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18th County Board of
25th City Council
meeting 5PM City Hall
27th HAPPY
December 13th Cochise
County TEA Party
Meeting Cochise County Complex 3-5 PM
4001 Foothills Dr. &
Highway 92
WHO is stupid?
By Iris D. Lynch
The elites of the Democrat Party knew there was no chance of selling the ridiculous Obamacare Plan to the Republican Senators, the Republican House members
nor the citizens who vote Republican. NO, they gleefully sold this Ponzi scheme to
their OWN. (the scheme -healthy paying for the unhealthy-no choice)
They were perfectly clear who they think is stupid. They have lived off of Ponzi
schemes for a few generations and this was going to be the Ponzi scheme to end all
Ponzi schemes!
First of all, just who made millions before the ink was even dry on those over 2000
pages of the scheme? It is no wonder that Prof. Jonathan Gruber is ecstatic over his
fraudulently made moneyabout 6 million! Poor Bernie Madoff is sitting in a cell
today for a fraud that hurt far fewer than will this medical malpractice scheme. And
this hasnt simply hit the pocketbooks of many people, there have been life
threatening changes for some patients insurance that leaves them dying with absolutely no coverage at all.
Now, if the Academics in all of the liberal colleges and universities believed all of
the lies about Obamacare (as it would seem) then they were also too stupid to figure
out it was an absolute fraud.
And let us not stop there. What about the many TV stations and radio administrators, their staff of genius commentators, all of whom promoted and lauded this
wonderful cause! Clearly, Obama, Jared, Holder and the Reverends Jackson and
Sharpton, et al were in on the fraud.
No, the elite Democrats honestly believe their own voters are dupes and dopes.
Why? Because anyone who takes the time to understand what is going on in the
world, would see the Democrat Party for what it is. They promise their constituency
the world and leave them worse off than when they started. But the Democrat
elites have become millionaires, while their poor voters starve to death. Well, at
least this last election they had the good sense to stay home. Obviously, they ARE
capable of learning.
Here in Cochise County, our voters understood that the Red Light Camera
scheme was a fraud they could do without!
The Republican Party continues to do what they can to elevate the poor, provide
REAL education (not delusional messages of hope and change) and stop the hordes
of illegal aliens who would compete for lower wages.
Perhaps it is the Democrat elites who will prove to be STUPID in the end. We can
only HOPE for CHANGE!
Watch the videos:


Were $17 TRILLION in debt.

The high rate and significant growth in Medicaid

associated with immigrants is mainly the result of a
legal immigration system that admits large numbers of immigrants with relatively low-levels of education, many of whom end up poor and uninsured, report co-author Steven Camarota of CIS
says. This fact, coupled with the extensive supports
we provide to low-income residents unavoidably
creates very significant costs for taxpayers.
The report, which Camarota authored with Karen
Zeigler, finds that from 2011 to 2013 a whopping 42
percent of Obamacares Medicaid expansion went
to immigrants and their children rather than to native-born U.S. citizens and their families.
The report finds that the immigrants who are taking
advantage of these government benefits are generally those who immigrated to the U.S. legally. That
means illegal aliens, who could be granted executive amnesty by President Obama if he moves forward with his plans for such an order, would also
likely have access to the Obamacare benefits.

.in 2010, almost half of all births in the United

States were paid for by Medicaid, and that rate is
only going to go up. Medicaid was responsible for
48% of the 3.8 million births in 2010, an increase of
90,000 births from 2008, which was an 8% increase
during that period.

For now, however, CIS found that immigrants and

their U.S.-born children are gaining access to the
Obamacare provision twice as often as American
natives. Immigrants have seen an 11 percent increase in Medicaid enrollment under Obamacare,
while the rest of the population has seen a 5 percent increase.
The Medicaid increase among immigrants due to
Obamacare, the report found, is costing U.S. taxpayers about $4.6 billion per year, and the report
found this increase in immigrant Medicaid access is
actually helping them gain more access to
healthcare than American natives access.
The data for the CIS comes from the Current Population Surveys Annual Social and Economic Supplements and other government sources.
Did you know that 42% of the growth in Medicaid
(called AHCCCS in Arizona) is due to immigrants,
legal immigrants? And well pay even more if the
President unilaterally grants amnesty.

Read more
Perhaps we dont need more immigrants right
now? Perhaps we need to enforce our current
laws? At some point the back of the American
worker.will break.
Who brought the Medicaid expansion to Arizona?
All the state legislative Democrats, 15 turncoat
Republicans and Governor Brewer. You cant
trust an R or a have to become informed
using local sources, not advertising campaigns. Upcoming issues of the Clarion will give YOU ideas
where to look for information so YOU can make an
informed decision.
FREEDOM...not so much according to FEC, Democrats and OBAMA...more regulation See:
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