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Six-Point Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: My opinion, an opinion piece
Materials/Resources eeded: !al" lined paper #top !al" o" pa$e is %lan& "or picture %otto' is lined
"or (ritin$)
*ocus and
,+ery one re'e'%ers t!e story o" t!e t!ree little pi$s-
We (ill use t!at today to learn a%out opinions

#0S0S re"erence)
0!ildren (ill %e a%le to co'pose opinion pieces %ased t!e a c!aracter o" t!e (ol" "ro' t!e story
1T!e True Story o" t!e T!ree Little Pi$s2
ask if they tell them today we are going to learn what opinions are:
How to state or demonstrate their opinion about something.
Start %y as&in$ opinion 4uestions
Raise your !and i" you t!in& P, is t!e %est class-
Raise your !and i" you t!in& 5rt is t!e %est class-
Raise your !and i" you t!in& 'edia is t!e %est class-
ote t!at not e+eryone t!ou$!t t!e sa'e class (as t!e %est.
ot e+eryone t!in&s t!e sa'e (ay or !as t!e sa'e ideas.
W!at you %elie+e is your opinion and ot!er people 'ay !a+e di""erent opinions.
ext do a story (al& lettin$ t!e c!ildren 'a&e an opinion a%out t!e %oo& %y loo&in$ at t!e
Tell t!e students to pay close attention to t!e (ol" in t!e story and tell t!e' t!at a"ter t!e
%oo& is read t!ey (ill %e 'a&in$ t!eir o(n opinion a%out t!e (ol".
Read t!e story stoppin$ to tal& a%out t!e actions o" t!e (ol" and t!e pi$.
3s !e %ein$ snea&y- 3s !e nice- 3s !e 'ean- #.t!er c!aracter traits can %e used)
W!en t!e %oo& is "inis!ed as& t!e c!ildren not to spea& %ut to t!in& a%out (!at t!eir opinion
ext !a+e t!e' $o to t!eir seats and start (ritin$ t!eir opinion o" t!e (ol".
Wal& around and explain t!at t!eir opinion s!ould include W65T you t!in& o" t!e (ol" and
W67 you t!in& t!at. 8sin$ t!e (ord %ecause. .n t!e %oard t!e sentence s!ould %e (ritten
Six-Point Lesson Plan
"or t!e':
3 t!in& t!e (ol" is 99999999999999 %ecause !e99999999999999999999. T!is is t!e su''ati+e
T!en !a+e t!e' dra( an illustration t!at s!o(s t!eir opinion.
Student:s (ill, produce a ne( illustration and opinion to t!e class in a presentation "as!ion
%ased on an opinion a%out t!eir "a+orite %oo&. #T!is counts as t!e "or'al assess'ent)
0losure Tal& to students a%out !o( eac! person is di""erent and (e all !a+e di""erent opinions. T!en as&
t!e students to state #a$ain) (!at is an opinion, and !a+e a student or t(o $i+e an opinion
#exa'ple). T!en close %y t!e last t(o state'ents. We all li&e di""erent t!in$s and t!at is o&ay. 3t is
i'portant to re'e'%er to respect ot!ers opinions e+en i" you don:t a$ree.
otes: *or se+eral 4uestions call on ;o!n <oe "re4uently to &eep !is attention and &eep !i' en$a$ed in t!e con+ersation. 3
!a+e !i' sittin$ in t!e "ront o" t!e carpet directly next to t!e teac!er so t!at t!ere are less distractions %et(een !i' and t!e
lesson. W!en t!e $uided practice starts (atc! and to 'a&e sure !e "inis!es t!e entire pro/ect to t!e %est o" !is a%ility. 3" !e is
distractin$ ot!er students si'ply place your !and on !is s!oulder or as& !i' a%out (!at !e is (or&in$ on and !e (ill %e
redirected %ac& to !is (or&.

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