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A f)ld'~I~@'Uon, for :Q l~nl1 !

9,I, ri[-bd r~IQ\I1d$ ,of ~~~e~lell~ ,eu,~te eol~~ge , 7l,I~ l~rfJ~~ /D ;l71~ljJ)(ljm~rJl@{1 ,by ,rIJ,,' ,F~ttom' rirf", U~RAa,fl P~\ii(l\!lJ\

IG1IQ""'.,:',, I d'-~"""

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J!!'- -, /'1'-' - t 'G--- -, du -'-t- ~ -, -- U' -..J - ,,-

enr« -'men;_I'"ra:: UB'JfJi-rJ ,~-_,pYia~eS

B'-I-u-'Qf~;O'I,d'c Stat B ,C--o~:,,'llle"ge--" 'C' ':l"'IIl!"!IItl- 'I'" U'~S' ' to 'G'.~' ro ,'~-: ';

'" Iv ,liv, '" ',', u ,~_ ,'_' - 1_ ',_Viii,! , __ !!! !'_,Q-" _ , 11- W

'W' '~-, r ""ith ULe 8rr~'i,I'-a] ,of IDe:

" "" ":", '-', :::: 'F" ] II ] Ii'i; no >to

,-' ,,' a"i "~~o

"',-' _,_", Semester, Bl'iIDefiddi

Sii~~C CIlJ!llkgc''s

iPoc~ inl~:rli~ry enroll miiiiffil~ figures '\wro :nlll1!nall.g sHgJuly ~l[jtilVe yc-mr· ago figli:!\G::S" Th~ f~~t. lh~f~ lfi~ hlS,(:i,(tH'io" 'i,s, "ho I d~ ng i,~li;, O\\I~'" d~1 ri I~g ,~ ~ i ~~i~ \VhGhli Ii i gh @~~lft{jl g~{ll~!M i ~~ ~I (i!::;;~~S ~rl!1' ~nl ~:I h:r I'~)f.m hi, Ila'i ~r ~"~lm~ :1:-; iJI1~O\i,r;fflgh!lJ ~~i;:.(:}I!d~ I~B !o n~e ~,dn~ I ~::dV-JW (i!m e ln ls,

!! \Jli~' f~rc C:f~~U 1.0~1~ I y Q~)ll'ulli~I'~e Ihlfl'l cur Il!nul i;,iiilVOj Ilmj!.:lll,~ :I1:g~Ir~ ,ii;,;i Ii ,sJilOW' ~l'il{i!~h~r ,7C',;][;' or 'CH[\D~ ~IHC:nt hi-~r'i'i!~~'i"" ,!.10t'f;;i~, John cmJ~(.hvcn~ j !.l~~rhw.! 'Vh:c. r[llS~d~~u iQI:f Student A 'ff-air8" !lThe C!l!,li!e~ has feeused .1 signH1.,e<Ll:1I!! effhl11 ;1'11 Eii;:"cf!l.l:iw~~e:tI!~, :tmd. te~enliil)ir~, OUI[ 'C~re-:;;:r- focused degree ]J'JQ!!rn.m:s arc becoming ullC'r~:a!singly. anractive to buslnesses and, iimdu""'if·j..J tbrouaho ~t the r'"'j':! ':,;r;;-: ,m: 'li

___ ..... ",,! "--!! "" ~_,,:; iIV'~ I " _ ... ,_,tyIJ., .,IJll'!

ou r ~J~d~I:H~e5 arc IJlol;C~i'tll~, Wi'Dh ;t;[jC{l~~, In the: J ab itliLF&~t. ill

The ~~,~n ~ f Ihii: ~~~w &~ml;;iSlltr fo~ I QW8 n ~r~s~,":J;tJ_.~ed I ;991~98 ni;(1~l~ll'i'I'IJ )"Uni". M~!!:\i l~h~i":!I i~ ~,O ~1Q,EW~~fl "\{~'I~ cen ra:l:r~d; d~dng ~h~ 'i 99~ A~~O~~fL~~ I}c~r~!.f fll~d 1~,n!C ~~1I1 '~1 u J'~ u't~: TJ ~t1:h~!I: ~Qfirl~i~Q il~~tli~~i~ ii.l\),l;~'l\'ib;lI,'~ c'IiI 1~~ll!~-n.Q I,d ~~wt-c eoll.~1i:e.

nii,l:ill'j: I Our ~~ro~do,!~

M~:~ci-wl~, Chi~~ oi~ '~l ,L'md 111 ~~~nu of aJh~ \V~~l Vl tl~~:n~~ Ar€i~ ('N~~ 1. h~i.!li! b pro_g~n!~; d~ liv(;fied, d~~ A$; 'C-<'Ji~u~e'!l{ieJn@nt @.ddrr2'~, ~h~ mid. ~he caI~c:i'l~1 '~~~dien'C~ 'Qr~md!- 1!I;,1~!2S, the] f f~ml Ues, and ~h~ir ~rici:L(ls~ "I eneeurege }''QIJ] to! be ~:PC~~J,f;rs" Our dreams l11l~J Oi~e:Jil! leed us down low, k)ol:'tie~y" oold p:~i:l!te~; 'b-I!!I~, the)~ can ~1~.s:Q ,~l f~ us lO h,i~Jt anc] [l.1l'ghl.Y p,r ac (:",5 " Af~c:r goin;g ~hruug'b th¢ chal h~llg,~S o€OJie111 of }'UU hM (~~~d I' tg,!t~ght,~, ~rr!d~!n~ liQ~i!h~y ~~01 i, h~1 V~' ~C',fl~:hfoid rill~'OOtLlUli'ih I,~ ,in i.i r.n~ of !;~h.'b~·ol'ltrm'. ..

'j!M h,~hQII ~(lim~i~!~f~{~ hy !;~rn indhl,Fi d;{Il IJ,~,C; C'111~~ ,t,).Ir ~''l:).~:, ;.1 f ),f;m :I~ULJ~~~~ ~h;;J nQ~ih~ ).(-~~ dJ~Qtm;,'~~I, ~lh~HLt~~ih~ £\~ill~ ~1' ~i!.'M~h ~(Fli h(]\!'~ bc~'!~ l!n.]dos~§:ll~d". ~ y(m ;i:j f'I.:I' !fi SUCCeSS, ii

D~... J~H~l~ , 1-\ , I.~uf)~d II du,:

A p pal f~ e h ,I, r" II It_ g ~ !U'IH~ I

();ml ~!~'~~sitm'I's Di'I~t:toi' ilJif

1E~~J~iillI:l1 Anh~~ ~LI.lU C:lI :;,toHliii1r

Re1J~'i~~lIIIs, ckl tvc~' the

Ba~[~I~Ij][Catc: OO!:U.ll'H~n'~e~'b'le~l

address, A, ,fufrner sse mllildent whe attended elementary, j~l~i(l(Jj h.i,gn, and Mg,h schools i~1. R~urra~:

R,e~'pe'~!) V A~ Russel ~ reflected upon 'the Impottattcc oJ ,[a1l'.d~y and teachers ;1 n h i.$ a,ddr~;,

""I ''i,\lent u) m,eldJ ~ ~~~h.: tVUI!i:ibl.I!.:l, brJ;;':;iilH:i~ $:0 mfi i1iny i'ndhl~dil;l~Iw., ~ ~(~m~rod lmd, ah~(i &1i,)1~~ '~O Bl u~nC td ~'Ll'nU cQn~~~~" he ~f~I~1 i lI'fvhmy ol,' ~~O\i. ~~~~ r~r'i'i~ lA~n~~m,t~~n CQ II~g~ srnd~mt~:h 11iIt:~ i: w~::,; , ~,~v H' th I ~ m lt~I!.tUU; ('\:~,!O!lJr'lIt~ ~n, bu l n~~u tl"in'k t'llID~U '@~~p~!il~JH) l,.l~~ Hill' ~';~lL !O ld'V~

~~{HU 1,!1t1'1bd on png:.u: 9)

A s1:~'.arll~' ,nnd ~fimi'!)1JS llIow ti)lfDI~l'll!fl~~hcliS \'\1iIi:5i th~ fl<r~r ,on~o d~ (t't [i:q;; AlliIi1iJ~~ H<Dil!~i;l! hi'lOlll 'L'IItrnt18 ~I~~ filii!:." ~ 1lW; 1("Ij'L!lIi'i'ijI.fI Inl ,olllmoo, OJilu" :11~ ~'Lh 'I'I'~, ot:'J~' _ ~tl~ .n~om~J Y.'i~l! ILI~ ~~lll'I~l~ ~ll'lr,!: _ {if ~!~l'~~r II.;I~II. j ~li"~'1I!>1(r~ bo-;.: ,:;;I~f~d Hk· II 1!t:'F 1'Ii411 and post'i:"J d.i:;f'la}'S, de-:p[~'iiIlg. '~ie $,TRONO(; IP:.~~ST and ~l~e D'!ril}\l'AM Ie 1" U',IlJRE of 0 r l;1!2!";),\~,d BIu.efi.elJl. !Piwtagrap'h, :2.'1ibl!ms. so:u'!,~"mir' JDUlniii11's. blilo~ IIINi! ni;,lSovll'ms: '!j _ r :}';'1iIilla~!!!i iiii!i t!~~!m!ll~i ,(5i;'i~ 1'11'" 0m~ rIIjjR1~~/ lP) ~~, ~ i!!MI ~,I~iJ~1 rIA: 1. 11i!:ifimil: -, I'D rtdill!u _ n. ,I ~, (!;Jflrn;lJI_~C: fi· i:;"I~~~~ !JUI. ,-R ,1,lr:PJ.,_lmIU ,II, ,11'OJ~~m .-rld, ",\Ilimllnf: I tQbi~ ~~ip~lICf" bu'h,lll~~ ,",'~Ri dib,i.{- _bun:d !!,'IIlhoSIli wliO p1eiJged_ Dr. Raben: Moor~ PITgi'(f...,--n1; of Bh.:eliekl S~ OD~le~e (BSC). ~SP<:Ul~ W q[,l~:ions. ~ard ins 'E!1(!' A I.wi:il,.n~ H{I!JiS:C: ,il!I1Id. the !l"(I~~ ~h~ C!l'JnC',BCI will p]i}t. IWjl.; ;j;"'~F! ~h~ QJ!'J~li!rl.!mit)' ~11 I~I~ S ~~ij\dlilr fi,lgh~ ~\,'\¥;1r,d~ A!!!r;Jqll ~t to< m ~.~ ~ifrmil;)!,'fJ!"}! ~IOIlLF~"~ ~'Ii'i:d 't:'_;n~!i~j ~t~:;U1J'~ Yiil~r.5;· wn I b U1C q;;ill\I~lluiuC!' rilliliiiii,b~'fS.;fJ t:5'1l ~~1H't!d Cf,lii1rM ,[lId IfIlfuiiiilii.'U:W ~~l~i.:!WJi 'l~ 'Il~~ IllSSc!i1Ibt~cll,

FYB .'. 1illll:.: nx I~ClrrNB 1]10,'-1\0 CHI - i :~~~ NATION A 1.- 1\.1 ,tJMtrH I~ S'~'I''''rnON ./~ T' '~'r,R, ~b\ v l"~ M.ltt.1'IWO ~N Il!JU~I~J ,U~, WEST' VUROIN!!, UNA'NI~'rOti~l'V ~\I!I'ltef!j/l3t'J nl~ rOlJ~OW8'NCi It,;OARDIIi\lU ' ,liSTAB!I.ISH~bN1' 01 HA liTER I~ALL .AS AN ,,\'1 UMNI UOUSE:

PcI'!;Q·JI'5 \\'ltl:i ;ploo,~erli rro ... iOYfl~Y \~fm te(;~i~'~ !Iihnl' pl.:::~~ r9~11 'Io..j;:ll U,s, M'. ·nl. Orliie~ 'L,,'nC! ,'\"ishi ~ lPi,.,(ls,iI1' 5iil",rld ~1iI~il.~!; [it,lIti'il Pi ,~fi'ii I}f'(iIW,I~

.iiO I .erg A;"~il.L!!e

~h!hnG~i M~!}'~imIi'll2 'llff1

,1110+-110\18 ,U9 V I . ). ~; I O.~~ I ~,j,GS . 'Ii")

IB!I ue.fie Id i'tab! ce I te go. AI urn n ~ H,ouse!~ Moving into the New Mrtennium,

Our Cenlte.nnla.1 T.leml: St.ronfjl ~ast, .OynalflJ'lic, F'Ldure by' Ruth Payne Brown i 55"

A I u mn i Hou:s,CI IComm i'tt~lHSt. CIh alrpa rS,Ot'

DO YO U' 6 ~li..I'eV~ IN MI RAe I...'~S

'The es!a'b]j5L1~I't (If Hm~er H<'III as OUIi" j\illlrnni House hills. come l[o; life; RilEI} i>;\yne Iilro-v.1fl 'iI"I)!.rl'oI ~ T l't ' :I\!!~i!lied S t 0,OIJ'

I. (l,WClrlOO1)'!1 C- lFlOQd pil'!;"i-dg,et! $tO:Ill0'_oo

'"':Kudo£, to Julinie,:Gh:i;- Collil1i5, Sr_ and G l'il'ni3, .rowelll :SII":1In flJr~ ftil S 1,IG@O'.Oo. p.1"ill~~, [1,\ IU I.N' ~UI_.L.

1" TI1J~ ~ll1~rub~rs ,!:!f" ~ AI !Irnlii I~!/,l'ils~, ,tom mi~r!!\" 'wJU, i)iN'!\)lll,i: im Ad~'i:&Ui:)I L~U:PCU tll~i, 'I.";,o,utd, m(ljr~i~'; the bU5rn~5'5 of '1lI!~ .t\I~uliini ,HOIllSI;,.

2, ,\11 !!rH; will' 'dliiJ'l.ll;r.uili"l M~ i!~~O)lii~~ (it ~hl'l n:(; AILlmlllll"",~ \ll~1. I! will 'b~ nirun'if!I~lil J 11'1 dl1.l U-~C IIO!Jil~' ~I n, " :5;::,pill.lA.c clJed:~i1~' aeeeuat WiIH be ~ _lbllsl~.:d (lOr ~h'i!i Ad",~s[!Il' eml.lli::iI (0f O~I~(lI1::iJ:~ {',x,jJ;-;llses as prQ~d~d by res afjll,~1 til-u d'$.(!~.

~, R~ ~gijjill:~[gi!i ifi;!~~J~~ ~~"ld~IU' hl;JllllIi:' '"'~ Ji In'ild'm!l!rk QM ,m M!!~'1:II'llIUf ~,l'''''N !;,1~Ur:~~ will ((iii!' f;/~r liili: Iii,

;'WF:[..t,gw ,ALUM N I i j1l~: i'A H ... '!i.T,!ON :I;rOR TH E DlmU;A " rON 01,' '.' ~I FlU. \J Mi'~lll: to US ' [N "PI ~~ V I~An ~OoW I~ ,IN Omj)E~~ ~II

B I uefle I d Stat.e Coil eg.e

N af 0 na I A I um n ~~ As socl atlon 21; '9 Roc k Str,e et

8'1 'II ~ o'!I.f"I'o ld 'w" est 'V' ' '1"l"g '1It'l'I 'JI 24701'1

:,IL'I"": l""u ,. ,~,','","",:" ",' ,Ii: U .... ,," I"

'y'cs, I wam, I~)!) be a 'part oT [11(: Bluefield Si2lte College (DSC) Alumni House pl,edging progrnil,]! [il) ;!i!lJIPpv.\Vt IDe es!aM'i!>:illllil,llmt of Harter Hal I :t-IS iii. historical landmark.


$100 $25'0 S!lOO SLOOlJ $'1,.500 $5~OOO :S ~,O"OI)O

Ce'ti ifi.cmf:

ArH8~, S~e[Ch Q.( :HiiiHtr Han Silver P~n, of Hatter H~lI Gokl N~nH; :rl'1t'l:'!

Pe,Wtu ,statue: of H::t~:te:r n,t~l :rbqiLie


]~Ifuned lately' Q months,

l year

, iI' '

2 yea[S, 3, years, _S yenlA, ,8 years

1 pkrl~ '''''''': =======

CiQrnplele QIii _

I shall P'<lY ,,.,.'-:=~ _

MA KE c.H ~GK~ fAYAB i..~ 10,

stu ~,F~~ lD S'tA ilt= C'O u.sos A lJjMN I HOtDSB~SG FOU NDAfi:ON' 'THE IRS! EX'ElMI?TION IS U ND Elf:: ,S E,CTION! ser-e.e

N~_m~'~================~===~~~ .............. ====~~ __ ~_

,Addil:"C5S! ==================================

:Fax Ntimbu,I...-- ======

&-fiiai~ Athlrm';f: , ~~=========================

Former B,se IFootbal1 S,t-and,out IPre,stQ,n Watkins V:isi'ts His Ailima MI,I,'i:er'

"l\'!,<\c'~lIy",s~'\f,Q.I~ .r~'n,. ligO. fT.-cs'lU]} WMki~lr~· '!J1(."_·VOi~P.i,i)g ·sk:i~~~'5: as the premiere receiver in, '"M~st Vh'gi~!ia srfi ~'U 'C'>lJ!llo,g~ 'r(lii,:uhJ~~'1 fiU:~!'!!-:~d 'Vl~i,[~ '~~m NrL J hdll of P~'!ln~r"tl· Bobhy' M'~~chcl I, ~['ild Cl1~u~je Taylor'. 1hi$ summer. he :remu.rned [0. hiis alm il. :~umer Wilh lrlis, Sil)'H, PrestO:ill n I nnc1 '~o~k t~Hi!J' 110' rcfll!~ct lI!l-(Ul hiS H,ig B.h]lcs' fQ;Q~btdl. career,

A 'l '.' ·11 .". r hi ... l- . 'In, .' I [11ln»-,~eu.el _ _]·bJi SChOO_

Sl-"'-l"l""~' ;-'" '~ ."o'81~ \~I'"I··\:!i

!Oi .,,_ v~n n,~ .!!JV.~", .!! ' , ~,_"" ~ I.,

~.n:~'!;Ie[1 (N~ 111~ I] ~~j~~~~'M S~ mtQ C'~nl~1]U8 .iu! ]008, ro:ll\')',"~b,~ iJ~ t~~~

ac n d e ra Lc

]Q{ili!St~.PS of h:is mQthei!' ~ Uif!e'I~~ ~MJI!~~; ~IH~ ~,Iil:I~~m. all or w:liiLN'1fiI :ali[t~]dtcl sse.

"I lrnad a

gn::;'u ~ hillitr. cU

Uh.1!lcnc:[d ~m~Ci. ii he recalled. "\f;ii:lii:'~ ins' ~cl (4.4 8~¢Oli;ds in 111e 40) ~i~id h'i.~ 'pa:s s - eareh i lTI.g

.ab]~ it)'· {\Vest

'V:irginia lrnrter~

,~~,J l e g m~'~ ~

eO:Ubf~~~u~~c h;~d,f;jt In ~~~pdo.n~, :p'ricls per!dh,. and tolJl:lcltljo'wIl!~ pel!." season for three yea:rs} helped USC [0 ~~hi~~~~ eon t:~n:JI~~·w·i~~~ In-o~.oriet}'. m [·e w,m~ ~:h~ 'WVJAC Nhy£l>:lie P.~fiy,et during Ills sC.inioT j1,ear ~ 1:911" «-TOi1l' (:'0'101)00 W~lS our eeaeh !fmd. we h:rld, :s(mv~ Ol!~l'HijUl~ ~!l~. '~I!.K!n~r1)l~~k~, In ~n~y ~1'i~cy ~.nd [hl v~ l\'~h~i'; !! h~ reconnted, "'W:e wef'en~l :S'hy about ~l~ss,ing t~~ ~l~]!;"

1111 1970! fCnn'~!~~ 'Clr:v~l rmd

Birowm~ ,~n"d W~I~h~n~I:OB l!ledg~ i !~s: ~l:5tl" ll(l!b'b~¥' Mhe]wH '!lflsil'e~l ~ DSe prsctice to gel a fitSt.-Rlid look ~H \',['!l~.hl_.1l.,. "T~~~l~ Wa~ OI1l~ 'of ~]:1,~ .h'~g'I~ll~ht$ of f1I~V ~~I.L'~.r'- ·t~) !ili(1m~ In l~!fn~t I,{;i~ m~d see 'L r:~ro fOl?lbliU ~Iarr 1 ike' B~'bby M ilCJh.el i ~IJJ mU!~field. ~o look ;u :Wt~; "he Ollil um~~~~. M i~c'he11 '~ilS ~u~ L;8.~u~c11 bt Wm'tk ~w::;· s~wins i\~lorl~ t~~ i in 191"0, U!e 6~ 1. A "l$ .po1l~ld 'W~~e. receiver ~Ol'ed fol,lr, toudldowrliS:~, i~c!~!dl [,.g a. i#O~S~:-~'O-~(y""Ul~ ]{i~kon[~~!1i.r!,l ('O:!t to i\Bnhi~( ~~h", I'l V.!).~ 'Wes,t V ~r,g;in'i!l!. ~~tm.l£ I' -] r~CID U t~~~

I,l~k ~m m,~ bl IH'~~doo ~hm. ~~~!r /" h~ ,s;~id;, ~mJ 1 $~:U ~ belb~ve It '"1'.}!1 Ute :ha~. hit I ever received." W·~Lt~dlJ~. surv,l vw ~ ;~dy :~O~l\;1"' ~tl [I~, b.~n dldn' t, 1~,l~k:' i1 W ~1~.,ro.~u.~~r S~~:NOli; ~ vic~'hll Q [ ~jl~:e fiual C;ll~l ·'!I.:vhE:~11! NFL ro.$~er.;· were" nmi~di ~Q 40 p1a:te-rtg .•

Th~ r:QHo~vl n~ y~~'U\ he 'W~$ '~Olim~~.~~ ~~ C~~ L~iUC "r~yIQ'L;' ~r Ibe t!t~dsk1 ns • .[uid Irep(i1'~cd ~D

their trai -li -l,g ';;:",e;i 11 l-t\,1 , t;"""'''IIr,'''

"~~"'~ _~~ ID, L ~(~ , _ ~ '';' ...... """"~-!;I;,.:

A ~hm had jU,'ll 1~'lIDm ClVfl'r ~$ ~oJ~~h" !!m rn~ wm~, ~~ni~ui~,~~d re a 'Vcl:emn U~!Il'tf!. Inri;!;, n:lQI~1O '\lo!ii!.~, I ~1iL'C::

futtl!re h: nm!1' "ii!

.. . ., - ~

\¥~~'~~ns sai.~:l iiU~: !)Q~d 'i'~l~ [ W'~R ,~CiJOO ~ !~l;)u!1l~ l~ mfi~' th~ ~~~n:ui. but. Mid he, was S,oi~:lIg to go wi~h v{;l~m'~ l).~ny.'~ rs, ~~d. I ·w~~ ~yt.1!i

'WI could h .. nr~ clJrr~llinucil to seek O'pponu~~II,Y .[~S: ;\ l)~ pl~L.~I~r. ~t1 t I h~dl m.Y (.hr;:g~c (po·]i~ij:cm.1 sci.ence) iiJit(] :I' d~Wed to

'b~~ha 1~~1~' C:lm~~r iju~skl!; of ,SIJQrl~; ~, i\j Cl [~l~~!lf~~; • .o:H: .l®side.llll Wrt~kin~ has been with Ford :Mmo[ CoJ1IiIpaUlY fm th~ P~~S( :U Y.~~f$~, ·~nd u~. ~ $l1]~rvi~or .:~f S~~!J ~I~,Y 11m) ~~il'~~~Y'.

Hts: :5lOn1 ~'f~tl,)n U ..

:aocoul])~!Mied j~rn:~ to nsc. [)i~$!!(m ll was ~ IJ~iiUl, ~Ilcl ,'ip'ling, g~1 ~ l'd, m :[~fh'~w:tij'JI~! ,('OH) H'I(gI~ $~li(lQ~, Wh~l\~ h~ ~~or~~ ~l~ pohns. 'p17 game: and led ~.i~. 'c,onfill;re:1ilm. ~,[J stea~s: (4 ~![' grmme)

<~mlU ~11t1:ed, ()n 1';f1S~ S,'

g.~fn~ Vh1tdl.y,~ i< h~ ~~.:kI, "'rh~ stands 'WOliiC packorJ _ as HiC:::.)i' :il~ways "t'fCm w~en we. played ,\V'~,,~ t Y~riti.~~~l i~t~U~.. lit '1;.I~U$ ~ :G~i~m: am me,; ~~Lu' W,~, lni~~~ti 'tWi)) extra p·o~n!s ·mId lest .• ooflJe~~hl~ '!like 28-2:61. CO!

:r);[~fledl by the' St ; ,LQu~$ C,[H'd l!~n~~, 'h~ I ~7 ~ . Wntk~!1~ ·"i;\:H.'k~d out w.!I.h ,~,t~H'i8, ~likc e~nl~,' quarterback Jim Hart, recei '!,i' e Ii" John GtI1lialil.l~ aud defensiv@: back J:iI!~kl~ ~~n,~il~, ;Il,~~kt;~ ,S'!n~th ~l<\It ~


P reston WaJtik i 116 '~'Qnti ~q,q e'd '~f'Q.lrnl IPaJQ'flj 4

'w]tM~ lttdpuD1I_g n~~, '~c-aiU 1:0 '~Ire Mil!t® t~gloiiia,h~ th!Uf,i 8,]j}ring.

ll;VV'~"r~ h;eN: to :g~t Pliresroal U (i:ilrolhld",ii hj~, {bt~ ~pl~ill1ed. '''1 bmQw Ih[!t ~n~lJl~ i~rQ,1UI!lg, ~Il,:!p:i!;ii ~~l.)ll'iJ' ~u lYlti,~~ hllrtl1! rn-o([~~~I~il~ lnl~~l;)t~~" ~L~d ] k~:Lo"' ~h~u ~QU Cdl ~ltr~~~it th~ ~1~1~~ ~~ ~~ll ~r Ih~ pro.'iii, I~r y(H~ ~L~~ ,S!l){J~~ ~'~ollglll. rn \?i.l;" r! 'V i ~tl}~~ tl [~~n~~wul ,~n~ ,11 ~m~:n~r ~~hQ(j'1 ~ ~i.U ~h~~i' 'round nil:! ,~b(}u~ me, I !'\I~ ~,q}~tI '!r'r~y .son l'g' ~!M\l~! (Iud w(n'~ h~!J'd ~ t©1 tiaC: ~'QOlI ~I, 'wlfl~l :ron ~Q, and ~~~~ ~d V~lIf!it~~' of I~h~ O'llpr,mM nit~~~ h~1 ~~~d~ll.'!ri~Si ~~\'di ~lthl~:ttc~! !II

In Memor~,am 'VViIJiafn S; Calu('nJ Sf.

The E ~lmfte~d SHun Coll~,g:~ ~(!ln!]ll'~!lily Ob~~f\~'1] w:ull:il fJ;icJ:lle~s, [h~, n~cem dea tl~ of WIU iam, D" C~~lMh,~ Sf, (1,91 J .. :19~8},

:I~c W~~ 21, ll!!Or~R~m" 01' musle ~u B!,'U1~riteld SI3!h); CQI:~e.,~~ f~om 19Gf)~ 1975 'I HQ ,SQ:rvQ~I, :fOtl ~ ~l n~c, as ch~i mmm of I~h~ eemb ~J~~d'vIsIOH ~~' ~1n~, Hn~ r~~' BSC m~~ CQ(IlWCOIX~I'~ :fin~ WllG ue ,t:{mdUIJI,m,' of ~ l'~Q Dt~'iQ,n~ l'~ S~l'nphnny Oleh~l,ry Wl r ~ [41 t;mlHl~ '14

~f(l~ r C1( i,;'IlIl~m~~ (194l a I ~,SS).

'Cnnu h (H',O [,~ i,~~~1 ~,~l~1: I~ I r~~n~~~ ~i~~ I~SC J:~ ~~ E,'~~~~'lnbl~. il~

'~, [l'l.q~'t~ grm'!p 0'1" mu~ ~~lLB i:~~ I~m!lfl lh~' 1l'm]'ks Or C'liilrNm ~mJd :rij,j rm~r C(J!lIG,g~ Smd~Di'l$ j J;n,cul,l,y f:l'onfl. ®!iwoml ~,re:~ ,s.d~,Q~~S,t imcl ~Ci'J.mmHi,Uw lJ~lslncs~ I~~(h~~! dm'i1ag ~IS nrru, four y~,i~m~~,. IcCJ:i~, sen,

I wm~mn_,ll C~,ruth~ Jt"'11 h~~ dh~~t:l~'d die 'BSC J~~t:l Em;GH]bl.~ ~h'i!Gio '1 ~rl4,

SSC E,nters Partnership w,ith Lewiis Col'll,e~g:e~

of Businesa and M,arshall University Gr'aduda.te Co~~e'glle

BlneJ'UeM S~aJ~C Co] has s,ig,;wed an a,g!teem.ent 'w,i{h Lewis College of J3'U1S.ij~c·ssJG~(hj~i.c Schoo] of M~n~.@e'mem I~SM),. ~'U1(~, Ma1":ih~U U~j~rsi'tJr Grndt!!31,¢ FI",ilg-ne ton; on;ffe'''" a, .....".. .. ~J~,,'-., .. ,;j

......... _ -a.., .V v ~ _, "'II;.!!~~'I!!J!U,L~

(t@o~me ~j;lfr<nllr.1!l1llii !, wi11 n·!, rl'

, '0- -, ~,' Vo -, - - _!i ._. _ -- 1,·,,1, 1,

~,ttl~l~nts tQ oonlirpl~!~ ~J~ a n !I~t~~~ot of 5~i~'~~ d~,~~ :ir~ ilC~Ci'l!.m:~llg, Qr. '~Il.!s,i!\~·.ss ii'{h_~ilh~i~ ~,un~ i.on :t;ro~h USC mid ~ ,I\fla~i~r of ]'lwss Ad:lt~lilni~u~u:hm {~UlA} dGBr¢.~: ,t:I,\'m~ a~M.

C~h~llgi¢~ h~ mh~ ~d~lta'I~lIJm'i:1 fCqll ~f¢.!n~m~ t~ ~lil f~\Ii' Ilh~ C~n~~ fj~d l(ubl!~~ ;.\~O'u!~dr~ (O~A) 'I;;;,:~minm L~~] h~1,t~ "~~l~m~ i~djY8tm~m:s i !Il llil.~' ~UIf!'i~~'IUlltQ r~\~L~i'!\Ud 'O~·' s~tJ(~e 111I~s ,prcparhng lrnr

'" I .... -Ii .. ,; "'· ....... ,.'i, -~':- ""\IJ.f """,'I""" ..... i'I~'I' ...... ' ;;!'~,'" _ HIH '!;;tI;~~~~h of '_'!ol 'J I iI<!J ...... ~ ""'".JiLIII,'"

[]uu ~ ~u~d~ill 11rulJ~SI h~v¢ c.~,~~,~ p]i2~,i~d !;l{) ]~'O~JjiS of. ~Q:II~,g,~ ~~il,

to s.h for the CPA, exam. "rtli:S chang,c requires sntdents [0 take addliional hours of study beyomld, the Bachelcr's degree,

The ,M~ni,naU, U III v£n.ity'

Gradmur; College ~tld Lewis:

College of' :13.'~~sh~~$siGS.M have eilue'~et~ ~Il~}il ~ WffiiHu:'olinq ":3, 01- 2. n' l~rogf;un th-iU ~om~h~~:s, i}~!# ~n~dofgD1Ld~m() d¢~l~O in ~tl$h~~:i!ls, ,A,dmhli SH!,l!~,it!ot~ ,:md A~~Ul~!lt~ml~Y rrOI~l I h~ @~h(.\Qll with th~ 'M B r\. ~tlJ:!:;~Qi :~'QUfi 08M. '1~h I!s, ~L!'L!~ !'k~~,F.i~Qi~l, ~~Lt'l ~Ii~~ t'li>ij '[ jO·hg~ L~ ~~'I~ I f'~m~m; to s u I'l)!'" Ih!il' C P,iJ\, c~n'[TtII in ,1l(1di~ lion to 1,!IJ{lU:1 t'!';):1 Ur.l:ur:

Ibr b~lh n hnecm,lnu~(jmc (IO~.l\Q~ in ,~ecG!\l fimu~,r llnd rl~~ M 11A, d~,!uw I'ro,tn, (JS,M, ,

lil~ ,~orilbin~d UHi~h~l{)i"~' n~d IMB.~, d~,grol; l}t'g'St'~lim~ ~n\';ili!;1dr~d in IU~!!.'!, ~~gJ\~cm.'l;)ln m"e, net 1 imit-ed to

s~'lfl\d~m;s who w.a£~l1 1[.0 sit for the (::11;',,\ e'J:~jn, T.he program is d.esi~Vii1{]j '~O be '~~~Ilaea by:sru.dcfiLS other ih;lQ !,bose who have '!lIlln.d:ergl,aduare. a~l~tt~t~ltg cniljors" Ad()iilicmaru 'ililJfQrm~l;~h~rt nla'y be, ¢]illmlii~ood by Qo:ru~~~il!~g 'P['of" Mkh.1cl :LUh{i rQh(!i;~r/J3hi~fi~M S~(II~~ CQn~g~ '[)'i'~!~'i,on or DU!i!h~ aoo ].,aw nnfi'~~~~i'l;~m rn ~~(4) 32."1.4080.

e,hili~I'k old '!Ih~ 1'.1I~1!i', t 11~l)d~l~~

~f i~h,~

BIUiUl~~d $w~~ 'O~'llouo w~blij!i~~'


From tlhe Desk of Annle,ttrllOsborlne

O/rector atfics' of IM$,t/tlJiiolf I Adv'i1nee,n~nt' eJ'l~d PttJ'nnlng _ , _ _, ,'i-~ _

iln .'h~ '~I'D IUI~t!tlon'~ l~gt' p.m· '~firn~r ~h18 5~mUn~[lf'" Adlh~!on~l .

. il,nun; ·n~~,\Q~~ I i t~ViJ ~~ru,~:~L'I'lfIrl r. l~lC' ~ Ilfo.rJ\l~! ion en thl ~ w.~, c:;;r~-d iI,'~~Ot-M

usc Foundt:lUon will be ,gble ('Q low ~!lOOU1~ ~~t1~l~'u,s~jp t'UDl1['am

,~'W~Ri $4-0'.000 ill NIP U1X ~rod:Us nwlY b~ iQb~,i:a'ined b)' cO:niarCll~iI1g

to imdi.yiduals. organlzatiens, and Annette Osbo rne ,. Di_li~lOr of$'~e.s who sup.port sdlJJj)~\ar:~ [[jsti~u!jo'Jl:ill Ad~'l.~,aJil(;'Cu:telilt and.

.sh,i,ps iOl: '10\\1' ,~il.oome stilldcrus .at Pi.ann~.g at ESC aJ~ (304) ~21.

Dlu.e:fie:ld S[fUe Col lege, The. 4.502 ,01' J OOn Brownm.g.

Gre~mblh~l' C-QlllUi.uuhy ,Cnll€ige J )~v@lopmem CUJ:iSla ~mfili OIl 0(4)

Poondal h).fi I lu¢. wlii. :00: :;tbl~ I~ 164S,~6799 I~ot accc.

,rtwnl~d $3Q.OOO' ~ ~~ NIP' UU(, ~rr<n!~ 10 ifldh,~d'u~ll~ i Q~~r~fU~m~ Q~~II' :tIt . "m'~ I" ~ U _' who· d,i;)!1 lt~ v' ~~n. endo\Ym~ ub't P,~t)B~~~t'U f!lf. ~llol~rt.1t~J)~ ~r low :I'f~urnc ~~urll~Jl~:S.,

Nn~ spokesrnen note U1-(i1l l~iiJX credirs, sueh [is, those a~fa_rdoo Ih:ro-.l~h f~b. prograul1" are, l!l!s;edJ W. reeuee total lax, ~ iabil ity and are" ~ene~lty • worth sllilhs:taml~:fudl)f ~ Ith4iJ1lL a I~x (1edllGtj.~t.i. Qdiii.S :1!113)~ ~ ~n~~d to [~d~!~~ [[!i);. ~'~)' on dnN~ W~t Vltj~l!lk), h"71:C$: CQr .. , _ nu~ Ie t i n~oinQ Uil~ i We l Y.~,·:h!it~ b~u~!i'iii;.~~ :Il'.n:n~hli-~ I.' .• ~U1d1 W~9,l VI i'Slnh" :~~'uto~·ml iI 'iOQilD ~ t'l X"

Cr~d!3)lS :rnu:gt be t.i:5e-d OWf a 'fhre-:year ,Iler.,uod at a rate of' one'rifU'll per year; total tax Hahiilli[}..r on <liJLy iloe I[;;lX cannot be Jc..'tIlIlli1:!f:d by more I(karl. 50%" aad no mom '[han ("100 0.00 may be :n:c~iiled in

~ ~ J

crcdii$.. rualm~l ~y. • T.I~ [j]iflii"itUf~ ,eIA~ib1J!) domLtl41f1 ~JltHl wh i~h ~ ~~x ,cr~~m. _ ~H~ b~ ,I ~.s\!~~ J~ ,$ 500'~ an - (t, rn[1~!lmU1n ls $2ool,0(]()',

T.Jmn~L1:\1 131lrllti. W~5,~ V ".0 UUi3 D~il~l!lJ.lllne.iU C)l)~~!3 [' ,E~~Ull~{Q

D]~r'Q·r. ~nI]Qun~c-d i~b~

cen~fitt!![~,on of the "lSC

OO~i)U lldatjo.~l:O' s and Greenbrier

CrnllJiID~ri[y Coll egc Foundatien's low i~Ko.ilie $chol:ar.s.n~p :projeets:

II,n ~ :fih;l'ld,~hll ~ CQ Ih~Rcl S'·~llg;hllr:ohirl Awul'd~

Chj\~~f ~h~~~ ~ni nd.r.iJ~ llOO~ HluG:IM1ltI SI~IC 'CQil~g~ ~Wd~n~s, wilE receive academle and alhlct ic s'Chol~rs-]tdp' awards du IiIng the 1998:,,99 a:c,aden.i!k year, Awan .. ls rnn,g.ifmlg fro'D'l $150 per semester to full ~llI[tio:n and fees will be made'.

nm~iilrn,~!!i:S 'D,iir~~i!(J·,n R~(!h~& ])Otl~ld,nl

·ILlil.~' ~J.u -I ne -- -, l)l "11:-10" has r~~e~'vijdi a d~llil! i(Hl " _I Qn~ !(lOUil\~Iill:IC ~CI rof W~s.t ~s SOU! h~ 'Ca~,tem Di!l.~~ frmn ,PooIDhcm~1i Lend CorpOral,ian.. These boots WI n, be. used in the Cruninaj Ju-s;~kc 300 Legal .ASSj;st~lg

Prngrnl1l!rs ..

N~i'ghbol":hoo.di Mnvcsl:ulcn't

- 'Ilii ,. A" "if' - .Fi." - ~jljji

Pl!'img,Tamn .Il,\"{J~1Lu.e.8 ,~A>':' \"["iC!U,I'L

for Low ,h'u;{uno "-fl~,ohirl~ip Su p rl(l'rl

'he .D.·1u~l1cl<l ;~~mA.i C~·II~$I;l: ,PClLlnd~'di!),1l Arn~ Ihu O:r(,l~nbri~r ..... ""- •• " ...... -1~II"l- 'I!i .F"' ... ln!U~Jl! pnLilidn[ ion ~v. IULlI_IaI~. ':'J ~v, ~,~,~, __ ' Y.", '.---- ,. II

Inc. li1liVC - been J'llonmcd 'by the West \I~rgin.~a N eu_ghb{>rh~ Investmenr Boasd (NIP) that (hey ha vc been .se.l~red to p~nklp;.ue:

m u'cnold i I Llt~ C{lIIt, -~ ~ ~()hO],u,!~};d,p

B lue ~~ Id ;~~:~IDC C'(j~I~a~ ~I~, (lc)t[!;i nate H' 11 flV'C cOiTKn"'f!l.ian~. ,foum3~Lllml;s; !Ilfnd, 'incH : k1u~I:s, who bave. made a OmlJlililiUm~lB.i. to helping €dllCL1t-e, Olil!lf ;siliUd.eois .• Fer ![Iiis we HI!"t ~xtrelli1-e]y _g!r.iliJDefuL '''iN'e. UlErnik )r-ou for jf'our 00 lilt inued StlFrKf !. -of BSC an-d lhe :students. Thi ~ i f,: a gin of Q,ppnll'tJlJm.imy '~ ,:i'n I~V~iimtGlit. in ~(]m::·.nicm ~ tt ~kll(}Wt.'(lR' !hm Y'OIIJ, ~):i,'~ h(l~p'i~ - r,l~tP~JG:9(J1r t~,~ ~!il.. ntmd. dle,Uf. of a IJQn~t'~U len.

~ ,I Am~i'i~f' AS::ll@~i:jJlio:n ,oj

UUl \l~n~ity ''IIl'~~l1en - B~u~ Ileld t1411l~t:,1i' S(holarship;

2.. Bailey Scllo.laJ.I)l.1i1ip - James C. ~nd Na~lc:~ ,Biti~~cy

:).. Bell AUai~t[C Sdl.o:bUr:5hl:~s.

4. IUilJdleld RotarY' Cliuib


,5 i Bll1~n~ld S~~i~ Con~ge

A.:I U:I1rnni AS~(a~im~orb

S'holttl'sh I,IJ)~

'~" :0 ~~l~fI~'ld S;'mlj; ~~)\1 rtdn~J~r~,

1,. n l~u~w~,U

Sc~olFl l't:1h.ip

,8, l~'CIj' L. Bre·(Jdc:1!I Memorial.


:9. Broady F~mm.~y Scfu)lal1Slbmp (contlnued en page 1)

"'1-1-,'" •• V. !II!!"_(1!II

F rom th e' [f)e!slk: 'Of •••

(0 Q ~ltlill ue d1 frO:MI IP~9 ~ 7]1

1 ,0 I' C.~I~d ~mll [-{~&fmr~~[j lIne.

So.hQiarghjps; '~' James J. ]_b\f,)'~i!esj JI",.

11, Citiz~~~~ CGm~n'j.~jt~1 iO'M


12" CllI!!lIae Da~tOIll! Awnr.d 13, Curu.~~1 S-cholarsllip,s;

i 4, Cri~'k:mer :lc'hoinrsh lp'

~,~, DC!I[a ](~,PI~1i G;~iUll]]I~


h), Ra[,ph l'l an(~ S~bi~]:e)1' 0., Ki~~r ~~~hol,lu':sh rp

ti, K wij'k K~f~ ~killQl~ ~$h ~I)

l8" La'lllP,SQTI Sc:bo]~,'rsl)lps, - DO'Ili and Si~H~ ~!l. lA1W.s,Q~JI

l'P, Gfi~iiJ~ Li~'IN~s: M~:!lt~r.i!\1 ~ht}~f~rti]]ip ,m RQb~1l M; [irikons

2.0; lh!!:: L(iy~l, o.f(.l~r of I,n@ M!}E'i~ n lu~fh.!~d ~dgA,j: U)7S' Sch:o~ar~hip1S

21_ 'M'il~sey F01;.lnogJtion

2,2" 'M'~'Br~d~ S~lilo~;~l':jklir~ ~, A~~n '~lld [[(JUl1y MdhJid~

2'3, MOt~iiI1l1:i.n S~f:I~:~ RIeg'u1,81'

VemeJa~~s A:s.soc1<H.UOl'1l :lPo.~.t NO. 51

2~,. M~'~rs, ~h,'O!oJl;~h:lp ,Fu~!l~ • S)'~lve$~er c. and Jallie.c -~iben;,

25, N.uio'Jl:fi1 AS;.OOc:i~~1 ~on 0 r A ati,'b" t,\ mcrie~ins, .rOU,UdH~]!Oll ~ C.Qng~-essrll~1jl Nkk J. FhthRU, 11

20" P-oo~hOI)[n s ]'i'~~ i ~)~KI M,e~lmnk;f}:~ II~~~hul~

27" Herlb ,g.,IIlW Ed!liC3l~(iin.a:~ FU:ffiI(] 28; §rUmle OlJlliilg,cr ShoU ~hoh~~~h!~

:2.9, lml[:~li,01J. :p, r]'U:cirfley

Educa:tional FtJl!lIn.dadon

~O,' Th~ 'W'om~'m!'s Auxiliiir}' to !~~ Am~ri~~f~ ,I a~S~ l~t~l~ ,or M1nn qg. .tvl~a'l:l.m .. glctd ~ and Petroleum £ng:ineers

BCi-C' s·' -' 'N-'-' I ,.:~ --Q--'SnIOlf" .... ursang

ProJe!cts :!nlhan(H! C,are

T:;'!!O! iRlilJlefidd .sla~e (;{)] rege, s;.Bn~ol' rllifiimlg student projects have ~ef[ a l~t of ~nlp![O\fled. h~altt~ care [Qr :iffiillli}' ~ir~a '~icl~TW~ I'

. I

asc 19~$ !§f.n-dI1l~~C~ 'Darb~11'a 'Khlg ;ilruJ C[',YstfllJ af!~1l d~i{~~o:~d l!JU llli'lO''V,iUh;,o: 1l'I,'oJ:~·Ct d!;) ~,ig i1ii.;i~ ~o ~1~hi!JIiOO '~QnlmUI'il~ul,h)rl lJ1.;t"'~'e~i. or;r.Ln~~l eare ~lIn~!J~: aJlm (~~r; fanli:~ies ,(}'f indtvlduflls w~m ,am ,tl;l'tic.i! I,Y' .u L T~lej r p'~'Oject t~c..e:ivro, a $500 ,gmnl ,~~.JI\d Irom (be, American AsS(lCJiill;jon I~:r C~'it,h;tI'i IC~tr~ NYl~-$;

"l~h~ pro_l~e,t VWI~ d~¥OI~I:~d ~,~, [lHJ BS!C S lU~J~f:V~S :~l. nl~ilC,"cl~, R.egio,t'D[I~ M~(l leal CC1llwr, millizi.~,g. ~png,et .. (:(}fEiiJIUiJilllil:!t\tiotfi e~iDl dmt failulHes; of cl;'ii'j(;',all}' in pati{:n:~i> and hO(1~,ita] persounel :1iJ:wy malatain ~QJiH;~~ W\lll~,Ul~:\f~t ~; '~~'Cd f~f~tS!;,II;i;~ find red~L~~ stress H$5.()Chucd whb lh~ ; n !~~8 or ~ fB m I ~Y' ~II~em'bU.l" T,I~~J i,' ii(~rri,d~fIj~ C0I1Il\'e~1 len" 'l"~J~CI, lIlt!i,H2;lJs: p3j~]Cl;S iT~ (I, :S! ri!Jcn~['ed ~nvl ronl1l(l,'e:n~ to fo:&\e'r a ~si~~:'!It!; :re:~atj..r.:m.ship 'between. eritieal care nurses and filml ~1:e.'S; (IIi' J)~He:.ulS in i![JI~~!lShf,~ ~md ~Oil!tH,]~:!')~ ,~~ r~ \HlliIS.

nsc I '9~ ~Mdu.ll41~ A~l~,~'1 ]'il!Ulh~~ I~~ 1 t-l1fl '~'(ru~i~u;i ing ~~!i~U~~ a ,Pill,~~tU il!ilf;Q',I,;mll~hlnl O~lll{)l' f~l I~.~ ,S.A,P,E, {£j!D~ AlmsivQ_ F'iililiii:~~~ EnvirununlifM1ts} ~rafbs£'!h':'Hb!:ll ll-ousiJIJg fiacHity in rhe fOrrJ,llter I-Iei'!ii!,pl[un I G.r.a:dc Sij!h:O[D~in Mc]}-.ow~!l !G~J!\iI!try.

Thty (:om]u~t~d ~ ~H~~I!;~i, L~~ed~ lii~S~'$~IIMm~ li:~ Ih~ ~11~~H tty ,l8ll'Ui df,H~,rin~ i!1'¢d d~~'lt ~'~5Id~~1~t; w\m~'ld, 'Vflll~f]I[ from, !~, :~~~n,~l] !lldljj~ado'~ resource O!uiC[. &c.'UlI&B, resldents were imerested in. a w:~clt': -range of h~!l Uh-t.e:~~[~d t(J'pi~s, '~JhII<, 're~iJ'jlllm@j Q~m~r provides 'il:lif!"1inil1~~~,tiDiJiI 'on iiCVOI'il\~ ~Ii rr.\lili~ tU 110~ m~ of In:t~n~->$l ~nGl ~~'Wl~Cg'U I

I ru,g~~ ~uid to~r~tl.i1!;) g~:i!led the ~llIlJiJ.)(n[t ~f ~w~1 Rl;~.a, Iwa'ith care per-so~1Elel. The sse HIU[3:ung studems C~itl'ii18;SSOO ~lie cOJ.llnttrll1L~_l.y" r.a:~~ilj~ ,m,ooo (han $1 ,,00;) ih~t hclp.~ it> ~v~:J' m~~d~d hcallh h~fQ~!'IJ~iQ~ l~rLI(j,rJ~l mfttJ iiU!)!jf1lli<Iil,

Ii J,'Hr'i:ll 9 ~,realk" Tri'!;} to S,pa hl iMarch 1'2~20 ,_, $1 '1.:"17' c~n Johtt! VVlnJuie

- -- - - - -

(30~) 32'1 ~41 67 fir [~vhlbe@-:-bsc'llax 'i,!;,!\iineit eo u

"", J. c_ -': '.'." -' " - -- C,C J_ '. ,... - . .J'- r

1997 GCCC/B,S,C Gr'.d's Ca"eer Takes, ,Off in GI,o'bal Malrket":~,ace

Three years ago, LeWJsbru;g re8k]~m James HQOv~r. ~gUIHr.'I~' [:t,!~,'i,I'C l!;i~ ~'Q Ilh~ 'O'fC!J nbr-h,llr 'CQln" ulllt~1 ,Coil\!': '~, C ~~!~r - ~tli~~pl~1 ifttg c{ni,r~c. wor:t as lie en.'I!tedi h ~s ,associ.:u€: degree tn rnalma,gemel]l and m~[:keting_ Tbe·l]j he 'u:a:ve~ied~ ~hl~~ ~,illi~ per week, frOfil :Lc""JS:burs t~ RloiL td Sutl'e C~111e.D~ w~~! I~ c.~ruii Ul8 ~ bncJ~a l.(l:I.' 's dl,;grc~ III BII-l~,~m;ess ,Adm; Ili~[',nd!'Jin,

l'Gd~ ~ I loover is; s~in traveling, However, his; ['iCips now are ~'O J:1ip:'llii,. M~xi~o; C~fjj1!.d ; ~,IJ(J '&!,ro,po.. rQn~ ~~i'n: iili:'l'C~; hi~ CQI~~g'~ 'f.~dUiin~~m iC~H'i.; I~lm))'. he'l i'l a \liJty Si!J~ .1II'lloo~mk,iwl ~uppru engineer for Ciena Connmieations, a eomraunicstions enhaneenl-ent OOil~J'IiY ~liiM 's ,C:).;.]:M;l'Icm:::imlr,§ e~rOll~ lil'ltld ',I wth,

ill I nrl vcr,), Sfiueful ;:f d~,~ Odll~iH l'on I rece.ived J. d~~ Greeobrier Comnnmlty CO'llle,g,e Center and at BSC 's ·B.ll!.lefie~d campus," :Ih:e said while. v~s.hjn:g fiis ~MrOi~~~. Jill,} ant.! A ~m~ HOO\1~1' i tn Lcwisb\1 ~~ r.V-Q~m I~~. ",( w. rn(;i,d, I~ go to wn~~ C~Q~ [0 ]v[mt~. ~l'id I work,ea ,"",hit!; I 'was. in co lege "he reconnred, "The faclj:~~l here ILl mie:.rsl:amro Illii~!L littlity of theiil"

students. have other obi igaijo.ns-:mm,!i¥ OlJtltl job t·~,pO'JiL~il)iI hies'I.i~d ~'I!l'cy \\1\(jI<~ w~lh 'the ~m~tcm~, 1'hl;i: ~ i:m.', 1 ~oo'~ \Wl'e' u~'~m~l)' uS~(lld as 1 ,g~~:ItclU:l!~~(I1 amid Ii!lQ"r~d Imo a, career. 'I

,As an IIlInrl8rgradil!.l11L1e, Hoovel wor'ku-d fO'f :~fi [lrQa I~m(jtls:in~ serV h,,\;! , u'!;~~~:~ng ~v'(;lr-n'll suc~ st :11 b~!~ ~!~~~~, 1~,lldol',~ iLii It d rovel !h~~Ji li;l iiin~ fro-ron The QrecIIJl_'u'htt:. ~y au bare ro be w:i,lliiIng, ~Q 'ask q u:esmi\oltS.; :1TI1Cet people 31ild ,g,e~: ~mj ii n:lme ,OTi tho. ~~l;bl~;,~' he n,Qt~~L K~n, 'Vonc, II n~!g~~or of i rlQi NQ01jl'Qr n.unll~. \iJf~~ in~~ru"'~mfL~ i I~ rer~rr'n.g ]~l)l~S to Adam, f~lttl· "ali, ':vho was eiena' s lftli'lillager of technical SII.!lppo U,il" aud: as Hoover pl;Lr~~d I~he· O[Jl~Olt'iU ili~,:t', he lm,mJ~ n job, II I ~rndY1l~d fl'li' nsc O!~ =.1 S~\'UftJ~~ ~ m~d, r. OO!~"n w 'o\'QJi'k :rOf;ln~. d;~ :rol~!)\\"~li~ Mom:T~~·.·' he added,

"TI1e '(iI'pportrr nities at Ciena are eno1.1[1io~~S., ,i' h~ e .. ~pEa,htcrJ.

"We: lake '~'~.!~~,ina fl,~'r.I~, th~ s,L"(mnd, (md Ilmk II OOlt~r boY '1;eg;etl~.f.i!J~fn8 ~und !tmpUrym.lg u!~ s lgnal, ~a'!i;rjJ}g ' nle expense off :i,D8~'a[lrn,g illl!'W ceble, '<e's ilih\.rays iii 1100[11 [Of mere

baJ~ 'rj,~id[h, with. the explos ive g;U0\\1(]1 of thl;i: .I!1I~~l and ~·mni l, O!JIf InJU~1 ~~ l()()i{s ~zy bt,l.~in,!!

A~, he !jreljj N I ~O,i";· t1!~1) Iltl ,";ll!lfOpe in emdy Jllll11;, Hoovc;r l1'eOcxJtie.d upon his eoljege eN:perleace at GCCC and ESC_ wrI.e ftexibil it)" o,f We OO:(jCi1.kH\~ I. PQ nUll)" •. hl.!: 2i1p;~u~l""-; ~o.!Ur 'p~ w'].~m!!~ ~'lucl!Jn'l~ ~~n earn ~L1

<i ",.,... .... ' ~.i -- "Ii, - . I'll. '1-1 '1'1 "".

~u .. ~!h~1l; 'UI~J~lJ~~ !L~!,*n.:m fl_. o.~,

Ul.eir credits into a baccalaureate pr-ogrnm. permitted, me to get my bil«.'Jd:at1 t¢:1i.'l1:> dcgr~~,." h~ ~aid.. "'FIte00' '~l'.jj. s~wmru t1ti!.I[sum~ Ina: rll~u''Il;r tliciJi1)u,rs, Dr. Sl~\!~ Bau'me. tPl'O tesS'Of' Qf ]lr;i&Ulf.i.S~} 1.lfJilg'b1 '1111':: \\'hy h.'s.i.linlrwn.2lUl to!liilpi: bus"i.[)es~, 'p~(;I.ic-e$ to the i\,';ij hIIIl.1- Iii \~rhiGh )'<CIiIlL tecate, CUJII\ir~"1 IU', i, d 1,f:re;r~I~I~ nnd you 11 y,e. n~ ~{jm.~d~r- "h~ Cg.IU~f~ -_ tul lrnooif}~ your waj" of d.n~ ~l~ bl!lslness h) fi~ lILt: CUll'U[{:: you're


Th~ 1,997 Else gi1iChl~le ~d,vi - _, 'Q:i]I~~t-,m I,mloo 81' ~1,d~I~U¢S" 't~i~ ~o ii~~C wl U in~ ~Q l,ffi\'el; nmJ '1iI!c :Iioo.(iI,y to :I:l"!~~~;$ w til blln;intSs leaders fE~.h1 no-\\",. before

- .

yOU! graduate ... "

B I u eli e I d ,S tate Colli eg'e" s

Faculty' and S,ta,ff Accomplishments

A ~c.:]tOh.u:l:y submissiol1iJ by Dr I' ~tcve BQl~ mo. ~ I ~8:;; of ·U", flll~l ,Prof.~~of !of n~~ ln~s" ~md lJiroccLor of du~. ulm:t~l ftnr t.abCL' Mana ge ~.l.e(i]l Jni~ lative .. s, f'uJdl ./Jo.u Sne.<I!di" ~i\$s.Q:i;ih~t~ PWlteSlS'1!)f' of n~s i aess, wU I 00 feJUm:t·d in ,.t.n

lip~o.nilil!llg iSS~j~ of m~ JOlllr-m~~, of rl!~~ in~~~ - ,B~.hl~~ ~ ,rm i Ifillurli~,tllom~~ tnL~i ~1eSS !l.!dw;:mQr~! u~~nthly [)ubli cal iQ n, The lr eollehora ti vely-wr itte ~ paper , ':';EnyurolU1ilem~ll Deteli1il:linarlilS 'of O~g;tlillmltlJr.r.i'I,~ :eH~ijr;4'i' Cnn~fnl!: A

COfnnlUnil}i ~~r"~i\e'i'i!' :fOOi.!$C! o~, 1'Iitl.\\1 ,~ r.i;j,}nUt¥lu~~~r is \t.,"lll~~S ~Uitl 'Iiiirlm~5: ~n nli~m:!lJ ;fJillR[)i~'~!!J~~ i

t.. I .

e [ IC~ _ peeeepuons,

During ESC's ~h.lrd annual "'RI.'8pl{!I,yc.e· ,R0co,g,nilio.n Day; (~~miwu~d (m P:~"Sj ~)

faeuU1) and ~;~aff eon tl !"ilued f~~:!rrI1 1~~S'O S

NO,13, He nS[,e.y " adminisrrativc S~ii;: f(,\ twry ~ 8'1" ,fG r~~nlb ~-'i ~ If e-O!i~U~l1JJI~,:~lY (.\l'~~C~)1! C'enttj:r; illidl Shel~ Ra.y, surper'ii'isor/:paYJ.'-oll;, N~e:ivcd ~h~ lllSC ]~O,u1,dm.nQi1.' So !!'Ot]ts[~j~d~1,g ClasgHlod S~,~~ t'.~ A~['(]s,,""

Dr. :Ph~IH~ T.h(l\I:lll)~~m., ]'~mm~ r~,Qblu~(H ~ Jl'\ ~ ,rtrbd :r~H~,',lch'JJ Ki,e.rnailfi, were: selected as: !oflr(jf~~~{;~' :B'm~ril1[.a~·' t'~!liip~!#!~t~,~ rlJud "e]:a~,~fl,~o. !~~tfr Em~du.iJs"' '~h,':signM~:urui, was gll:2tnfoOO to Cil~rOirICf,! M'u~C'h~n,! N~l U~ ~h.'umd~]"s. [~nd ,M;l,r~ L!}WII~~~~~~,. Dw.., M~1lfi RQ,g~. retiring THk: ] I ~/Br~ ACE Prtl8i~in Director. W~'lS ~m~~[~~~ ., Admlnis~ r.f!J~Q,r. B:ned~~" status (I'urw..g noe

D1',;, l}~h'ilCij a ,~,J,'lllh1\e,r.

Pwflf;s::,;ol]" o:f History, p~I~ic~pated ,in a FOU'f~W~Ol\r, M'~f!~[;ti~f' !ilm~:r· ~r'L vel t'OUlf of n:1;~2i1.1. T,ht: ~Y~lU. was or~,~nll:z.ed ~,)' [he 'We$[, 'Vi[['~ i I]hl C.OJi.soud\}I~-~ fOg- r<ft~ml t)' m~- ~ O@~rsc .De~~~I~_[)m~il.t ~ I'~

Inte'rnifi[loul~'~ SilH~lcs [F,ACP]S).

Sl[t\il.~, 1',3 rl,{s I ~I~~!rl of 'gO, Associate :iProfcss,o[' of NlJ![,~i:ng, 'pJ:'QvidJ~d fi;!f~ ,\Vij~~:;;,' V~)t~'!~I~~r ~rviJ.",Q ,rL$. ~l N:u[I~~C; '~]f~~l[;I,~ lo 1\>2 U' 'OIU an Incl:~all reservatlen in 'sotuh D~~Dla. ·I~hg,s; m~ rb 'U1.iJ t'~'wfd ICQflS,ecmivi) SMlli[U~l~i' ,~,tlrk~ .fl\'l~vGd as a volunteer :~n. the 'pro_gl",arln;, sPQinIOOlrt;:{I: b)~ A no"".. htc,.! ,n IlO,,flIpronll o..t'g~U~t.Ht lm~ ~tilihl fJ~h,~d, tQ ~iSl in :p:rovidhlg: health ,c,a:re ra,r Na~i'~ll.! A'!"mn+~m~~,.

J,:uue~ 'iVm.·~ibru:U'1 nsc

adjulltci, .hiHo:ry 1 mJst[1!JJcmor, 'w,as ;a

mffiJUrro~ ,s;~~ktl' ~[ 'Iih~ ""'~~f!j~ l~nDI,gc~1' H~'I ~ of '~l~)l~ m~d M!J.ii~U~~ sYUlPQslu,m in W$tO,_ 'IX _ H-is l:opli~ rocu~oo l"illQU th!;i l! f~ of C~~I~~h~ S~iu!l\u~i ~"~. Vl~~l~~r 1 "Texas ~~g.e.r., Gentleman Wa;n'~ilt" ii


Df~tC~ S:1i!~hl um~lnl" ,A 5i~I~!~m, Professor of &::cre~::!I!ria~, Sclence, ~,t'[O:i!idC~ !,h~ POSE ~,nl'¢gJal~(i l~chn'O~,og~ i~:N'p~f$ill,Qil ![Il Wa!tbi®.gt,ou, .D. C. The: expo was a sl1m~~j\s.e fiba:' I~t..-'::h I\Olo.m~~~Jli:~u~~1 1):I'\]£l:rn~~l~ fur I~du L;~,~ gO\lU~!m'ilU;i~\

{lpl):'!;mtiltJl'kS. wil:~l an cmpimsl.IJ ~I~I FfiQdu~~~," S~ rvlees, :SQlll tl;ons. and ednncatiol]j,

]lCI"Ii:(ili(tQ't'i'Q! M', l)~;.~i~hl' A~SO~lJll~ fJl'Q r~~Oir' i~lr' N~rsing'i' spoke at t~e, ~i'xtb amu~a~ A:\1~o~i;:u~ D~,groo N'm~ i JI~, l~ffiQuh~~ n!C\ig~O,pn~em {"1Il-rt)~rL'C~ l n,

AIHTIL st 'rho ~u...,.oi":1'i1 r« "'''' ,... ', ••

- ' -:i:!>' '" a e ~ L ... , IL "'''''''''''!11,;1' 1,WI,.,r .... H.0t<:,o

~~ ,S iUiic:~~:ir COr,ltililli[ijii~' Col~~g~ trll ]);myto,U, Qhki!~ was II;:~nt~rcd OUI Ule: theme" !!Ptllooamcnta'ls::: 'The ]~O~lilii:~fl~tt)fi for ~h~ rti t~l~, !l

"].' h,~m.~~ l~!i~\ ,r:! ~~aiitCh~~ A ld, Director, and Telr.£'Y FOlx~ C.I ass ~f ; $9., ,fft:i1d 'Pti,n~,n~,I~1 A ~d:

C'of!j,n~~'I~H:. IH~rl;rci,Ij:{~~~d hi tli~:

North Carol lna AsS'oc:i:!!il'iO'n. of SH'Li~~ ~n 'f~i I'm ne tnl it. i{~ ~\d~i.~~i.~~lrn!,1.1r.~, ~nI1~tQ'nce'.

Dr. Shekhar i,:';,ra,o,luln.

A:s~~J::~~~ rWo:f~~S~H· ~nld,

D!Jl)~r~ irlu,:;m~,t H~~ or ,m;lc,~~ i,',i~~1 Eng lne;eriJn;g TocliB1L'D~,Ogy a, was a ;r~a(l1 r"'''fjpr~sen[[e r m the AI!l~~I,'l~M! ~~l~D,).' Ib~' r:;',hlg:

Edili1lcadan SP'Il Qlg C-Q)jJe~,iJlC'~ fI;~; [1iI~ tTri,i~f,:\li.ty 'Q,r 'D~trQi1IM,~'b~~~,

Ii n ro 11111 e ntta r,ad IU at:i,p n I~~c-nttnue d from p,' 1) ~Qm'rnhl'[iig h~~k ~o GI h~'I'~, ."

RiJ!S~c~ I fnc~~d O!l l:h~ r-ol~ bi$ sister ~ Pegg]l Ge,e. p!ayed. 10' ~i~ p\HtYJi~ Qr 'hi\Sl~~r edU~fL~ tOJ]. "Sh~ ~te,w)'lI~d hilt ~! ~~ ~o hell)liig U~e" "bA'1!'lJe lIlNS,.' m IDe ,s;aid. !' She: ~QiJn~ih~t~ ~'he ~prJ(lli~m,tioul ~ $¢n~ll liU<: [1,0 B:h.ll~fl,~ld ,g,trLt~ ~tU~, sh~ (fla~e Ce.n:taiiii, my ~u~Jtioil1 was paid .. This ~,:~ch ls cl~d~tm.~Qd 'to P~,Uy ;" h~ not'~i~t !iSll~' I~~~'[, III !,1 untimely death lte<n ye:,'llf.s ago, H"",wc:ver" '[ i'ililii ,tY:>~;'n·~joi>-'t I-~l"'t ~,it

~ "'1;;! .. _ .. ".' ~ "" ~~ ""! .. "y" ly,.,1 !'~ ~ 0' I, ,'~

~h~ CiOiin,hl 'bc~ here I~drl~ • ah~

wot]lhl I{C,~~ }"QU; "rqlt~:n I~~ I I,ve, (l,f o~hcrs_ :B~ g_enerol:.l!S: with )fU!1l1'

i~~]t;!iiV~!i:. t l:ifilA.'i'i ~1 ~~ n~s.s., an.t~

~,l·~~,I~ru~!u:ty. '!!!

JSJ1'II(:';.s; Rat:l.itl" 0'£ Und~ide, '\v V' , TGr~s~ My ~J~:1(!L5 of N<lItl1l 1,'miii~"'ie'll; 'VA; ~,!fid r~['n !id:m! i:I Pat[QD" JT _ (lIT PwinC':eronl, WV were reoo,gn~~ed ilE, OO e V,II T.ediC~;~J:J~AliS;

D~;. De\bo~~~h _[.iBlI~~y .. H~ [lu~r ~ ProJe-ss(I,t of St:,cte[aJr.,13~, SCU!l;noc:, ro~ivcc;l Ih~' "BSC Fomt{~~'f~ml Olil'SltU~d:!r~ ,Fi~!;lll'l,~ AW'l~ !!(]. II'

Dud rig. '~hE. Bacca,lam:eaJ]je: smdl1i!!'!~:I'of! 'pliOgrmn I' ] 7 rr.m~r~~I1IS tlHmlb~~:s O'~ the USC C],~s~, of'

1 f.M8 W(.]'~ illiJ:~lorod 1l1fl)~~, ahl,;! 50U~ ;!mIni1J~rS'~\I[[)!' or ~lleir' g~dJL]atiOilli, ;ffOltl !;'Irl~ Coll~~re.

Allium' nl Upd ate ·s·

II , I I '~ __ '_" _' _,'l._, [!!! III II

A I u ran i U pda hilS Requested

J f you have recel \!.~I a\\"i,a_rds:" ~m0'iiDilS- accornpl ishilltleilllS,. iIie'tJ(!l,g,~~ i ~ ~()~'" E~nve marned er iiC{iC1il!nbr welcomed an addituom, ~,®I ~~t@.'M;-f~m ~ly, please let ~.~s k!J;J,('l!~\:;.

J;.'~~~i ~ YOUT L'lIc\VS to.iKilUfe:n (i~rdl)}lru, College ,~nld '1V[ed:i)~: :1:t!!:la~io(ll~~ B luefield S.~'[1t11J~

e@~~\l:'.&\,e, :2 ! 9 Rock Sml~. '~"'

'Bh.l~fl,.:'Iti~ wv :Ni'{U ~ bY' fAX [t . .3®'I-j,253'7747 or by ,c~~l:lki~, ,~U kgf}l"fib:nr[EJi-. 'C'[;·('f.l:. W'~}fol; t.e {I,l,.

MldiirJdla Su.rwa~r b,gIDes... 1:8:. received time It''']i[J'~r I~[ iP'fO'f.eSSJO11 at Em])~oyee·s Ib,' [1llU!: ,M!~""e:ii" County S.'Cb~ s" '''1ElwIpl!I1),)'e'e$ of tile Month - '~ I~

'eTN:'Cnt C~llIlb!l members. Sille iis ~

S.lP-!~t:i. I C'h]C.4'lJ~ lon ~iCnt~~e.r :m~,

'm~~;ml'owel'l Se'ltoo].

,J, Franklln Lofn;~., '12, i..:~:ke: aJi (1li.'I;: \Vtishington, Hi~I·OJJ.iiI. T~\~ ers i~S ~).u[ of a p:rOl:lc,I1I;;a~r!lJiliIi tiIIUjj~ ~~ seminar spensorcd ~b::!f· '1lIle A~'oc,litnuon of Trial Lawyers lli!if AJine:Jji~, He spoke on the :WbjOOi IDIDJ::U: cFilh:il:oce~ •. he.. :.:lbinf~e'S IiilIf ,13LWjPI:.:U'S, to r..OCOJlITIG: m!On~ I~IDidt . 0:[ iaililrll e,~fec!'~""e ln repn::~e:ODr!llg [mei!f dt~e!I~~.,

A· ll T - J "'iI?

~ng IS' ngg~ r,.,,· '~'';'II' ~,\a,

[r;eo.t'lfu'l\y etecred to serve ~n [Ib~: ,1~~'uJ~)Iii~ld" V ul'gin~a To'i,IJ.~~ CQUal~ iW.

Keith J3.. V~~t "11.,

ilie.<:li~i\'d his BHChclo-r or :Sci'cnoc' ,dlegjN~e' ~iIiI BUSl'i1:{:SS Ad~ni miisllr,atiaii. :traml Sh~i 'IN U iIljY-cr.:diY. He Ih'~

~ili !r~i;·' :~I ,r '~TLt.~ a w1udcd by [1]-' , ~~j _ Olw~:un:;JJ S~(lJ~C J'~~:rc,'Cc Q~~1i;Qn[ :JJS "T:Jlu~ {)tlt~i~md.ilig :ilmI~i" mJ~ D!,1,j'1tlo:pmef1~ Viae: :~]~ ··:l/D.9Tilin ail] S!;n~e Jaycee : 16nlfnrn& i~lF '~le 1997-98 Jaycee ¥~L S:i~ ~'bei ;~~lalI!'(t he bas been,

laO' _. - -- ,.. _..

e-l~~ ~(fe-jln fo.[ (he Crede Cit ; ~Jl'ce.e$; i'liL Lillington, C 'I, llil:~, foF' the ]_998~99

WI C3Ilt~lieU. ·86.~ IS [he 'J.'i"n'rt~" lw @~' 'U,~~iL1lat('; Raftirt,g ~~- looJm~ '\<ile.s~, 'Viin'i;r[lii~.

5~~;ct1! 'hJlI(] :D;ai~,o n ~ ':8,5' ~ IBa& ~ ;a:dmir~d!, ~:o' ~he finn of Rr~"n ~lITdls, 'aiIDIIil Company as 3 :~~ Ie::~t~'iie June l, 1998.

H!lI:b~ft! !UUID,il:CY., '89, is the I~I ,"n 8ii_: C,f,~J::: I-lig,h School.

R.O\ol sn~1]j[l'd "'j, '81; has b~c;~ ce~i!lifl~ . _' a C~m ~n~d Sports ~f~ - ff'ti~k:' T[~jin~f by :llh~ 1\1Tac:L"L.;;;an 51;_~, MI~; i'!il(l' ,!~iSs{K;:i~uion~ ~ 0' Citnii· 311 hIm, 11\¢, He is [ _ Im:ad ad:d.emllc H:Jlilier to.r the :~&i&: :I:'iIlm ',oomb<li~ I team 'Of the mDr~ij}'m~ :Fil)l!ltlibaUl.e::!lgue.

B.e1K:~, , r'etf(:'li Stk"kel. '84. ibm; ~d :iiIi Im~~ers'" degree l~l oom:af' nl ~e~si'l11p a:~~d pol LCY S_tlli:r~ ·ffID~ 'Wir.g~ai~, Tech, She is a Gm ~litlili':!J1,JI;jrtI:l;r' aL [he WliS(; .:. - I~~' T()t:imi!;:;l~~ ~~r W, , infi»i~.,

l'ifJlij'c·'- ,Ii'uuncr, ·.s8~ is ;~ru~~ .:hr,e I"!;,s§,[stant rQL" [ilt::

U . --.~ ,1\ ~01!J[Rl~' 0 ffic@ ~l~, D ~fi~M! S"ml:t: OQ]IIe:ge. S]~~, was a :f:0:IDmJ" IP!fi)i~~;arrl1~ A-ss.uS(;aill II (or. Carn]l~ W ~'at ESC'.

1- A n:AI~Ci' r~;;IIU Q'

D\~~a J~ ~ .9'~I, '',5, lllil(i!mfi:Dc~ 'i.O' ~ ~nlan~ 110$~~:~on ,H dl~ \1Ji'" ~ma StllOO,1 of OSifl~p;a'Jf:l- e '. 1.edU;:lrre.,

DtrfRn S IG!!m.t '\9:~ c.;

_ . _ .. ". \" ".. . ~ '.' 't- IS, a

. ~' . ~ (j~m:po~~iQ,~"

l\:miltz:m:~~ T~ GWUill., '92 am]: '94-, 'W:aiS.I!!OO'[li:KII~ m ne~~'!Il;iI,p:Fllle~l~ BmgmJ[ll{'li1:ju" 1m!' ~~yfuIk S-01![IBiliIe!i11l1 hl lEb(lirun.a:~&. loolwm_

LiSal ,Hw1im.. '"93 is lhe Bdll!ltCa:~iilliJm' JI Oalll:ieotd] ilDn'LJIl!1SCliO[ fer ~~3itti!~L.i1ei'd! ~ Co'JI ~,g,~. Slitlt: Is ,4I!lsi!lI ICO- _ fi:r. l'tt~' :BSC Ch~le:r. ,af :\iK.".\~

I ibamHi :I~h 11. ~_l!1i 'IIUIJ'U:L')~r!, ~'~l. :iJJf!ld D~,,"~ i&C_ Jl::[ !l]iII\e: 'ihe: 1IJ:[I[["lOo'!lr-, . r [aftcu rm dlil'dl., IQUr'!,i';~ Da~ "n, 'lito: ,A'~:I ~ ~ MIS' "Tbey [['esJtd~ ~iIJ ~~'isdL '. _ ,irrgi'llIli~ •.

,Ja, SjpmEtt_ "'92. Jm; been elected ll!~' dr~: ~ ,of,dioo~t.iDlli.s. of

[iJ~e\i1"i!li"gi"]lj~ :lOOm311 ~'~'t1:~:er

M$~ittruil!IDnL He lis; rn.trJe

,:::H:I[[iJji[[~!iil!:m1rutiilfF ,m 'm"" TaZ;:f,we:m OmllIT~" hllIl[c ~, '1!I!U]tu:nrmtJ~"

Lauis: i,: •. -KlOn1l. '~~',. 'is, a

[}roj)e,Ci~: . ~ [10,1'

ArdB'i~:~\,; ,

~i 5; ~e."t'in'l- - ml th;t :~immn~r €!If SeTence a~!JI[ llii.ilIli:E IPmcg,1i.i'aiDflli:!r lil~.@W,:Ul'l iIl~:

K{:l[il.l St~:ll1tt1: Unili'gr,s;iIJ_

R,'I!,nlova'ted BSC' Boo;ks't,lolre G,rfH~its Stud,ent;s 'f.Q'lr StEilrt of F'alll'CI,B,SSEUIi,

As Hlucfldd Stam: Con~g,g students r~Ii!;'ur~d for tal'! ~e.l,i[IC'SI[cr ,cJ~ u~e~" ~ 'eQn11\p1~1~~y :1,\(l.ltiJV8 t~~JJ b!Ooks.,QOO ,g~e'l~~J

H'ieJiU. T~~e multl-

itLtllil'h. renovatioa

Ij([@j;ecl, reflects the c:uI'II~lbo[a~iv~ ,~flbft~ Q,r ns-c ~:ilGht~!;.l til n[] i,c~'h "o'i~g.~ n~~~ m~ ~kc. il~g studerus, whO' !'al2ldle recomJ1i1e'~da:Q~(tI~tS fot ~he

r~!!iII~s i,g~l ,r. lid

'!i!l~'u~'lmndli ~in~ >of

~M~ln~ hi. ~ It(l


The boiDl-SE.o:re ' relocated across n~~ 11 nl ~ wh ulc 111~c ,'GJiov[itIQn \l!,iIO~~ I~OO!t p~m~! It mQ'~!;iiJ b~.£k .l\lst 1M!fQ~ i~h\): ~t[Wl,~r U~e current semester, iHW,e:"re pro\i':iIEi:ng a much ~f¢i1LtC'~ :sel~~~~on ~j f 'i~~~~'~~,'~I~ Sl~ ~h~u~ ~v~r b~r~r~,;H :rU~h~!,l'~~(]'!'] i!la~d'i oIiW,i;'I'C W(I!~~]IUI_g wid~ several vendors [,0 enhenee Ya[.l.e~,y,_'

"lhe :r~~tlbmt:k ~ hnv~1 B~~I~~111 :h~'~ ~~,~!~ ~U~ lil;\'~nml'~~1

l~ol!llI l 'IliC i" m~hmttro~~ Qb~~r'V~dl., "We ~l~L ve just ,rec~~'Ii''ed ;II. [eC,(irliUlU::il.d;a~iuIl! fmnru, the ESC Stu.(jem GUNCit."liniienl A55oci:ill'I,~iJ.iI1I ~n'I,]C~ff~in8. d~e 't)'pG;S iJ1,f :t.m;l~,t\:: .ntd ILrt~fl~~! ~hc ~~!~d~ 11.'1 wou'ld I ike I~ h~JW r!J~ lh~l v ~~I~, II,~~ bu. ik ~ h);~,; Wr.J. f 11 ,w,\Q![, I:h~j( ~l~lJiS!C1 ~his, "'lJ~t. The 11C'iyl,1 bookiSlo:re hilS ~eri! ~ ~t, b-oost. f(l([ everyone's mor,a:'~fL The' S~lJd0n!t5: spoke, and we ~lste:ood,!:ii'

'l~ l __ ...iI' ,,!'.Jri; ' .. "' .....•• F! r - ..

1 , i~!l]! U~I].'W',.Y~f!;!.I!.:~l~ m!iJ. ......

Can:fIPUS, Corner Booksiere" iJJIUi:~cs til much larger HOOF plan, w,~~h ~a ~@~i 'O'~);~m wi:m~ow (Ilispail.~' ~i~ ~'\iJ~ ~,id~s,; ,iii'mi bears ID., n~~n~h l~~-j~~'hl~~; bly~~~~nd ·~~l(l, I,(i(:i,k. "ThL.t ~~~ok~ $:tQlfC :~'Cn!;l'V;U len IW(j~~'C!: ~e~~1i, {huin_g 'aile 'fall oo~lle~te;~- 3, }~r ;~go, w:h:c:n surdenrs 'from, d~£ ,I3SC :ai['Chiu;e~tJ]'r.a~ cllg,iFile(!;r:i~, ~!]t:h·

no!©s:y PJiO,gJ~~n OU~ ~~;te dcs~gn for the, bookstore, :i,[Ic.~l;I!din~ I(~~e' I oe at to 111, of fixtures and even ~l]e ~1~t:tI;.:O ::;jpl#~~i;l:r3 ~Ii IbQl}k!i;;[or~ nl~n~\El{!'r J'a~t~ ,ak~h~f(;I~Q~! ng~~~" ~Dm,hlg th~ Sprhl~ Si!)rn~~U~r ,~~tIS y~nr! m~uikG~,~~tg ,~nd .l'O[mUI ~~lUJJm'ti!oi pro'l.41ll~d, ooc<ommmmcJ~H;Qli~, ~u;r' Tl1Iefct!'la:nd~lll]g., 'We h .. 1J1JC uti lired 'mmt of iil'iJ1!." $t1l(L,ents· i<J:¢iRiS.·

,A Ilu mn ii Pres iiae'n 1:'9 C erner

j~",J' n. .... ifi;<4/·'t1!J ·~u· :ybon PrfiNfi,d(!JrJ t o-f the BSCAA

UJ U~._ U !;:r ~ .. "_J,. .w - .. _ ... "_ "_"."_ " __ I ."_ " __ " _ _

.n bri~l,g ,g[eet~ngs' :DWJli, the Aluml~] .AssociM~on.

"Fhi~s }~e~r th~ 'Cohlnl~}:U~ ChlWIlIli'r 6:r ~ h~ A I.mnnt j;\s!:iI:W,;~,[ni~n. ho~tl!;"{i ~hNi ~,3Ih Nm~(l[1[~], ~~inli~!m~ J~j~:; 30~AIJi(~~ ~~, :2.

,M!'y cQ'JlIg:r.atLlJ,:uin,~s te the Columhus- Chapte,r and .1Le~r 'Queen for l'~isinU ever $6,000. cr.o~c to $1, S ~OOO W'~'~' ~',~izy~~ in ,~illJI3[$M:~ l\i,ncJs, ff,(m.l li,h~ Jiu~~, I~h!i,t A IUIf'WM);

Queen's Coililre.<;L I \l.'(I1ll~d, ]i~ to thaT'll\: ea.c'h cha!pte;r :for ;;::~oc~ssruUy n'l~~hlS ~~: 'tm1!ds l'hf':l~: ~rc ne~doo Ii!)

lrm mlf1lhC!' $C~HhJ I.]~ !hl''Q'lI,Ch

l~h~~fielt1J g~;[Ii~~. lkl~h ij)f }1.Cl~l deserves :. PJll'O~l tho htit~k £\Qr ,0'Jj jlDh wel t dOO'C~. Thank :yo'u~

I ¥iOl1~(I] also mu~ '~Q. oongr.alul::r[lG: iha Colil:i:mbUJs Ch~p~e[ ~L~~ ,!J1~ a~!l~rnl C 1\" I r Mt" D()'IiC&a:s '(~iIlm hmcd eJ:I\ I~::-~G(: 12-)

De i rd we G uytolnl

(co nU n ued fro m w}aQ'e 11)1 C~<~ywr and Co-Chslr Mrs, Shel'lyn M,cCQY 'fulf' a Job ""'en done ill. mak i riI,g alumnl f-ee] exna special that weekend, I am sure ihali: each ehsprer :aind. ,all~inm~i. join me in rha.:Flki~ig your fur slldl ~~ hospitable w€cken>l'JJ.

Once: agaun, I want ~:o W£JCOlllij6: the Meu-QmDetr(lii~: ~m"J. McDow,d,! CountY' Cha,pte.n:: into the A ssociadon. Riglllt now we have rwel V€, aetlve chnpi:eir and, :u:e ,a~ways ,eage.r to S!~lrt tnore. If you arc interested un crganlzing a, chapter in your area, please feel free 'to eoniaer me at the col ~e!re 'fo'["

, ","," 0 '

irifOrtrlariou, ;;!Jt (304) 32.7·4326

or. by email ,ali: dgu~/I'f.Jf.1@ bscvax, 'H;.i~i'l~e,~'" edu, I :~HiJ",hl?; yon ~:Q be 00 me members 'of Ute ~~s:::;()(':lat Inn. MeJ.]lbershil) tees contrlbute to :~>cho,hrshu'ps" If you :;1![(~ nor :IIi member, please become one" We are doing g:~·taJt tfuil"n_g.,,> rhe association, Join today (lJm:) help OUt.

A:g.iiliu1 many thanks to the COllalrlf!JUs. Ch::t'pi~r :fulf' a job well done! W'e hope to see each iVt you M, the 14ih N at iona ! Reunion, "i.riI me ye:fIJr. 2000 as we return to tite Ter.l'a.ced H:iHs!

B I ueflel d Stat,~ CoO I h~ 9ie, Hom eic,o:m i ng 11'9918:

Oct. ,s, Fouf1d'ef'$ I[).ao/ Ln,ili1le~~e-¢'Jl.

Pf.est(iin Watkirtls, Sr_. S{peaker

Homecom'ifl(l Paradle Oct. 4 Pig R~a$~ '~ltn8Jlen~ Stww O'Ct,5. ODm~d'i<liflJ O\W~'I~' $f1ilith Q.r;:t. G, li'ihe WV Gsld€1nI Vok;@'s

(GQSpe! Mus:ic) ~rokefl RII;!~r~:s

(C>Dtllnlti"'jf Music) Oct. f CiailiPll15 Cam'v,;:!ll

Oct 8, Mi~' ,(Magi<;:ii$lfi} Oll;:t. '9' C(tl{m~iji(ln

I-j II rn seo ritiI i rt"9 Os n ce

i="o:r' :3!ciI(lli~io'!l!:;IJ i nrnlOorfliliatim'l contaet the C':UInIPIJIS lHe, Offiiee$!~ p04J} ~~7 4t8~7"

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