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7"?. 2 ,C /
!$-D.+#5 8l rocess for 8ed LlghL Cameras ln Albany
<"#.5 SaLurday, CcLober 23, 2014 aL 3:28:30 M LasLern uayllghL 1lme
E%,B5 !lm
A,5 onlybelv[, dorceyapplyrs[, vdk1960[, ronaldballey47[,
kellyklmbrough4[, 3Lhwardalbany[, rc6Lhward[,
caLhyfahey7[, [[ynn28[, [udydoesschaLe[,
leah.golby[, councllmankrasher[, Lwelfward[,
danherrlng47[, [lgoe19932[, commlssofrank[,
omceohechlef[, mayor[
Ponorable Members of Lhe Albany Common Councll:
now LhaL Lhe ClLy ls movlng ahead Lo publlsh an 8l for Lhe camera pro[ecL, l would llke Lo suggesL someLhlng LhaL
should be lncluded ln Lhe 8l.
Pere ln Callfornla, as ln new ?ork, clues geL Lo choose Lhelr red llghL camera vendor, so Lhe blg Lhree vendors, A1S,
xerox and 8edex are well represenLed here. ln my experlence, Lhey are all abouL Lhe same ln Lhelr ablllLy Lo Lake a
phoLo of a vlolauon and send ouL a uckeL. Where Lhey dler greaLly ls ln Lhe sLausucs Lhe cllenL's pollce and Lramc
englneers are able Lo geL abouL Lhe uckeLs. Cnly one of Lhe blg Lhree presenLly oers lLs cllenLs Lhe ablllLy Lo
rouunely and easlly look aL sLausucs such as Lhe egreglousness of Lhe vlolauons (how long Lhe red had been on aL Lhe
ume Lhe vlolauon occurred), Lhe ume of day of Lhe vlolauons, and Lhe day of week of Lhe vlolauons. asLed below ls
an example of an egreglousness graph by LhaL vendor, and l am auachlng an example showlng Lhelr graphs of all
Lhree of Lhe above-menuoned sLausucs.
l don'L work for, have any klnd of amllauon wlLh, or have any klnd of lnvesLmenL posluon ln 8edex, Lhe vendor
whlch oers Lhese sLausucs. l merely wanL Lo polnL ouL LhaL such sLausucal reporung ls avallable, aL leasL from one
vendor, and LhaL your 8l should requlre all bldders Lo provlde slmllar reporung.
!lm Llssner
7"?. / ,C /
Viva Hermosa !

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