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Title: Amarilli, mia bella (Amarilli, my fair one) from the collection Le Nuove Musiche

Composer: Giulio Caccini

Born: October 8, 1551 Died: December 10, 1618
Nationality: Italian Stylistic Era: late Renaissance and early Baroque eras
Date of Composition/Publication: 1602
Publisher, Edition, Page #:
Language: Italian Is this a translation of the original: Yes
Key: Bb (G Minor?) Original Key: Yes
Range: D4-E5 Tessitura: I dont know? Mid-high?
Level of Difficulty: Easy-Medium?
Level of Piano Difficulty: I truly have no idea? Maybe also easy medium?
Mood and Meaning:
The mood is mostly romantic and rich. There are a couple of moments when the mood drops a
bit, but mostly its romantic and hopeful. Mostly, this guy is just proclaiming his love for this
Text and translation:

Amarilli, mia bella,
Non credi, o del mio cor dolce desio,
D'esser tu l'amor mio?
Credilo pur: e se timor t'assale,
[Dubitar non ti vale.]1
Aprimi il petto e vedrai scritto in core:
Amarilli, Amarilli, Amarailli
il mio amore.

Amarilli, my fair one,
Canst thou thine heart to doubt eer
Doubt of my love, true and tender?
Do but believe, for shoulder fear assail thee,
It can never avail thee.
Ope thou my bosom, and see thy fears
On my heart tis writ, on my heart tis writ,
Amarilli, my beloved!

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