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DATE: Ambato 02/10/2014

DIRECTOR: Miss Paola Sols
SAMARY: Miss Vanessa Chaglla
ILUSTRATOR: Miss Jazmn Paucar
VOCABULARY: Miss Thalya Lalaleo

Where was the man with his ox?
What happened to the man on your first bet?
Why the ox not doing its job well?
What's called the ox man?
What gave the man his ox in the neck?


Owner: a person who owns; possessor; proprietor.
Propietario: persona que tiene derecho de propiedad sobre una cosa.
Strong:having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular.
Fuerte: persona que tiene fuerza o nimo.
Forfeit: a fine; penalty.
Multa: Sancin econmica o castigo que impone una autoridad
Wagons: a railway freight car or flatcar.
Vagones: Cada una de las partes de un tren.
Sight: an act, fact, or instance of seeing.
Visin: Percepcin a travs del sentido de la vista.
Blow: a sudden attack or drastic action:
Golpe: Choque repentino y ms o menos violento de un cuerpo contra otro.
Shame: the painful feeling arising from the consciousness.
Vergenza: Turbacin que se siente ante los dems al cometer una falta
Badly: in a defective, incorrect, or undesirable way.
Mal: De un modo que no es adecuado o correcto
Laugh: to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion
Rer: para expresar la alegra, el placer, la burla, o nerviosismo con una, la expulsin vocal audible
Yoked: a pair of draft animals fastened together by a yoke
Uncidos: Atar o sujetar el yugo a los animales.


Long ago a man had a bull that was very strong man always treated well your animal.
One day they went to the village and the man who wagered a hundred would pull his ox carts.
The first time he lost because the ox cannot get online then makes a bad man to his animal
They returned home and the man approached her and asked what ox because he had not
performed the action that he called him and told him that the ox was miserable because I had
never been treated the way he did
Then the man told him that I would never insult. And ox promised to return the next day to make
your business recover money lost and happened exactly like the fact the man won this time and
very happy with his ox back

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