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Morning Consult

National Tracking Poll #141004:

October 2014
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from October 17-21, 2014, among a national sample of 1530 registered voters.
The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of
registered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual house-
hold income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of
error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
1: Of the following statements, please choose which one you believe is true:
An insurance
deductible is
paid by
consumers in
installments to
their health
An insurance
deductible is the
amount of
consumers must
spend on
healthcare on
their own before
their insurance
coverage kicks
Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 12 77 10 1524
Male 13 78 9 712
Female 12 77 11 811
Age: 18-29 29 59 12 254
Age: 30-44 18 72 10 366
Age: 45-64 6 84 10 577
Age: 65+ 4 86 10 327
Ethnicity - White 10 81 8 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 69 11 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 59 17 192
Democrats (no lean) 14 74 11 593
Independents (no lean) 13 75 12 460
Republicans (no lean) 10 83 7 470
Liberal (1-3) 15 75 9 415
Moderate (4) 12 76 12 474
Conservative (5-7) 9 85 6 552
Northeast 10 82 8 279
Midwest 13 79 9 361
South 13 76 11 563
West 14 74 12 321
New England 14 80 6 80
Mid-Atlantic 8 83 10 199
East North Central 14 77 9 247
West North Central 11 81 8 114
South Atlantic 12 77 11 303
East South Central 25 70 5 99
West South Central 7 77 16 161
Mountain 11 81 8 103
Pacic 15 71 14 218
Protestant 7 85 8 468
Roman Catholic 14 78 8 346
Ath./Agn./None 16 70 14 316
Something Else 15 73 12 392
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 78 8 627
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 77 12 897
Income: Under 50k 12 72 15 662
Income: 50k-100k 14 78 9 501
Income: 100k+ 10 86 4 361
Educ: < College 13 75 12 1000
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 79 9 340
Educ: Post-grad 11 86 3 184
Urban 16 70 14 411
Suburban 13 78 9 722
Rural 7 83 9 391
2: Of the following statements, please choose which one you believe is true:
Co-pays for
doctors visits
and hospital
stays are sent to
health insurance
Co-pays for
doctors visits
and hospital
stays are kept
by the doctor or
Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 24 58 18 1524
Male 27 57 16 712
Female 21 60 20 811
Age: 18-29 42 42 16 254
Age: 30-44 27 58 16 366
Age: 45-64 23 61 17 577
Age: 65+ 7 68 25 327
Ethnicity - White 22 60 18 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 30 57 12 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 49 18 192
Democrats (no lean) 29 55 16 593
Independents (no lean) 21 59 20 460
Republicans (no lean) 20 61 19 470
Liberal (1-3) 28 57 15 415
Moderate (4) 25 55 20 474
Conservative (5-7) 20 65 15 552
Northeast 23 62 15 279
Midwest 28 55 17 361
South 20 60 20 563
West 26 56 19 321
New England 23 53 24 80
Mid-Atlantic 23 65 12 199
East North Central 27 56 17 247
West North Central 30 54 17 114
South Atlantic 22 57 21 303
East South Central 21 54 25 99
West South Central 15 68 17 161
Mountain 26 56 17 103
Pacic 25 56 19 218
Protestant 19 59 22 468
Roman Catholic 24 63 13 346
Ath./Agn./None 26 51 23 316
Something Else 26 59 15 392
Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 59 16 627
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 58 20 897
Income: Under 50k 25 48 27 662
Income: 50k-100k 23 64 13 501
Income: 100k+ 21 69 9 361
Educ: < College 26 53 21 1000
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 66 14 340
Educ: Post-grad 16 72 12 184
Urban 26 54 20 411
Suburban 23 61 15 722
Rural 21 58 21 391
3: Thinking more about health insurance...there has been discussion recently about narrow-network health insurance
plans....Supporters of these narrow network plans say they are a good thing for the industry because they reduce the cost
of the premium to the patient. Opponents of the narrow network plans say that while they may reduce costs, they greatly
limit whether a patient can see their doctor of choice. Do you support or oppose
Know /
Registered Voters 7 21 25 20 28 1524
Male 9 25 24 19 23 712
Female 4 17 26 21 32 811
Age: 18-29 11 28 31 11 19 254
Age: 30-44 8 22 25 16 29 366
Age: 45-64 7 17 25 23 27 577
Age: 65+ 2 19 19 24 36 327
Ethnicity - White 6 18 26 21 28 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 23 26 16 17 19 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 11 30 17 15 28 192
Democrats (no lean) 11 25 24 17 23 593
Independents (no lean) 4 17 26 21 33 460
Republicans (no lean) 5 18 26 22 30 470
Liberal (1-3) 10 26 26 17 21 415
Moderate (4) 5 21 23 21 31 474
Conservative (5-7) 7 19 26 22 26 552
Northeast 6 21 28 18 27 279
Midwest 8 18 27 20 27 361
South 7 19 24 24 26 563
West 6 25 22 14 34 321
New England 8 16 23 17 36 80
Mid-Atlantic 5 23 30 18 23 199
East North Central 8 18 27 16 31 247
West North Central 8 18 26 30 18 114
South Atlantic 9 21 22 25 24 303
East South Central 5 21 26 23 25 99
West South Central 4 15 26 24 31 161
Mountain 7 26 21 16 30 103
Pacic 5 24 22 13 36 218
Protestant 4 20 25 22 29 468
Roman Catholic 10 22 23 20 24 346
Ath./Agn./None 7 23 29 14 27 316
Something Else 6 18 23 21 31 392
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 22 24 21 24 627
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 20 25 19 31 897
Income: Under 50k 7 19 24 17 33 662
Income: 50k-100k 7 19 25 21 28 501
Income: 100k+ 6 26 26 23 20 361
Educ: < College 7 17 25 20 30 1000
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 26 24 18 26 340
Educ: Post-grad 5 26 25 23 21 184
Urban 9 24 21 14 33 411
Suburban 6 21 26 22 25 722
Rural 6 17 27 21 28 391
4: Thinking more about health insurance...there has been discussion recently about narrow-network health insurance
plans....Supporters of these narrow network plans say they are a good thing for the industry because they reduce the cost
of the premium to the patient. Opponents of the narrow network plans say that while they may reduce costs, they greatly
limit whether a patient can see their doctor of choice. Do you support or oppose
Support Oppose Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 27 45 28 1524
Male 34 43 23 712
Female 21 46 32 811
Age: 18-29 39 42 19 254
Age: 30-44 30 41 29 366
Age: 45-64 24 49 27 577
Age: 65+ 20 43 36 327
Ethnicity - White 24 48 28 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 48 33 19 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 31 28 192
Democrats (no lean) 36 41 23 593
Independents (no lean) 20 47 33 460
Republicans (no lean) 23 47 30 470
Liberal (1-3) 36 43 21 415
Moderate (4) 26 43 31 474
Conservative (5-7) 25 48 26 552
Northeast 27 46 27 279
Midwest 26 47 27 361
South 26 48 26 563
West 30 36 34 321
New England 24 40 36 80
Mid-Atlantic 29 48 23 199
East North Central 27 42 31 247
West North Central 26 56 18 114
South Atlantic 30 47 24 303
East South Central 26 49 25 99
West South Central 19 50 31 161
Mountain 33 37 30 103
Pacic 29 35 36 218
Protestant 23 47 29 468
Roman Catholic 32 43 24 346
Ath./Agn./None 31 43 27 316
Something Else 25 44 31 392
Religiosity: Monthly+ 30 45 24 627
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 44 31 897
Income: Under 50k 26 41 33 662
Income: 50k-100k 26 47 28 501
Income: 100k+ 31 49 20 361
Educ: < College 25 45 30 1000
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 42 26 340
Educ: Post-grad 31 47 21 184
Urban 32 35 33 411
Suburban 26 49 25 722
Rural 24 48 28 391
5: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 17 24 38 21 1530
Male 16 20 38 26 713
Female 18 27 37 17 817
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 259
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 367
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 577
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 327
Ethnicity - White 14 23 39 24 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 41 37 21 1 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 27 34 12 197
Democrats (no lean) 20 24 39 17 598
Independents (no lean) 18 26 37 19 460
Republicans (no lean) 12 22 37 29 472
Liberal (1-3) 26 27 30 17 418
Moderate (4) 15 26 41 19 475
Conservative (5-7) 12 18 41 29 555
Northeast 14 25 37 24 279
Midwest 17 23 42 18 361
South 18 25 37 20 569
West 17 22 35 25 321
New England 12 16 44 28 80
Mid-Atlantic 14 29 34 23 199
East North Central 16 25 41 17 247
West North Central 19 18 44 19 114
South Atlantic 15 26 36 23 306
East South Central 26 34 29 11 99
West South Central 19 19 43 19 164
Mountain 12 23 45 21 103
Pacic 20 22 30 28 218
Protestant 10 16 40 34 471
Roman Catholic 15 22 40 23 346
Ath./Agn./None 28 36 29 8 316
Something Else 17 26 41 16 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 24 34 26 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 24 40 18 898
Income: Under 50k 19 20 34 27 664
Income: 50k-100k 17 27 38 17 503
Income: 100k+ 12 27 44 17 363
Educ: < College 20 20 40 21 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 33 34 20 340
Educ: Post-grad 8 30 34 28 184
Urban 19 26 32 23 412
Suburban 16 25 39 20 725
Rural 15 20 42 22 393
6: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1530
Male 100 0 713
Female 0 100 817
Age: 18-29 43 57 259
Age: 30-44 39 61 367
Age: 45-64 48 52 577
Age: 65+ 56 44 327
Ethnicity - White 50 50 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 38 62 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 73 197
Democrats (no lean) 42 58 598
Independents (no lean) 49 51 460
Republicans (no lean) 50 50 472
Liberal (1-3) 47 53 418
Moderate (4) 44 56 475
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 555
Northeast 52 48 279
Midwest 43 57 361
South 46 54 569
West 46 54 321
New England 48 52 80
Mid-Atlantic 54 46 199
East North Central 45 55 247
West North Central 40 60 114
South Atlantic 48 52 306
East South Central 50 50 99
West South Central 41 59 164
Mountain 43 57 103
Pacic 48 52 218
Protestant 46 54 471
Roman Catholic 55 45 346
Ath./Agn./None 49 51 316
Something Else 38 62 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 59 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 49 898
Income: Under 50k 41 59 664
Income: 50k-100k 44 56 503
Income: 100k+ 60 40 363
Educ: < College 44 56 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 54 46 340
Educ: Post-grad 48 52 184
Urban 52 48 412
Suburban 45 55 725
Rural 45 55 393
7: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 4 19 9 22 2 10 1530
Male 0 9 26 4 16 7 26 2 10 713
Female 0 6 29 4 20 10 19 2 9 817
Age: 18-29 0 7 39 4 23 5 17 1 4 259
Age: 30-44 0 4 20 4 15 11 31 3 12 367
Age: 45-64 0 8 30 5 17 10 20 2 9 577
Age: 65+ 0 9 22 4 22 7 20 3 13 327
Ethnicity - White 0 6 29 4 18 8 22 3 9 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 11 19 6 20 9 26 3 6 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 11 19 5 22 13 20 1 8 197
Democrats (no lean) 0 6 26 4 19 9 21 3 12 598
Independents (no lean) 0 7 30 4 19 9 21 2 7 460
Republicans (no lean) 0 8 26 4 18 7 25 2 9 472
Liberal (1-3) 0 4 23 4 18 7 25 4 17 418
Moderate (4) 0 8 32 4 19 10 17 2 7 475
Conservative (5-7) 0 7 25 4 19 8 27 2 8 555
Northeast 0 1 27 3 18 7 27 4 13 279
Midwest 0 3 35 6 17 9 19 2 9 361
South 0 12 27 4 19 9 20 2 8 569
West 0 8 20 3 20 10 26 3 10 321
New England 0 0 24 2 15 7 28 7 17 80
Mid-Atlantic 0 1 28 3 20 7 27 3 11 199
East North Central 0 2 34 6 17 10 20 1 10 247
West North Central 0 5 37 6 17 6 16 4 8 114
South Atlantic 0 11 27 3 19 9 20 1 10 306
East South Central 0 13 31 10 16 10 17 2 2 99
West South Central 0 12 24 4 21 8 22 2 7 164
Mountain 0 7 23 2 17 8 30 2 11 103
Pacic 0 9 18 4 21 11 24 3 10 218
Protestant 0 7 25 5 19 8 25 2 9 471
Roman Catholic 0 5 27 3 17 7 25 3 12 346
Ath./Agn./None 0 6 28 4 22 8 20 2 9 316
Something Else 0 10 29 4 15 11 18 3 9 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 7 26 4 18 9 26 3 8 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 7 28 4 19 9 19 2 10 898
Income: Under 50k 0 14 38 4 19 9 12 1 2 664
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 23 4 20 9 27 3 9 503
Income: 100k+ 0 0 13 4 15 6 34 5 23 363
Educ: < College 0 11 41 6 28 13 0 0 0 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 340
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 80 184
Urban 0 12 24 4 19 8 22 2 10 412
Suburban 0 5 22 5 18 8 26 3 12 725
Rural 0 6 40 4 19 9 15 2 5 393
8: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 39 25 5 1530
Male 33 35 28 4 713
Female 29 42 22 7 817
Age: 18-29 21 47 27 6 259
Age: 30-44 28 39 23 10 367
Age: 45-64 30 40 25 4 577
Age: 65+ 42 31 24 2 327
Ethnicity - White 35 33 26 6 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 66 12 5 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 76 12 3 197
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 598
Independents (no lean) 0 0 82 18 460
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 472
Liberal (1-3) 10 70 17 3 418
Moderate (4) 17 40 37 6 475
Conservative (5-7) 61 16 19 4 555
Northeast 27 38 30 6 279
Midwest 30 42 23 5 361
South 31 39 24 6 569
West 35 38 23 4 321
New England 16 32 48 5 80
Mid-Atlantic 31 40 22 6 199
East North Central 31 39 25 6 247
West North Central 27 48 21 4 114
South Atlantic 29 48 19 4 306
East South Central 43 17 34 6 99
West South Central 27 36 27 11 164
Mountain 33 40 23 4 103
Pacic 36 37 23 4 218
Protestant 48 31 18 3 471
Roman Catholic 33 42 24 1 346
Ath./Agn./None 15 42 33 10 316
Something Else 21 44 27 8 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 38 17 5 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 40 30 6 898
Income: Under 50k 26 41 26 8 664
Income: 50k-100k 33 40 24 4 503
Income: 100k+ 38 35 24 3 363
Educ: < College 30 38 25 6 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 37 23 5 340
Educ: Post-grad 28 48 23 1 184
Urban 26 46 23 4 412
Suburban 29 42 23 6 725
Rural 40 26 29 6 393
9: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 1522
Male 33 67 708
Female 24 76 815
Age: 18-29 37 63 258
Age: 30-44 28 72 362
Age: 45-64 25 75 576
Age: 65+ 28 72 326
Ethnicity - White 29 71 1240
Ethnicity - Hispanic 30 70 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 74 196
Democrats (no lean) 18 82 593
Independents (no lean) 20 80 458
Republicans (no lean) 49 51 472
Liberal (1-3) 19 81 414
Moderate (4) 17 83 474
Conservative (5-7) 48 52 555
Northeast 23 77 279
Midwest 27 73 360
South 30 70 564
West 31 69 320
New England 10 90 80
Mid-Atlantic 28 72 199
East North Central 28 72 246
West North Central 24 76 114
South Atlantic 25 75 303
East South Central 36 64 99
West South Central 37 63 162
Mountain 29 71 103
Pacic 32 68 217
Protestant 35 65 470
Roman Catholic 27 73 344
Ath./Agn./None 19 81 314
Something Else 29 71 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 62 628
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 79 894
Income: Under 50k 31 69 663
Income: 50k-100k 28 72 499
Income: 100k+ 24 76 361
Educ: < College 31 69 1001
Educ: Bachelors degree 26 74 337
Educ: Post-grad 20 80 184
Urban 23 77 409
Suburban 27 73 722
Rural 36 64 391
10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 5 12 10 31 11 14 11 5 1530
Male 6 11 11 29 11 15 13 4 713
Female 5 13 9 32 11 13 10 7 817
Age: 18-29 8 20 14 28 8 6 12 4 259
Age: 30-44 8 14 9 33 11 10 7 9 367
Age: 45-64 3 10 9 33 12 17 10 5 577
Age: 65+ 4 9 8 27 10 21 18 3 327
Ethnicity - White 5 11 10 30 12 16 12 5 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 11 23 7 35 10 8 3 3 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 7 21 9 38 5 8 7 6 197
Democrats (no lean) 9 24 16 32 9 5 1 4 598
Independents (no lean) 3 5 10 44 12 11 5 10 460
Republicans (no lean) 2 5 2 17 12 29 30 2 472
Liberal (1-3) 19 45 36 0 0 0 0 0 418
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 475
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 30 39 31 0 555
Northeast 10 15 12 28 12 12 7 5 279
Midwest 4 11 11 35 11 15 9 4 361
South 4 11 8 32 10 16 12 8 569
West 4 14 9 29 12 13 16 4 321
New England 8 21 10 39 8 8 5 1 80
Mid-Atlantic 10 12 13 23 14 13 8 6 199
East North Central 4 12 9 35 9 16 10 4 247
West North Central 4 8 17 35 16 12 7 2 114
South Atlantic 6 13 6 35 11 12 10 6 306
East South Central 0 6 8 25 7 16 23 14 99
West South Central 3 10 11 29 8 23 8 7 164
Mountain 5 10 7 31 15 15 13 3 103
Pacic 3 16 10 27 10 12 18 4 218
Protestant 3 9 10 26 10 19 21 2 471
Roman Catholic 6 11 10 31 14 16 8 4 346
Ath./Agn./None 9 16 11 38 8 5 3 9 316
Something Else 4 14 8 32 11 15 9 7 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 3 12 8 23 14 18 19 3 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 13 11 37 9 12 6 7 898
Income: Under 50k 6 13 8 32 9 12 12 9 664
Income: 50k-100k 4 13 9 31 11 15 11 4 503
Income: 100k+ 6 10 14 28 13 18 9 1 363
Educ: < College 4 11 8 35 9 14 11 7 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 10 13 24 16 16 12 2 340
Educ: Post-grad 8 23 14 24 10 12 8 1 184
Urban 9 15 9 33 8 9 9 6 412
Suburban 4 13 11 31 13 14 10 4 725
Rural 3 7 7 29 10 20 15 8 393
11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 33 38 1448
Male 29 31 41 688
Female 29 35 36 760
Age: 18-29 44 29 26 248
Age: 30-44 34 36 30 336
Age: 45-64 23 35 42 547
Age: 65+ 22 28 50 317
Ethnicity - White 27 32 42 1182
Ethnicity - Hispanic 42 37 21 132
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 41 21 184
Democrats (no lean) 51 33 16 575
Independents (no lean) 20 49 31 413
Republicans (no lean) 9 17 73 460
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 418
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 475
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 555
Northeast 38 29 32 266
Midwest 27 36 36 348
South 25 34 40 524
West 28 30 42 310
New England 40 40 20 79
Mid-Atlantic 37 25 38 187
East North Central 27 37 37 236
West North Central 29 35 36 112
South Atlantic 27 37 36 287
East South Central 16 30 54 84
West South Central 26 32 42 152
Mountain 23 32 45 100
Pacic 31 28 41 210
Protestant 23 27 51 461
Roman Catholic 28 32 40 331
Ath./Agn./None 41 42 17 289
Something Else 28 34 38 365
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 24 52 613
Religiosity: LT Monthly 32 39 28 835
Income: Under 50k 28 35 36 606
Income: 50k-100k 28 33 39 482
Income: 100k+ 30 29 41 359
Educ: < College 25 38 38 933
Educ: Bachelors degree 31 24 45 333
Educ: Post-grad 46 25 29 182
Urban 36 35 29 387
Suburban 30 32 38 699
Rural 19 31 50 362
12: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 19 55 27 1448
Male 18 53 29 688
Female 19 56 25 760
Age: 18-29 30 52 18 248
Age: 30-44 23 59 18 336
Age: 45-64 14 58 29 547
Age: 65+ 14 46 40 317
Ethnicity - White 16 54 29 1182
Ethnicity - Hispanic 35 55 11 132
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 54 16 184
Democrats (no lean) 34 59 6 575
Independents (no lean) 9 74 18 413
Republicans (no lean) 8 32 61 460
Liberal (1-3) 64 36 0 418
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 475
Conservative (5-7) 0 30 70 555
Northeast 26 55 20 266
Midwest 16 60 25 348
South 17 53 30 524
West 19 51 30 310
New England 30 58 12 79
Mid-Atlantic 24 54 23 187
East North Central 17 56 27 236
West North Central 12 68 20 112
South Atlantic 21 56 24 287
East South Central 7 47 46 84
West South Central 15 52 33 152
Mountain 16 55 29 100
Pacic 21 49 30 210
Protestant 13 47 41 461
Roman Catholic 18 57 25 331
Ath./Agn./None 28 63 8 289
Something Else 19 55 25 365
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 47 38 613
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 60 19 835
Income: Under 50k 20 54 26 606
Income: 50k-100k 19 54 27 482
Income: 100k+ 16 56 28 359
Educ: < College 16 56 27 933
Educ: Bachelors degree 18 53 29 333
Educ: Post-grad 32 49 20 182
Urban 26 54 20 387
Suburban 18 57 25 699
Rural 11 51 38 362
13: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1530
Male 7 93 713
Female 10 90 817
Age: 18-29 22 78 259
Age: 30-44 14 86 367
Age: 45-64 5 95 577
Age: 65+ 1 99 327
Ethnicity - White 8 92 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 91 197
Democrats (no lean) 15 85 598
Independents (no lean) 5 95 460
Republicans (no lean) 5 95 472
Liberal (1-3) 13 87 418
Moderate (4) 10 90 475
Conservative (5-7) 5 95 555
Northeast 7 93 279
Midwest 6 94 361
South 10 90 569
West 12 88 321
New England 6 94 80
Mid-Atlantic 8 92 199
East North Central 7 93 247
West North Central 3 97 114
South Atlantic 11 89 306
East South Central 3 97 99
West South Central 13 87 164
Mountain 7 93 103
Pacic 13 87 218
Protestant 3 97 471
Roman Catholic 18 82 346
Ath./Agn./None 11 89 316
Something Else 6 94 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 90 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 898
Income: Under 50k 8 92 664
Income: 50k-100k 8 92 503
Income: 100k+ 11 89 363
Educ: < College 9 91 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 90 340
Educ: Post-grad 7 93 184
Urban 15 85 412
Suburban 8 92 725
Rural 4 96 393
14: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1530
Male 1 4 8 87 1 713
Female 1 3 18 77 2 817
Age: 18-29 2 7 21 67 3 259
Age: 30-44 1 4 15 79 2 367
Age: 45-64 1 2 12 84 1 577
Age: 65+ 0 2 7 90 0 327
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 3 13 73 11 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 197
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 25 68 2 598
Independents (no lean) 1 4 7 87 2 460
Republicans (no lean) 1 1 4 93 1 472
Liberal (1-3) 1 5 17 76 2 418
Moderate (4) 0 4 16 78 2 475
Conservative (5-7) 1 2 7 89 1 555
Northeast 0 3 9 85 2 279
Midwest 1 2 7 89 1 361
South 1 2 21 76 1 569
West 2 7 9 79 3 321
New England 0 3 2 94 1 80
Mid-Atlantic 1 4 12 81 3 199
East North Central 0 3 9 87 1 247
West North Central 2 1 3 94 0 114
South Atlantic 0 1 26 72 1 306
East South Central 2 0 20 78 0 99
West South Central 1 3 12 83 1 164
Mountain 1 3 7 87 3 103
Pacic 2 9 10 76 3 218
Protestant 1 2 10 88 0 471
Roman Catholic 0 2 7 88 2 346
Ath./Agn./None 0 5 17 77 2 316
Something Else 2 5 18 72 2 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 3 17 78 2 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 4 10 84 2 898
Income: Under 50k 1 2 15 79 2 664
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 14 82 1 503
Income: 100k+ 1 5 8 84 2 363
Educ: < College 1 2 14 81 2 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 5 11 82 1 340
Educ: Post-grad 0 7 10 83 0 184
Urban 1 6 17 73 3 412
Suburban 0 3 13 82 1 725
Rural 1 1 8 90 1 393
15: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 6 3 91 1529
Male 8 5 88 713
Female 4 2 94 816
Age: 18-29 3 3 94 258
Age: 30-44 7 2 90 367
Age: 45-64 6 5 90 577
Age: 65+ 6 1 92 327
Ethnicity - White 6 3 91 1245
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 8 79 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 4 88 197
Democrats (no lean) 5 3 92 598
Independents (no lean) 4 3 93 460
Republicans (no lean) 9 2 88 471
Liberal (1-3) 5 4 91 418
Moderate (4) 7 4 89 475
Conservative (5-7) 6 2 92 554
Northeast 7 6 87 279
Midwest 6 3 91 361
South 5 1 93 569
West 6 4 91 321
New England 2 0 98 80
Mid-Atlantic 9 8 83 199
East North Central 9 4 88 247
West North Central 2 2 97 114
South Atlantic 8 2 90 306
East South Central 4 0 96 99
West South Central 2 1 98 164
Mountain 4 5 92 103
Pacic 6 3 90 218
Protestant 6 3 91 471
Roman Catholic 6 6 88 346
Ath./Agn./None 6 3 91 316
Something Else 5 1 94 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 3 90 631
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 3 92 898
Income: Under 50k 5 1 94 664
Income: 50k-100k 5 4 91 502
Income: 100k+ 9 6 86 363
Educ: < College 6 3 91 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 3 91 340
Educ: Post-grad 7 4 90 184
Urban 8 4 88 412
Suburban 5 3 92 725
Rural 5 2 93 393
16: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 18 58 2 11 7 5 1530
Male 21 59 1 10 3 5 713
Female 15 56 3 11 9 5 817
Age: 18-29 55 33 2 2 0 7 259
Age: 30-44 18 65 2 8 1 6 367
Age: 45-64 9 63 2 16 5 4 577
Age: 65+ 4 60 1 11 20 4 327
Ethnicity - White 14 61 2 10 7 5 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 30 50 5 7 3 4 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 38 3 16 8 3 197
Democrats (no lean) 22 47 4 13 8 6 598
Independents (no lean) 22 53 1 12 6 7 460
Republicans (no lean) 9 76 0 6 6 3 472
Liberal (1-3) 26 47 2 10 7 8 418
Moderate (4) 19 58 2 11 5 4 475
Conservative (5-7) 10 67 1 10 9 3 555
Northeast 18 59 2 10 5 6 279
Midwest 15 57 3 10 7 8 361
South 21 55 1 11 8 4 569
West 16 62 2 12 4 4 321
New England 21 60 0 10 4 6 80
Mid-Atlantic 17 59 3 10 5 6 199
East North Central 15 61 4 8 6 6 247
West North Central 15 49 2 14 8 12 114
South Atlantic 19 55 1 12 8 5 306
East South Central 30 56 0 10 4 1 99
West South Central 19 54 2 11 12 2 164
Mountain 13 61 3 15 4 5 103
Pacic 17 63 2 10 5 4 218
Protestant 10 66 2 11 8 3 471
Roman Catholic 23 52 2 10 8 5 346
Ath./Agn./None 25 50 2 11 3 8 316
Something Else 18 59 2 11 6 4 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 61 3 9 10 2 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 20 55 2 12 4 7 898
Income: Under 50k 24 39 3 16 13 5 664
Income: 50k-100k 15 67 1 9 3 4 503
Income: 100k+ 12 78 0 3 1 5 363
Educ: < College 21 50 2 12 8 6 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 72 2 6 4 3 340
Educ: Post-grad 9 72 0 10 3 6 184
Urban 20 52 3 12 7 6 412
Suburban 18 60 1 11 5 5 725
Rural 16 60 3 8 9 4 393
17: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 31 23 21 26 1528
Male 31 27 22 21 713
Female 31 19 20 30 815
Age: 18-29 18 21 35 27 259
Age: 30-44 21 20 31 28 366
Age: 45-64 32 24 16 28 577
Age: 65+ 50 24 7 19 327
Ethnicity - White 33 24 19 23 1245
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 47 25 19 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 13 27 37 196
Democrats (no lean) 25 24 22 29 597
Independents (no lean) 21 19 30 30 460
Republicans (no lean) 48 24 10 18 471
Liberal (1-3) 25 22 28 25 418
Moderate (4) 26 23 26 26 475
Conservative (5-7) 42 24 9 25 553
Northeast 23 37 15 25 278
Midwest 30 23 20 26 361
South 35 18 22 26 569
West 32 18 25 26 321
New England 18 36 24 22 80
Mid-Atlantic 26 37 11 26 198
East North Central 28 24 21 27 247
West North Central 34 23 18 25 114
South Atlantic 33 21 21 25 306
East South Central 45 8 28 20 99
West South Central 32 17 21 30 164
Mountain 36 17 21 27 103
Pacic 30 19 26 25 217
Protestant 100 0 0 0 471
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 346
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 316
Something Else 0 0 0 100 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 27 4 29 631
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 19 32 23 897
Income: Under 50k 33 16 21 30 663
Income: 50k-100k 30 24 24 22 502
Income: 100k+ 28 32 16 23 363
Educ: < College 30 21 22 27 1004
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 26 18 21 340
Educ: Post-grad 26 28 20 26 184
Urban 30 26 22 22 412
Suburban 29 22 21 28 723
Rural 35 20 19 26 393
18: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 40 60 1094
Male 34 66 492
Female 45 55 602
Age: 18-29 48 52 143
Age: 30-44 41 59 226
Age: 45-64 38 62 449
Age: 65+ 39 61 275
Ethnicity - White 38 62 915
Ethnicity - Hispanic 45 55 92
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 56 44 128
Democrats (no lean) 35 65 404
Independents (no lean) 38 62 283
Republicans (no lean) 47 53 407
Liberal (1-3) 29 71 250
Moderate (4) 32 68 325
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 468
Northeast 30 70 213
Midwest 37 63 263
South 47 53 416
West 42 58 202
Mid-Atlantic 34 66 159
East North Central 37 63 174
West North Central 35 65 88
South Atlantic 41 59 224
West South Central 52 48 121
Pacic 42 58 136
Protestant 51 49 468
Roman Catholic 14 86 342
Something Else 55 45 283
Religiosity: Monthly+ 57 43 544
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 76 549
Income: Under 50k 52 48 482
Income: 50k-100k 36 64 343
Income: 100k+ 24 76 269
Educ: < College 45 55 735
Educ: Bachelors degree 34 66 240
Educ: Post-grad 23 77 118
Urban 39 61 293
Suburban 36 64 504
Rural 48 52 297
19: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 9 22 10 17 24 18 1530
Male 8 18 10 19 25 19 713
Female 10 26 10 14 23 18 817
Age: 18-29 12 17 11 18 20 22 259
Age: 30-44 6 26 10 13 23 22 367
Age: 45-64 6 20 11 16 27 20 577
Age: 65+ 15 26 8 20 23 8 327
Ethnicity - White 8 23 9 17 24 19 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 25 15 17 14 21 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 22 13 16 18 13 197
Democrats (no lean) 8 21 12 17 25 19 598
Independents (no lean) 8 14 8 17 25 29 460
Republicans (no lean) 12 33 10 16 22 7 472
Liberal (1-3) 8 17 10 18 23 23 418
Moderate (4) 5 18 8 19 26 23 475
Conservative (5-7) 13 31 13 14 19 10 555
Northeast 10 24 10 16 26 15 279
Midwest 6 23 9 17 23 21 361
South 13 22 8 17 23 17 569
West 5 21 14 15 24 21 321
New England 4 15 5 13 37 26 80
Mid-Atlantic 12 27 12 17 21 10 199
East North Central 5 24 9 17 20 24 247
West North Central 8 21 8 19 29 15 114
South Atlantic 13 20 8 21 23 16 306
East South Central 14 24 9 16 21 16 99
West South Central 11 24 10 13 25 18 164
Mountain 3 27 18 16 16 21 103
Pacic 7 18 13 14 27 21 218
Protestant 12 29 11 21 22 5 471
Roman Catholic 9 32 9 17 25 8 346
Ath./Agn./None 2 3 3 8 26 57 316
Something Else 11 22 14 18 23 13 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 54 24 0 0 0 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 28 40 31 898
Income: Under 50k 12 22 11 15 21 19 664
Income: 50k-100k 8 20 11 15 27 19 503
Income: 100k+ 6 26 7 22 23 17 363
Educ: < College 10 20 10 16 24 20 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 30 11 15 21 16 340
Educ: Post-grad 6 23 9 22 27 13 184
Urban 8 22 11 16 22 21 412
Suburban 6 25 10 19 23 17 725
Rural 15 17 8 14 28 18 393
20: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 31 69 1530
Male 25 75 713
Female 36 64 817
Age: 18-29 39 61 259
Age: 30-44 68 32 367
Age: 45-64 20 80 577
Age: 65+ 1 99 327
Ethnicity - White 29 71 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 51 49 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 59 197
Democrats (no lean) 31 69 598
Independents (no lean) 30 70 460
Republicans (no lean) 32 68 472
Liberal (1-3) 29 71 418
Moderate (4) 32 68 475
Conservative (5-7) 29 71 555
Northeast 33 67 279
Midwest 32 68 361
South 30 70 569
West 29 71 321
New England 22 78 80
Mid-Atlantic 37 63 199
East North Central 35 65 247
West North Central 26 74 114
South Atlantic 30 70 306
East South Central 36 64 99
West South Central 26 74 164
Mountain 36 64 103
Pacic 25 75 218
Protestant 24 76 471
Roman Catholic 25 75 346
Ath./Agn./None 37 63 316
Something Else 39 61 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 64 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 73 898
Income: Under 50k 24 76 664
Income: 50k-100k 36 64 503
Income: 100k+ 36 64 363
Educ: < College 27 73 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 44 56 340
Educ: Post-grad 27 73 184
Urban 31 69 412
Suburban 32 68 725
Rural 28 72 393
21: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 27 47 26 1530
Male 30 45 25 713
Female 24 49 27 817
Age: 18-29 31 46 23 259
Age: 30-44 29 49 22 367
Age: 45-64 23 48 29 577
Age: 65+ 28 45 27 327
Ethnicity - White 24 48 28 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 46 44 11 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 36 49 15 197
Democrats (no lean) 32 51 17 598
Independents (no lean) 25 46 29 460
Republicans (no lean) 23 44 33 472
Liberal (1-3) 33 50 16 418
Moderate (4) 29 47 24 475
Conservative (5-7) 20 47 32 555
Northeast 26 44 29 279
Midwest 20 50 30 361
South 27 46 26 569
West 34 49 17 321
New England 22 48 30 80
Mid-Atlantic 28 43 29 199
East North Central 17 51 31 247
West North Central 27 47 26 114
South Atlantic 29 51 20 306
East South Central 28 29 42 99
West South Central 23 48 28 164
Mountain 31 51 18 103
Pacic 36 48 16 218
Protestant 26 45 29 471
Roman Catholic 31 46 23 346
Ath./Agn./None 29 47 23 316
Something Else 23 51 26 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 48 25 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 47 26 898
Income: Under 50k 34 35 31 664
Income: 50k-100k 21 56 24 503
Income: 100k+ 24 58 18 363
Educ: < College 27 42 31 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 26 56 17 340
Educ: Post-grad 27 58 15 184
Urban 100 0 0 412
Suburban 0 100 0 725
Rural 0 0 100 393
22: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 31 7 10 11 6 24 8 4 1530
Male 35 7 11 1 5 30 8 3 713
Female 27 6 8 20 6 19 8 5 817
Age: 18-29 27 3 8 17 29 0 12 3 259
Age: 30-44 47 7 11 18 2 1 8 6 367
Age: 45-64 35 12 12 8 1 19 8 6 577
Age: 65+ 10 1 5 3 0 76 4 0 327
Ethnicity - White 32 7 10 11 4 26 7 4 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 2 16 9 15 4 9 9 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 8 8 11 11 16 12 3 197
Democrats (no lean) 33 7 11 7 7 22 8 5 598
Independents (no lean) 26 7 11 11 7 22 10 5 460
Republicans (no lean) 33 6 7 16 2 27 6 2 472
Liberal (1-3) 32 6 11 8 9 20 10 4 418
Moderate (4) 33 9 7 8 8 24 7 5 475
Conservative (5-7) 32 5 11 13 3 28 6 2 555
Northeast 40 5 10 7 6 22 6 3 279
Midwest 30 6 8 14 6 22 8 6 361
South 29 7 11 10 6 24 8 5 569
West 29 8 8 12 5 27 9 2 321
New England 33 2 17 8 3 30 5 1 80
Mid-Atlantic 43 7 8 6 7 19 7 4 199
East North Central 32 6 9 15 5 18 7 7 247
West North Central 26 6 5 11 8 30 10 5 114
South Atlantic 29 10 11 7 6 28 7 2 306
East South Central 28 4 11 18 7 18 12 3 99
West South Central 28 4 12 11 6 21 8 10 164
Mountain 33 10 14 14 5 18 6 0 103
Pacic 27 6 5 11 5 31 11 2 218
Protestant 28 6 6 11 3 37 6 2 471
Roman Catholic 36 5 12 7 8 23 6 2 346
Ath./Agn./None 31 10 10 11 7 11 13 7 316
Something Else 30 6 11 14 6 19 8 5 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 33 5 8 12 7 26 6 3 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 8 10 10 5 22 9 5 898
Income: Under 50k 19 3 9 12 6 31 14 7 664
Income: 50k-100k 38 7 11 12 4 21 5 3 503
Income: 100k+ 44 14 9 6 8 15 2 1 363
Educ: < College 25 6 9 13 8 24 10 5 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 5 11 7 2 20 6 3 340
Educ: Post-grad 37 16 9 5 1 28 3 1 184
Urban 32 6 10 9 6 24 9 5 412
Suburban 33 8 10 11 6 22 7 3 725
Rural 28 6 9 13 5 26 8 5 393
23: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 88 12 1530
Male 88 12 713
Female 88 12 817
Age: 18-29 74 26 259
Age: 30-44 85 15 367
Age: 45-64 91 9 577
Age: 65+ 97 3 327
Ethnicity - White 89 11 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 78 22 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 10 197
Democrats (no lean) 88 12 598
Independents (no lean) 83 17 460
Republicans (no lean) 93 7 472
Liberal (1-3) 91 9 418
Moderate (4) 85 15 475
Conservative (5-7) 90 10 555
Northeast 91 9 279
Midwest 90 10 361
South 83 17 569
West 91 9 321
New England 89 11 80
Mid-Atlantic 92 8 199
East North Central 92 8 247
West North Central 88 12 114
South Atlantic 88 12 306
East South Central 67 33 99
West South Central 86 14 164
Mountain 87 13 103
Pacic 92 8 218
Protestant 93 7 471
Roman Catholic 89 11 346
Ath./Agn./None 83 17 316
Something Else 85 15 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 91 9 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 86 14 898
Income: Under 50k 83 17 664
Income: 50k-100k 91 9 503
Income: 100k+ 92 8 363
Educ: < College 84 16 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 96 4 340
Educ: Post-grad 95 5 184
Urban 89 11 412
Suburban 88 12 725
Rural 86 14 393
24: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 54 41 5 1338
Male 51 44 5 620
Female 56 39 6 718
Age: 18-29 68 26 6 190
Age: 30-44 60 35 6 310
Age: 45-64 52 41 7 525
Age: 65+ 42 57 2 314
Ethnicity - White 47 47 6 1098
Ethnicity - Hispanic 79 18 2 106
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 88 11 1 175
Democrats (no lean) 93 5 2 524
Independents (no lean) 52 36 12 379
Republicans (no lean) 7 89 4 435
Liberal (1-3) 89 9 2 377
Moderate (4) 66 26 7 403
Conservative (5-7) 16 78 6 499
Northeast 57 40 3 253
Midwest 57 38 5 324
South 49 44 8 471
West 54 42 4 290
Mid-Atlantic 54 42 4 182
East North Central 55 41 4 224
West North Central 63 30 7 101
South Atlantic 56 40 4 267
West South Central 42 47 12 139
Mountain 55 39 6 89
Pacic 53 43 4 201
Protestant 41 54 5 437
Roman Catholic 52 44 4 303
Ath./Agn./None 70 22 8 264
Something Else 59 36 5 333
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 51 4 573
Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 34 6 766
Income: Under 50k 53 40 7 550
Income: 50k-100k 56 39 5 459
Income: 100k+ 52 44 4 330
Educ: < College 52 42 6 841
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 44 5 322
Educ: Post-grad 66 34 1 175
Urban 64 30 6 366
Suburban 55 41 4 636
Rural 39 53 8 336
25: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 76 24 1530
Male 80 20 713
Female 72 28 817
Age: 18-29 47 53 259
Age: 30-44 73 27 367
Age: 45-64 81 19 577
Age: 65+ 93 7 327
Ethnicity - White 77 23 1246
Ethnicity - Hispanic 66 34 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 74 26 197
Democrats (no lean) 75 25 598
Independents (no lean) 70 30 460
Republicans (no lean) 83 17 472
Liberal (1-3) 76 24 418
Moderate (4) 75 25 475
Conservative (5-7) 80 20 555
Northeast 79 21 279
Midwest 73 27 361
South 73 27 569
West 81 19 321
New England 79 21 80
Mid-Atlantic 79 21 199
East North Central 77 23 247
West North Central 64 36 114
South Atlantic 76 24 306
East South Central 57 43 99
West South Central 79 21 164
Mountain 81 19 103
Pacic 81 19 218
Protestant 84 16 471
Roman Catholic 75 25 346
Ath./Agn./None 68 32 316
Something Else 73 27 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 81 19 632
Religiosity: LT Monthly 72 28 898
Income: Under 50k 71 29 664
Income: 50k-100k 79 21 503
Income: 100k+ 80 20 363
Educ: < College 70 30 1006
Educ: Bachelors degree 86 14 340
Educ: Post-grad 87 13 184
Urban 77 23 412
Suburban 76 24 725
Rural 74 26 393
26: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 50 42 7 1153
Male 48 44 9 569
Female 53 41 6 584
Age: 18-29 69 22 9 120
Age: 30-44 55 37 8 269
Age: 45-64 48 43 8 466
Age: 65+ 41 54 4 298
Ethnicity - White 44 49 8 958
Ethnicity - Hispanic 65 32 2 90
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 89 7 4 145
Democrats (no lean) 96 3 0 443
Independents (no lean) 39 36 25 322
Republicans (no lean) 7 92 1 388
Liberal (1-3) 85 13 2 316
Moderate (4) 56 31 13 355
Conservative (5-7) 20 74 6 442
Northeast 55 36 9 218
Midwest 54 41 5 261
South 46 46 8 416
West 49 44 7 258
Mid-Atlantic 51 39 10 155
East North Central 53 43 5 187
South Atlantic 54 41 5 231
West South Central 39 49 12 129
Mountain 48 48 4 84
Pacic 50 42 8 174
Protestant 39 59 3 394
Roman Catholic 50 44 6 258
Ath./Agn./None 62 25 12 214
Something Else 58 31 11 285
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 51 4 508
Religiosity: LT Monthly 55 36 10 645
Income: Under 50k 48 41 11 468
Income: 50k-100k 56 40 4 399
Income: 100k+ 45 49 6 285
Educ: < College 48 42 10 703
Educ: Bachelors degree 48 47 5 292
Educ: Post-grad 62 37 1 157
Urban 58 34 9 316
Suburban 54 41 5 548
Rural 35 55 10 289

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