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Movement creation PROCESSES


- LlsLen Lo or slng a plece of muslc, Lhen ldenLlfy an aspecL of Lhe muslc (e.g., rhyLhm, melody), and creaLe
movemenLs ln response Lo Lhls aspecL
- WrlLe a llsL of key words LhaL relaLe Lo your expresslve lnLenLlon (ldeas relaLed Lo emoLlon, shape, dynamlcs,
sLyle/genre, narraLlve eLc) and explore body acLlons and movemenL quallLles/dynamlcs LhaL can
communlcaLe Lhese ldeas Lo an audlence.
- lmprovlsaLlon can be used Lo manlpulaLe movemenL phrases you have already creaLed, by experlmenLlng
wlLh choreographlc devlces


- 8ecord or ask someone Lo vlew your lmprovlsaLlon for feedback on whaL dance movemenLs look effecLlve
and are approprlaLe for communlcaLlng your expresslve lnLenLlon
- Choose Lhe dance movemenLs LhaL you Lhlnk wlll besL communlcaLe your expresslve lnLenLlon Lo an


- ueclde on a formal sLrucLure LhaL sulLs your expresslve lnLenLlon
- ulvlde your dance composlLlon lnLo secLlons, and declde whlch dance movemenLs and dance phrases wlll
work besL ln each secLlon
- Lxplore uslng conLrasL, unlson and canon when deslgnlng and arranglng your dance
- ueslgn paLhways and group paLLerns (symmeLrlcal and asymmeLrlcal)
- Lxplore uslng dlfferenL levels (hlgh, medlum, low)


- 8ehearse your dance, maklng sure Lhe choreography looks effecLlve from Lhe audlence's perspecLlve
- Spend Llme 'pollshlng' Lhe choreography so LhaL all dancers are execuLlng Lhe movemenLs accuraLely and
LhaL Lhe shapes and Llmlng are clear
- Make sure LranslLlons beLween movemenLs, movemenL phrases and secLlons are smooLh
- When Lhe choreography ls looklng 'LlghL', maybe conslder uslng Lhe choreographlc devlce 'embelllshmenL'
Lo add exLra deLall Lo movemenLs


- ConsLanLly glve and recelve consLrucLlve feedback on your dance composlLlon Lo make lmprovemenLs and
ad[usLmenLs along Lhe way
- Ask yourself and oLhers: !" $%& '%()&(*)+,%- '(../01'+$10* .- &2,)&""13& 10$&0$1(04 5(&" $%& 6+0'& 7()8
+" + 7%(9&4 :)& $%&)& '(0$)+"$10* "%+,&" +06 6-0+.1'" $( 8&&, 1$ 9((810* 10$&)&"$10*4 ;%+$ '(/96 ! 6( $(
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rehearsal PROCESSES

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- Warm-up/down and perform safe sLreLchlng Lechnlques wlLh reference Lo speclflc muscle groups
- AllgnmenL prlnclples (plumb llne, core sLablllLy eLc)
- Safe execuLlon of body acLlons (spoLLlng when Lurnlng, sequenLlal bendlng Lhrough Lhe [olnLs when falllng,
correcL preparaLlons and landlngs when elevaLlng eLc)
- 8especLlng own and oLhers' personal safeLy by developlng group awareness

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- Mark Lhrough Lhe choreography
- 8ehearse Lhe choreography wlLh full energy
- 8epeLlLlon

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- ulscuss wlLh Lhe choreographer how Lo lnLerpreL Lhe expresslve lnLenLlon
- Cbserve Lhe choreographer execuLe Lhe dance a number of Llmes
- lmlLaLe Lhe choreography
- 8reak Lhe dance lnLo phrases Lo develop Lechnlcal accuracy

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- 8ehearse your dance faclng away from mlrrors so eye/body focus can be clarlfled for Lhe dancers
- LxperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL dlrecLlons wlLhln Lhe choreography Lo see whaL looks mosL effecLlve

$+2+($'+ )2+ 5(*-+ :!)2 01,, +*+$/4

- 1hls wlll develop sLamlna
- 1hls wlll ensure you know whaL Lhe flnal performance wlll look llke on sLage

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- 1hls wlll affecL Lhe placemenL of dancers on sLage, and exlLs/enLrances

$+0!*+"+*) %0 #+$0%$"(*-+ '7!,,' <#$%=+-)!%*9 +6#$+''!%*> (*5 +4+?8%54 0%-1'

- 1he more you rehearse Lhe dance work wlLh performance focus, Lhe smooLher lL wlll run on Lhe day
- ?our performance skllls wlll enhance Lhe pro[ecLlon of Lhe oLher dancers around you
- Clarlfy wlLh Lhe choreographer and oLher performance whaL expresslve skllls are needed for each secLlon of
Lhe dance work, Lhls wlll creaLe unlLy wlLhln Lhe group dance

$+2+($'+ !* 01,, -%')1"+

- ?ou need Lo rehearse ln cosLume so you are aware of any movemenL resLrlcLlon, Lhen any necessary
cosLume or choreography ad[usLmenLs can be made ln Llme for Lhe performance

performance PROCESSES

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- Make sure you pack your cosLume, make-up and halr accessorles, dance shoes, snacks eLc Lhe nlghL before
so you do noL have unnecessary sLress on Lhe performance day

#24'!-(, (*5 "+*)(, #$+#($()!%*
- Warm-up and sLreLch effecLlvely
- 1ake Llme Lo yourself Lo focus menLally
- Mark Lhrough Lhe dance
- uo noL pracLlce wlLh full energy (you need Lo conserve energy and sLamlna)
- SLay well hydraLed LhroughouL Lhe day by drlnklng loLs of waLer
- keep your muscles warm unLll you go onsLage, by wearlng warm cloLhes over your cosLume and noL slLLlng
- 1hlnk Lhrough and make a personal connecLlon Lo your expresslve lnLenLlon

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'#(-!*/ %0 )2+ 5(*-+ !* )2+ #+$0%"(*-+ '#(-+

- lamlllarlze yourself wlLh Lhe performance space, marklng ouL key paLhways and poslLlons on Lhe sLage

-2+-7!*/? -1+!*/ "1'!-

- Make sure your muslc ls ln Lhe rlghL spoL
- Check LhaL Lhe volume levels are approprlaLe

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