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!"#$%&' )*+ ,"-$"./"0 12' 3245 6 7%89"& 7:$" ;<= ,%8>$?%&# C 1oday, Colden CaLe
8C SoluLlons, LLC, a leadlng global cusLomer managemenL and 8uslness rocess CuLsourclng
(8C) company, announced LhaL lL launched chaL supporL servlces on behalf of Lhe markeL
leader of dlglLal personallzed phoLo producLs and servlces.
Colden CaLe 8C ls currenLly provldlng a broad range of Lechnlcal supporL and cusLomer
care servlces vla onllne chaL supporL for Lhls leadlng e-commerce reLaller. lL wlll also be phaslng
ln phone and emall supporL Lo become a compleLe mulLl-channel ouLsourced soluLlon on behalf
of lLs cllenL.
We have bullL our company and buslness model over Lhe lasL 8+ years based on Lhe
core bellef LhaL bouLlque-sLyle and hlgh Louch dellvery can be accompllshed globally and ln a
manner LhaL ls economlcally compeLlLlve for Lhe lorLune 300, mlddle markeL and small
buslness," sLaLed SLephen lerber, Managlng arLner aL Colden CaLe 8C SoluLlons, LLC. 1hls
new cllenL and buslness relaLlonshlp brlngs so much saLlsfacLlon Lo us, servlng as a remlnder
LhaL large companles sLlll see Lhe value of dlfferenLlaLlon Lhrough exLraordlnary cusLomer care,
and prefer our approach versus commodlLy level servlce dellvery."

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lounded ln 2006, Colden CaLe 8C SoluLlons, LLC provldes mulLl-channel conLacL
cenLer, cusLomer engagemenL, call cenLer ouLsourclng, and buslness process ouLsourclng
servlces. lLs cusLomer engagemenL cenLers are locaLed ln Lhe u.S., uomlnlcan 8epubllc, 8ellze,
Mexlco, hlllpplnes, unlLed klngdom, and lreland. Colden CaLe 8C locaLlons offer mulLlllngual
volce, emall, web chaL, soclal medla, back-offlce, onllne help desk and auLomaLed supporL.
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1racy 1hompson
Managlng ulrecLor
888-301-8368 x704
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