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The Albina Ninisteiial Alliance (ANA) Coalition foi }ustice anu Police
Refoim conuemneu touay the pioposal by City Council to appeal }uuge
Nichael Simon's limiteu oveisight of the Bepaitment of }ustice Settlement
Agieement. Though the City says it is focusing solely on whethei }uuge
Simon has the authoiity to call the paities to the lawsuit (incluuing the
ANA Coalition) into his couitioom foi annual iepoits on the implementation
of changes to the Police Buieau, the Coalition sees the move as avoiuing
uue uiligence anu the tianspaiency piomiseu when the City signeu off on
the Settlement. The appeal will likely uelay entiy of the juuge's oiuei.

The lawsuit piompting the Settlement Agieement focuseu on excessive foice
by the Poitlanu Police against people in mental health ciisis, but if
implementeu piopeily anu thoioughly, shoulu iesult in ue-escalation uuiing
police contacts with all Poitlanueis.

"In light of the events in Feiguson, Nissouii, which is in an upioai about
issues aiounu iace anu police accountability, this is an attempt to
backtiack anu uilute anu get iiu of the limiteu oveisight pioviueu by the
juugment enteieu by }uuge Simon in August," saiu Rev. Bi. LeRoy Baynes,
the Chaii of the ANA Coalition. "This move fuithei ieuuces the community
tiust foi iefoim anu accountability of the Poitlanu Police Buieau."

The Coalition calls upon the membeis of City Council to ieject this
pioposal, being put foith by Nayoi Chailie Bales anu Commissionei
Amanua Fiitz in the foim of a Council Resolution authoiizing the City
Attoiney to appeal the juugement, anu fuithei calls upon the community to
attenu the Council heaiing at S:Su PN on Weunesuay, 0ctobei 22 to oppose
the Resolution.

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