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Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructors name:
Mr Ayers
"rade #$ %nglish II Pre&AP 'orld Literature
'ee( of:
#$!#) * #$!#+
,nit -ame:
Siddhartha .esearch /ased %ssays Cont
(1A)*%ssential 0uestion1s2:
3o4 do 4e im5rove on our e6isting 4or( to create a
truly e6cellent final 5roduct 4hen it comes to research
7ased essays8 3o4 do 4e create a 7i7liogra5hy
follo4ing the MLA guidelines8
(1A/1B) Connections 15rior!future learning2:
9tudents 4ill dra4 on 5rior e65erience creating :uality
research 5a5ers
(1A) Common Core!9tate 9tandards:
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(1E) ?ther considerations 1modifications@
accommodations@ acceleration@ %LL@ etc
All accommodations and modifications indicated in
student I%Ps 4ill 7e follo4ed Any needs of %LL
students 1modification of assignment length@
modification of assignment com5le6ity@ modification of
source reading@ etc2 4ill 7e im5lemented
(1D) .esources!Materials:
(1F) Assessment 13o4 4ill you monitor 5rogress and (no4 students have successfully met outcomes8 'hat ha55ens
4hen students understand and 4hen they dont understand8
Aaily: direct o7servation
This 'ee(: direct o7servation!5eer editing!rough drafts!final drafts!9ocratic dialogue
(1B) Lesson activities for instructor and students@ (1F)
%m7edded Formative Assessment@
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 4ill im5rove their s(ills in
5roducing :uality research 5a5ers They 4ill sho4 their
learning 7y editing and sho4ing their 4or( through
direct o7servation
(1C) Ao -o4: 'hat do you still need to accom5lish in
order to have a :uality@ com5lete research 5a5er done
and ready to turn in 7y Friday8
In Class:
9tudents 4ill tighten and com5lete their rough drafts as
needed Additionally@ they ma(e sure to com5lete their
7i7liogra5hies@ 4hich must 7e done according to the
MLA guidelines .ough drafts need to 7e 5rinted and
hard co5ies must 7e 7rought to class tomorro4

(1F)%m7edded Formative Assessment: direct o7servation
of student 4or(
(1B)Closing Activity:
As a 4hole class 4e 4ill discuss the 5rogress made so far@
and further 4or( needed to com5lete :uality research
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 4ill im5rove their s(ills in
5roducing :uality research 5a5ers They 4ill sho4 their
learning 7y editing and sho4ing their 4or( through 5eer
(1C) Ao -o4: 'hat do you still need to accom5lish in
order to have a :uality@ com5lete research 5a5er done
and ready to turn in 7y Friday8
In Class: 9tudents 4ill engage in 5eer editing of their
4or(@ engaging 4ith at least t4o 5artners In each case@
they 4ill com5lete 5eer editing 4or( tem5lates and
return the com5eted comments to the student author@
4ho 4ill ultimately turn them in 4ith the final draft
(1F)%m7edded Formative Assessment: Peer editing 4or(
(1B)Closing Activity:
As a 4hole class 4e 4ill discuss the 5rogress made so far@
and further 4or( needed to com5lete :uality research
9hort story reading 4ill 7e distri7uted
in class 9ocratic dialogue 4ill ta(e
5lace Friday
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 4ill im5rove their s(ills in
5roducing :uality research 5a5ers They 4ill sho4 their
learning 7y editing and sho4ing their 4or( through
direct o7servation
(1C) Ao -o4: 'hat do you still need to accom5lish in
order to have a :uality@ com5lete research 5a5er done
and ready to turn in 7y Friday8
In Class:
,sing feed7ac( from the 5eer editing 5rocess 1and 4ith
additional aid from the instructor2@ students 4ill craft a
final draft of their essay The final 5roduct@ 4hich 4ill 7e
turned in Friday@ should include a rough draft@ t4o 5eer
editing sheets@ and a second draft The second draft
should a55ear on to5@ the 5eer editing sheets in the
middle and the first draft on the 7ottom All documents
should 7e sta5led together
(1F)%m7edded Formative Assessment: direct o7servation
of student 4or(
(1B)Closing Activity:
As a 4hole class 4e 4ill discuss the 5rogress made so far@
and further 4or( needed to com5lete :uality research
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 4ill im5rove their s(ills in
5roducing :uality research 5a5ers They 4ill sho4 their
learning 7y editing and sho4ing their 4or( through
direct o7servation
(1C) Ao -o4: 'hat do you still need to accom5lish in
order to have a :uality@ com5lete research 5a5er done
and ready to turn in 7y Friday8
In Class:
,sing feed7ac( from the 5eer editing 5rocess 1and 4ith
additional aid from the instructor2@ students 4ill craft a
final draft of their essay The final 5roduct@ 4hich 4ill 7e
turned in Friday@ should include a rough draft@ t4o 5eer
editing sheets@ and a second draft The second draft
(1F)%m7edded Formative Assessment: direct o7servation
of student 4or(
(1B)Closing Activity:
As a 4hole class 4e 4ill discuss the 5rogress made so far@
and further 4or( needed to com5lete :uality research
should a55ear on to5@ the 5eer editing sheets in the
middle and the first draft on the 7ottom All documents
should 7e sta5led together
A,%: 9econd draft of 9iddhartha
research 5a5er 14ith rough draft and
5eer editing sheets2
(1C) Learning Target: 9tudents 4ill im5rove their s(ills
in s5ea(ing and listening They 4ill sho4 their learning
through 9ocratic dialogue
(1C) Ao -o4: Please 5re5are to share your o5ening
In Class: 'e 4ill hold a 9ocratic dialogue over a short
story reading 1to 7e announced2 that 4ill 7e distri7uted
in class 'ednesday
(1F)%m7edded Formative Assessment: 9ocratic dialogue
(1B)Closing Activity:
As a 4hole class@ 4e 4ill discuss the success of the
dialogue and the 5ossi7ilities for im5roving dialogues in
the future
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1ADe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of co"te"t
1)Desi$"i"$ co*ere"t i"structio"
1CSetti"$ I"structio"#' outco!es
1DDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of resources
1EDe!o"str#ti"$ %"o&'e($e of stu(e"ts
1FDesi$"i"$ stu(e"t #ssess!e"t
For!#ti+e Assess!e"t i"c'u(es, but is "ot 'i!ite( to:
E-it tic%ets, &*ite bo#r( res.o"se, co"se"s#$r#!s, re(/$ree" c#r(s, for!#' or
i"for!#' stu(e"t co"fere"ces, stic%0 "ote #ssess!e"t1

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