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DE-F.*+5 1ramc SafeLy Cameras
=%+.5 lrlday, CcLober 17, 2014 aL 3:23:41 M LasLern uayllghL 1lme
!",B5 Chrls 8ombardler
A,5 !udd krasher (councllmankrasher[

l appreclaLe your posluon on Lramc safeLy cameras buL l hope you undersLand Lhe esumaLes A1S provlded Lo
Lhe ClLy are noL numbers pulled ouL of Lhln alr nor are Lhey meanL Lo make a camera program more
appeallng. 1he esumaLes are based on daLa LhaL lncluded an analysls of clLy lnLersecuons and muluple oLher
facLors lncludlng our experlence ln over 300 munlclpallues served by A1S.

A1S ls Lhe lndusLry leader. ln new ?ork, Lhey serve 66 of Lhe munlclpallues LhaL have Lramc safeLy cameras
lncludlng some of Lhe largesL programs ln Lhe counLry (n?C, nassau CounLy, ?onkers and we [usL won ML.
vernon). xerox has Suolk CounLy buL Lhe CounLy ls conslderlng a hlghly unusual mld-conLracL 8l Lo
poLenually sollclL a new/addluonal vendor for Lhelr program. 1hey also [usL losL 8alumore and Coral Sprlngs,
lL ln very publlc and ugly way. 8edllex has 8ochesLer buL LhaL company fell lnLo some serlous Lrouble wlLh a
brlbery scandal ln Chlcago LhaL led all Lhe way Lo Lhelr CLC. ln oLher words, A1S has Lhe experlence,
knowledge and repuLauon necessary Lo run a successful program. 1hey don'L Lake LhaL llghLly and sLrlve Lo
provlde Lhe mosL accuraLe lnformauon aL all sLages of Lhe process.

1he eecuveness of Lramc safeLy cameras ls lrrefuLable. n?C has seen a 70 decllne of people runnlng red
llghLs aL many of Lhelr worsL lnLersecuons. l have daLa from across Lhe counLry lncludlng lnsurance lnsuLuLe
for Plghway SafeLy sLudles lf you are lnLeresLed.

CurrenLly, 303 munlclpallues use Lramc safeLy cameras.

As always, l'm happy Lo dlscuss wlLh you lf you'd llke more lnformauon.


ChrlsLopher 8ombardler
CsLro AssoclaLes
12 Sherldan Avenue
Albany, n? 12207
318-436-6202 (o)
318-421-3339 (c)

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