidores traseros de los rodillos inferiores

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Los bastidores de rueda motriz traseros con orificios para eje pivote con comba solamente ahora son
estndar en los tractores que se envan desde fbrica. Los orificios del eje pivote estn levemente
inclinados para compensar la deformacin hacia arriba del eje pivote bajo carga. Sin comba, las cadenas
pueden desplazarse hacia fuera del tractor. Gracias a la comba, las cadenas pasan mejor por entre los
rebordes de los rodillos y las guas de las cadenas, lo que permite un menor desgaste externo. Los
bastidores traseros de los rodillos inferiores con comba solo se identifican por tener dos agujeros taladrados
en el lado externo de los patines de la cadena, como se muestra en la Ilustracin 1.
Protectores de rueda gua de la cadena

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Perno trasero antiguo en los protectores y raspadores de caucho

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

Nuevo protector de rueda gua trasera con placa soldada
El perno antiguo en los protectores de rueda motriz trasera y los protectores de raspadores de caucho
flexibles se han cambiado a placas soldadas. Refirase a las ilustraciones 2 y 3.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 4

Rascadores de caucho delanteros antiguos

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 5

Nuevo protector de rueda gua delantera con placa soldada
Los protectores de raspadores flexibles antiguos para la rueda gua delantera ya no se usan. El protector
delantero ahora es una placa soldada. Refirase a las ilustraciones 4 y 5.
Soportes basculantes grandes

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 6

Soporte basculante grande del tren de rodaje estndar con una rueda gua convencional

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 7

Soporte basculante grande del tren de rodaje SystemOne con una Rueda gua con banda de rodadura central (CTI) y perno en el
protector inferior para resistir la adherencia de materiales.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 8

Soporte basculante grande del tren de rodaje SystemOne con una rueda gua convencional y placa de cubierta
Se usan los nuevos bastidores de soportes basculantes grandes trasero y delantero compatible slo con la
cadena SystemOne Los nuevos bastidores de soportes basculantes colocan el eje de la rueda gua en la
posicin correcta para usar con la cadena SystemOne. Los bastidores tambin aceptan pernos en los
protectores de rueda gua inferior para reducir el flujo de material y la adherencia de materiales en la
cadena en la CTI. El perno en los protectores inferiores no pueden usarse con ruedas guas convencionales.
Las ruedas gua convencionales se usan con los soportes basculantes grandes SystemOne en medio
ambientes de mucha adherencia de materiales para reducir al mnimo la adherencia en el sistema de resorte
tensor. Las ruedas guia convencionales tambin se usan con los soportes basculantes grandes de
SystemOne para reducir las emisiones de ruido del tren de rodaje.
Resorte tensor y tubo de tope

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 9

(1) Tubo de tope
(2) Resorte tensor
El sistema de resorte tensor y de ajustador de cadena utiliza ahora un resorte y un tubo de tope ms grandes
para proporcionar 12 mm (0,472 pulg) ms de desplazamiento del resorte tensor.
El nuevo resorte y tubo de tope deben usarse siempre juntos como un conjunto. Lo mismo aplica para el
resorte y tubo de tope anteriores. No mezcle las piezas nuevas y las anteriores
Adaptable To: Los cambios en los bastidores de rodillos inferiores, protectores de rueda gua y soportes
basculantes grandes estn vigentes con las siguientes mquinas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM5225-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B2206-Y SIG.; KPZ3500-Y SIG.)
Los cambios en los bastidores de rodillos inferiores traseros, los protectores de rueda motriz y los soportes
basculantes grandes son adaptables a las mquinas siguientes:
D8R (N/S: 9EM1-5224)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-2205; KPZ1-3499)
Tabla 1
Bastidor trasero de rodillos inferiores
Nmero de pieza
Nmero de pieza
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado derecho
(Tren de rodaje estndar)
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado izquierdo
(Tren de rodaje estndar)
310-2886 310-2870
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado derecho
(Tren de rodaje SystemOne)
310-2887 310-2871
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado izquierdo
(Tren de rodaje SystemOne)
Tabla 2
Soportes basculantes grandes del D8
Tren de rodaje del D8
D8 SystemOne de
D8 SystemOne


Bastidor de soporte basculante
grande delantero



Bastidor de soporte basculante
grande trasero

( 1 )
Usa pernos de montaje de taco de soporte basculante de 7/16 pulg.
( 2 )
Usa pernos de montaje de taco de soporte basculante de 1/2 pulg.
Tabla 3
Protectores inferiores CTI de SystemOne del D8T
Nmero de
Descripcin Notas
Protector de rueda gua
Grupo de protector exterior es parte del accesorio de
Protector de rueda gua
El grupo de protector interior es un accesorio separado
310-2909 Plancha
Placa de la tapa y la tornillera para proteger los orificios
roscados en el soporte basculante grande si los protectores
no se usan.
8T-4994 Arandela dura
8T-9398 Perno
Los cambios del resorte tensor y del tubo de tope estn vigentes con las siguientes mquinas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM5250-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B2214-Y SIG.; KPZ2780-Y SIG.)
Tabla 4
Resorte tensor y tubo de tope
Nmero de pieza nuevo Nmero de pieza anterior Descripcin
314-7924 199-8187 Tubo
314-7925 199-8186 Resorte

D8T TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR, Powered By C15 Engine
Nmero de medio - SEBP3654-61 | Fecha de publicacin -
01/10/2010 | Fecha de actualizacin - 05/10/2010
S/N KPZ3500-UP

Ref. Cant.

NPR Nota No. de pieza

Nombre de la pieza


NPR 310-2850


Ref. Cant.

NPR Nota No. de pieza
Nombre de la pieza


NPR Y 6T-1142 32


NPR Y 7T-2540 1


NPR CY 337-6877 2


NPR Y 9W-4477 8


NPR Y 111-1729 2


NPR Y 111-1730 2


NPR Y 220-0211 1


NPR RY 246-0775 8




NPR Y 246-0779 8



NPR Y 310-2851 1


NPR Y 310-2920 1


NPR CY 314-5464 2




Cambios en los rodillos inferiores y la gua de cadena
SMCS - 4150; 4177; 4180

578 (N/S: 8HB1-Y SIG.)
Tractor de cadenas:
D8L (N/S: 4FB1-Y SIG.; 7YB1-Y SIG.; 7JC1-Y SIG.; 53Y1-Y SIG.)
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
ReferenciaInstruccin Especial, REHS4336, "Descripcin de caractersticas, informacin de servicio e
identificacin de piezas para el tren de Rodaje SystemOne del D8"
ReferenciaInstruccin Especial, REHS3373, "Conversin de los D8N, D8R y D8T al sistema de tren de
rodaje SystemOne"
ReferenciaNoticiero IRM, PELJ0711, "Nuevos grupos de rodillos inferiores y guas de cadena del D8T"
Description of Change: Nuevos grupos de rodillos inferiores y guas de cadena para el tren de rodaje del
tamao del D8 vieron la luz anteriormente en el 2006. Los nuevos rodillos tienen 7 mm (0,276 pulg) ms
de ancho entre las pestaas. Con este cambio, y para proporcionar espacio libre apropiado a los eslabones,
se redujo el ancho a las guas de cadena en 3,5 mm (0,138 pulg).
Los nuevos rodillos y las guas deben instalarse juntos para proporcionar mejor espacio libre de operacin
entre el conjunto de eslabn y las guas de cadena. La mezcla de las guas anteriores con los nuevos
rodillos puede causar desgaste excesivo en los eslabones y extremos de pasador. El desgaste puede ser ms
notorio en la cadena SystemOne del D8 y puede crear agrietamiento en el eslabn.
El nmero de pieza de la gua de cadenas de D8 y 578 anterior todava se usa en el tren de rodaje de los
D9, 583 y 587 puede usarse comnmente en las reconstrucciones de bastidor de los rodillos inferiores.
Aunque la gua de cadenas anterior se ajusta al bastidor de rodillos inferiores del D8, no use la gua anterior
del D8 con los nuevos rodillos D8 debido a los problemas de espacio libre indicados arriba.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

(1) Rodillo inferior
(2) Gua de cadena
(3) Conjunto de eslabones de cadena
(A) Nuevo rodillo de 240 mm (9,45 pulg)
(B) Rodillo anterior de 233 mm (9,17 pulg)
(C) Nueva gua 41,5 mm (1,63 pulg)
(D) Gua anterior 45,0 mm (1,77 pulg)
Adaptable To: Los nuevos grupos de rodillos y las guas de cadena son un reemplazo directo de los grupos
de rodillos y guas de cadena anteriores. Los nuevos rodillos y las guas deben instalarse como un conjunto
Los nuevos grupos de rodillo y las guas de cadena estn vigentes en produccin con las siguientes
mquinas construidas en fbrica:
D8T (N/S: J8B734-Y SIG.; KPZ1290-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 9EM2919-Y SIG.)
Tabla 1
Guas de las bandas de goma
No. de pieza anterior No. de pieza nuevo Descripcin Cant.
184-4395 248-2987 Gua 16
8C-6857 8T-8924 Perno 32
8T-4994 8T-4994 Arandela dura 32
Tabla 2
Grupos de rodillos inferiores
No. de pieza anterior

No. de pieza nuevo

196-9946 246-0779 Rodillo inferior de pestaa doble
196-9947 246-0775 Rodillo inferior de pestaa simple
244-0881 278-9540 Grupo de rodillo inferior con pestaa doble (rtico)
244-0880 278-9539 Grupo de rodillo inferior con pestaa simple (rtico)
244-0943 278-9541
Grupo de rodillo inferior de pestaa doble (Alta
244-0942 278-9538
Grupo de rodillo inferior de pestaa simple (Alta
Tabla 3
Conjuntos de cojinetes y rodillos inferiores
No. de pieza anterior

No. de pieza nuevo

196-9948 246-0780
Conjunto de cojinetes y rodillos inferiores (Pestaa doble)

196-9949 284-5456
Conjuntos de cojinetes y rodillos inferiores (Pestaa

Herramientas para Tractores D8 con tren de rodaje SystemOne
SMCS - 0729; 4150

Tractores de Cadenas:
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
Se dispone de nuevas herramientas para los Tractores D8 equipados con un tren de rodaje SystemOne. Ser
necesaria una prensa para cadenas de paso mltiple para efectuar el servicio en la obra en los Tractores D8
con un tren de rodaje SystemOne. Los eslabones maestros serrados sern la opcin estndar para un tren de
rodaje SystemOne en los Tractores D8. La herramienta de paso mltiple no ser necesaria para instalar un
tren de rodaje SystemOne en su mquina.
Si su distribuidor tiene un tren de rodaje SystemOne es posible que tenga algunas de las herramientas
requeridas. Verifique los nmeros de pieza indicados en la Tabla 1 antes de pedir cualquier herramienta.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Herramientas para conectar la cadena SystemOne

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Herramientas para quitar el eslabn exterior

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

Herramientas para quitar el eslabn interior
Tabla 1
Lista de herramientas completa para D8 SystemOne
Artculo No. de pieza Descripcin Cantidad
1 304-5688 Conjunto de eslabn 2
2 272-6559 Placa (superior)
3 264-5774


4 265-8989 Tuerca
5 264-5768 Placa 2
6 264-5770 Placa extractora 1
7 264-5777 Bloque 2
8 289-5146 Placa de contacto (instalar)
9 8H-3127 Perno
10 265-8035 Cilindro hidrulico (75 toneladas) 1
11 272-1505 Placa de contacto (quitar)
12 273-8788 Placa espaciadora (quitar)
13 4L-7124 Perno 2
14 268-7901 Calce 2
279-0092 Espaciador
0S-1615 Perno 1
5P-8249 Arandela 8
264-5776 Protector 1
264-5772 Fleje de retencin
2J-5245 Perno
5M-2894 Arandela
9S-8752 Tuerca
3S-6224 Bomba hidrulica (elctrica) 1
4C-5599 Compuesto antiagarrotante 1
( 1 )
Nuevos nmeros de pieza y herramientas adicionales para D8
( 2 )
Rosca ACME
( 3 )
Piezas del protector

Descripcin de caractersticas, informacin
SMCS - 4150

Tractores de Cadenas:
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
ReferenciaConsulte la Instruccin Especial, REHS4336, "Descripcin de caractersticas, servicio de
informacin e identificacin de partes para el Tren de Rodaje SystemOne D8" para obtener informacin
acerca del tren de rodaje SystemOne de los Tractores de Cadenas D8N, D8R, D8R serie II y D8T.
La Instruccin Especial indicada anteriormente contiene la siguiente informacin acerca del Tren de
Rodaje SystemOne D8:
Conjunto de cartucho SystemOne de Caterpillar con un buje giratorio
Eslabones maestros serrados
Segmentos de acero resistentes con siete pernos
Diseo de eslabn y Rueda Gua de Banda de Rodadura Central (CTI) resistente al desgaste por la
torsin lateral axial
Fcil modernizacin de las mquinas D8N, D8R y D8T
Posicionamiento de la rueda gua SystemOne D8
Ajuste de cadena para tren de rodaje SystemOne D8
Piezas de repuesto reemplazables para la cadena SystemOne D8
Expectativas de vida til de la cadena y del sistema SystemOne D8
Preinclinacin del SystemOne D8
Tablas de desgaste de los componentes de tren de rodaje para cadenas SystemOne D8
Nota: El tren de rodaje SystemOne D8 no recomendado para configuraciones de tren de rodaje no
suspendido. Actualmente, la configuracin de amortiguacin de los bastidores de cadena no suspendidos
no permite tanto desplazamiento de amortiguacin como el de los bastidores de rodillos de cadena
suspendidos. Esto limita la capacidad del sistema de tren de rodaje para adaptarse a los efectos del conjunto
de caja de eslabones, lo que puede producir la avera prematura de los sellos debido a la entrada de material
a su alrededor. Adems, no hay un conjunto de proteccin disponible para evitar la entrada de material
alrededor de las ruedas gua.
Description of Features, Service Information and Parts
Identification for D8 SystemOne Undercarriage{4150}
SMCS - 4150

Track-Type Tractor:
D8N (S/N: 9TC1-UP; 1XJ1-UP; 5TJ1-UP; 7TK1-UP)
D8R Series II (S/N: AKA1-UP; 6YZ1-UP)
D8R (S/N: 7XM1-UP; 9EM1-UP)
D8T (S/N: J8B1-UP; KPZ1-UP)
Note: D8 SystemOne undercarriage is available from the factory on new machines as an optional
Note: Effective with the dates that D8 SystemOne undercarriage becomes available, Non-Positive Pin
Retention (Non-PPR) link assemblies will no longer be available from the factory on new D8 machines.
Instead Positive Pin Retention (PPR) track will be standard, and SystemOne will be optional. Replacement
Non-PPR track will continue to be available through the Parts Distribution System.
Note: SystemOne undercarriage will be available for the D8R and D8T for European Union (EU) countries
on the effective target date from Cat Brazil Ltd with conventional idlers only.
SystemOne undercarriage for the D8T, D8R, and D8N is designed to extend undercarriage system life
beyond that of PPR track and Non-PPR track in abrasive applications. The rotating bushing design in
SystemOne track eliminates the need for a mid-life bushing turn as typically performed on PPR or non-
PPR track. SystemOne track may be used with either conventional idlers or Center Tread Idlers (CTI). Link
rail wear is reduced with the use of CTI's due to the fact that the CTI never contacts the link rail surface.
Additionally, the CTI design reduces link scallop, a common source of operator discomfort. The narrow
profile of the CTI allows for improved guarding that effectively keeps abrasive material from entering the
track system.
SystemOne is not recommended for waste handling applications, LGP applications, hard bottom
(non-suspended) configurations, or in heavy packing applications such as caliche or hard clay.
The design of D8 SystemOne overcomes the effects of outward thrust wear which is common to all Track-
Type Tractors. This is accomplished by the addition of hardened wear material to the inner links and to the
sides of the CTI. Additionally, when purchased from the factory on new machines, cambered track roller
frames will be standard. The addition of camber further eliminates the effects of outward thrust of the
tracks and allows the full utilization of available wear material on the link, roller, and CTI.
See ""Track Life and System Life Expectations for D8 SystemOne" " for information on track and system
life expectations. See ""Camber for D8 SystemOne" " for details of camber for the D8 SystemOne.
Note: Do not perform any procedure that is outlined in this publication until you have read the
information and you understand the information. Do not order parts until you read the information
and you understand the information.

Do not attempt to disassemble or assemble this machine until you read
and understand the disassembly and assembly instructions. Improper
disassembly and assembly procedures could result in injury or death.

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or death to personnel
working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect the battery cable from
the negative () battery terminal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of
the disconnected battery cable end in order to prevent contact with
other metal surfaces which could activate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop switch location to inform
personnel that the equipment is being worked on.

The machine must be on a level, hard surface before a separation of the
track is made. Any time a separation of both tracks is made, the
machine must have blocks correctly positioned so the machine will not

Keep away from the front of the machine when the track is pushed off
the final drive. A minimum distance of 7.6 m (25 ft) is needed in front of
the track to permit the track to move out onto the floor.

ReferenceRefer to the appropriate Disassembly and Assembly manual for your machine.
Features of D8 SystemOne
Caterpillar SystemOne Cartridge Assembly with a Rotating Bushing

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

(1) Collar
(2) Rotating Bushing
(3) Insert
(4) Seals
(5) Pin
The SystemOne rotating bushing design provides longer bushing life and eliminates the need for pin and
bushing turns.
SystemOne bushings rotate upon entering sprocket segments, eliminating the sliding wear that typically
occurs in the reverse drive cycle with conventional track.
All four seal lip contact surfaces within the SystemOne cartridge are treated with Caterpillar's unique
Advanced Surface Technology which is a hard-face coating proven to extend leak free seal life.
The cartridge is lifetime filled with Caterpillar premium synthetic 75W-140 track oil.
Seal design within the cartridge has been optimized by the addition of an increased volume of seal material
that allows for extended service life.
The cartridge collars are precision welded to the center pin to control joint end-play throughout the life of
the track.
The cartridge is not a serviceable part. (See ""Serviceable Replacement parts for D8 SystemOne Track" " for
a list of the serviceable replacement parts for the D8 SystemOne track.)
Serrated Master Links

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

(6) 321-2018 Link Assembly Comprised of an inner link box and the non-threaded master link half.
(7) 321-2019 Link Assembly Comprised of an inner link box and the threaded master link half.
(8) Inner link
(9) Outer link
D8 SystemOne is the first model of SystemOne undercarriage to offer the popular serrated tooth style of
master links for ease of track separation and track connection.
D8 SystemOne serrated tooth master links are serviced as a link box, meaning the serrated master link
halves are only available from the factory assembled to inner links. Installation requires that this assembly
must be assembled to the outer links in the SystemOne track. Refer to Illustration 2.

Ver imagen

Illustration 3

(6) 321-2018 Link Assembly
(7) 321-2019 Link Assembly
Since it is possible to install the individual master link box in the wrong orientation, please note the
following procedure for the correct installation:
321-2018 Link Assembly : The serrated links in this section have through holes without threads. Consider
the serrated links in this section similar to the bushing end master link in standard track. The majority of
the track shoe makes contact with the serrated link on this assembly. Refer to Illustration 3.
321-2019 Link Assembly : The serrated links in this section contain the threads for the bolts. Consider the
serrated links in this section similar to the pin end master link in standard track. The shoe grouser is over
the bore for the cartridge on this assembly. Refer to Illustration 3.
Note: The bolt hole pattern on the master link shoe for the D8 SystemOne has a different bolt hole
pattern than standard D8 SystemOne shoes. The bolt hole pattern on the master link shoe is wider
than the bolt hole pattern on standard shoe. Also, the master link shoe is the only shoe on the D8
SystemOne track that has clipped grousers.

Ver imagen

Illustration 4

(A) Bolt hole width on standard track shoe 173.5 mm (6.8 inch)
(B) Bolt hole width on master track shoe 200 mm (7.9 inch)
Tough Steel Segments With Seven Bolts

Ver imagen

Illustration 5

(10) Tough steel segments with seven bolts
New segments with seven bolts eliminate the problem of segment bolt loosening on D8 SystemOne
D8 SystemOne sprocket segments incorporate the latest design which utilizes added material on the ends
of the segment in order to allow close tolerance machining. This allows the segments to make contact or to
bridge under a load, thus sharing the load and resisting bolt loosening.
The design for the rotating bushing on D8 SystemOne results in a lower wear rate for the segment. In most
applications this allows for reuse of the segments for a second undercarriage track life. The longer available
service life with the D8 SystemOne segments generated the need for extended segment retention
capability which was the basis for the seven bolt design.
Instructions to retro-fit existing D8N, D8R, and D8T final drive hubs for use of seven bolt segments for
conversion to D8 SystemOne are included in Special Instruction, REHS3373.
Torque plus turn is required to attain maximum bolted joint life. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 300 50
Nm (220 37 lb ft). Tighten the bolts an additional 1/3 turn.
The hardened washer should be placed under the bolt head and against the final drive hub.
Note: The link pitch for the undercarriage for D8 SystemOne is 2.1 mm (0.083 inch) longer than the link
pitch for standard D8N, D8R, and D8T track, so the correct sprocket segments must be used for D8
SystemOne. The pitch length can be described as the center to center distance between the link pin bores.
The part number for D8 SystemOne segments is 278-2375 Sprocket Segment .
Link and CTI Design that Resists Thrust Bias Wear

Ver imagen

Illustration 6

(11) New design for the inner link with additional wear surface on the side

Ver imagen

Illustration 7

(12) D8 SystemOne link with the original design
(13) D8 SystemOne center tread idler with the original design
(14) D8 SystemOne center tread idler with the new design.
(15) D8 SystemOne link with the new design
(16) Thrust wing
Field follow of early D8 SystemOne track in applications that are wet and highly abrasive indicated that
thrust bias wear could result in dry joints.
Thrust bias wear is wear to the inner link caused by contact with the center tread idler and the sides of the
sprocket segments. This contact is caused by the outward thrust of the link assemblies occurring when the
weight of the machine combines with the force of the final drive pulling up on the track as it wraps around
the rear idler in FORWARD drive under load. Third body abrasive material between the inner link and the
CTI accelerates this wear. When inner link wear becomes excessive, the inner seal can become exposed
resulting in seal damage, oil loss in the cartridge, and joint failure.
A redesign was completed on track links and center tread idlers that added additional hardened wear
material to the contact surfaces of the links and the CTI. Refer to Illustration 6 and Illustration 7.
The additional wear material on links and center tread idlers will eliminate exposure to the inner seal for
the life of the track in most applications.
In order to gauge the risk of inner seal wear of the link cartridge, the CTI thrust wings should be monitored.
Refer to Illustration 7. In applications with extreme sand and water, consistent side slope operation, or on
LGP models, the thrust wings on the inner sides of the idler may wear.
If at track replacement time the thrust wings of the CTI are worn sufficiently from the inner side of the
idler, the idler may be rotated 180 degrees for continued use. To do so rotate the CTI so that the unworn
idler thrust wing toward the outside of the machine is installed toward the inside of the machine.
A common wear pattern for the CTI is dimpling or indentation on the bushing contact surface. This wear
pattern does not affect the functionality of the CTI and can be expected.
CTI life is determined by three variables: Thrust wing wear, 120% tread wear and Wear life of the Duo-Cone
seal assemblies
A CTI is not reusable when both wings are worn away, 120% tread wear is reached, or Duo-Cone seal life is
Complete Custom Track Service (CTS) wear charts are available for the CTI and other D8 SystemOne
components. Refer to ""Wear Charts for D8 SystemOne Undercarriage Components" " for the wear charts.
The CTI for D8 SystemOne have internal components that are common to the conventional D8 idlers and
follow the same rebuild guidelines.
Pre-production use of CTIs on D8 SystemOne track showed idler tread wear life equal to two sets of track in
most applications.
Note: The D8 has two different idler diameters, with the larger diameter idler positioned at the front of the
machine and the smaller diameter idler at the rear of the machine.
Easy Retro-Fit to D8N, D8R, and D8T Machines
A complete 316-8674 Idler Guarding Kit is available. This kit contains a complete set of parts for use with all
D8 machines with a conventional suspended undercarriage. This idler guarding kit does an excellent job of
preventing the entry of material around both front and rear idlers.
307-0761 Idler Fastener Group contains all of the hardware for shimming the conventional suspended
Refer to Special Instruction, REHS3373 for complete instructions on conversion and the installation of
Note: D8 SystemOne undercarriage is not recommended for waste handling applications.
Note: D8 SystemOne undercarriage is not recommended for LGP applications.
Note: D8 SystemOne undercarriage is not recommended for hard-bottom (non-suspended)
undercarriage configurations. At this time the recoil arrangement found in the hardbottom track
frames does not allow as much recoil travel as that found in the suspended track roller frames. This
limits the ability of the undercarriage system to accommodate the effects of link box packing which
can potentially lead to premature seal failure due to material ingestion around the seals.
Additionally, there is no guarding package available to prevent material ingestion around the idlers.
D8 SystemOne Idler Positioning
Correct idler rise height ensures a smooth ride and also provides for accurate fine dozing capability.
For conversion of D8N, D8R, or D8T machines from a conventional suspended undercarriage to SystemOne
undercarriage, the 307-0761 Idler Fastener Gp provides idler block spacers and bogie shims to maintain
correct idler rise height throughout system life. Refer to Special Instruction, REHS3373, "Converting D8N,
D8R, and D8T To SystemOne Undercarriage", page 18, Illustration 41.
D8 SystemOne undercarriage ordered as optional equipment on new machines from the factory will be
equipped with new front and rear major bogie arms that will correctly position the CTI without the use of
the idler block spacers.
Track Adjustment for D8 SystemOne Undercarriage
Upon installation of the D8 SystemOne undercarriage, track tension should be adjusted and maintained to
the same tolerance as the D8 standard fixed bushing track.
Table 1
Track Tension
Application With Out Carrier Roller With Carrier Roller
Normal operation

115 10 mm (4.5 0.4 inch)

65 10 mm (2.6 0.4 inch)
Moderate tendency for sprocket jumping

100 10 mm (3.9 0.4 inch)

60 10 mm (2.4 0.4 inch)
Severe tendency for sprocket jumping

90 10 mm (3.5 0.4 inch)

55 10 mm (2.2 0.4 inch)
Note: In applications with moderate to heavy packing, track tension should be monitored after initial
operation to be sure the track tension is maintained within guidelines.
Note: Center Tread Idlers are not recommended for heavy packing environments. Conventional
Idlers are recommended for heavy packing environments.
Note: D8 SystemOne should never be operated with a track sag of less than 80 mm (3.1 inch) as
overheating may occur which could damage the seals.
Serviceable Replacement parts for D8 SystemOne Track

Ver imagen

Illustration 8

(9) Outer link

Ver imagen

Illustration 9

(8) Inner link
The outer link, part number 304-5680. Refer to Illustration 8.
The inner link box, part number 318-5033. This contains two inner links that are assembled to two cartridge
assemblies. Refer to Illustration 9.
The link assembly, part number 304-5688. This contains 44 joints of assembled SystemOne track and
includes serrated master links.
The serrated master link part numbers are 321-2018 and 321-2019. Refer to ""Serrated Master Links" " for
the features of the serrated master link.
Master link bolts (four per link assembly), part number 6V-1725. This is the same part as the long master
link bolts in the conventional D8 fixed bushing track.
The seven bolt sprocket segments for D8 SystemOne is 278-2375. Refer to ""Tough Steel Segments With
Seven Bolts" " for the features of the seven bolt sprocket segments.
Segment bolts, part number 5P-7665 ; hard washers, part number 6V-5841 ; and nuts, part number 7H-
Track rollers used for the D8 SystemOne are the standard D8N, D8R, and D8T single flange rollers, part
number 246-0775. All rollers used with the D8 SystemOne are single flange rollers.
Track guides for the D8 SystemOne are the same as used on conventional fixed bushing track, part number
248-2987. Bolts for track guides are part number 8T-8924 and washers for the track guide bolts are part
number 8T-4994 .
Standard CTIs for the D8 SystemOne are 308-4364 Track Idler Gp for the front and 308-4365 Track Idler Gp
for the rear.
All Track Groups made to order (MTO), Track Shoes, CTI Guarding Kit, Idler Fastener Kit, and associated
hardware are listed and described in Special Instruction, REHS3373.
The standard Multi-Pitch Tool is updated with attachments for use on D8 SystemOne undercarriage. Refer
to Service Magazine, SEPD0936, "Tooling for Machines with D8 SystemOne Undercarriage " for the
complete tool list for the Standard Multi-Pitch Tool. Refer to Special Instruction, REHS2403, "Installation
and Removal of SystemOne Track with the Multi-Pitch Track Press" for instructions for using the Multi-Pitch
Tool. Refer to Undercarriage Reconditioning Bulletin, SEBF9100, "Field Repair of SystemOne Track with the
Multi-Pitch Track Press" for instructions regarding field repair of D8 SystemOne track using the Multi-Pitch
Track Life and System Life Expectations for D8 SystemOne
The design of the D8 SystemOne undercarriage wear life will allow for the reuse of the original CTIs and
sprocket segments throughout a second set of tracks in most applications.
Replacement of CTI duo cone seals is recommended every 6000 hours.
All rollers on the D8 SystemOne are single flange rollers. Since D8 single flange rollers are 6 mm (0.236 inch)
larger in diameter than double flange rollers, maximum roller tread diameter is utilized throughout the
roller system.
It is common for the D8 SystemOne rollers to run in a 1:1 ratio with the D8 SystemOne track.
D8 SystemOne pre-production track was placed in a variety of extreme applications that included: High
Impact, Wet and Dry Abrasion, Aggregate and General Earthmoving
Undercarriage wear life varies with the application and operating conditions
Most D8 SystemOne undercarriage life improvements ranged from 1.25 to 2 times the life of standard fixed
bushing track put in the same application.
Best life improvements were seen in abrasive applications where some machines exceeded 2 times the life
of standard undercarriage.
With D8 SystemOne track and center tread idlers, less wear occurs on the link rail surface, resulting in
greater track link life and less link scallop.
The seal system in the D8 SystemOne track has a four year/6000 hour warranty. Although some pre-
production D8 SystemOne track ran in excess of 8000 hours in non-abrasive long life applications, ultimate
track life in non-abrasive applications will be dictated by the seal life within the cartridge. Therefore in long
life, non-abrasive applications link wear life may still be present when the track will be discarded due to
exhausted track seal life.
In summary, D8 SystemOne track provides significantly improved track life in abrasive applications. In
applications which see long life with conventional fixed bushing track, the benefits with D8 SystemOne are
service life with no downtime for pin/bushing turns, and reuse of idlers and sprocket segments.
Camber for D8 SystemOne

Ver imagen

Illustration 10

Straight roller frames deflected under tractor weight (exaggerated)
Camber is the addition of positive angle in the pivot shaft bore in the track roller frames. This is done to
overcome the negative effect of the machine body weight which when combined with the drawbar load
causes the track to thrust outward. Refer to Illustration 10.

Ver imagen

Illustration 11

Cambered roller frames (exaggerated). When machine weight is added the tracks run straight with no outward thrust.
Camber on D8 Track-Type Tractorsis accomplished by changing the pivot shaft bore in the rear track roller
frame from a bore machined straight through the rear track roller frame to a bore machined with a positive
angle. When the weight of the machine is placed on the track roller frames with camber, the roller frames
deflect causing the track to run parallel to the ground without thrust toward the outside.
The addition of camber to the pivot shaft bores will be standard from the East Peoria factory on all new D8
tractors starting 1January 2009. This includes both machines ordered with standard track as well as the
SystemOne option.
Camber will be standard on all D8 machines purchased from Cat Brazil Ltd with a planned target date of
1May 2009. This includes SystemOne and standard undercarriage.
Track roller frame toe-out or minor bogie yaw will not be part of the camber feature on D8 machines.
The addition of camber on all D8 machines will reduce the outward thrust of the tracks. For conventional
fixed bushing track, camber will reduce the following: outer roller flange wear, the side wear seen on the
idler center tread due to contact with the link assembly and the wear caused to links and pins due to
contact with the guides.
Camber can be retro-fit to existing models of D8 machines, however this is an expensive procedure and as
such the need should be verified.
Verify the need for retro-fit of camber by installing and using SystemOne undercarriage on existing
equipment and monitoring wear to the CTI thrust wings as described in ""Link and CTI Design that Resists
Thrust Bias Wear" ". If thrust bias wear can be managed by rotating the CTI it would not be cost effective to
perform a camber retro-fit. It was determined with pre-production D8 SystemOne that in 80 percent of all
track installations, camber would not have been necessary.
The retro-fit of camber to roller frames is only recommended when the effects of thrust bias wear cannot
be managed using the SystemOne track. This is likely to appear in applications of extreme high abrasion
(sand and water) with standard gauge machines and with SystemOne undercarriage used on all LGP models
regardless of application.
Since the effects of adding camber are positive for both SystemOne and conventional fixed bushing track,
Caterpillar has decided to produce one roller frame configuration for all D8 machines effective 1January
2009 from the East Peoria factory and with a planned target date of 1May 2009 from Cat Brazil Ltd.
For the correct procedure for performing a camber retro-fit, contact DSN Tier 2 Undercarriage.
Wear Charts for D8 SystemOne Undercarriage Components
Custom Track Service (CTS) wear charts for D8 SystemOne are available in the following locations:
1. Information Release Memo UC08-16; PELJ0975
2. Custom Track Service Handbook PEKP9400
3. Custom Track Service Software Program CTS 5.5.2.

Converting D8N, D8R, and D8T To SystemOne
SMCS - 4150

Track-Type Tractor:
D8N (S/N: 9TC1-UP; 1XJ1-UP; 5TJ1-UP; 7TK1-UP)
D8R Series II (S/N: AKA1-UP; 6YZ1-UP)
D8R (S/N: 7XM1-UP; 9EM1-UP)
D8T (S/N: J8B1-UP; KPZ1-UP)
This Special Instruction, REHS3373 provides the procedure for converting a D8N, D8R, or D8T that is
shipped from the factory with a conventional suspended undercarriage to a SystemOne undercarriage
with center tread idlers.
However, D8 SystemOne with center tread Idlers is not recommended for all applications. The following
should be noted:
D8 SystemOne is not recommended for waste handling applications.
D8 SystemOne is not recommended for any hard bottom (non-suspended) track roller frame configuration
D8 SystemOne is not recommended for LGP applications.
Installation of conventional idlers is required if D8 SystemOne is to be used in a heavy packing application
(stiff, heavy clays; caliche). This will prevent recoil system failures and track adjuster failures due to
excessive packing between the center tread idler and track link box.
Note: Do not perform any procedure that is outlined in this publication until you have read the
information and you understand the information. Do not order parts until you read the information
and you understand the information.

Do not attempt to disassemble or assemble this machine until you read
and understand the disassembly and assembly instructions. Improper
disassembly and assembly procedures could result in injury or death.

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or death to personnel
working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect the battery cable from
the negative () battery terminal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of
the disconnected battery cable end in order to prevent contact with
other metal surfaces which could activate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop switch location to inform
personnel that the equipment is being worked on.

The machine must be on a level, hard surface before a separation of the
track is made. Any time a separation of both tracks is made, the
machine must have blocks correctly positioned so the machine will not

Keep away from the front of the machine when the track is pushed off
the final drive. A minimum distance of 7.6 m (25 ft) is needed in front of
the track to permit the track to move out onto the floor.

ReferenceRefer to the appropriate Disassembly and Assembly manual for your machine.
Required Parts for Conversion to D8 SystemOne
Table 1
Summary of Parts for Conversion of D8N, D8R, and D8T to SystemOne
Part Number Description Quantity
Refer to Table 2. Track Group 2
278-2375 Sprocket Segment 10
Refer to Table 4 or Table 5. Idlers For the front 2
Refer to Table 4 or Table 5. Idlers For the rear 2
307-0761 Idler Fastener Group for Suspended Undercarriage
316-8674 Idler Guarding Kit
246-0775 Single Flange Rollers (Standard)
( 1 )
Not required if conventional idlers are used.
( 2 )
Refer to Table 7 for special application roller options.
Note: SystemOne uses all single flange rollers, 16 total single flange rollers are required per machine.
Table 2
D8N, D8R, and D8T Made To Order (MTO) SystemOne Track Groups
Track Groups Must be Ordered as a Stock Order.


304-5688 Track Link Assembly is used. Quantity Split Master
Super Extreme Service
660 mm (26 inch)
2 276-0543
Super Extreme Service
660 mm (26 inch)(Center Hole)
2 276-0535
Super Extreme Service
610 mm (24 inch)
2 276-0550
Extreme Service
710 mm (28 inch)
2 272-3171
Extreme Service
660 mm (26 inch)
2 272-3168
Extreme Service
660 mm (26 inch) (Center Hole)
2 272-3164
Extreme Service
610 mm (24 inch)
2 272-3163
Extreme Service
610 mm (24 inch) (Center Hole)
2 272-3169
( 1 )
All Track Groups include master links.
( 2 )
The hardware includes 172 6V-1723 Track Bolts , 172 273-8806 Track Nuts , and 4 6V-1725 Master Link Bolts .
Note: The list of Made To Order Track may change based on the demand.
Note: Some of the Made To Order Track that is listed will have a 14 day availability and some of the
Made To Order Track will have a 28 day availability. Please consult your parts order representative
for the up-to-date information concerning the order window for each Made To Order Track that is
Table 3
SystemOne Track Shoes for D8N, D8R, and D8T,
218 mm (8.58 inch) Pitch, 7/8 Bolt
Type - Description Master Shoe Full Link Shoe

610 mm (24 inch) (ES)
295-9963 246-7483

610 mm (24 inch) (SES)
295-9966 257-6928

660 mm (26 inch) (ES Trap)
257-6929 246-7486

710 mm (28 inch) (ES)
240-6674 272-3183

610 mm (24 inch) (SES Trap)
296-1372 276-0545

660 mm (26 inch) (ES)
296-1396 272-3180

610 mm (24 inch) (ES Trap)
295-9964 272-3181

660 mm (26 inch) (SES Trap)
240-6673 276-0533

660 mm (26 inch) (SES)
296-1373 276-0541

710 mm (28 inch) (SES)
242-1931 276-0552
Table 4
D8N, D8R, and D8T SystemOne Center Tread Idlers
Bogie Suspension Only
Part Number Description Quantity
308-4364 Track Idler Group Front (Large Diameter) 2
3084365 Track Idler Group Rear (Small Diameter) 2
Table 5
D8N, D8R, and D8T Conventional Idlers (For Heavy Packing Applications)
Bogie Suspension Only
Part Number Description Quantity
111-1730 Track Idler Group Front (Large Diameter) 2
111-1729 Track Idler Group Rear (Small Diameter) 2
Table 6
Common with D8N, D8R, and D8T PPR and Non PPR Undercarriage (Per Machine)
Part Number Description Quantity
246-0775 Track Roller Group (Single Flange) 16

131-1651 Track Roller Cap Assembly 36
246-0775 Carrier Roller 2

246-0775 Track Roller Group 16

6T-1140 Bolt (Rollers) 72
5P-8249 Hard Washers (Rollers) 72
131-1644 Track Idler Cap Assembly 8
8T-4994 Hard Washers (Track Guides) 32
248-2987 Guide 16

8T-8924 Bolt (Guide) 32
8T-4994 Hard Washer (Guide) 32
5P-7665 Bolt (Sprocket) 50
7H-3608 Nut (Sprocket) 50
6V-5841 Hard Washer (Sprocket) 50
5P-7665 Bolt (Sprocket) 70

7H-3608 Nut (Sprocket) 70

6V-5841 Hard Washer (Sprocket) 70

( 1 )
Only 8 per machine with conventional undercarriage, D8 SystemOne requires all single flange rollers.
( 2 )
The 246-0775 Track Roller Group was effective with D8T (S/N: KPZ1290-UP; 9EM2919-UP). The 246-0775 Track Roller Group
is slightly wider and is identified with 246-0778 or 284-5458 stamped on the flange of the roller.
( 3 )
The 248-2987 Guides are effective on D8T machines that were built after November 2005. New 248-2987 Guides are
required on older machines equipped with SystemOne to assure proper clearance between links and guides. Use of the
former guides can lead to link failures due to excessive contact between the links and the guides.
( 4 )
Order 70 bolts, 70 nuts, and 70 washers in order to mount each 278-2375 Sprocket Segment with seven bolts. Five bolts can
be used to mount each segment, but for greater segment retention use seven bolts. Refer to instructions for drilling the
final drive in ""Drill Bolt Holes in the Final Drive" ".
Note: If the tractor requires carrier rollers, two additional Track Roller Groups must be ordered.
Table 7
D8N, D8R, and D8T SystemOne Track Rollers and Carrier Rollers
Per Machine Part Number Quantity
Single Flange (SF) 246-0775

components of Group
Description Part Number Quantity
Roller Shell 284-5456 1
Collar 107-3945 2
Shaft 107-8084 1
Retainer 107-8085 2
Duo-Cone Seal Gp 162-7862 2
Special Application Roller Groups
Single Flange (SF) Arctic 278-9539 16
Single Flange (SF) High-Heat/Extreme Temperature 278-9538 16
( 1 )
The 246-0775 Track Roller Group was effective with D8T (S/N: KPZ1290-UP; J8B734-UP; 9EM2919-UP) The internal width of
the 246-0775 Track Roller Group is slightly wider and can be identified with 246-0778 or 284-5458 stamped on the flange.
( 2 )
SystemOne uses all Single Flange Rollers
Torque Specifications
Table 8
Torque specifications for D8 SystemOne Undercarriage
Track Shoes

650 70 Nm (480 51 lb ft) +1/3 turn
Serrated Master Links

650 70 Nm (480 51 lb ft) +1/3 turn
Undercarriage Rollers (Suspended) Mounting Bolts

750 Nm (550 lb ft)
Carrier Rollers

750 70 Nm (550 50 lb ft)
Idler Mounting Bolts (With Center Tread Idlers)

1600 200 Nm (1180 150 lb ft)
Idler Mounting Bolts (With Conventional Idlers)

1600 200 Nm (1180 150 lb ft)
Track (Guide Bolts)

475 50 Nm (350 40 lb ft)
Sprocket Segments

300 50 Nm (220 40 lb ft) + 1/3 turn
Installation Instructions
Note: The following work can be performed without removing the track roller frames. Removing the
track roller frames is recommended in order to facilitate component inspection and restoration as
described in Step 5.
1. Separate the track. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Track - Separate".
2. Remove the track roller frames. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Track Roller Frame - Remove".
3. Remove the idlers. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Idler - Remove"
4. Remove the track rollers and track guides. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, "Track Roller Frame -
Note: When performing a retro-fit from standard undercarriage to SystemOne undercarriage
for the D8, some of the existing single flange rollers may be suitable for use and would not
require removal. The D8 SystemOne undercarriage requires the use of all single flange
rollers. Refer to the first item in Table 6.
5. Refer to Special Instruction, REHS1757, "Rebuild Guidelines for the Suspended Undercarriage" for
inspection and reconditioning of the track roller frames and components for the track roller frame.
Note: Design specifications are specified in Special Instruction, REHS1757 and Special
Instruction, SEHS8972. It is imperative for the successful performance of D8 SystemOne
undercarriage that the following components are within design specifications:
o Refer to Special Instruction, SEHS8972, "Reconditioning of Bearing Surfaces and Pivot Shaft Ends"
for pivot shafts, pivot shaft seals, and bearings.
o Equalizer Bar and Pins
o Track roller frame guides, referred to as Twister-Resistor. An out of specification condition of the
Twister-Resistor will result in increased thrust wear to the sides of the inner link area. This will
occur due to contact with the sides of the front center tread idler.
o Major bogies and cartridge pins
o Minor bogies and cartridge pins
Installation of the New Sprocket Segments

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

1. Install the 278-2375 Sprocket Segment with 5P-7665 Bolts , 6V-5841 Hard Washers , and 7H-3608 Nuts .
Apply SAE30W oil to the threads of the bolts. Install the bolts. Refer to Illustration 1. Make sure that washer
(1) is installed between the head of the bolt and the flange on the hub. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 300
50 Nm (220 37 lb ft). Tighten the bolts an additional 1/3 of a turn.
Note: The final drives Do Not require removal from the machine in order to drill for the new
seven bolt segments. Refer to Illustration 5.
Note: The undercarriage pitch for SystemOne is 2.1 mm (0.083 inch) longer so the new
sprocket segments must be used.
Note: The final drives on current D8N, D8R, and D8T machines have only five holes for the sprocket
segments in order to bolt to the final drive. The new sprocket segments have seven holes in order to
bolt to the final drive. The new sprocket segments can be bolted to the final drive with five bolts or
for greater sprocket segment retention, drill two additional holes per segment in the final drive hubs.
Follow the Steps that are shown below to drill the two additional bolt holes in the final drive in order
to use all bolt holes in the new sprocket segments.
Note: D8R and D8T machines that will be equipped with a SystemOne undercarriage from the
factory will utilize all available bolt holes for maximum segment retention.
Drill Bolt Holes in the Final Drive
1. Remove four bolts that are equally spaced from the final drive.
2. Make a cover plate for the final drive from mild steel that is 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) to 9.53 mm (0.375 inch)
thick. The outside diameter of the cover plate should be 595 mm (23.5 inch). Drill four 25.4 mm (1.000
inch) holes in the cover plate in order to match the bolt holes in the final drive for the four bolts that were

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Illustration 2

3. Make four round spacers (2) from mild steel approximately 38 mm (1.500 inch) long. Drill a 25.4 mm (1.000
inch) hole in each spacer.

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Illustration 3

4. Place cover plate (1) on top of final drive (3) with spacers (2). Spacers (2) should be positioned on final drive
(3) over the four bolt holes from the bolts that were removed in Step 1. Secure cover plate (1) to final drive
(3) with bolts (4). Bolts (4) must be longer in order to go through cover plate (1) and spacers (2) and thread
into final drive (3) .

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Illustration 4

5. Mount segments (5) to final drive (3) with the five original bolt holes.

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Illustration 5

6. Attach magnetic drill (6) to cover plate (1). Use a 21 mm (0.827 inch) drill bit (8) and an extension for the
drill bit (7) that is a minimum of 304.800 mm (12 inch) in length.

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Illustration 6

(A) The holes in the sprocket segment that will be used as a guide to drill into the final drive

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Illustration 7

7. Align magnetic drill (6) in the proper location. Drill the holes into final drive (3) with the holes in sprocket
segment (5) as a guide. Each sprocket segment (5) will have seven holes. The final drive hub does not need
to be removed from the machine in order to drill the holes.

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Illustration 8

8. Refer to Illustration 8 for the final drive with holes (A) that are drilled.
Install the Guarding on the Track Roller Frames for the Center
Tread Idlers
Description of Guarding Kit for the Center Tread Idler
Note: The kit and modifications in this section are not required when conventional idlers are used.
Table 9
316-8674 Center Tread Idler Guarding Kit
Quantity for One
316-8665 Top Plate for the rear frame
316-8667 Scraper Plate for the rear frame
316-8664 Top Plate for the front frame
316-8666 Side Plate for the front frame
316-8668 Deflector Plate for the front frame
Gusset for the side plate on the front frame and Gusset for the
rear deflector on the rear frame
Modified Gusset for the front deflector on the front frame and
Gusset for the rear deflector on the rear frame
Gusset for the front deflector on the front frame and Gusset for
the rear deflector on the rear frame
316-8669 Deflector Plate on the rear frame
316-8671 Side Fin on the rear frame
Installation Procedure for the 316-8674 Center Tread Idler Guarding Kit (Front)

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Illustration 9

1. Grind rear corners (1) on 316-8664 Plate (2) in order to ensure the proper fit to frame (3). Refer to
Illustration 9.

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Illustration 10

2. Insert plate (2) into frame (3). Make sure that plate (2) is flush with the top surface of frame (3) and notch
(4) is facing outward. Refer to Illustration 10.

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Illustration 11

3. Tack weld plate (2) in locations (5). Refer to Illustration 11.

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Illustration 12

4. Place a mark on the frame in location (A). Measure 105 mm (4.134 inch) from location (A) and mark the
frame in location (B). Measure 105 mm (4.134 inch) from location (B) and mark the frame in location (C).
you will need to do this procedure on both sides of the frame. Refer to Illustration 12.

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Illustration 13

5. Place the center of 316-8670 Gussets (6) on the marks on the frame from Step 4. Recess the top surface of
gussets (6) 16 mm (0.630 inch) from the top edge of frame (3). Tack weld all gussets (6) in place. Refer to
Illustration 13.

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Illustration 14

6. Weld all gussets (6) on both sides with a 16 mm (0.6299 inch) fillet weld. Refer to Illustration 14.

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Illustration 15

7. Insert both 316-8666 Plates (7). Make sure that the plates are flush with the top surface of plate (2) and
flush with frame (3). Make sure that plates (7) are inserted with the beveled edges toward plate (2). Make
sure that gap (E) between plates (7) is 110 mm (4.331 inch). Tack weld both plates (7) all around.

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Illustration 16

8. Weld the bottom of plates (7) to gussets (6) all around with a 16 mm (0.630 inch) fillet weld. Weld the
plates to the gussets on both sides of the gussets. Refer to Illustration 16.

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Illustration 17

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Illustration 18

9. Tack weld 316-8668 Plates (8) to 316-8666 Plates (7). The top edge of plates (8) needs to be flush with the
top surface (G) of plates (7). Plates (8) should be angled down 45 degrees (F). Refer to Illustration 17. The
inside edge of plates (8) needs to be flush with the inside edge of plates (7). Refer to Illustration 18 (H) .

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Illustration 19

10. Tack weld 316-8673 Gusset (9) beneath plate (8). Gusset (9) should be flush with the outer surface of frame
(3). Gusset (9) is not required on early models with track roller frames with tapered ends.

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Illustration 20

11. Tack weld 316-8673 Gusset (9) to plate (8) and frame (3). Gusset (9) should be flush with the inner surface
of frame (3) .
Note: 316-8668 Gusset (9) will not be used on the roller frames for D8N. The rear plates will
be over laid on the bent tail portion of the front track roller frame.

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Illustration 21

12. After all of the parts are installed, finish welding all of the parts with a 16 mm (0.630 inch) fillet weld. Refer
to Illustration 21.

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Illustration 22

13. Paint the guard for the center tread idler with Caterpillar yellow paint when all of the welding is completed.
Refer to Illustration 22.
316-8674 Center Tread Idler Guarding Kit (Rear)
Note: The kit and modifications in this section are not required when conventional idlers are used.
Note: You must install 316-8671 Plates if your machine is not equipped with these plates. Some track
frames are not equipped with 316-8671 Plates . Follow Step 1 in order to install the plates.

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Illustration 23

(3) Frame
(10) 316-8671 Plate
(H) 106 mm (4.173 inch)

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Illustration 24

1. Install 316-8671 Plates (10) to frame (3). Align the inside surface of plates (10) to the inside surface of
frame (3). The distance from the surface of frame (3) to the top of plate (10) should be (H) 106 mm (4.173
inch). Make sure that the edge (J) of plate (10) is flush with the edge of frame (3). Tack weld plate (10) to
frame (3). Plates (10) should be the same height. Refer to Illustration 23 and 24.

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Illustration 25

2. Align the bottom rear corner of 316-8665 Plate (11) with the rear corner of plate (10). Center plate (11) in
plate (10). Tack weld plate (11) to plate (10) .
Note: Bar stock (K) was added for installation purposes only. Plate (11) has been lengthened
in order to lay across the top of plates (10) .

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Illustration 26

Plate (12) is roughly parallel with angled edge (P) of plate (10) .

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Illustration 27

Refer to Illustration 27 for a side view of plate (12) installed on mounting bar (M) .
(M) Mounting Bar
(12) 316-8667 Plate
(N) The correct location and orientation of 316-8667 Plate (12) installed on mounting bar (M)
3. Place 316-8667 Plate (12) against the top rear corner of plate (11). Refer to edge (Q) in Illustration 26. If the
rear frame has mounting bar (M) installed, plate (12) will need to be trimmed to a dimension of 280 mm
(11.024 inch) by 180 mm (7.087 inch). If mounting bar (M) is not installed on the frame, install plate (12)
with the original dimensions 280 mm (11.024 inch) by 215 mm (8.465 inch). If mounting bar (M) is not
installed on the frame, install plate (12) with the top edge flush with the bottom edge of plate (11). Refer to
edge (Q) in Illustration 26. This will align plate (12) parallel with edge (P) of plate (10) .
Note: Plate (12) can be ground in order to fit the angle of plate (10) .

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Illustration 28

(6) 316-8670 Gusset
(11) 316-8665 Plate
(L) 155 mm (6.102 inch)
4. Measure 155 mm (6.102 inch) from the bottom of plate (11) to the center of gusset (6) and tack weld
gusset (6) in this location. Make sure that the top surface of gussets (6) are flush with the slanted edge of
plate (10) .

Ver imagen

Illustration 29

5. Place 316-8669 Plates (13) on top of gussets (6). Make sure that the top edge of plates (13) are flush with
the top surface of plate (11) and aligned with the gap on plate (11). Make sure that the bottom edges of
plates (13) are flush with each other. Make sure that gap (P) between plates (13) is 104.5 mm (4.114 inch).
Tack weld both plates (13) all around.

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Illustration 30

6. Finish welding the underside of plates (13) to gussets (6) with a 16 mm (0.630 inch) fillet weld.

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Illustration 31

Note: The gussets that are installed in Step 7 will depend on if your machine is a D8N, D8R,
or a D8T. For a D8T (N/WDA) Series I and Series II rear guard 316-8670 Gusset will be used.
For a D8R (N/WDA) Series I and Series II rear guard 316-8673 Gusset will be used. For D8R
and D8T 316-8672 Gusset will be used if the frame has obstructions in the gusset location.
7. Tack weld 316-8670 Gussets , 316-8673 Gussets , or 316-8672 Gussets beneath plate (13) with the outer
surface of gusset (6) flush with the outer surface of frame (3). Refer to Illustration 31.

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Illustration 32

8. Tack weld inside gusset (6) flush with inside frame (3). Do this procedure for both inside gussets (6) .

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Illustration 33

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Illustration 34

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Illustration 35

9. Finish weld all of the plates with a 16 mm (0.6230 inch) fillet weld.
Refer to Illustration 33, Illustration 34, and Illustration 35.

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Illustration 36

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Illustration 37

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Illustration 38

Refer to Illustration 38 for a simulated Front Guard Ready Undercarriage with all of the guards completely installed.

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Illustration 39

Refer to Illustration 39 for a simulated Rear Guard Ready Undercarriage with all of the guards completely installed.
10. Paint the plates with Caterpillar yellow paint after all of the welding is complete. Refer to Illustration 36 and
Illustration 37.
Install Shims for Bogie Pads, Track Roller Groups, Track Guides,
and New Center Tread Idlers (For Machines With Suspended
Note: The parts listed in this section are not required when conventional idlers are used.
Table 10
Required Parts for Suspended Undercarriage
307-0761 Idler Fastener Group
Part Number Description Quantity
3S-1349 Hard Washer (Idler Mounting) 16
8T-4934 Bolt (Idler Mounting) 16
307-0771 Block Assembly (Idler)
8T-9380 Bolt (Bogie Shim Mounting) 64
8T-5360 Hard Washer (Bogie Shim Mounting) 64
7T-4699 Plate (Bogie Shim) 16
( 1 )
307-0771 Track Idler Block will change to one piece ductile iron after validation. The part number will then become 307-
0762 Block . The new block will be available approximately July, 2008.

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Illustration 40

Use 16 5 mm (0.197 inch) 7T-4699 Bogie Shims , 64 8T-9380 Bolts for the bogie shims, and 64 8T-5360 Washers for
the bogie shims.
(1) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(2) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(3) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(4) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(5) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(6) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(7) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
(8) 5 mm (0.197 inch) Shim
1. Remove the upper bogie pads and lower bogie pads and install one 5 mm (0.197 inch) shim under each
bogie pad. Install eight shims for each track roller frame, four shims on the frame and four shims on the
major bogies. Refer to Illustration 40. The shims and the hardware are part of the 307-0761 Idler Fastener
Group . Tighten the bolts to 70 15 Nm (50 10 lb ft).
2. Install the 246-0775 Track Roller Groups with the existing roller caps and bolts. Tighten the abutment side
of the cap first. Tighten the bolts to 750 70 Nm (555 50 lb ft).
3. Install the 248-2987 Guides with the existing hardware. Tighten the bolts to 475 50 Nm (350 35 lb ft).

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Illustration 41

4. Remove existing sleeve (1) for installing a center tread idler. Refer to Illustration 41 for a shim block and a
cap installation for a center tread idler.
5. Install the front and rear center tread idlers. Refer to Table 4 or Table 5 depending on your requirements.
Use 307-0771 Track Idler Block (2), 131-1644 Track Idler Cap Assembly (3), 8T-4934 Bolts (4), and 3S-1349
Hard Washers (5). Tighten the abutment side first. Torque bolts to 1600 200 Nm (1180 150 lb ft). Refer
to Illustration 41.
Note: The parts that are used for the installation of the center tread idlers are supplied in 307-
0761 Idler Fastener Group that is described in Table 10.
Note: The front center tread idler measures 786 mm (30.9 inch) in diameter. The rear center
tread idler measures 720 mm (28.3 inch) in diameter.
Installation of the Track Groups
Install the track groups on the machine and connect the tracks. Adjust the track for proper sag.
Table 11
Track Sag
Carrier Roller Minimum Target Maximum
Machines Without a carrier roller

105 mm (4.1 inch)

115 mm (4.5 inch)

125 mm (4.9 inch)
Machines With a carrier roller

55 mm (2.2 inch)

65 mm (2.6 inch)

75 mm (3.0 inch)
Standard Track
Table 12
Track Sag for Standard Track
Minimum Target Maximum
No Carrier Roller (2)

105 mm (4.1 inch)

115 mm (4.5 inch)

125 mm (4.9 inch)
Carrier Roller (3) and (4)

55 mm (2.2 inch)

65 mm (2.6 inch)

75 mm (3 inch)
SystemOne Track
Table 13
Track Sag for SystemOne Track
No Carrier Roller (2) Carrier Roller (3) and (4)

115 10 mm (4.5 0.4 inch)

65 10 mm (2.6 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a sprocket jump application
100 10 mm (4.0 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a sprocket jump application
60 10 mm (2.4 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a severe sprocket jump
90 10 mm (3.5 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a severe sprocket jump
55 10 mm (2.2 0.4 inch)
Required Tooling for Multi-Pitch (Repair Only)
The Caterpillar Multi-Pitch Tool now has added components for use with D8 SystemOne track.
Refer to Special Instruction, REHS2403, "Installation and Removal of SystemOne Track With the
Multi-Pitch SystemOne Track Press Tool" for complete instructions on the use of the multi-pitch
Refer to Undercarriage Reconditioning Bulletin, SEBF9100, "Field Repair for SystemOne Track
with Multi-Pitch Track Press Tool" for the use of the multi-pitch tool for field service .
Refer to Table 14 for a complete list of tools that are available for the multi-pitch tool.
Note: Special tooling is not required to do a conversion and installation of D8 SystemOne. All of the
link assemblies and all of the track groups are equipped from the factory with (split) serrated master
links. Multi-pitch tooling is needed for product support of repairs if repairs are required, in order to
replace a box section.
Note: The current version of D8 SystemOne Undercarriage includes split master links with each track
group or link assembly. Refer to Special Instructions, REHS4336 for the replacement of serrated master
links in D8 SystemOne track.
Table 14
Complete Tool List for D8 SystemOne
Part Number Description Quantity
264-5770 Puller Plate 1
264-5768 Plate 2
265-8989 Nut
264-5774 Stud
264-57777 Block 2
265-8035 Hydraulic Cylinder (75 Ton) 1
289-5146 Contact Plate (Install)
272-1505 Contact Plate (Remove)
279-0092 Spacer
8H-3127 Bolt
5P-8249 Washer 8
4L-7124 Bolt 2
268-7901 Shim 2
264-5776 Guard 1
264-5772 Hold Down Strap
2J-5245 Bolt
5M-2894 Washer
9S-8752 Nut
9S-8752 Nut
3S-6224 Hydraulic Pump (Electric) 1
4C-5599 Anti-Sieze Compound 1
( 1 )
ACME Thread
( 2 )
New Part Numbers And Additional Tools
( 3 )
Parts For The Guard
Modifications Required for Machines With a Striker Bar
When retrofitting a D8N, D8R, or a D8T with a striker bar, the grouser on Extreme Service track shoes
(ES) and Super Extreme Service track shoes (SES) may contact the rear striker bar and the gusset for the
rear striker bar.
This may occur when the rear major bogie and rear idler are fully articulated upward. Therefore, the striker
bar and gusset may need modifications.
Note: Only the rear striker bar is affected.

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Illustration 42

1. Back the tractor on blocks (Q) in order to put rear major bogie (R) in the uppermost position against the

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Illustration 43

2. Do not cut welds (U). Cut off gusset (S) just outboard of weld (U). Stop the chamfer on striker bar (T) just
outboard of weld (U) in order to protect the integrity of the rear enclosure.

Ver imagen

Illustration 44

3. Remove gusset (S) flush with the striker bar on both sides of the tractor.

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Illustration 45

4. After gusset (S) is removed, chamfer striker bar (T) in order to allow clearance for the grouser if necessary.
The dimension for the clearance for the grouser to the striker bar is 25.4 mm (1 inch) wide by a maximum
of 38.1 mm (1.5 inch) tall from the end of striker bar (T). Only chamfer enough material from striker bar (T)
in order to obtain a 6.350 mm (0.250 inch) clearance between the shoe and striker bar (T) .

SMCS - 4150

Components of the Undercarriage

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Illustration 1

(1) Rear idler
(2) Rear track roller frame
(3) Pivot shaft
(4) Access port for track adjustment
(5) Recoil oscillation guide
(6) Front track roller frame
(7) Track
(8) Front idler
(9) Major bogie
(10) Minor bogie
(11) Track roller
(12) Idler guards
The undercarriage consists of the following major components:
Track Roller Frames - The track roller frames consist of front track roller frame (6) and rear track roller
frame (2) .
Pivot Shaft - Pivot shaft (3) connects the roller frames to the machine main frame. Each roller frame can
oscillate at the pivot shaft.
Equalizer Bar - The equalizer bar connects the two roller frames at the front of the machine. Oscillation of
the roller frame is controlled by the equalizer bar.
Track Idlers - Front idler (8) is installed on front track roller frame (6). Rear idler (1) is installed on rear
track roller frame (2) .
Major Bogies - Each major bogie (9) contains a cartridge pin. Minor bogies (10) pivot on these cartridge
Minor Bogies - Each minor bogie (10) supports two track rollers (11) .
Track Rollers - Eight track rollers (11) on each side guide the tracks.
Tracks - Tracks (7) are sealed and lubricated for extended service life.
Idler Guards - The idler guards (12) deflect material from the area around the track link box. The idler
guards keep the area clear so that the bushings in the track can turn freely on the idlers.
Track Roller Frame

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Illustration 2

Track roller frame
(2) Rear track roller frame
(4) Access port for track adjustment
(5) Recoil oscillation guide
(6) Front track roller frame

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Illustration 3

Recoil spring assembly
(12) Valves
(13) Cylinder assembly
(14) Piston
(15) Tube assembly
(16) Spring
(17) Retainer
The track roller frame can be separated into two sections. Front track roller frame (6) has a large tube
assembly that telescopes or slides into rear track roller frame (2). The recoil spring assembly is inside this
A groove is machined in the outer diameter of the tube. Recoil oscillation guide (5) is installed in rear track
roller frame (2). After installation, the oscillation guide is in alignment with the groove in the tube.
The oscillation guide prevents any rotation of the tube inside the rear section of the track roller frame. The
guide allows the tube to move back and forth in the frame section during recoil.
Valves (12) are used for moving the front roller frame in order to adjust the track. When grease is pumped
into the filler valve through access port (4) for the track adjustment, piston (14) moves in a forward
direction. This movement causes the front track roller frame to move out of the rear roller frame. The track
tightens. Tension on the track is released by a relief valve.
Track Rollers
Single Flange

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Illustration 4

Single flange track roller
(18) Shaft
(19) Thrust washer
(20) Duo-Cone seal
Double Flange

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Illustration 5

Double flange track roller
(18) Shaft
(19) Thrust washer
(20) Duo-Cone seal
The track rollers are fastened to the minor bogies. The track rollers are in contact with the inside surfaces
of the track links. Flanges on the track rollers prevent movement of the track from side to side. The inside
surfaces of the track links equally distribute the weight of the machine over the track.
Each track roller frame has eight track rollers. Four of the rollers are single flange rollers. Four of the
rollers are double flange rollers.
Rollers are arranged in the following sequence. Start at the front of the machine.
No. 1 Roller - Single flange
No. 2 Roller - Single flange
No. 3 Roller - Double flange
No. 4 Roller - Double flange
No. 5 Roller - Double flange
No. 6 Roller - Double flange
No. 7 Roller - Single flange
No. 8 Roller - Single flange
The track rollers have Duo-Cone seals (20) at both ends of shaft (18). Thrust washers (19) absorb the side
load on the roller. The center of shaft (18) is an oil reservoir. This oil is used for lubrication of the bearing
Note: SystemOne track roller frames also have eight track rollers. All eight of the track rollers are single
flange rollers.
Track Idler

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Illustration 6

Track idler (Standard track)
(18) Shaft
(19) Thrust washer
(20) Duo-cone seal

Ver imagen

Illustration 7

Track idler (SystemOne track)
(18) Shaft
(19) Thrust washer
(20) Duo-cone seal
Each track roller frame has a front idler and a rear idler. The front idler is slightly larger than the rear idler.
The idler has Duo-Cone seals (20) at each end of shaft (18). Thrust washers (19) absorb the side load on
the idler. The center of shaft (18) is an oil reservoir. This oil is used for lubrication of the bearing surfaces.

Ver imagen

Illustration 8

Track assembly (Standard track)
(21) Seal assembly
(22) Track link
(23) Hole
(24) Bushing
(25) Cavity
(26) Track link
(27) Pin
(28) Track link
(29) Track link
(30) Thrust ring
(31) Plug
(32) Stopper
Each track link fits over the preceding track link. Track link (22) fits over track link (29). Track link (26)
fits over track link (28). Each track link has a counterbore in the end that fits with the preceding track link.
The connection of the track links make up the track assembly.
Seal assembly (21) is installed in the counterbores of each track link. Each seal assembly has a load ring
and a seal ring. The load ring pushes the seal ring against the end of bushing (24) and the link counterbore.
The seal ring provides a positive seal between the bushing and the link counterbore.
Thrust ring (30) is installed on pin (27). The thrust ring provides a specific amount of compression to the
seal assemblies. This controls the end play (free movement) of the track link joint. The arrangement of the
seal assemblies and the thrust rings keeps the oil in the track link joint. The seals also keep foreign material
out of the track link joint.
Pin (27) has cavity (25) which is almost the full length of the pin. Hole (23) is drilled radially in the pin
near the center of the pin. Radial hole (23) allows oil to go to the surface between pin (27) and bushing
(24). This oil lubricates the pin and the bushing. This oil also lubricates the lip of the seal ring. The lip of
the seal ring must be kept lubricated in order to prevent wear.
Oil is kept in cavity (25) by stopper (32) and plug (31). Oil is installed in the track pin through a hole in the
center of stopper (32). When the cavity is filled, plug (31) is installed in the stopper.

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Illustration 9

Track link box
(33) Track link
(34) Cartridge

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Illustration 10

Track Assembly
(35) Inner track link
(36) Outer track link
SystemOne track assembly has links (33) and cartridges (34). The new design of the cartridge takes the
place of the former pin, the bushing, and the seal components. The cartridge contains the oil for the track
joint. The cartridge is sealed and lubricated for life. The cartridge is a nonserviceable part. The cartridges
are serviced only as a track link box. This servicing of only the track link box ensures that the critical
alignment that is required of the inner links on the cartridges is correct. The track link boxes are connected
by outer links (36). The outer links (36) are rotated 180 from the inner links (35) .
The new SystemOne track uses a straight track link design. This makes the link stronger and the straight
link gives the link a greater ability to carry tough loads. The inner links look like the outer links but the
inner links have additional wear material. The outer links also have a groove along the bottom of the
outboard side of the link. The wear material is in specific locations in order to reduce thrust wear. The
outer links are serviced individually. The inner links are serviced by replacing the track link boxes.
ReferenceFor more information about the SystemOne Track, refer to Systems Operation Section,
RENR7526, "Tracks, SystemOne Track".
Equalizer Bar

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Illustration 11

Equalizer bar
(33) Equalizer bar saddle
(34) Rubber pads
(35) Track roller frames
(36) Pin
(37) Equalizer bar
(38) Track roller frame
The track roller frames are connected together at the front by equalizer bar (37). Spherical bearings connect
the equalizer bar to track roller frame (35) and (38) .
The equalizer bar pivots in the center around pin (36). Rubber pads (34) on the top of the equalizer bar
control the amount of oscillation of the equalizer bar.
Pivot Shaft

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Illustration 12

Connection of pivot shaft to track roller frame
(39) Bushing
(40) Bushing
(41) Track roller frame
(42) Pivot shaft
The track roller frames are connected at the rear by pivot shaft (42). The pivot shaft is also connected to the
main frame of the machine.
The track roller frames oscillate about the pivot shaft on bushings (39) and (40) .

Identification of Straight Undercarriage and Toe Out / Camber /
Yaw Undercarriage{4150}
SMCS - 4150

Track-Type Tractor:
D11R (S/N: AAF1-UP; 8ZR1-UP; 9TR1-UP; 9XR1-UP; 7PZ1-UP)
D10T (S/N: RJG1-UP)
D10R (S/N: 3KR1-UP; AKT1-UP)
D9T (S/N: RJS1-UP)
When you are servicing the undercarriage on D9, D10, or D11 elevated sprocket tractors, determining
whether the machine has a straight undercarriage or a Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage is important.
Tractors are equipped with Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage in order to provide greater wear life of
the rollers and links in most applications. Toe Out / Camber / Yaw became standard starting with the
following serial numbers:
D11R (S/N: 9TR202; 9XR154)
D10R (S/N: 3KR1331)
D9R (S/N: 7TL1212; 8BL1422)
In very specific applications, the straight undercarriage has better wear characteristics. For this reason, the
straight undercarriage became an option. Tractors may be equipped with either undercarriage after the
following serial numbers:
D11R (S/N: AAF212; 7PZ726) (June 2003)
D10T (S/N: RJG1 (First Production))
D10R (S/N: AKT642) (May 2004)
D9T (S/N: RJS1 (First Production))
D9R (S/N: ABK968,(April 2004); WDM1 (First Production))
Note: No D9R Track-Type Tractors with the ACL S/N prefix were produced with straight frames.
General Identification

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

Left side of drawing shows a straight undercarriage. Right side of drawing shows a Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage.
(A) Toe out of the track roller frame
(B) Camber of the track roller frame
(C) Yaw of the track roller frame
Illustration 1 shows the differences between the two undercarriage systems. A straight undercarriage is
shown on the left side of the illustration. All components of a straight undercarriage are parallel and
perpendicular to the centerline of the tractor.
A Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage is shown on the right side of Illustration 1. The features of Toe-
out and camber are contained in the pivot shaft bores and equalizer bar pin bores of the rear track roller
frames. Toe out is the angling of the track roller frame away from the front of the tractor when the tractor is
viewed from the top. Toe out is represented by angle (A). Camber is the tilt of the top of the track roller
frame away from the tractor, when the tractor is viewed from the rear. Camber is represented by angle (B).
Yaw is contained in the minor bogies. When the rollers are viewed from the top, the rollers point toward
the tractor. The angle of the rollers is in the opposite direction in comparison to the angle off the toe-out of
the track roller frames. This is represented by angle (C). In order to allow the track roller frames to toe out,
a longer equalizer bar is also used. All components of Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage are needed
for the benefits to be realized. The rear track roller frames, minor bogies, and equalizer bars are not
interchangeable between the straight undercarriage and the Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage. The
angles of Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage are very small. Measuring the angles is difficult.
Therefore, it is very difficult to determine if a component has Toe Out / Camber / Yaw visually.
Rear Track Roller Frames
A hole that is used to identify straight frames has been added to the straight rear track roller frames since
reintroduction. Service replacements and frames that are used on new machines have the hole. The hole
provides a quick way to identify the different frames. The hole is shown in Illustration 2. The only use of
the hole is identification. The hole is drilled on the outboard side of the track skid pad to a depth of
approximately 10 mm (0.39 inch). The track skid pad is located above the front bearing bore of the rear
track roller frame. You may encounter an older straight frame without the identification hole. Add the
identification hole to those frames. Also, If a Toe Out / Camber / Yaw rear track roller frame is converted
to a straight frame, the identification hole should be added.

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

Location of Hole that Identifies Straight Frames
(C) D11 1266 mm (50 inch)
(C) D10 1034 mm (40.75 inch)
(C) D9 844 mm (33.25 inch)
(D) Hole 16.75 mm (0.66 inch) diameter, 10 mm (0.39 inch) deep
(E) D11 285 mm (11.25 inch)
(E) D10 217 mm (8.5 inch)
(E) D9 216 mm (8.5 inch)
Check the part number of the frame in order to determine if a rear track roller frame is Toe Out / Camber /
Yaw or a straight frame that was built prior to Toe Out / Camber / Yaw introduction. Many frames have the
part number beneath the cover of the access hole for the track adjustment. See Illustration 3. See Table 1
for the potential part numbers of pairs of rear track roller frames for each model. If no number is present
under the cover, Toe Out / Camber / Yaw features must be determined manually. Refer to ""Procedure to
Identify Toe Out / Camber / Yaw Undercarriage" ". For further assistance, make a Service Request entry
into DSN or contact Tier 1 directly. Ask that your request be forwarded to the Tractor Product Group, Tier
2. The service request should include the machine's serial number and the nature of your request.

Ver imagen

Illustration 3

(F) The part number may be stamped here.
Table 1
Components of Toe Out / Camber / Yaw Undercarriage
Rear Track Roller Frames Minor Bogies Equalizer Bar

Toe Out /
Camber / Yaw

Toe Out /
Camber / Yaw


Toe Out /
Camber /











195- 195- 195- 195-
1444 1445 8742

































106- 106- 222- 222-
7400 7401 4092



Minor Bogies
Minor bogies with yaw are specific for the right side or the left side. This creates a total of three minor
bogie orientations. The three are straight, right hand, and left hand. The part number can be used to
determine the orientation of a minor bogie. Minor bogies have a raised pad on the side of the part that
contains three different part numbers. The machining process determines the orientation of a minor bogie.
When the bogies are machined, the extra part numbers are machined from the pad and only the correct part
number remains. If the part is straight, the top part number will remain. If the part is for the right side, the
middle part number will remain. If the part is for the left side, the bottom part number will remain. See
Table 1 for part numbers relative to each model.
Minor bogies with yaw must be installed on the correct side of the tractor. Incorrect installation weakens
the bolted joint of the minor bogie to the roller. Right hand minor bogies must be used on the right side of
the tractor. Left hand minor bogies must be used on the left side of the tractor. Left and right are
determined when you are looking at the tractor from the rear.
Equalizer Bars
The proper equalizer bar for each undercarriage can be determined by measuring the distance between the
centerlines of the end pins. See Table 2 for the length of the equalizer bar for each model. The equalizer
bars also have a raised part number or a stamped part number that can be referenced in Table 1.
Table 2
Model Toe Out / Camber / Yaw Frame Straight Frame

2082 mm (82 inch)

2067.6 mm (81.4 inch)

1831.4 mm (72.1 inch)

1820 mm (71.65 inch)

1610.8 mm (63.4 inch)

1600 mm (63 inch)
Procedure to Identify Toe Out / Camber / Yaw Undercarriage
Table 3
Required Tools
Item Description Qty
1 Combination Square 1
2 String 1
3 Plumb Bob 1
4 Tape Measure 1
Measurements must be taken in order to manually determine if a rear track roller frame has the features of
toe out and camber. The measurements compare the face of an outboard front frame guide (twister resister)
to an outboard face of the pivot shaft. The tools that are needed to take the measurements are a combination
square, a piece of string, a plumb bob, and a tape measure. You may have other tools that work. Read the
procedure in order to determine if the other tools are suitable.
The frame may be on the tractor or the frame may be off of the tractor. The frame may be right-side up.
The frame may be upside-down. Any of these positions are acceptable when you are performing the
necessary measurements.
The areas of the front frame guide (twister resister) and the pivot shaft must be accessible. The cover for
the front frame guide (twister resister) and the bulldozer trunnion must be removed. Remove the key for the
front frame guide (twister resister) or ensure that the key is below the face. Nothing should protrude from
the pivot shaft bore. Both faces must be free of debris.
All measurements should be taken in millimeters. One inch equals 25.4 millimeters. Measurements (A),
(B), (E), and (F) must be accurate within one millimeter. Measurements (C) and (G) must be accurate
within five millimeters. See Illustration 5. Refer to the following procedure in order to take the

Ver imagen

Illustration 4

1. Securely attach the string (2) and the plumb bob (3) to the short leg of square (1) .

Ver imagen

Illustration 5

2. Illustration 5 shows the measurements that will need to be taken.
a. Measurements (A), (B), and (C) are taken from the front frame guide (twister resister).
b. Measurements (E), (F), and (G) are taken from the pivot shaft.
c. Callouts (A) and (E) are the horizontal distances from the attachment point of the string to
the edge of the square. The square will be against the twister resister or the face of the pivot
shaft bore.
Note: Mark the attachment point of the string (AA) and measure that point prior to taking
measurements on the frame. See Illustration 4. This distance is accurate for dimension (A)
and dimension (E) as long as the string hangs directly from the point of attachment.
Note: Mark a vertical location on the string. Measurements (B), (F), (C) and (G) will be
taken at that mark. Mark the string prior to starting the process of measuring. The exact
location of the mark is not critical. However, maximizing the length of distances (C) and
(G) will provide more accurate results. Make sure to measure exactly from that mark in
order to obtain measurements (B), (F), (C), and (G) .
d. Callouts (B) and (F) are the horizontal distances between the mark on the string and the
edge of the square. The square will be against the twister resister or the face of the pivot
shaft bore.
Note: Ensure that the attachment point of the string has not shifted between taking
measurements (A) and (B) .
Note: Ensure that the attachment point of the string has not shifted between taking
measurements (E) and (F).
e. Callouts (C) and (G) are the vertical distances between the mark on the string and the
attachment point of the string. This distance may be limited by the outside diameter of the
face of the twister resister on the D9 and on the D10.

Ver imagen

Illustration 6

3. Place the long leg of the square against the face of the twister resister. Orient the square so that the
string hangs in the same direction as the long leg of the square. Ensure that the square is vertical.
4. If a measurement was not obtained from the note in Step 2.c, measure distance (A) on the twister
resister. Record the measurements on Table 4.
5. Measure distance (B) on the twister resister. Record the information on Table 4.
6. If a measurement was not obtained from the note in Step 2.e, measure distance (C). Record the
measurements on Table 4.

Ver imagen

Illustration 7

7. Repeat the measurements on the face or the pivot shaft. Record (E), (F), and (G) on Table 4.
Table 4
Twister Resister Pivot Shaft
A= E=
B= F=
C= G=
D=A-B= H=E-F=
J= (H*C)/G=
K= J-D=
Use the spaces in Table 4 in order to fill in the measurements that are taken throughout the procedure. Once
the six measurements are taken, calculate the other values. Use the formulas that are listed in the table to
calculate values (D), (H), (J), and (K).
If value (K) is between -1 and 1, the frame is a straight frame.
If value (K) is less than -1 or greater than 1, calculate values (M), (N), and (P).
If (P) is between -0.77 and -1.43 or if (P) is between 0.77 and 1.43, the frame has toe out and camber
If (P) is not between -0.77 and -1.43 or if (P) is not between 0.77 and 1.43, then check the calculations for a
mistake or repeat the measurements more accurately.
All undercarriages were originally straight. All undercarriages were then Toe Out / Camber / Yaw.
Straight frames are available again as an option for specific applications.
There are specific rear track roller frames, minor bogies, and equalizer bars for the straight
undercarriage and the Toe Out / Camber / Yaw undercarriage. The parts are not interchangeable
between the two systems.
All components of Toe Out / Camber / Yaw must be used to achieve results.
Visually identifying Toe Out / Camber / Yaw components is difficult. An identification hole was
added to straight frames that were produced as an option.
Correct placement of minor bogies is important for rugged bolted joints.

Root Cause of Dry Track Joints and Procedure to Determine the
Proper Corrective Action for SystemOne Undercarriage on
Certain Track-Type Tractors{4150}
SMCS - 4150

Track-Type Tractor:
D5M (S/N: 6GN1-UP; 3CR1-UP; 7LR1-UP; 5ES1-UP; 6AS1-UP)
D6M (S/N: 9ZM1-UP; 2RN1-UP; 3WN1-UP; 4JN1-UP; 5NR1-UP; 5WR1-UP; 6LR1-UP; 2YS1-UP; 4GS1-UP;
D6R (S/N: 2HM1-UP; 4FM1-UP; 8TM1-UP; 9BM1-UP; 2YN1-UP; 3ZN1-UP; 4HN1-UP; 4MN1-UP; 5LN1-UP;
6JN1-UP; 7KN1-UP; 8LN1-UP; 8XN1-UP; 9MN1-UP; 9PN1-UP; DMP1-UP; 4JR1-UP; 4TR1-UP; 4WR1-UP;
5PR1-UP; 5RR1-UP; 6FR1-UP; 6GR1-UP; 6HR1-UP; 6MR1-UP; 7AR1-UP; 7DR1-UP; 7GR1-UP; 9ZS1-UP;
This Special Instruction provides the following information:
A definition / explanation of the root cause for dry joints in SystemOne
An after failure flow chart to determine proper corrective actions required
an inspection procedure to determine the severity of bushing seal exposure
The end goal is to install the proper undercarriage components so that maximum undercarriage life is
Definition of Root Causes for Dry Joints in SystemOne
There are four basic root causes for dry joints in SystemOne track:
1. Normal cartridge seal system wear-out:
o 6000 hours is the nominal design life of the seal system. Seal system life can vary significantly based
on application (abrasion, moisture, packing, etc.).
o Typically, all joints in a track will go dry within a few hundred hours of each other.
o Due to several extended joints, maximum front track roller frame extension is reached.

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

Ver imagen

Illustration 3

2. Structural overload from severe operating conditions:
o Severe uneven terrain such as rocks and tree stumps that cause high and frequent impact and
torsion loading of the track. Refer to Illustration 1.
o Tractors with heavy attachments such as V-blades or tractors pulling heavy implements such as
plows or choppers. Refer to Illustration 2.
o Improper guide guard configuration or machine operation which results in track derailing. Refer to
Illustration 3.
3. Bushing seal exposure:
There are two types of bushing seal exposure: Thrust Bias Wear (TBW) and Side Slope Wear

Ver imagen

Illustration 4

Thrust Bias Wear
(1) Pivot shaft deflection
(2) Tracks thrust outboard
(3) Heavy wear between the center tread idler and the link.
(4) Inboard bushing seal exposed to damage

Ver imagen

Illustration 5

Thrust Bias Wear
(5) Tractor frame (inboard)
(6) Track thrust (outboard)
(7) Biased wear on this side of bushing
(8) Exposed inboard bushing seal
a. Thrust Bias Wear (TBW) is found in the following conditions:
Typically in highly abrasive soils and/or soft underfoot
Predominantly on wide gauge machines (LGP and XW)
On machines that make long, straight pushes with full blade loads
On machines with multiple heavy attachments

Ver imagen

Illustration 6

Side Slope Wear
(9) Wear on inside link face; bushing seal exposed to damage
b. Side Slope Wear (SSW) is found in the following conditions:
Tractors that run a majority of the time on steep side slopes
4. Other causes: bushings seals NOT exposed, but joints are dry prematurely
o Dry joints are typically random in nature
o Dry joints can be attributed to a known product problem on track built prior to 2011; cartridge
design improvements have been implemented throughout 2010.
o Dry joints can be caused by seal packing issues (landfill debris, heavy packing with freeze/thaw)
Determination of Proper Repair Action

Ver imagen

Illustration 7

Inspection Procedure to Determine Bushing Seal Exposure
1. Clean the inside of the link box near the bushing on 6 to 10 consecutive joints. Skip any link boxes with dry
or extended joints. The link boxes with dry or extended joints cannot be used for this inspection.

Ver imagen

Illustration 8

(A) Outside left-side track
(B) Inside left-side track
(C) Inside right-side track
(D) Outside right-side track
2. Is there bushing seal exposure only at locations (B) and (C) ? If, yes proceed to ""Thrust Bias Wear Bushing
Seal Exposure Inspection Procedure" ". If, no proceed to ""Side Slope Wear Bushing Seal Exposure
Inspection Procedure" ".
Thrust Bias Wear Bushing Seal Exposure Inspection Procedure

Ver imagen

Illustration 9

Correct bushing seal exposure measurement. 1U-7234 Feeler Gauge placed flat on the link surface and measurement
taken at the point on the bushing nearest the rail.

Ver imagen

Illustration 10

Correct bushing seal exposure measurement. 4C-8733 Tapered Gauge placed flat on the link surface and measurement
taken at the point on the bushing nearest the rail.
1. Use a 1U-7234 Feeler Gauge or 4C-8733 Tapered Gauge in order to measure the inboard bushing seal
exposure at locations (B) and (C). Refer to Illustration 9 if using 1U-7234 Feeler Gauge . Refer to Illustration
10 if using 4C-8733 Tapered Gauge .
2. Inboard bushing seal exposure is defined as the gap between bushing endface and the link face.
Note: Machines with normal or minimal thrust wear will not have any gaps between the bushing
endface and the link face. The gap will be measurable only on machines with heavy TBW.
3. The gauge should lay flat on the link surface. The measurement should be taken at the point on the bushing
that is closest to the link rail.

Ver imagen

Illustration 11

Incorrect bushing seal exposure measurement. Joint is dry and extended. Also, feeler gauge not placed flat on the link
surface, and the measurement is not taken at the point on the bushing nearest the rail.
4. Measure six adjacent joints on each track and determine the average bushing seal exposure. Do not
measure joints that are extended or dry, as these joints will have abnormal wear. Refer to Illustration 11 for
an example of dry or extended joints.
5. Use the following table to determine the appropriate corrective action for Thrust Bias Wear, if any. Apply
the Thrust Bias Wear corrective actions in Table 2 only if:
Table 1
UC Hours Average Bushing Seal Exposure
2000 - 3000 0.5 mm (0.020 inch)
3000 - 4000

1.0 mm (0.039 inch)
4000 - 6000

1.5 mm (0.059 inch)
If the combination of hours and bushing seal exposure do not match the criteria above, then the failure is
not a result of Thrust Bias Wear and TBW Corrective Actions do not apply. Review the other causes of dry
joints listed with in this document.
Corrective Actions (for Thrust Bias Wear)

Ver imagen

Illustration 12

Cambered pivot shafts shown as mounted on the case and frame.
1. Install cambered pivot shafts (LGP machines only). The slight downward angle counteracts pivot shaft
deflection and therefore outward track thrust.

Ver imagen

Illustration 13

(1) Current CTI
(2) Improved CTI
2. Install improved Center Tread Idlers (CTI). Modified idler thrust flange helps to prevent bushing seal
Table 2
Thrust Bias Wear Corrective Actions

Pivot Shaft
Reference Literature
D5M and
LGP 338-9403 Special Instruction, REHS5302 Improved CTI not offered
D6M and
XL No Cambered Pivot Shaft offered
LGP 271-6222 Special Instruction, REHS5302
D6R, D6R
Series II, D6R
Series III, and

No Cambered Pivot Shaft offered





Service Magazine, SEPD1011 28
September, "Improved Pivot
Shafts Are Now Used " and Special
Instruction, REHS4385
( 1 )
For use with D6R and D6R Series II
( 2 )
For use with D6R Series III and D6T
Side Slope Wear Bushing Seal Exposure Inspection Procedure
1. Clean the inside of the link box near the bushing on 6 to 10 consecutive joints. Skip any link boxes with dry
or extended joints. The link boxes with dry or extended joints cannot be used for this inspection.

Ver imagen

Illustration 14

(A) Outside left-side track
(B) Inside left-side track
(C) Inside right-side track
(D) Outside right-side track

Ver imagen

Illustration 15

Correct bushing seal exposure measurement. 1U-7234 Feeler Gauge placed flat on the link surface and measurement
taken at the point on the bushing nearest the rail.

Ver imagen

Illustration 16

Correct bushing seal exposure measurement. 4C-8733 Tapered Gauge placed flat on the link surface and measurement
taken at the point on the bushing nearest the rail.
2. Use a 1U-7234 Feeler Gauge or 4C-8733 Tapered Gauge in order to measure the inboard bushing seal
exposure at locations (A) & (C) and/or (B) & (D). Refer to Illustration 15 if using 1U-7234 Feeler Gauge .
Refer to Illustration 16 if using 4C-8733 Tapered Gauge .
3. Inboard bushing seal exposure is defined as the gap between bushing endface and the link face.
Note: Machines with normal or minimal side slope wear will not have any gaps between the
bushing endface and the link face. The gap will be measurable only on machines with heavy SSW.
4. The gauge should lay flat on the link surface. The measurement should be taken at the point on the bushing
that is closest to the link rail.

Ver imagen

Illustration 17

Incorrect bushing seal exposure measurement. Joint is dry and extended. Also, feeler gauge not placed flat on the link
surface, and the measurement is not taken at the point on the bushing nearest the rail.
5. Measure six adjacent joints on each track and determine the average bushing seal exposure. Do not
measure joints that are extended or dry, as these joints will have abnormal wear. Refer to Illustration 17 for
an example of a dry or extruded joint.
6. Use the following table to determine the appropriate corrective action for Side Slope Wear, if any. Apply
the Side Slope Wear corrective actions in Table 4 only if:
Table 3
UC Hours Average Bushing Seal Exposure
2000 - 3000

0.5 mm (0.020 inch)
3000 - 4000

1.0 mm (0.039 inch)
4000 - 6000

1.5 mm (0.059 inch)
If the combination of hours and bushing seal exposure do not match the criteria above, then the failure is
not a result of Side Slope Wear and Side Slope Wear Corrective Actions do not apply. Review the other
causes of dry joints listed with in this document.
Corrective Actions (for Side Slope Wear)

Ver imagen

Illustration 18

(1) Current CTI
(2) Improved CTI
1. Install improved Center Tread Idlers (CTI). Modified idler thrust flange helps to prevent bushing seal
Table 4
Side Slope Wear Corrective Action

Improved CTI

Reference Literature
D5M and D5N LGP Improved CTI not offered
D6M and D6N
D6R, D6R Series II, D6R Series III, and D6T XL VPAT 323-1170 Special Instruction, REHS4393


Cojinete del mun - Ajustar
SMCS - 6063-025

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Ajuste los cojinetes de mun despus de las primeras 100 horas de operacin.
1. Baje la hoja al suelo. Vaya al lado izquierdo de la mquina.
2. Quite las dos tuercas (3) de los dos pernos (1) en el cojinete del mun.
3. Quite los dos pernos (1), la tapa de cojinete (2) y los dos conjuntos de calces (A y B) como una
4. Saque un calce de cada conjunto de calces (A y B) .
5. Instale los dos pernos (1), la tapa de cojinete (2) y los dos conjuntos de calces (A y B) .
6. Instale las dos tuercas (3) en los dos pernos (1) .
7. Apriete las dos tuercas (3) a un par de apriete de 1.050 150 N m (775 110 lb-pie).
8. Repita los pasos 2 a 7 en el lado derecho de la mquina.
Procedimiento para calzar

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Ejemplo tpico
1. Saque todos los calces del conjunto de brazo de empuje (1) .
2. Instale el conjunto (1) y la tapa (2) en el conjunto de mun (3) sin calces.
3. Apriete los pernos que estn en la tapa (2) a un par de apriete de 50 N m (37 lb-pie).
Mantenga la misma distancia en el espacio (A) y el espacio (B) de la tapa (2). Observe los espacios
(A) y (B) para determinar el nmero de calces necesario.
4. Afloje los pernos que estn en la tapa (2). Segn sea necesario, inserte calces en los espacios (A) y
(B). Cuando sea posible, use un nmero igual de calces para los espacios (A) y (B) .
Nota: El nmero de calces en el espacio (A) no debe diferir en ms de uno del nmero de calces en
el espacio (B). Por ejemplo, si el espacio (A) tiene ocho calces, el espacio (B) debe tener siete, ocho
o nueve calces.
5. Aada un calce adicional al espacio (A). Aada un calce adicional al espacio (B) .
6. Apriete los pernos de la tapa (2) a un par de apriete de 1.050 150 N m (775 110 lb-pie).
7. El conjunto se debe mover libremente en el mun. La tolerancia mnima especificada es de 0,25
mm (0,010 pulg).
Nota: Puede ser necesaria la remocin de uno o ms calces despus de un perodo corto de tiempo.
El desgaste puede ser causado por las variaciones normales de la superficie o en el espesor de la
8. Realice los pasos 1 a 5 en el cojinete delantero.
9. Apriete los pernos que estn en el cojinete delantero a un par de apriete de 430 60 N m (320 45
10. El conjunto se debe mover libremente en el mun. La tolerancia mnima especificada es de 0,25
mm (0,010 pulg).
Nota: Puede ser necesaria la remocin de uno o ms calces despus de un perodo corto de tiempo.
El desgaste puede ser causado por las variaciones normales de la superficie o en el espesor de la

Posicin de la rueda loca delantera - Comprobar
SMCS - 4159

Tren de rodaje SystemOne
La siguiente comprobacin es para los trenes de rodaje SystemOne de Caterpillar que tienen una rueda gua
con banda de rodadura central.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

1. Estacione la mquina en una superficie firme y plana. Asegrese de que la cadena inferior est
tensa y que la garra que se va a medir se apoya directamente debajo del eje de la rueda gua de la
2. Mida la altura (A, B) desde la superficie del terreno plano hasta la punta de la garra que est
centrada bajo el eje de la rueda gua de la cadena.
3. Mantenga la altura de la garra (elevada) a las siguientes dimensiones.
a. (A) Ruedas gua delanteras
Mnimo - 0 mm (0 pulg)
Mxima - 45 mm (1,77 pulg)
b. (B) Ruedas guas traseras
Mnima - 10 mm (0,4 pulg)
Mxima - 60 mm (2,36 pulg)
4. Repita los pasos 1 a 3 para determinar la altura apropiada debajo de cada rueda gua.
5. Si hay excesos de vibracin luego de que el desgaste del tren de rodaje en el sistema de transmisin
y sistema de rodillos exceda el 100 por ciento para mquinas con el tren de rodaje SystemOne,
agregue calces debajo de los soportes basculantes para bajar los rodillos y elevar las ruedas guas,
segn sea necesario.
Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para obtener informacin detallada sobre los ajustes de la rueda gua
con banda de rodadura central.
Para obtener ms informacin sobre los ajustes de cadena necesarios, consulte el Manual de Operacin y
Mantenimiento, "Cadena - Comprobar/Ajustar".
ReferenciaConsulte el Manual de Operacin y Mantenimiento, "Material de referencia" para informarse
sobre las publicaciones y las Instrucciones Especiales referentes al desmontaje e instalacin de la cadena
SystemOne, cuando sea necesario.
Ruedas guia con banda de rodadura central o diseo convencional

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

(A) Ajuste de calces
(B) Dimensin entre la altura de la llanta de la rueda gua delantera y la altura de la llanta del rodillo
La siguiente comprobacin es para los sistemas de trenes de rodaje con cualquiera de los diseos de la la
rueda gua.
La altura de la llanta de la rueda gua delantera debe ser siempre ms alta que la altura de la llanta
del rodillo. La dimensin (B) se fija en la fbrica aproximadamente entre 25 mm (1 pulg) a 37 mm (1,5
pulg). La dimensin (B) disminuye a medida que el tren de rodaje se desgasta. Si se instala una rueda gua
reconstruida o una rueda gua nueva con rodillos inferiores desgastados, la dimensin (B) disminuye.
El ajuste de la rueda gua delantera a la altura correcta puede mejorar la suspensin del tractor y el
rendimiento de la hoja topadora. Utilice el siguiente procedimiento para determinar la mejor posicin de
Si la mquina se opera en condiciones de SUELO FIRME y hay excesos de vibraciones, se pueden agregar
calces debajo de los soportes basculantes para levantar la rueda gua delantera. Tambin, al agregar calces
debajo de los soportes basculantes, los rodillos bajan.
Si se opera la mquina en condiciones de SUELO BLANDO, se pueden quitar calces que se encuentran
debajo de los soportes basculantes para elevar los rodillos. Tambin, al quitar los calces que se encuentran
debajo de los soportes basculantes las ruedas guas bajan. Al bajar la rueda gua delantera se puede mejorar
el rendimiento de la hoja.
Si la hoja produce ondulaciones del terreno o si se notan demasiadas vibraciones en el material blando, se
pueden colocar calces para levantar la rueda gua delantera.
Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para obtener informacin detallada sobre la forma de comprobar y
ajustar la rueda gua.




D8T TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR, Powered By C15 Engine
Nmero de medio - SEBP4195-51 | Fecha de publicacin -
01/08/2010 | Fecha de actualizacin - 19/08/2010
S/N J8B1-2203; J8B2214-UP
PART OF 310-2848, 310-2849, 310-2850 UNDERCARRIAGE AR

Ref. Cant.

NPR Nota No. de pieza

Nombre de la pieza


NPR 310-2920


Ref. Cant.

NPR Nota No. de pieza
Nombre de la pieza


NPR 1L-5081 2

SPACER (0.41X0.75X0.56-IN THK)

NPR 1M-1571 4


NPR 2S-5926 2


NPR 7T-4200 2


NPR 7T-4213 4


NPR 8T-2185 2


NPR 9W-6074 2


NPR 104-6372 2


NPR CL 190-8609 2


NPR 360-2288 1 VLV-FILL-CLA

NPR 199-8188 2


NPR 199-8194 2


NPR 199-8202 2


NPR 199-8211 2


NPR 1P-7405 1 EYEBOLT (3/8-16-THD)

NPR 314-7924 2


NPR 314-7925 2


NPR 5S-7382 2

BOLT (3/8-16X1.375-IN)

NPR 6J-1038 4


NPR 6J-3991 8

BOLT-12 POINT HEAD (3/4-10X1.5-


NPR 6V-8801 2

NUT (3/8-16-THD)

NPR 8H-8830 2


NPR 8T-4223 4



NPR 8T-4835 4

BOLT (1/2-13X2-IN)

NPR 8T-4897 2



CL - Pieza Classic disponible

Tracks - SystemOne Track
SMCS - 4170

Nmero de pieza - 304-5688


Ver imagen

Illustration 1

For instructions on field repair of SystemOne Track, refer to Undercarriage Reconditioning Bulletin,
SEBF9100, "Field Repair of SystemOne Track".
Maximum track press assembly force ... 660 kN (148,500 lb)
(1) Torque for bolts that hold the half links together ... 650 70 N m (480 50 lb ft)
Note: Tighten the bolts by an additional 120 degree turn.
Note: Apply 4C-5593 Anti-Seize Compound to the threads, to the body, and to the washer face of each
bolt that holds the half links together.
(2) The shoe that is mounted to the SystemOne master link is not interchangeable with the other shoes on
the track. The mounting bolt holes are in a slightly different position.
(3) Torque for bolts that hold track shoes to links ... 650 70 N m (480 50 lb ft)
Note: Apply SAE 30W oil to the bolt threads and the washer faces of each bolt before installation.
Note: Tighten the bolts by an additional 120 degree turn.
(4) Grouser Height
New grouser height (extreme service) ... 93 mm (3.66 inch)
(5) Link Height
Height of an unused link ... 152 0.5 mm (5.98 0.02 inch)
(6) Distance from the center of one pin to the center of the next pin (pitch) ... 218 .0625 mm (8.5827
0.0025 inch)

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

(7) Extension of pin at each end of the track link box ... 41.073 0.3 mm (1.617 0.012 inch)
(8) Distance between the centerlines of the bolt holes for the track shoes ... 173.5 0.39 mm (6.83 0.015
(8) Distance between the centerlines of the bolt holes for the master link ... 200 0.39 mm (7.87 0.015
(9) Depth of the plug from the face of the pin ... 8 4 mm (0.32 0.16 inch)
(10) Bushings
Diameter of a new bushing ... 83.75 mm (3.30 inch)
(11) Distance between the links ... 1.50 mm (0.059 inch)
(12) Extension of pin at each end of the link assembly ... 3.6 0.1 mm (0.142 0.004 inch)
Note: This dimension is measured from the spotface on the link to the end of the pin.

Servicio super extremo (SES) Las zapatas han cambiado en
algunos tractores de cadenas y tiendetubos
SMCS - 4172

587R (N/S: BXL1-Y SIG)
587T (N/S: FAT1-Y SIG)
Tractor de Cadenas:
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG; 6YZ1-Y SIG)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG; 9EM1-Y SIG)
La geometra de la seccin cruzada de cadena SES ha cambiado en las siguientes mquinas: D8N, D8R,
D8R serie II, D8T, 587R y 587T.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Nueva zapata de cadenas SES

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Zapata de cadenas SES anterior
La nueva zapata tiene un radio en el borde de arrastre. La zapata anterior tiene un borde de arrastre plano.
Es aceptable usar los dos tipos de zapatas en la misma cadena.
Este procedimiento es adaptable a todas las mquinas indicadas anteriormente. Los semiejes nuevos son
reemplazo directo de los semiejes anteriores.
Tabla 1
Zapata de cadenas SES
Mquina Tipo de zapata
Nmero de pieza
Nmero de pieza
D8T, D8R serie II, D8R y
610 mm (24 pulg) SES 115-1385 317-1030

660 mm (26 pulg) Trampa
330-7672 317-1031
587T y 587R

865 mm (34 pulg) SES
306-9460 317-1033

Las zapatas con agujeros de retencin se han cambiado para
resistir el agrietamiento en algunos tractores de cadenas
SMCS - 4170

Tractor de Cadenas:
D7Hserie II (N/S: 2SB1-Y SIG.; 4AB1-Y SIG.; 5WB1-Y SIG.; 5BF1-Y SIG.; 2RG1-Y SIG.; 3XG1-Y
SIG.; 4FG1-Y SIG.; 79Z1-Y SIG.; 80Z1-Y SIG.; 82Z1-Y SIG.)
D7H (N/S: 77Z1-Y SIG.)
D7Rserie II (N/S: AEC1-Y SIG.; AFG1-Y SIG.; ABJ1-Y SIG.; BPK1-Y SIG.; BNM1-Y SIG.;
D7R (N/S: 9HM1-Y SIG.; 2EN1-Y SIG.; 3DN1-Y SIG.; 2HR1-Y SIG.; 3ZR1-Y SIG.; 4SR1-Y SIG.;
5MR1-Y SIG.; 6ER1-Y SIG.; 5KZ1-Y SIG.)
D8N (N/S: 9TC1-Y SIG.; 1XJ1-Y SIG.; 5TJ1-Y SIG.; 7TK1-Y SIG.)
D8Rserie II (N/S: AKA1-Y SIG.; 6YZ1-Y SIG.)
D8R (N/S: 7XM1-Y SIG.; 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Geometra del agujero de retencin anterior
(A) 17 mm (0,669 pulg)

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Geometra del agujero de retencin nuevo
(B) 24 mm (0,945 pulg)
La forma de la apertura en las zapatas del agujero (de retencin) trapezoidal ha cambiado en las zapatas de
los D7H, D7H serie II, D7R, D7R serie II, D8N, D8R, D8R serie II y D8T. El nuevo diseo usa una
geometra modificada de la apertura trapezoidal cerca de los agujeros para los pernos para resistir el
agrietamiento de las zapatas de cadenas en esta rea. El nuevo diseo tiene 24 mm (0,945 pulg) de material
entre el agujero para el perno y el agujero de retencin, como se muestra en la ilustracin 2. El diseo
anterior tena 17 mm (0,669 pulg) de material entre el agujero para el perno y el agujero de retencin, como
se muestra en la Ilustracin 1. La nueva apertura para la zapata tambin tiene una forma ligeramente
diferente, pero aproximadamente la misma rea que la zapata anterior para permitir que el material
adherido pueda expulsarse. Las nuevas zapatas son adaptables a todas las mquinas indicadas
Tabla 1
Zapatas con agujeros trapezoidales de los D7H, D7H serie II, D7R y D7R serie II
Nmero de pieza nuevo Nmero de pieza anterior Descripcin de la zapata de cadenas
330-7667 9Z-9261

560 mm (22 pulg) Orificio ES
330-7668 9Z-9265

610 mm (24 pulg) Orificio ES
330-7669 1Q-4946

660 mm (26 pulg) Orificio ES
330-7670 131-4835

760 mm (30 pulg) Orificio ES
330-7671 127-0964

915 mm (36 pulg) Orificio ES
Nota: Las zapatas de los D7H, D7H serie II, D7R y D7R serie II MS no necesitan el cambio de diseo.
Tabla 2
Zapatas con agujeros trapezoidales de los D8N, D8R, D8R serie II y D8T
Nmero de pieza nuevo Nmero de pieza anterior Descripcin de la zapata de cadenas
329-9268 1Z-9417

560 mm (22 pulg) Orificio ES
329-9269 1Z-9422

610 mm (24 pulg) Orificio ES
329-9270 9W-5541

660 mm (26 pulg) Orificio ES
330-0581 271-7532

700 mm (28 pulg) Orificio ES
330-0582 172-6564

965 mm (38 pulg) Orificio ES
329-9271 1Z-9983

560 mm (22 pulg) Orificio ES
329-9272 1Z-9960

610 mm (24 pulg) Orificio ES
329-9273 6T-7405

660 mm (26 pulg) Orificio ES
329-9818 1Z-9425

710 mm (28 pulg) Orificio ES
330-0583 139-2609
Agujero de retencin MS de
810 mm (32 pulg); con pinzas
330-0580 138-9470

965 mm (38 pulg) Orificio ES
330-7672 312-6430

660 mm (26 pulg) Orificio SES

Pasadores de cadena - Inspecccionar
SMCS - 4175-040-PN

Se pueden producir quemaduras en los dedos debido a pasadores y
bujes calientes.
Los pasadores y los bujes de una articulacin seca pueden calentarse
excesivamente. Es posible quemarse los dedos si se produce un contacto
ms que breve con estos componentes.

Utilice las recomendaciones para prolongar la duracin del tren de rodaje. Utilice las recomendaciones para
evitar el exceso de paradas de la mquina.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

1. Durante la operacin de la mquina, preste atencin a los chirridos o rechinamientos fuera de lo
usual. Esto puede indicar una junta reseca.
2. Inspeccione la mquina semanalmente para ver si hay juntas secas. Inmediatamente despus de
operar la mquina, compruebe para ver si hay juntas secas. Despus de operar la mquina, golpee
ligeramente el extremo de cada pasador o buje de la cadena. Toque el pasador de cadena o el buje
con el dorso de la mano. Marque cualquier junta de pasador de cadena seca que est muy caliente al
3. No golpee los extremos de los pasadores de cadena con un marrn para aflojar las juntas.

Golpear el extremo de un pasador de cadena introduce una cantidad
significativa de juego axial en la junta de cadena y puede resultar en
averas prematuras.

Consulte con el experto del Servicio de Cadenas de su distribuidor Caterpillar si detecta fugas o juntas
secas. El experto del Servicio de Cadenas de su distribuidor Caterpillar puede efectuar una inspeccin de
las cadenas de su mquina.

SMCS - 4169; 4170

SystemOne Track

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

Track link box
(1) Track link
(2) Cartridge

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

Track Assembly
(3) Inner track link
(4) Outer track link
SystemOne track assembly has links (1) and cartridges (2). The new design of the cartridge takes the place
of the former pin, the bushing, and the seal components. The cartridge contains the oil for the track joint.
The cartridge is sealed and lubricated for life. The cartridge is a nonserviceable part. The cartridges are
serviced only as a track link box. This servicing of only the track link box ensures that the critical
alignment that is required of the inner links on the cartridges is correct. The track link boxes are connected
by outer links (4). The outer links (4) are rotated 180 from the inner links (3) .
The new SystemOne track uses a straight track link design. This makes the link stronger and the straight
link gives the link a greater ability to carry tough loads. The inner links look like the outer links but the
inner links have additional wear material. The outer links also have a groove along the bottom of the
outboard side of the link. The wear material is in specific locations in order to reduce thrust wear. The
outer links are serviced individually. The inner links are serviced by replacing the track link boxes.

Ver imagen

Illustration 3

(5) Master link
The new SystemOne undercarriage uses a master link (5) that is similar to the standard track. The master
links have serrated teeth in order to allow quick disassembly. The master link is taken apart by removing
the four master link bolts and removing the track shoe. After the shoe has been removed, the halves of the
master link can be taken apart.
The shoe that is mounted to the SystemOne master link is not interchangeable with the other shoes on the
track. The other shoes on the track are not interchangeable with the shoe that is mounted to the master link.
The mounting bolt holes are in slightly different positions.

Track - Adjust
SMCS - 4197-025


Grease is under high pressure.
Grease coming out of the relief valve under pressure can penetrate the
body causing injury or death.
Do not watch the relief valve to see if grease is escaping. Watch the track
or track adjustment cylinder to see if the track is being loosened.
Loosen the relief valve only one turn.

Move the machine forward. Allow the machine to stop without the use of the service brakes. Adjust the
tracks while you are in the machine's typical operating conditions. If packing conditions prevail on the
workplace, the tracks should be adjusted with packing material.

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

If a machine does not have carrier rollers, the sag in the track is measured between the sprocket and front
idler (2).

Ver imagen

Illustration 2

If the machine is equipped with a carrier roller, calculate the average of dimension (3) and dimension (4) .
Standard Track
Table 1
Track Sag for Standard Track
Minimum Target Maximum
No Carrier Roller (2)

105 mm (4.1 inch)

115 mm (4.5 inch)

125 mm (4.9 inch)
Carrier Roller (3) and (4)

55 mm (2.2 inch)

65 mm (2.6 inch)

75 mm (3 inch)
SystemOne Track
Table 2
Track Sag for SystemOne Track
No Carrier Roller (2) Carrier Roller (3) and (4)

115 10 mm (4.5 0.4 inch)

65 10 mm (2.6 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a sprocket jump application
100 10 mm (4.0 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a sprocket jump application
60 10 mm (2.4 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a severe sprocket jump
90 10 mm (3.5 0.4 inch)
If the tractor is used in a severe sprocket jump
55 10 mm (2.2 0.4 inch)
Loose Track Adjustment

Ver imagen

Illustration 3

Do not attempt to tighten track when dimension (1) is 152 mm (6.0
inch) or more.
Contact your Caterpillar dealer for track service or instructions.

1. Remove the access cover.

Ver imagen

Illustration 4

2. Add multipurpose grease (MPGM) through track adjustment valve (5). Add the MPGM until dimension (2) is
3. Operate the machine back and forth in order to equalize the pressure. Allow the machine to coast to a
complete stop. Do not use the brakes.
4. Remeasure dimension (2). If dimension (2) is less than 115 10 mm (4.5 0.4 inch), repeat Steps 2 and 3
until dimension (2) is correct.
Note: If your machine is equipped with a carrier roller, use the average of dimension (3) and (4) .
5. Install the access cover.
Tight Track Adjustment
1. Remove the access cover.

Ver imagen

Illustration 5

2. Loosen relief valve (6) by one turn of 360 degrees. Allow the grease to escape.
3. Close the relief valve.
4. Add MPGM through track adjustment valve (5). Add grease until dimension (2) is correct.
5. Operate the machine back and forth in order to equalize the pressure. Allow the machine to coast to a
complete stop. Do not use the brakes.
6. Remeasure dimension (2). If dimension (2) is less than 115 10 mm (4.5 0.4 inch), repeat Steps 4 and 5
until dimension (2) is correct.
7. Install the access cover.
Track Roller Frame
SMCS - 4151

Nmero de pieza - 310-2847
Nmero de pieza - 310-2851

Ver imagen

Illustration 1

(1) Apply a light coat of the lubricant that is being sealed to the O-ring seal and the bore.
(2) Torque for bolts that hold the plate on the end of the pivot shaft ... 270 40 N m (200 30 lb ft)
(3) Torque for the plug ... 120 10 N m (90 7.5 lb ft)
Note: First ensure that plate (2) is installed. Then install plug (3) .
Note: Apply a light coat of the lubricant that is being sealed to the O-ring seal.
(4) Clean all mating surfaces with a degreaser. Wipe all mating surfaces with a clean cloth in order to
remove debris. Put 6V-6640 Sealant on the mating surfaces before seal installation.
(5) Apply a light coat of the lubricant that is being sealed to the bore.
(6) Torque for the bolts that hold the cover for the pivot shaft to the track roller frame ... 40 5 N m (30
3.7 lb ft)
(7) Apply a light coat of the lubricant that is being sealed to the O-ring seals.

Cambios en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores en los Tractores
SMCS - 4151; 4158; 4192; 7169

Tractor de Cadenas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM1-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-Y SIG.; KPZ1-Y SIG.)
Service Magazine, SSPD1032, 6 noviembre 2009, "Cambios en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores en los
Tractores de Cadenas D8R y D8T: Orificio del eje pivote de comba solo; protectores de rueda gua de la
cadena; soportes basculantes grandes para SystemOne; resorte tensor y tubo de tope". Haga caso omiso de
este artculo. Consulte el artculo de reemplazo siguiente.
Description of Change: Se han hecho cambios en los bastidores de rodillos inferiores traseros, los
protectores de rueda gua de la cadena, los soportes basculantes grandes y el resorte tensor y el tubo de
Bastidores traseros de los rodillos inferiores

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Los bastidores de rueda motriz traseros con orificios para eje pivote con comba solamente ahora son
estndar en los tractores que se envan desde fbrica. Los orificios del eje pivote estn levemente
inclinados para compensar la deformacin hacia arriba del eje pivote bajo carga. Sin comba, las cadenas
pueden desplazarse hacia fuera del tractor. Gracias a la comba, las cadenas pasan mejor por entre los
rebordes de los rodillos y las guas de las cadenas, lo que permite un menor desgaste externo. Los
bastidores traseros de los rodillos inferiores con comba solo se identifican por tener dos agujeros taladrados
en el lado externo de los patines de la cadena, como se muestra en la Ilustracin 1.
Protectores de rueda gua de la cadena

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Perno trasero antiguo en los protectores y raspadores de caucho

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

Nuevo protector de rueda gua trasera con placa soldada
El perno antiguo en los protectores de rueda motriz trasera y los protectores de raspadores de caucho
flexibles se han cambiado a placas soldadas. Refirase a las ilustraciones 2 y 3.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 4

Rascadores de caucho delanteros antiguos

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 5

Nuevo protector de rueda gua delantera con placa soldada
Los protectores de raspadores flexibles antiguos para la rueda gua delantera ya no se usan. El protector
delantero ahora es una placa soldada. Refirase a las ilustraciones 4 y 5.
Soportes basculantes grandes

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 6

Soporte basculante grande del tren de rodaje estndar con una rueda gua convencional

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 7

Soporte basculante grande del tren de rodaje SystemOne con una Rueda gua con banda de rodadura central (CTI) y perno en el
protector inferior para resistir la adherencia de materiales.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 8

Soporte basculante grande del tren de rodaje SystemOne con una rueda gua convencional y placa de cubierta
Se usan los nuevos bastidores de soportes basculantes grandes trasero y delantero compatible slo con la
cadena SystemOne Los nuevos bastidores de soportes basculantes colocan el eje de la rueda gua en la
posicin correcta para usar con la cadena SystemOne. Los bastidores tambin aceptan pernos en los
protectores de rueda gua inferior para reducir el flujo de material y la adherencia de materiales en la
cadena en la CTI. El perno en los protectores inferiores no pueden usarse con ruedas guas convencionales.
Las ruedas gua convencionales se usan con los soportes basculantes grandes SystemOne en medio
ambientes de mucha adherencia de materiales para reducir al mnimo la adherencia en el sistema de resorte
tensor. Las ruedas guia convencionales tambin se usan con los soportes basculantes grandes de
SystemOne para reducir las emisiones de ruido del tren de rodaje.
Resorte tensor y tubo de tope

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 9

(1) Tubo de tope
(2) Resorte tensor
El sistema de resorte tensor y de ajustador de cadena utiliza ahora un resorte y un tubo de tope ms grandes
para proporcionar 12 mm (0,472 pulg) ms de desplazamiento del resorte tensor.
El nuevo resorte y tubo de tope deben usarse siempre juntos como un conjunto. Lo mismo aplica para el
resorte y tubo de tope anteriores. No mezcle las piezas nuevas y las anteriores
Adaptable To: Los cambios en los bastidores de rodillos inferiores, protectores de rueda gua y soportes
basculantes grandes estn vigentes con las siguientes mquinas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM5225-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B2206-Y SIG.; KPZ3500-Y SIG.)
Los cambios en los bastidores de rodillos inferiores traseros, los protectores de rueda motriz y los soportes
basculantes grandes son adaptables a las mquinas siguientes:
D8R (N/S: 9EM1-5224)
D8T (N/S: J8B1-2205; KPZ1-3499)
Tabla 1
Bastidor trasero de rodillos inferiores
Nmero de pieza
Nmero de pieza
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado derecho
(Tren de rodaje estndar)
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado izquierdo
(Tren de rodaje estndar)
310-2886 310-2870
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado derecho
(Tren de rodaje SystemOne)
310-2887 310-2871
Conjunto de bastidor de rodillos inferiores del lado izquierdo
(Tren de rodaje SystemOne)
Tabla 2
Soportes basculantes grandes del D8
Tren de rodaje del D8
D8 SystemOne de
D8 SystemOne


Bastidor de soporte basculante
grande delantero



Bastidor de soporte basculante
grande trasero

( 1 )
Usa pernos de montaje de taco de soporte basculante de 7/16 pulg.
( 2 )
Usa pernos de montaje de taco de soporte basculante de 1/2 pulg.
Tabla 3
Protectores inferiores CTI de SystemOne del D8T
Nmero de
Descripcin Notas
Protector de rueda gua
Grupo de protector exterior es parte del accesorio de
Protector de rueda gua
El grupo de protector interior es un accesorio separado
310-2909 Plancha
Placa de la tapa y la tornillera para proteger los orificios
roscados en el soporte basculante grande si los protectores
no se usan.
8T-4994 Arandela dura
8T-9398 Perno
Los cambios del resorte tensor y del tubo de tope estn vigentes con las siguientes mquinas:
D8R (N/S: 9EM5250-Y SIG.)
D8T (N/S: J8B2214-Y SIG.; KPZ2780-Y SIG.)
Tabla 4
Resorte tensor y tubo de tope
Nmero de pieza nuevo Nmero de pieza anterior Descripcin
314-7924 199-8187 Tubo
314-7925 199-8186 Resorte

Bastidor de rodillos inferiores - Inspeccionar
SMCS - 4151-040

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Inspeccione para ver si hay fugas en el bastidor de rodillos inferiores (3). Vea si hay fugas de aceite en el
sello del eje pivote (2). Vea si hay fugas en las ruedas tensoras (1) y los rodillos inferiores (4). Inspeccione
el sello del resorte amortiguador (5) para detectar si hay fugas de aceite.

Guas de bastidor de rodillos inferiores - Inspeccionar
SMCS - 4177-040

Mida el movimiento de rotacin del bastidor de rodillos delantero con respecto al bastidor trasero.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Se han quitado algunos componentes para mayor claridad.
1. Levante la parte delantera de la mquina con la hidrulica de la hoja topadora. Coloque un bloque
de 100 mm (4 pulg) debajo del borde exterior de la garra de una zapata de cadena. Ponga el bloque
cerca de la rueda tensora. Baje la mquina sobre el bloque.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

2. Utilice un lpiz de grasa para hacer una marca en la seccin tubular del bastidor de rodillos
delantero. Haga una marca en la parte trasera del bastidor de rodillos. Esta marca debe corresponder
con la marca que est en la seccin tubular.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

Se han quitado algunos componentes para mayor claridad.
3. Levante la parte delantera de la mquina con la hidrulica de la hoja topadora. Coloque el bloque
debajo del borde interior de la garra de la misma zapata de cadena. Baje la mquina sobre el bloque.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 4

4. Ponga una marca en la seccin tubular del bastidor de rodillos delantero. Esta marca debe
corresponder con la marca en el bastidor de rodillos trasero. Mida la distancia entre las dos marcas
en el bastidor de rodillos delantero.
Si la distancia entre las dos marcas es mayor de 4,5 mm (0,18 pulgada), inspeccione las guas del bastidor
de rodillos para ver si estn desgastadas.
Repita todo el procedimiento para el otro lado de la mquina.

No acreciente nunca las guas del bastidor de rodillos inferiores con
soldaduras de recrecimiento duro. Esto producir daos importantes
de desgaste en las ranuras de las guas en el bastidor delantero de
rodillos inferiores.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 5

Si la dimensin (X) es menor de 45,3 mm (1,78 pulg), reemplace las guas del bastidor de rodillos
inferiores. Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para obtener informacin o servicio.
Calces de montaje del motor y barra estabilizadora - Inspeccionar
SMCS - 1152-040; 7206-040

Calces de montaje del motor
Caterpillar recomienda inspeccionar los montajes del motor para ver si hay deterioro. Esto impedir la
vibracin excesiva del motor causada por el montaje inapropiado.
Pasadores de extremo de la barra compensadora

Se pueden producir lesiones personales y accidentes mortales si no se
sigue el procedimiento apropiado o no se usan las herramientas
Para evitar la posibilidad de accidentes graves o mortales, siga el
procedimiento apropiado y utilice las herramientas recomendadas.

La mquina debe estar estacionada en una superficie horizontal antes
de realizar este procedimiento.

Se pueden producir lesiones personales y accidentes mortales si no se
sigue el procedimiento apropiado o no se usan las herramientas
Para evitar la posibilidad de accidentes graves o mortales, siga el
procedimiento apropiado y utilice las herramientas recomendadas.

La mquina debe estar estacionada en una superficie horizontal antes
de realizar este procedimiento.

Nota: Hay que quitar de la barra compensadora todo el peso de la mquina. La barra compensadora tiene
que tener movimiento libre para ser medida.
Para ver si hay movimiento o desgaste anormal en el pasador de extremo de la barra compensadora, efecte
los siguientes pasos.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

1. Limpie las reas alrededor del pasador de extremo con un sistema de lavado de alta presin.
Inspeccione el estado del sello.
2. Vea si hay fugas de aceite y si el sello est en posicin neutral.
3. Compruebe el aceite en ambas uniones de pasador de extremo.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

4. Posicione un indicador de dial en el soporte del pasador en el bastidor de rodillos. Fije la sonda del
indicador de dial en la parte superior de la barra compensadora. Ajuste el indicador de dial a cero.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 3

5. Ponga un gato hidrulico de 55 toneladas en posicin debajo del extremo de la barra compensadora.
6. Levante la barra compensadora con el gato y anote la lectura del indicador de dial para determinar
la cantidad de desgaste.
Nota: Programe la reparacin de la unin del pasador de extremo si la lectura en el indicador
de dial excede de 1,50 mm (0,059 pulg).
7. Repita la inspeccin y el procedimiento de medicin para el otro extremo de la barra compensadora
y su pasador del extremo.
Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para una inspeccin y para obtener instrucciones de reparacin.
Pasador central de la barra compensadora

Se pueden producir lesiones personales y accidentes mortales si no se
sigue el procedimiento apropiado o no se usan las herramientas
Para evitar la posibilidad de accidentes graves o mortales, siga el
procedimiento apropiado y utilice las herramientas recomendadas.

La mquina debe estar estacionada en una superficie horizontal antes
de realizar este procedimiento.

Se pueden producir lesiones personales y accidentes mortales si no se
sigue el procedimiento apropiado o no se usan las herramientas
Para evitar la posibilidad de accidentes graves o mortales, siga el
procedimiento apropiado y utilice las herramientas recomendadas.

La mquina debe estar estacionada en una superficie horizontal antes
de realizar este procedimiento.

Nota: Se debe quitar de la barra compensadora todo el peso de la mquina. La barra compensadora debe
tener movimiento libre para medir el juego vertical del orificio para el pasador.
Para ver si est flojo o si hay desgaste anormal en el pasador central de la barra compensadora, realice los
siguientes pasos.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 4

1. Limpie las reas que estn alrededor del pasador central y de la barra compensadora.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 5

2. Ponga un gato hidrulico de 55 toneladas en posicin debajo del bastidor principal, como se

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 6

3. Posicione un indicador de dial en la barra compensadora y coloque la sonda del indicador de dial
debajo del centro del bastidor para el pasador. Ajuste a cero el indicador de esfera.
4. Levante con el gato la parte delantera de la mquina hasta que el peso de los bastidores de rodillos
quede soportado en la barra compensadora.
5. Anote la lectura del indicador de dial para determinar la cantidad de desgaste en el pasador y el
Nota: Programe la reparacin de la unin del pasador central si el movimiento excede de 2,54 mm
(0,100 pulg).
Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para una inspeccin y para obtener instrucciones de reparacin.
Tacos de la barra compensadora

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 7

Los tacos de la barra compensadora estn debajo del protector delantero, en la parte inferior de la mquina.
Inspeccione los tacos de la barra compensadora para ver si la goma est agrietada o si les faltan pedazos de
goma. Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar sobre las piezas de repuesto y las instrucciones para hacer el

Pasador central de la barra compensadora - Medir
SMCS - 7206-040-PN ; 7206-082; 7207-086-PN

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Vista trasera
Para ver si est flojo o si hay desgaste anormal en el pasador central de la barra compensadora, realice los
siguientes pasos.
Nota: Se debe quitar de la barra compensadora todo el peso de la mquina. La barra compensadora debe
tener movimiento libre para medir el juego vertical del orificio para el pasador.
1. Limpie la zona alrededor del pasador central con una unidad de lavado de alta presin.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

Vista frontal
2. Instale un indicador de esfera y mida el juego vertical en la unin del pasador central.
Nota: Programe la reparacin de la junta del pasador central si movimiento excede 2,54 mm (0,100
Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para una inspeccin y para obtener instrucciones de reparacin.

Nivel de aceite de los pasadores de extremo de la barra
compensadora - Comprobar
SMCS - 7206-535

Aplique aceite de engranajes a travs de las conexiones con una bomba
de lubricacin manual o con una pistola de engrase adecuada. El uso
de equipo de lubricacin operado a presin daa los sellos.

Antes y despus de llenar el pasador de extremo de la barra
compensadora con aceite de engranajes, el sello (1) debe estar a ras con
la barra compensadora. Si los sellos no estn a ras, se pueden causar
daos a los sellos a causa de un llenado excesivo.

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 2

1. Limpie las reas alrededor del pasador de extremo con un sistema de lavado de alta presin.
Inspeccione el estado del sello (1) .
2. Compruebe si hay fugas de aceite en esa zona. Asegrese de que el sello est en una posicin
3. Quite el tapn (2) .
4. Compruebe el nivel de aceite. El nivel del aceite (4) debe estar en la parte superior de la cabeza
hexagonal de la conexin.
5. Si el nivel del aceite es bajo, aplique aceite para engranajes por la grasera (3) hasta que el aceite
para engranajes alcance el nivel del aceite (4) en la parte superior de la cabeza hexagonal de la
conexin. Elimine el exceso de aceite. Esto mantendr un volumen de aire. El aceite de engranajes
se debe aplicar con una Bomba de lubricacin 7H-1680 o con una pistola de engrase adecuada. Use
los aceites de engranajes recomendados indicados en este manual, en la tabla de "Viscosidades de
lubricantes para temperaturas ambiente".
6. Asegrese de que no se salgan los sellos (1). Empjelos hacia atrs si se salen.
7. Instale el tapn (2) .
Cuando opere la mquina en condiciones rticas, lubrique la barra compensadora con el lubricante de
engranajes EMGARD EP 75W90. El lubricante de engranajes EMGARD EP 75W90 es un lubricante
sinttico. Hudson Corporation dispone de este lubricante.
Consulte informacin adicional en el Manual de Operacin y Mantenimiento, "Viscosidades de

Pasadores de extremo de la barra compensadora - Medir
SMCS - 7206-082

Ver imagen

Ilustracin 1

Para ver si hay movimiento o desgaste anormal en el pasador de extremo de la barra compensadora, realice
los siguientes pasos.
Nota: Todo el peso de la mquina se debe quitar de la barra compensadora. La barra compensadora debe
tener movimiento libre para medir el juego vertical del orificio para el pasador.
1. Limpie la zona alrededor del pasador de extremo con un sistema de lavado de alta presin.
Inspeccione el estado del sello.
2. Vea si hay fugas de aceite y si el sello est en posicin neutral.
3. Instale un indicador de esfera y mida el juego vertical en ambas juntas de pasador de extremo.
4. Compruebe el aceite en ambas juntas de pasador de extremo.
Nota: Programe la reparacin de la junta del pasador de extremo si el movimiento excede 1,50 mm
(0,059 pulg).
Consulte a su distribuidor Caterpillar para una inspeccin y para obtener instrucciones de reparacin.

Nombre de archivo: Documento1
Autor: Juan
Palabras clave:
Fecha de creacin: 05/10/2010 20:28:00
Cambio nmero: 1
Guardado el:
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Tiempo de edicin: 104 minutos
Impreso el: 05/10/2010 22:16:00
ltima impresin completa
Nmero de pginas: 198
Nmero de palabras: 34.143 (aprox.)
Nmero de caracteres: 187.788 (aprox.)

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