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Teacher Candidate: Wendy D.

Lemon________ Date: October 16, 2014

School: Shoals Elementary School Mrs. Winter___ Grade/Subject: 5
Lesson Topic: Equivalent Fractions

Students will be able to define the meaning of equivalent fractions.
Students will be able to discuss patterns and relationships between fractions.
Students will be able to create a fraction relationship table.
Students will be able to apply use of the fraction relationship table to accomplish set tasks.


Common Core Mathematics
Math.5.NF.1 add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by
replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or
difference of fractions with like denominators.

Math.5.NF.2 solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same
whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to
represent the problem and use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally
and assess the reasonableness of answers.

NTCM Standard 5.1.3 Communications among students to develop understanding of fractions as parts
of unit wholes, as parts of a collection, as locations on number lines, and as divisions of whole numbers;
use models, benchmarks, and equivalent forms to judge the size of fractions;


Overall Time: 60 minutes
Time Frame: 5 min.- teacher intro and demonstration
10 min.- equivalent fraction relationship table
20 min.- greater than/lesson fraction compairsons
20 min.- fractions within a number line activity
5 min.- regroup for assessment and closure

Teacher/student led discussion
cooperative groups
Introduction/Lesson Set-
Through the use of guided questions students prior knowledge will be assessed. Examples of guided
questions may include but are not limited to: 1. Can anyone tell me what an equivalent fraction is?
2. What would be an example of two equivalent fractions? 3. How do you know that those are
equivalent fractions? Guide or provide students to the connection of equivalent fractions to finding
the common denominator by multiplying the denominators or finding the least common denominator.
Body and Transition:
Students remain in their table buddies group for this activity.
Leader of Papers will pass out activity envelopes yellow, blue, and red to each group along
with white paper to use with each SmartPal Jr.
Leader of SmartPal Jrs will hand out one to each student.
Groups will be asked to take out the yellow labeled envelope, and to take out the fraction strips.
Students will work together in groups to develop an equivalent fraction relationship table from
the strips provided.
When tables are completed students will be given time to discuss patterns within the table.
What patterns in the numerator and denominators do we see? For example, with the fraction
we see that the numerator increases by one and the denominator increases by two; we also
see that the denominator is always twice the amount of the numerator, etc.
Groups will then be asked to take out the blue label envelope. Each group will have a different
fraction, in which they will determine if it is greater than or less than one-half, then sketch each
fraction strip to show the comparison of the two. Groups will be expected to work together on
their SmartPal Jrs and be prepared to share their answers with the other groups.
Solutions will be checked using the document camera with an answer sheet; revealing one
answer at a time after group reveals.
The red label envelope will now be taken out. Inside of each groups envelope are four fraction
cards. Students will be asked to determine in what order each fraction would fall on a number
line in relation to the other fractions. (Fraction Strips could be used with this activity)
Information concerning equivalent fractions will be briefly reviewed and a check for prior knowledge
concerning objective goals will be assessed through a thumb up/down survey.
To establish prior knowledge base on this content area, essential questions will be addressed in
correlation with the lesson objectives. An initial thumbs up/down survey will be taken to evaluate
student confidence with each objective. If student have enough prior knowledge, then we will proceed
on to the body of the lesson or if further foundation of the content needs to be established.
Observations from the discussion will be evaluated to determine if connections and relationships
between fractions are noted and to check for understanding of the concept of equivalent fractions.
(Objective 1,2)
Observations of the groups formations of the equivalent fraction relationship table will be taken.
(Objective 3)
Assessment of group comparative diagrams and fraction number lines will be assessed for application of
content knowledge. (Objective 4)
Direct questions and student discussion will be used to evaluate all of the objectives. A final thumbs
up/down survey will be completed to validate growth in the lesson from the initial survey. (Objectives
SmartPal Jrs
Dry Erase Markers
Red, Blue and Yellow labeled envelopes (for each group)
o Yellow Envelope containing fractions strips for the equivalent fraction relations table
o Blue envelope which contains the greater than, less than activity/diagram slip
o Red envelope which contains 4 fraction card for number line activity.
Document Camera
Teacher Resource papers
o Equivalent fraction relations table
o Compare Fractions to one-half key
o Fraction Card Number Line Key
Extended Activities Materials (if needed)
o Top It- Fraction Cards
o Construction Paper
o Glue Sticks

If Students Finish Early: Student will be allowed to play Top It with fraction cards that have been
provided in the Everyday Math Curriculum.
If Lesson Finishes Early: Students will be given a piece of colored construction paper and a glue stick to
make a completed equivalent fraction relationship table that can be laminated and keep in table baskets
to use as a resources for future activities.
If Technology Fails: If document camera is inoperable the white board will be used to give visual
support for the activities and to draw a number line for students to complete the fraction number line
activity. The number line activity could also be completed by taping several sheets of paper together and
making a number line in which the fraction cards could be taped.

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