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SMATH: Science and Maths smathrhs.weebly.

Vanessa Crock
Daniel Ramirez
Grading, Mastery and Learning Targets
Grades your core academic classesHumanities (English Language Arts and US
History), Math (Geometry and Algebra 1!) and "oundations o# $hysics and
%hemistryare based on a Mastery system& 'his means that your grade earned
in these classes de(ends (rimarily on you demonstrating, in a )ariety o# *ays,
that you ha)e learned or mastered the curriculum& As a student *hat you are
re+uired to learn is clearly outlined in the #orm o# ,Learning 'argets&- All Learning
'argets are based .regon State and %ommon %ore Standards&
!/0 o# your grade in the core academic classes is based on *or1 students do to
(re(are themsel)es to demonstrate their mastery or understanding o# the
Learning 'argets& 'his includes home*or1, acti)ities done in class (class*or1)&
%lass*or1 includes things li1e laboratory in)estigations, modeling, +uestion or
(roblem sets, discussions, conce(t ma(s, (artici(ation in class acti)ities, and
in#ormal (resentations& 2n addition, another (art o# the (ractice grade is based on
your Student Academic Success S1ills (SASS)& SASS includes things li1e ontime
*or1 com(letion, organi3ation and (re(aredness #or class such as binder and
(lanner chec1s&
Three key points about mastery and assessments.
4 "irst, this system is based on you (artici(ating in all the acti)ities leading u(
to the assessments& 5e *ill gi)e you #eedbac1 along the *ay and e6(ect you
to trac1 your (rogress to*ards these goals&
4 Second, you *ill ha)e more then one o((ortunity to sho* mastery on a
learning target, so i# 7rst you don8t succeed *e *ill *or1 out a (lan *ith you to
be able to reassess to sho* mastery&
4 'hird, i# you ha)e a idea on ho* you can demonstrate #or your teacher on
ho* to sho* mastery, (lease schedule an a((ointment *ith them& "or
e6am(le, a student *ho struggles *ith test an6iety might (ro(ose that he or
she be allo*ed to demonstrate understanding o# the content in a oneonone
con)ersation *ith the teacher&
SMATH: Science and Maths
Assessments and Learning Target Mastery:
9/0 o# your grade in the core academic classes is based on demonstrating
mastery o# Learning 'argets& Mastery o# a Learning 'arget is demonstrated
through one or more assessments& Assessments are designed to allo* you to
demonstrate to the teacher that you ha)e mastered the Learning 'arget or
'argets #or the Unit&
Assessments can ta1e many #orms: traditional tests or essays, lab re(orts,
(resentations (oral, )ideo, animation or (odcast), and oneonone con)ersations
*ith teachers are all e6am(les o# assessments that *ill be used by your teachers&
"or each assessment, the teacher *ill assess a student8s le)el o# mastery o# a
s(eci7c Learning 'arget using a 1; scale& 'he chart belo* outlines the meaning o#
each le)el o# the scale in terms o# *hat the student must do in order to earn a
(articular score&
Score Le)el 5hat the student has sho*n
; E6cee
'he student has demonstrated, through an assessment or
assessments, mastery o# more com(le6 content related to the
Learning 'arget&
= $ro7ci
'he student has demonstrated, through an assessment or
assessments, mastery o# the Learning 'arget& 2n other *ords,
the student has ME' the Learning 'arget&
!&? 2n addition to demonstrating mastery o# the sim(ler or
#oundational content, the student has demonstrated (artial
success on the assessment o# Le)el = content&
! @e)elo
'he student has mastered the sim(ler or #oundational content,
but has not yet demonstrated understanding o# the more
com(le6 content described by the Learning 'arget&
(Ada(ted #rom: Mar3ano, "ormati)e Assessment and Standards Based Grading)
SMATH: Science and Maths
Translation to Letter Grades
'hroughout a semester, you *ill be assessed and gi)en the o((ortunity to re
assess, on multi(le Learning 'argets& "or each 'arget you the student *ill be gi)en
a score on the 1; scale& 'he .AE>ALL scaled score *ill be determined by
a)eraging the scores #or each Learning 'arget assessment& 'his grade *ill be
translated into a letter grade, *hich *ill be combined *ith the
class*or1Chome*or1 and SASS grade to (roduce the o)erall grade #or the
semester& 'he scale is translated into letter grades using the chart the belo*
Score Grad
=&?/;&// A
=&//=&;D B
!&?/!&DD %
1&//!&;D "
Mar3ano, "ormati)e Assessment and Standards Based Grading
2# you need to miss class, (lease ha)e your (arent or guardian call the school to
e6cuse the absence& 'he (hone number is ?/=D1E?!E/& 2# you miss class and it
is e6cused, ma1e sure that you either email your teacher or see them 7rst thing the
ne6t day to get the in#ormation that you missed& 2t is F.U> res(onsibility to get
caught u(&

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