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Principles of Learning (Horne and Pine, 1990 in Corpuz and Salandanan, 2007)

In te professional education part of L!", #ost of te $uestions are situational% &nd one of te
co##on #ista'es a(out te L!" is tat it is said to (e )eas*)% "e reason (eind tis is tat all
te coices see#ed correct, and *et tere reall* is one correct ans+er% ,ut o+ +ill one 'no+
tat te coice is te correct and (est ans+er- "is is +ere te principlesco#e in% In
ans+ering te $uestions tat are situational, 'eep in #ind te principles ofteacing and
learning% "ese +ill guide us to coose te )(est) ans+er a#ong te coices% &ctuall*, tere are
a lot of principles of teacing.learning% I /ust +ould li'e to present tese, sall I
sa*, principles discussed fro# one of te current te0t(oo's used no+ada*s% Hope *ou +ill learn
a lot%%%
1% Learning is an e0perience +ic occurs inside te learner and is acti1ated (* te learner%
"is #eans tat learning +ill not ta'e place unless te learner er.i#self allo+s it to appen in #ind% It is not pri#aril* controlled (* te teacer, rater on te learners2 +ants, interests
and #oti1ation to learn% In real classroo# setting, te teacer #ust engage learners
in acti1ities tat are connected to teir li1es%
2% Learning is te disco1er* of te personal #eaning and rele1ance of ideas% "is is so#e+at
te sa#e +it principle nu#(er one% Learners can easil* understand concepts if tese are
rele1ant to teir needs and pro(le#s% Hence, as teacers, +e #ust relate te lesson to te
learners2 needs, interests and pro(le#s%
3% Learning is a conse$uence of e0perience% In sort, use e0periential learning as #uc as
possi(le period% Heee%%%
4% Learning is a cooperati1e and colla(orati1e process% Learners +ill learn #ore if te* are gi1en
cances to +or' togeter and sare ideas% 5a'e use of group acti1ities%
6% Learning is an e1olutionar* process% Learning especiall* if tis #eans a cange in (ea1ior,
does not appen in a clic'% "is re$uires ti#e and diligence% So as teacers, (e patient% ,e
patient% ,e patient% ,e patient%
7% Learning is so#eti#es a painful process% "is #eans tat learning re$uires sacrifice,
ard+or', stud* ti#e% Let te learners realize tis o'a*-
7% 8ne of te ricest resources for learning is te learner i#.erself% Let2s not (e too )centered)
upon oursel1es% Let2s dra+ te discussion not onl* on our o+n e0periences as teacers (ut on
te learners2 e0periences as +ell% Listen and let te learners sare teir prior 'no+ledge,
stories, infor#ation, etc tat can enric te learning process% !ncourage free saring inside te
9% "e process of learning is e#otional as +ell as intellectual% Learners can2t learn tat #uc if
te* a1e so#eting tat is (otering teir #inds% "ese can (e pro(le#s and +orries te*
a1e eiter in or out of te classroo#% "us, as teacers, let us (e sensiti1e to our students2
pro(le#s% :e can2t teac learners +it e#pt* sto#acs re#e#(er-
9% "e process of pro(le# sol1ing and learning are igl* uni$ue and indi1idual% 5a'e use
of different teacing strategies tat can cater #ultiple intelligences and learning st*les%

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