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Jonathan Scott Stalnaker

Secondary Education-Mathematics
Mission Statement
To provide superior education that will inspire my students to pass knowledge to future
generations by building a foundation for student growth.
In my pursuit of education, I have learned many dos and donts to be an effective
teacher. My philosophy of education is that facts are of the upmost importance and to draw your
own conclusions from those facts. I am a teacher-centered teacher and this will be reflected in
my classroom because I am the person in authority. The main objective of my teaching is to
develop students to be productive, good citizens. In my teaching, I will inspire young students to
maximize their full potential and become successful in their future endeavors by challenging my
students to accomplish difficult tasks that they will encounter in their everyday lives. The
materials used in my classroom are in a well-structured, organized manner which will optimize
learning. My content is mathematics. Math is an important subject and I will teach my students
the necessary concepts that will help them succeed. I use lectures, discussions, and assessments
to help guide my students and gauge their knowledge of the material.
Education is the basis of life without knowledge our presence would be nonexistent. I
believe my students main goal is to be a learner who has enthusiasm and has a love of
knowledge for the core curriculum. I believe my students are goal-orientated that he and she
will pursue what they see their future self will become. They follow direction without question
because the teacher is the expert. My students show the basic knowledge required to reach
mastery level of the curriculum. My students are always prepared every class session to ensure
optimal learning. I will accomplish these above statements by leading by example and showing
them how to succeed in everything they do.
My class will be teacher-centered where everything centers on the teacher. The material
I present is in an organized and understandable manner. I have set classroom rules and conduct
of behavior which there will be strict adherence to these rules and regulations. I have designed
my lesson plans that are structured to follow the state requirements. The material will be
presented in an understandable fashion and provide multiple examples that demonstrate how to
do the problems at hand. I assign homework that will make the students use their minds to
discern the material and will provide them explore all the possible solutions. Assessments that I
have assigned at scheduled intervals test the students grasp of knowledge. My instrumental use
of our classroom technology is used to inspire students.
I model a productive and functioning citizen to show the students how to act in society.
I informed my students on how and what society expects from them. My students are well
informed of my hardships of life and that no matter what knocks you down, you can dust
yourself off and try again. My life has been hard with an abusive past of alcohol. With the
abuse of drugs and alcohol being an ever growing presence in our community today, I have a
background to help my students find ways of dealing with peer pressure and the addictive
possibilities that goes along with these problems.

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