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The United Nations

Complete this assignment to gain background knowledge on the United Nations. To begin, open an
Internet browser and navigate to the United Nations home page at Then, scroll down to the section called The U.N. and, and
click on CyberSchoolbus. Read the article there and respond to the items below:
1. Explain the meaning of the U.N. emblem.
Coming together and staying as one

2. How many countries are members of the U.N. today? 192
3. How might you describe the U.N. General Assembly? What happens when it convenes?
Since theyre a lot of countries going into the votes it can get chaotic and lots of agreements
and disagreements.

4. Does the General Assemblys vote matter? Why or why not?
It gets turn into resolutions which carry the weight of the world governments opinion.

5. What is unique about the U.N.s headquarters?
Its located in New York but the land and buildings are international territory.

6. What are the main goals of the U.N.?
Bring all nations together for peace and development.

7. Identify at least two challenges that exist in following the U.N. principles.

All member states must obey the charter
Countries should try to assist the united nations

8. What was the League of Nations, and how does it relate to the U.N.?
Believed that the world organization of nations keep the peace and prevents past horror and

9. In what ways was the League of Nations an example of early globalization? Identify at
least two.


10. Why did the League of Nations fail? Identify at least two reasons.

No military power
Moral authority was insufficient

11. In what year was the U.N. created? 1945 What was happening at that time? War
12. How many countries originally joined the U.N.? 51
13. Why might the League of Nations be considered the forerunner of the United Nations?
Because of their goals.

14. What are the U.N.s Security Council, and what countries are involved in it? Secret officer
of the United Nations secretariat.
15. Why might the structure and operation of the Security Council be problematic? In other
words, what principle does it appear to violate? Identify two issues.

All member states must obey the councilor
Countries must avoid using force or threatening to use force
Go to the BBCs profile on the U.N. at and scroll down to the
Members section.
16. Who is the newest U.N. member, and what noteworthy nations are not members of the
U.N.? Why has U.N. membership grown?
South Sudan. There are other nations that are not members of the U.N. More people see the
good in it.

17. How is the U.N. funded?
Independent agencies including the World Bank.
18. The chart below lists the six organizational bodies of the U.N. Complete the chart with
information about their purpose as well as details you find interesting or
important. NOTE: Youve already read a bit about the G.A. and S.C.
Organizational Bodies Purpose Interesting & Important Facts
General Assembly

Any members can discuss any subject
in the U.N charter.
Meets for 3 months
may adopt declarations
Security Council

Ensures global peace and security. Oversees peacekeeping
Economic and Social
Council spearheads the U.Ns
economic, humanitarian and cultural
54 members are elected by
the general assemblies.
International Court of
Justice (World Court)
Setting legal disputes submitted to it
by the states.
In the Dutch city of huage.

undertakes the day to day work of the
Works include research,
translation and media
Trusteeship Council

Administered the U.Ns trust
The council meets as occasion

19. The U.N. also has separate organizations that work to meet its goals. List four different
groups or goals these organizations work to help or promote (NOT the names of the


20. What is the title of the U.N.s leader, and who currently holds this position? How is this
position used to counterbalance the strength of some U.N. members?
Bon Ki-Moon, Secretary General
21. What do you feel is the future of the U.N.? Does it have a place in todays world? Why or
why not? What can it do to improve its position? Write a 5-6 sentence paragraph explaining your
I think the UN is good but I don't think it will last very long. Seeing how everyone as of right now is
not on good terms, I don't see how this will work in the future. Most of the time the leaders
disagree or kind of go exile and thats no good. The U.N. good right now but it will not be soon.
Hopefully, everyone makes peace and make the world a better place so that the U.N works

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