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Refective Paper 4: Conditional Knowledge 1

REFLECTIVE PAPER 4: Conditional Knowledge

Reflective Paper 4: Conditional Knowledge
Mary Tillan
In!tr"ctor# $r% &ancy 'ailton
("ne )# *+,4
Refective Paper 4: Conditional Knowledge 2
-ocial Cognitive Learning
-ocial Cognitive Learning involve! interaction! and co"nication .etween a per!on/!
.e0avior# t0e environental varia.le! and cognition! and !oe ot0er per!onal factor!
1-c0"n2# ,3)34% T0e !ocial cognitive t0eory# in y per!onal view i! t0e idea t0at individ"al!
learn .e0avior .y o.!erving ot0er 0"an! a! t0ey interact wit0 eac0 ot0er# watc0 t0e
e5perience! t0at occ"r fro t0e interaction! and deterine w0at infl"ence! t0e interaction! to
ded"ce if t0i! .e0avior !0o"ld .e d"plicated or di!carded%
According to t0e te5t# !ocial cognitive t0eory p"rport! to learned .e0avior t0at affect!
per!onalitie! and individ"al .e0avior% 6"t# learning i! a proce!! t0at can occ"r wit0o"t a
c0ange of .e0avior occ"rring at all% People can learn .y "!ing total o.!ervation# ."t t0e proof
of learning i! !0own .y .e0avior t0at i! !oetie! di!played after o.!ervation!% -ocial
Cognitive Learning i! "!ed .y teac0er! and parent! !oetie! are !iilar way! to get !t"dent!
to "nder!tand w0at .e0avior i! .e!t to odel and w0at .e0avior to dare not repeat%
T0e $epartent of Ed"cational Leader!0ip# per $r% 7ail '"g0e! appointed e a!
Facilitator of t0e Adini!trative -"pport individ"al! for t0e College of Ed"cation% In t0i!
role# eeting! are cond"cted to !0are inforation# receive training and e5plore way! to a2e
wor2load! ore efficient and effective% 8ften tie! Ro.ert! R"le! of 8rder i! not followed
preci!ely# !o a! t0e facilitator of t0e gro"p it .ecoe! y d"ty to infor and e5pre!! .e0avior
t0at t0e gro"p !0o"ld and !0o"ld not e"late% 90en t0e gro"p .ecoe! too lo"d and .egin!
to all tal2 at once# a po!t"re of rai!ing y rig0t 0and in t0e air notifie! t0e gro"p t0at order i!
a.o"t to .ecoe re!tored%
Refective Paper 4: Conditional Knowledge 3
7enerally# w0en one per!on i! a!2ed to 0old t0eir re!pon!e! or if a t0o"g0t i! ta.led
"ntil ne5t agenda# ot0er individ"al! "nder!tand t0at we will !tay on ta!2 or t0e eeting will
cea!e% T0e gro"p t0en get! a !en!e of a repetition of t0e .e!t .e0avior or good order ean!
t0e eeting will contin"e% T0e eeting .egin! to coe to a caler or :"iet order t0at allow!
progre!! to 0appen% In t0i! ca!e# a! t0e facilitator of t0i! gro"p it .ecoe! y d"ty to !0ow
t0e ot0er! w0at 0appen! w0en a .e0avior 1good or .ad4 i! !"cce!!f"lly learned# t0e
o"tcoe of t0e proce!! i! totally wort0w0ile and eaningf"l to everyone%
-ocial cognitive learning occ"r! every day wit0 interaction! .etween faily!#
or .etween cowor2er!# or in any !etting t0at people coe toget0er% C0ildren learn .e0avior
t0at i! accepta.le or not fro t0eir o.!ervation! of ot0er faily! in t0eir 0oe%
90en a c0ild faily !0ow! action! t0at i! o"t of t0e nor and receive! p"ni!0ent
or reward# it !0ow! ot0er faily! w0at .e0avior t0ey !0o"ld and !0o"ld not
d"plicate% If a teenager in t0e 0oe !tart! 0anging o"t late and not doing 0oewor2 and
.egin! to get failing grade!# if t0e parent! in t0e 0oe addre!!e! t0i! .e0avior .y giving t0e
c0ild age appropriate p"ni!0ent t0e yo"nger !i.ling! in t0e 0oe i! li2ely not to d"plicate
t0i! "nwanted .e0avior% T0i! !ae type of learning ta2e! place! w0en good .e0avior or ore
accepta.le .e0avior occ"r!% If a yo"nger c0ild receive! prai!e!# onetary reward! and gift!
for doing c0ore! at 0oe and getting good grade! in !c0ool# ot0er !i.ling! ay try to e"late
t0e .e0avior !o t0at t0ey ig0t al!o receive !"c0 good reward!%
T0e o.!ervation t0at occ"r! in !ocial cognitive learning i! w0at allow! individ"al! to
!t"dy .e0avior long eno"g0 to "nder!tand and a!certain if t0e .e0avior t0ey !ee i! .e0avior
t0at i! eaningf"l# p"rpo!ef"l# and wort0y of d"plication% 8.!ervation allow! t0e individ"al!
t0e opport"nity to e5aine t0e o"tcoe! of .e0avior e5pelled% -oetie! repeat .e0avior
Refective Paper 4: Conditional Knowledge 4
t0at i! not favora.le .e0avior to !ociety and ot0er! in general% T0e !t"dy of t0e .e0avior doe!
0owever give individ"al! t0e .a!i! to decide if t0e .e0avior i! wort0 repeating w0et0er t0e
.e0avior i! good .e0avior or not% T0i! i! w0y o"tcoe! of !it"ation! are iportant e!pecially
w0en c0ildren are involved% ;o"nger c0ildren will "!"ally d"plicate .e0avior <"!t to !0ow
t0at t0ey are learning% Ad"lt! are called "pon to g"ide .e0avior t0at i! appropriate for yo"ng
c0ildren w0o do not yet 0ave t0e capacity to "nder!tand t0e difference .etween good and .ad
.e0avior% -oetie! t0e g"idance ean! an ad"lt 0a! to p"ni!0 t0e c0ild for inappropriate
.e0avior !o t0at t0e cognitive learning t0at ta2e! place i! =what actions not to perform or
repeat now and not to duplicate in the future.

Refective Paper 4: Conditional Knowledge 5
-c0"n2# $ale '% 1,3)34% Social Cognitive Theory and Self-Regulated Learning. -pringer
Verlag &ew ;or2 &ew ;or2# Inc%

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