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EW YORK CONFLICTS OF INTEREST BOARD. Inthe Matter of. DISPOSITION JULIEDENT COIB Case No. 2014-061 Respondent, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2603(h)(1) of Chapter 68 of the New York City Charter, the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board (the “Board") commenced an enforcement action against Julie Dent (“Respondent”) alleging violations of provisions of the City of New York's conflicts of interest la, Chapter 68 of the New York City Charter (“Chapter o8"},and WHEREAS, the Board and Respondent wish to resolve this matter on the following ITIS HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties as follows: 1. Respondert admits tothe following In July 2007 1 was appointed Brooklyn Democratic Commissioner for the New York City Board of Eleetions (“BOE”), which position [held from July 9, 2007, until September 18, 2014. As such, during that time I was a “public setvant” within the meaning of and subject 10 Chapter 68. [New York Election Law provides the BOE Commissioners with the authority to hire, promote, and terminate BOE employees. The full BOE Board approves hiring employees to work in the Executive Office. The Board takes acon upon a majority vote ofthe Commissioners. Ellsn Giwa is my sibling. As such, she isa person who is “associated” with ‘meunder Chapter 68. ‘On or about September 4, 2008, I submitted my sister’s resume fo the other nine BOE Commissioners for consideration to fill a vacant position at the BOE Executive Office At the BOE Commissioner's meeting on September 4, 2008, the BOE Commissioners voted unanimously to hire Gia to work for BOE as an Adhinistrative Assistant assigned to BOE Executive Office. I was present at this meeting and during the Executive Session. The approved minutes from this meeting made contemporaneously do not indicate that any Commissioner Page 1 of 3 abstained or recused from voting in this personnel action. 1 nonetheless reoresent that I recused myself from the vote and that another Commissioner has the same recollection. £1 acknowledge that my above-described involvement in BOE. personnel ‘acions related to my sister violated City Charter § 2604(b)(3). Section 2€04(bx3) provides: No puiblic servant shall use or attempt to use his postion as a public servant to obtain any financial gain, contract, license, privilege or other private or personal advantage, direct or indirect, for the public servant of any person or firm associated with the public servant, 2. Respondent agroes to the following: In recognition of the foregoing, 1 agree to pay a fine of Five Thousand Five ‘Hundred Dollars ($5,500.00) to the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board as follows: a lump sum payment of Payment of Nine Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($925.04) due immediately upon my signing this disposition; payment ‘of the balance will be made in equal monthly instalments of Nine Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($915.00), due on of before the Ist day of the month, to ‘ecmmence December 1, 2014, and continuing until the principal sum of $5,500.00 has been paid in full All payments will be made by money order oF by cashier, bank ot certified check, made payable to the “New York City Conflicts of Interest Boa b, This disposition isa public and final resolution of the Board's charges against ‘e. Lknowingly waive, on my behalf and on behalf of my successors and assigns. any rights to commence any judicial or administrative proceeding or appeal before any court of competent jurisdiction, administrative tribunal, political subdivision, of office of the City or the State of New York or the United ‘States, and to contest the lawfulness, authority, jurisdiction, or power of the Board in imposing the penalty which is embodied in this disposition, and 1 ‘waive any right to make any legal or equitable claims or to initiate legal proceedings of any kind against the Board, or any members or employees ttereof relating to, or arising out of this disposition or the matters recited tberein. 4d. confirm that I have had the opportunity to be represented by an attorney of ry choice in this proceeding; that I have entered into this disposition freely. knowingly, and intentionally, without coercion or duress; that 1 accept all terms and conditions contained herein without reliance on any other promises or offers previously made or tendered by any pastor present representative of ‘he Board; and that fully understand all the terms of ths disposition. Page 20f3 €. Any material misstatement of the facts of this matter, including of the disposition, by me or by my attomey or agent shal, at the discretion of the Board, be deemed a waiver of confidentiality of this matter. 3. The Board accepts this disposition and the terms contained herein as a final disposition ofthe above-captioned matter only, and affirmatively states that no further action will be taken by the Board against Respondent based upon the facts and circumstances set forth herein, except thatthe Board shall be entitled to take any and all actions necessary to enforce the terms of this disposition. 4. This disposition shall not be effective until all parties have affixed their signatures below: Date:__urfu 14 eS Frank V, Carone, Esq, Counsel for Respondent ) Beha Ba os SC conto ners Bor Bofotl Page 3 0f3

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