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stopped the train because she believed she is unready to understand the full

could. A lesser hero might have recognized complexity of civil action.

his own strength but weighed the speed of
the train, the weight and the distance of Kohlberg argued that we can only fight the
track available before it plunged into the appropriate moral dilemmas when we
gorge below. He might recognize that he is morally mature enough to fight them. Just
a man of steel, but that even steel has a as toddlers cannot differentiate between
breaking point: what happens if this is the taking a toy from another toddler as
act he cannot accomplish? stealing, so, too, are children at odds with
complex shades of moral injustice. As our
Bandura embraced the principle that thought processes grow more
children who believed in themselves went sophisticated, so, too the levels of
farther and did better than children who awareness with which we operate. With
responded more cautiously in life, this in mind, we take care with our students
operating within their safety zones. to ensure they learn about civilizations,
Children with strong efficacy will choose history, civics and moral development
more difficult tasks with the understanding before we set them loose into society.
that they will be able to master the
challenge. If children of equal ability
confront a problem, children with lower
Strength becomes
Super Student efficacy will often do more poorly simply
because their self-doubts are strong.
Ready to Soar power.
Preparing for As Supergirl learns her new abilities—how
to fly, see things mere humans cannot, lift,
battle move and break things with her muscles,
Supergirl isn’t given a cape and the ability she also learns to apply her knowledge of
to fly in preschool. What is an incredible world affairs, criminal minds and previous
The belief that we gift to a reasoned and mature person would discord to help keep the innocent safe.
be a nightmare with a immature child. Play Though she may not know precisely who
can dates would end up with toys thrown the criminal is and how he works, she
The world would be in trouble if Supergirl through the walls when an angry super- knows from her previous experience where
woke up in the morning and debated toddler yelled, “Mine!” Supergirl grows the criminals tend to congregate and what
whether she was up to a challenge that she into her full capacity as a heroine as she motivates them. With her information
faced. The first time our heroine jumped in learns the nuances of morals and ethics, provided by local police and media, she’s
front of a speeding train, the innocent therefore not meting out justice when she able to build a framework of information to
passengers would be relieved to know she foil the criminal’s latest plans. The
knowledge she gains now will provide a So, too, is a student and her surroundings. child’s life. A child needs to be at the fore
new information base to begin her next Bronfenbrenner explored how a student’s of the planning and involvement. If a
challenge. microsystem or exosystem can play a role student tries and succeeds or tries and fails,
in her success. The student may be bright she needs to understand that there is a
So, too, for the student. As an algebra and talented, but if her family, guardians, supportive network of people behind her:
course grows more difficult, a student may adult influences are a drain on her energy family, teachers, school, religious leaders
not know how to solve for “x” in the and confidence or opportunities are not and peers. When a child can rely on a
particular equation in front of her, but she available, her future can systematically be supportive community behind her efforts,
knows she’s solved algebra equations undone. When the people around us and she becomes super, indeed.
before, and she can see that solving for “x” our environments prevent us from growing, Works Cited
by resolving the equation in the numerator the effect can be like kryptonite. A student Bandura, Albert (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in
and then dividing it by the result of the with a strong will and ability to work cognitive development and functioning. Educational
Psychologist, 28 (pp. 117-148).
equator in the denominator will provide for around her environmental obstacles can
“x.” With confidence in herself (Bandura) overcome these barriers, but not without a Bronfenbrenner, Urie (1977) Toward an
and her prior experience, Vygotsky’s view lot of strength and self confidence experimental ecology of human development.
is that she slowly can build her experience (Bandura’s self efficacy). American Psychologist.
out across the unknown. Correctly solving Comer, James P. (2004) Leave no child behind:
this equation will give her a new
information structure from which to build Working together preparing today’s youth for tomorrow’s world. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
for the next new math problem she Supergirl works for and relies on the
encounters. citizens. They comprise the community of Kohlberg, L. (1974) The claim to moral adequacy of
a higher stage of moral judgement. In Moral
which she is a part. While she is bullet-
development and moral philosophy. (pp. 630-646).
proof and can fly, without their energy to
Environmental help her create a crime-free city, she works Tudge, J. & Winterhoff, P. (1993). Vygotsky, Piaget,

influences can at a disadvantage. She can go through the

motions, but without their actions to
and Bandura: Perspectives on the relations between
the social world and cognitive development. Human
Development, 36 (pp. 61-81.)
hinder efforts reinforce her efforts, she operates in a
Supergirl may have all of the strength and
wisdom in the world, but if she is held by Moreover, Supergirl relies on the citizens
kryptonite, all is for naught. This one item in her community to work together to
has the power to hold back all of her drive support her efforts. She may work with
and strength. She can try to fight against it, law enforcement, but she also needs
but to win against it, she has to use her schools and religious groups to help create
self-determination and cunning to a better city.
overcome it. Just as her efforts affect
others, their actions have an effect on her. Comer recognized that schools are the
second most influential presence in a
Heidi Nowicki
LTM611 May 2, 2009

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