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Spanish IB Higher Level Sra.

Vargas Fall 2014

Email: Vargasd@fl!"ns#h""ls."rg $h"ne: 404%&4'%1(&0 e)!.2*+
,-.e#!ive: IB HL is an advanced course in which students will enhance their language use and skills through
selected readings, listening and conversational activities. After completing this course, students will be prepared for
sustained use of Spanish for communication. Language B is a language acquisition course developed at two levels
standard level !SL" and higher level !HL"for students with some background in the target language. #hile acquiring
a language, students will e$plore the culture!s" connected to it. %he focus of these courses is language acquisition
and intercultural understanding. %he three core areas of stud& will include' (ommunication and media, )lobal issues,
Social relationships. *or the two optional areas, HL will include (ustoms and %raditions and Leisure.
/"rse /"n!en!: +ur stud& will focus on these topics'
(omunicaci,n & medios' La prensa
(uestiones globales' )uerra & c,mo nos afecta
-elaciones Sociales' La familia, identidad cultural
(ostumbres & tradiciones' los .,venes en pa/ses hispanohablantes
+cio' Las diferencias & similitudes entre ocio en los .,venes
0SE ,F S$12ISH I2 /L1SS: %he class will be conducted in Spanish. Students should generall& not e$pect that
their instructor will teach in 0nglish or translate for them. 1nderstanding in this conte$t will emerge graduall& as the
semester progresses, particularl& if students are regularl& present in class, prepare the material ahead of time, and
complete all their assignments in a timel& manner, as instructed b& the teacher, and in accordance with the guidelines
on this s&llabus. 2our instructor will focus mainl& on activities fostering communication.
133E2412/E5/L1SS $163I/I$13I,2: -egular attendance is essential for the development of language skills.
(lass time ma& be one of the onl& times that &ou will be e$posed to human interaction in Spanisha ma.or source of
language acquisition. Learning a foreign language is not like other sub.ects where &ou ma& miss classes and still be
able to catch up or stud& several chapters the night before an e$am. 3oreover, it is known that, learning usuall&, if not
alwa&s, builds on previous learning. So, if &ou are absent or fail to complete the course assignments, &ou will not
have enough time to absorb the information and develop the necessar& skills, and &our grade will reflect it. 7"r
s##ess in !his #"rse depends #"mple!el8 "n h"9 m#h 8": !he s!den!: #"mmi! 8"rself !" ;eeping p
9i!h assignmen!s and #lass pr"gressi"n. *ailure to attend class on a regular basis and to meet assignment
deadlines will e$ponentiall& increase the level of difficult& of the course work. If things are not coming together, even
after devoting the necessar& time, alwa&s talk to &our instructor for advice. Do not wait until late in the semester to
address your concerns. At that time very little can be done to help you.
*The above policies are taken from the Georgia State University Modern and Classical Languages syllabi:
<a!erials: A variet& of te$ts and sources will be used including but not limited to' briendo !aso Gramatica !3c)raw
Hill, 5889" :;<, !asa"es Literatura !3c)raw Hill, 5885" :<8, #l $nternado!video", $nf%rmate con C&& 'video(
In the event that a student loses or destro&s an& of the te$ts in their possession the& will be e$pected to pa& for the
te$t according to the amounts stated above.
=aper, pen, pencil
%hree ring binder
Spanish4 0nglish dictionar& !not on a mobile device"
Langage B: %here are si$ assessment ob.ectives for the language B course. Students will be assessed on their
abilit& to'
9. communicate clearl& and effectivel& in a range of situations, demonstrating linguistic competence and intercultural
5. use language appropriate to a range of interpersonal and4or cultural conte$ts
;. understand and use language to e$press and respond to a range of ideas with accurac& and fluenc&
<. organi>e ideas on a range of topics, in a clear, coherent and convincing manner
?. understand, anal&>e and respond to a range of written and spoken te$ts
Evala!i"n: %he final grade will be determined as follows'
3a.or assessments' tests)*ui++es)pro"ects ;?7
3inor assessments' class,ork)home,ork)articles 587
=erformance Based Assessments speaking),riting ;87
*inal 0$am 9?7
)rading scale' A !A8B9887", B !C8BCA7", ( !D8BDA7", *!8BEA7"
=In addi!i"n !" !he s#h""l rles s!a!ed in !he s!den! hand-"";: I e)pe#! s!den!s !">
9. BE $6E$16E4 ever&da& with materials and assignments. 7" and 8"r 9"r; are to be on time. Late work is
unacceptable. In the case of a ma"or assignment !i.e.Bpro.ect, presentation, research paper" 987 of the total points
possible will be deducted per da& for the first ? da&s it is late, and accepted up to 98 da&s after the due date for a
ma$imum of ?87 of the total points possible. A F>eroG will be earned if the assignment is not completed and turned in
within the 98 da&s. (lass work and4or homework do not appl& to this rule and ma& be graded or completeness and4or
accurac&. In the case of FcompletionG, the assignment must be complete in order to receive credit. &o partial credit
,ill be given. Students should attempt ever& part of homework and4or class work assignments. *urther e$planation
and opportunit& for questions will follow in class.
5. BE 6ES$E/3F0L at all times to ever& person and thing in our classroom. -ude, inappropriate, or negative
comments or actions, sleeping and4or remaining off task are unacceptable in this class. #hen using the lab in class,
students are e$pected to follow the rules provided b& the teacher and absolutel& H+ )13, *++I, +- I-IHJ is
allowed. Students will be given a warning and then disciplinar& action will be taken.
KK1#ademi# 4ish"nes!8B students will be familiar with -iverwoodLs Honor (ode and if found in violation of such will
receive a >ero and the teacher will fill out an honor violation in which disciplinar& action ma& be taken. =arents will be
notified. -epeat offenders will be in danger of receiving an * for the course. (heating includes but is not limited to'
9. cop&ing someone elseLs work and submitting it as &our own4receiving unauthori>ed FhelpGB i.e. online
translators, native speakers to nonBnative speakers, etc.
5. allowing someone to cop& &our work
;. having answers in view during a test or qui>
<. discussing test questions or answers !including with students in another class who have not &et taken the
?. not documenting sources of original workBplagiari>ing
KK<a;ep 9"r; is the studentLs responsibilit& and must be completed in the event of an e-cused absence. %here will
be a makeup work notebook which the student should consult immediatel& upon returning to class. It will be
necessar& for the student to arrange time with the teacher before or after school to make up an&
qui>>es4tests4listening activities. $f a pro"ect is assigned ahead of time and the student is absent the day before. the
deadline still stands unless other,ise discussed ,ith the teacher/
KK6e#"ver8 9"r; *ulton (ount&Ls recover& polic& is designed to that students who have regular attendance and
have completed ALL assignments but are still unsuccessful in a course can have a chance to demonstrate master&.
Students can request recover& onl& if the& meet the preceding criteria. -ecover& does not mean that a student can
skip a test or fail to turn in a ma.or assignment and receive recover& as an alternative. %he t&pe of recover&
assignments available to students is a matter of teacher discretion as long as it directl& relates to the course
ob.ectives. %eachers will determine when and how students with e$tenuating circumstances ma& improve their
2"!e !" $aren!s and S!den!s
I look forward to working with &ou this &ear. I am available %uesda& afternoons until <'98 and #ednesda&
mornings from D'<? M C'58. I will be happ& to assist an& student needing additional help at other times, I simpl&
request that the& ask me a da& in advance. If at an& time &ou have questions and4or concerns, please contact me.
!0Bmail is the fastestN" %hank &ou for &our time in reviewing this s&llabus and for &our work towards success this
school &earN
Student O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Iate'@@@@@@@@@@@
=arent O@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Iate'@@@@@@@@@@@

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