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Manual del Automovilista del Estado de California

Ana Luisa Rincn




Title: Manual del Automovilista

del Estado de California
Audio: Relaxing introductory
Visuals: California License Plates
or driving-related topic

En este mdulo aprenderemos a

identificar visualmente a las
luces de sealizacin de trfico
(o semforos) y las seales de
Para continuar, haga clic en una
de las dos opciones.

Type in your name
click Next

Slide introduction

Introduction Slide 1

Purpose: Introduce the topic and

explain purpose of the course
Narration: In this module we will
learn to visually identify the
traffic signal lights and define
their meaning.
Traffic lights are signals
positioned at road intersections
to direct traffic.
Las luces de semforo son
seales ubicadas en
intersecciones de la carretera
para dirigir el trfico.

Press next

Students are informed of the

purpose of the module.

signal meaning of a
Slide 2
solid red

Purpose: To learn the meaning of

a solid red signal light.
Script: A solid red signal light
means that you must stop. You
are allowed to continue after a
full stop, and make a right turn ,
after making sure that you have
yielded to pedestrians, bicyclists,
and vehicles close enough to be
a hazard. If you see the sign NO
TURN ON RED then you are not
allowed to continue if there is a
red light.
Una luz slida roja significa que
debe detenerse. Se le permite
continuar despus de un alto
total, y dar vuelta a la derecha,
despus de asegurarse de haber
cedido el paso a los peatones,
ciclistas y vehculos que se le
han acercado lo suficiente para
representar un peligro. Si ve la
seal de NO TURN ON
RED( que significa prohibida la
vuelta con la flecha roja), eso
significa que no est permitido
continuar si hay una luz roja.
Visuals: solid red circle

Video of an automobile
stopping and then turning
Click next to continue

First traffic signal light is


a red arrow Slide 3

Purpose: To learn the meaning of

a red arrow signal light.

Video of a red arrow on and


Script: A red arrow means you

must stop and stay stopped until
the green light or arrow comes
on. You may not make a turn
when you see a red arrow.

Click next to continue or

replay to see the animation

Una flecha roja significa que

debe hacer alto y mantenerse en
alto hasta que la luz o la flecha
verde se prenda. La flecha roja
significa que est prohibido dar
Visuals: Image of a red arrow

Learners will understand the

meaning of a red arrow.

solid yellow light Slide 4

Purpose: To learn the meaning of

a solid yellow signal light.
Script: The meaning of a yellow
signal light is a warning or signal
that the red light will appear
soon. It means you must be
cautious, and only cross the
intersection if it is safe to do so.
El significado de la luz amarilla
slida es una advertencia o seal
de que la luz roja pronto
aparecer. Esto significa que
debe tener cuidado, y que slo
debe de cruzar la interseccin si
es seguro hacerlo.
Visuals: A solid yellow circle

Video of a yellow light on a

street, and a car passing it
and also another car
stopping for the red light.

Learners will understand the

meaning of a solid yellow signal

yellow arrow Slide 5

Purpose: To learn the meaning of

a yellow arrow signal light.

Learners will understand the

meaning of a yellow arrow
signal light.

Video of car slowly crossing

intersection with flashing
yellow signal light

Learners will understand the

meaning of a flashing yellow
signal light.

Script: The meaning of a yellow

arrow is a warning that the time
for turning is running out, and to
prepare for the next signal.
Una flecha amarilla es una
advertenciade que ya se acaba el
tiempo para dar la vuelta y que
debe prepararse para la siguiente
Visuals: A yellow arrow
Purpose: To learn the meaning of
a flashing yellow signal light.

Flashing yellow Slide 5

Video of a yellow arrow on a

street, and a car turning
while it is on.

Script: Though you do not need

to stop for this signal, it is a
warning sign to proceed with
caution and slow down when
approaching an intersection.
Aunque no es necesario
detenerse con la luz amarilla
intermitente, es una seal de
advertencia para proceder con
precaucin y bajar la velocidad
cuando se acerque a una
Visuals: A flashing yellow signal

Flashing yellow Slide 6

Purpose: To learn the meaning of

a flashing yellow signal light.
Script: Though you do not need
to stop for this signal, it is a
warning sign to proceed with
caution and slow down when
approaching an intersection.
Aunque no es necesario
detenerse para esta seal, es
una advertencia para proceder
con precaucin y bajar la
velocidad cuando se acerca a
una interseccin.
Visuals: A flashing yellow signal

Solid Green Slide 7

Solid GreenGive the right-of-way to

any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian in the
intersection. A green light means GO. If
you are turning left, make the turn only if
you have enough space to complete the
turn before creating a hazard for any
oncoming vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian.
Do not enter the intersection if you cannot
get completely across before the light
turns red. If you block the intersection,
you can be cited.
La luz verde solida significa que puede
proseguir, cuenta con el derecho de paso
en la interseccin.ddes[p
La luz verde slida le concede el
derecho de paso a cualquier
vehculo, ciclista o peatn en la
interseccin. Una luz verde
significa PROSEGUIR.. Si est
dando vuelta a la izquierda, d la
vuelta solamente si tiene el
suficiente espacio para completar
la vuelta antes de crear un
peligro para cualquier vehculo,
ciclista o peatn que vayan en su
direccin. Si bloquea la
interseccin, le pueden dar una

Green ArrowA green arrow means

GO. You must turn in the direction the
arrow is pointing after you yield to any
vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian still in the
intersection. The green arrow allows you
to make a protected turn. Oncoming
vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians are
stopped by a red light as long as the green
arrow is lighted.

STOP Slide 7

Una flecha verde indica que

puede proseguir en la direccin
en que va a dar vuelta, una vez
que haya cedido el paso a
peatones, ciclistas, u otros
vehculos. Esta flecha indica que
su vuelta est protegida y todos
se detendrn hasta que usted
termine de darla.
STOP An eigh-sided red STOP sign
indicates that you must make a full
STOP whenever you see this sign. Stop
at the White limit line (a wide White line
painted on the Street) or before entering
the crosswalk. If a limit line or crosswalk
is not painted on the street, stop before
entering the intersection. Check traffic in
all directions before proceeding.
Cuando esta seal aparece usted
debe hacer un alto total. Debe
detenerse en frente de la raya
blanca pintada en el asfalto.

A three-sided red YIELd

sign indicates that you
must slow down and be
ready to stop, if necessary, to let any
vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian pass
before you proceed.
Al ver esta seal deber de
reducir la velocidad y prepararse
para parar si es necesario, en
caso de que un vehculo, ciclista,
o peatn estn cruzando.

Solid Green Slide 7

Slide 7
A square red and white
regulatory sign indicates that you
must follow the signs instruction.
For example, the DO NOT
ENTER sign means: do not enter
a road or off ramp where the sign
is posted (usually on a freeway
off ramp).
La seal de Do Not Enter
significa que est prohibido el
paso a esa calle o carretera.
La seal regulatoria roja y
blanca, e forma cuadrada,
significa que deber obedecer lo
que indica la seal. Por ejemplo,
la seal DO NOT ENTER
que no se puede entrar a una
carretera o rampa de salida
donde vea esta seal
(generalmente en una rampa de
salida de la autopista).

The WRONG WAY sign may or

may not be posted with the DO
NOT ENTER sign. If you see
one or both of these signs,
drive to the side of the road
and stop. You are going against
traffic. When safe, back out or
turn around and return to the
road you were on. At night if
you are going the wrong way,
the road reflectors will shine
red in your headlights.
La seal de WRONG WAY
puede o no estar junto conla
una o ambas seales, dirjase a
la orilla de la carretera y pare
porque usted va manejando en
contra del trfico. Retroceda o
d la vuelta completa y regrese
a la carretera por la que vena
cuando sea seguro hacerlo. Si
circula en sentido contrrio por
la noche, sus luces delanteras
harnque los botones
reflectantes de la carretera se
vean de color rojo.


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