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Name: Lenae Olson

Practicum: PSIII
School: Ecoles Anges Davidson Elementary School

Goal 1: Strengthen classroom management techniques
Rationale: Over the course of PSI and PSII I have greatly improved my
classroom management techniques, I feel like I have control of the classroom and
there is a mutual respect between the students and I. However, I do think I can still
improve in this area by beginning the school year strong and carrying through with
all my expectations for the course of PSIII. I want to set rules and expectations as
well as build strong relationships and maintain that for the entire internship. I now
need to adapt my classroom management strategies from a high school perspective
to an early elementary level for my grade one class.
Strategies: I will initiate a strong classroom management plan and carry it
through my entire internship by setting clear and reasonable rules and expectations
for the students and revisit them often. By being clear and concise the students will
quickly understand what is expected of them and in turn what they can expect for
me. I will also focus the first week of school on building relationships; getting to
know the students and parents, introducing myself, and creating a positive learning
environment. This will help students feel safe and welcome at school and will build
the trust and respect I am aiming for.
Indicators: I will know if my goal has been reached if I carry out the
strategies I have set in place. I will follow my plan and dedicate the first week to
building relationships, I will outline what is expected in grade one and I will make it
part of my lesson plans to review expectations daily during the first month of school.
I will ask students and parents how they think grade one is going, if they feel safe
and respected, and I will also ask my mentor teacher and principle for advice and
Goal 2: Diversify assessment strategies used
Rationale: As I develop my philosophy of teaching it becomes apparent to me
how important it is to build on real-world skills, and prepare students for what lies
ahead of them. Although I still believe test taking is an important life skill and I will
use them in my assessment plans, I would also like to include performance tasks,
and interactive team-building exercises. I believe that assessment should reflect
what students have learned and now can apply to their lives from lessons taught in
class. Tests may accomplish that goal at times but other methods of assessment will
become more relevant as well depending on what the subject matter is. In my past
practicums I have not ventured too far from the norm (giving tests and quizzes) but
this internship I would like to broaden my assessment plan into different strategies
as well.
Strategies: I will make this goal a reality by carefully planning my assessment
plan and including a variety of formative and summative assessment techniques. I
will also ask for the assistance of my mentor teacher and university consultant for
their opinions on what techniques are best suited to use.
Indicators: I will know if my goal has been met if I include at least one
method of summative assessment other than testing for each subject during my four
months teaching along with a minimum of three different formative assessment
techniques used each week.

Goal 3: Professional Reading
Rationale: I believe that part of being a teacher is committing to also being a
lifelong learner. It is important to continually look through current literature, speak
to others in the same field, attend PD sessions, and strengthen classroom strategies.
In turn this improves the learning environment for not only the students but the
teacher as well.
Strategies: To reach this goal I will research book titles or articles that would
beneficial for improving my teaching. I will also network with teachers in my school,
and attend PD sessions. When planning my lessons and assessments I will consult
more than one resource and find ways to improve my unit plans.
Indicators: I will reach my third professional goal for the year if I am able to
read at least one book or article that is marketed for classroom teachers as well as
consult multiple resources when unit planning.

Completion of Three Goals
Timeline: Both of my goals for my professional internship will take the entire
four months to complete. Improvement of classroom management will begin on the
very first day of school and will continue until December. Diversification of
assessment strategies will begin at the end of September once classroom
procedures have been established and enough material has been covered and will
continue until December at the end of my internship. My third goal of introducing
more professional reading will be a continuing project as well.

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