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You are invited

You are invited to take part in the nurse

bedside shift change. You can also invite
a family member or friend to take part
with you.
The nurse bedside shift change happens
every day at 7:00 AM and 7:00 M.
!et us know if you have any "uestions.
#e are partners in your care.

Shift Change
#hat is
can you
&eing a partner in your care helps you
get the best care possible here at
'niversity of (olorado %ospital. Taking
part in the nurse bedside shift change is
one way you can be a partner.
This brochure e)plains what the nurse
bedside shift change is and how you can
get involved.
#hat is the nurse bedside
shift change$
*urse shift changes happen when nurses
who are going off duty share information
about your care with nurses coming on
duty. At 'niversity of (olorado %ospital
+'(%,- we want you to be involved in
shift changes to make sure you get high.
"uality care.
&eing part of the bedside report gives you
a chance to meet the nurse taking over
your care- ask "uestions and share
important information with your nurses.
The nurse bedside shift change does not
replace the conversations you have with
your doctor.
You can invite a family member or friend
to be part of the nurse bedside shift
change. #e will only talk about your
health with others when you say it is okay
with you.
#hen is nurse bedside
shift report$
*urse bedside shift change happens every
day at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. /t usually
lasts 0 minutes.
#hat should / e)pect$
1uring nurse bedside shift change- the
nurses going off and coming on duty will:
/ntroduce themselves to you and anyone
with you. The nurse coming on duty
will write his or her name on the white
board in your room.
/nvite you to take part in the nurse
bedside shift change. You should decide
who else can take part with you.
Talk with you about your health-
including the reason you are in the
hospital and what is going on with your
care. The nurses will look at your
medical chart.
(heck the medicines you are taking.
The nurses will look at your /2s-
in3uries and bandages. They will also
follow up on any tests that were done or
lab work that was ordered.
Ask you what could have gone better
during the last shift and what you hope
to do during the ne)t shift. 4or e)ample-
you may want to get out of bed or 3ust
sleep. The nurse will try to help you
meet this goal.
5ncourage you to ask "uestions and
share your concerns. /f needed- the
nurse coming on duty may come back
after the bedside shift change to spend
more time discussing your concerns.
#hat should / do$
!isten. You are an important part of the
health care team. #e want to make sure
you have complete and timely
information about your care.
6peak up. /f you have "uestions or
concerns- nurse bedside shift change is
the perfect time to raise them.
Ask "uestions if something is confusing.
/f the nurses use any words or share any
information you don7t understand- feel
free to ask them to e)plain it.
%ere at '(%- we want to make sure
that you get the best care possible.
/f you have any concerns about the
"uality or safety of your care during
your hospital stay- please let your nurse
or doctor know.
/f you are still concerned- call our
atient 8epresentative at 790.:;:.0977
or ask to speak with the charge nurse or
nurse manager.
< 90=>- 'niversity of (olorado %ospital- Aurora
?ctober 90=>
&edside %andoff broch@5(

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